TTC :: Volume #17

#808: Dying in a sitting posture

The important people protect the strength of group to be very strong, enters the lowest standard of duty is the big cultivator level, the operational experience is rich, moreover provided powerful arming- is Nantianmen One of sign surface. 要员保护组的战力很强,入职的最低标准是大修士水平,作战经验丰富,而且还配备了强大的武装-算是【南天门】的牌面之一了。 Salute!” “敬礼!” Sends under custody the vehicle door of car(riage) to open, several law enforcements at this time the magnificence teachers sending under escort in compartment- the second blade sovereign actually walked at this time directly, I safeguard personally!” 押送车的车门打开,几名执法此时将华教习给押解到了车厢之中-第二刀皇此时却直接走了进去,“我亲自看管!” As the matter stands, so long as is not on some emperor idle runs, the second blade sovereign does not believe can also have what wicked trick. 这样一来,只要不是某个帝上闲的跑来,第二刀皇就不信还能够出什么幺蛾子 ...... …… flatter Junior Brother, teacher, although commits a crime...... may, but he also studies the teacher in palace after all, lets like this Nantianmen His carry away?” A pretty study elder sister sighed at this time, actually the teacher usually the manner was very good, teaching was also very good......” “阿蛮师弟,教习虽然犯了事……可,可他毕竟也是学宫的教习,就这样让【南天门】把他带走吗?”一名俏丽的学姐此时叹了口气,“其实教习平日为人真的很不错的,授课也很好……” State-owned law of the land, the family/home has the family rule, but first has the country to be able the family/home.” Cao A beckons with the hand to say directly: Senior Sister, in front of major issue of principle, cannot have the least bit to be crooked. The person who if commits a crime because studies the palace, can avoid the law enforcement, for a long time formerly, Jixiaxuegong whether must become place of privilege, degenerates into the shelter of criminal?” “国有国法,家有家规,但先有国才有能家。”曹阿蛮直接一摆手道:“师姐,大是大非面前,不能有半点歪了。倘若犯事的人因为是学宫的,就能够躲避执法,长期既往,稷下学宫是否就要成为一处特权之地,沦为罪犯的庇护所?” His two eyes stares, if there are myriad sword light to burst out, pretty Senior Sister is pale immediately, an ashamed color of face, covers the face to go. 双眸一瞪,如有万千剑光迸发,身边的俏丽师姐顿时脸色苍白,一脸的羞愧之色,掩面而去。 Studying the palace is small Sword Saint Indicated, major issue of principle arrival time, I first cut Senior Sister Holy Mother! 学宫小【剑圣】表示,大是大非到来时候,我先斩圣母师姐! At this time the teachers and students see Cao Aman to speak, dispersed......, otherwise how place, but can also shoulder inadequately with study palace palace Lord biological Sun Ying- especially this Cao Aman is not two ancestors, is real hits, but also stands in high ridge of truth. 此时众师生见曹阿蛮已经发话,也就散了……不然怎地,还能与学宫宫主的亲孙硬扛不成-尤其这曹阿蛮又不是二世祖,是货真价实自己打上来的,还站在道理的高岗上。 Cannot be victorious, cannot be victorious! 打不过,根本打不过! Teacher, the student so processes, but also is appropriate!” “老师,学生如此处理,还妥当吧!” Cao Aman leapt the side of Song teacher at this time, respectfully good a ritual- held impressively was the disciple ritual. 曹阿蛮此时跃到了宋教习的身边,恭恭敬敬地行了一礼-执的赫然是弟子礼。 Little Luo SIR looks interesting, blinks. 小洛SIR看得有趣,不禁眨了眨眼睛。 Song teacher intelligent person, simple introduced: „It is not considered as that the official disciple, was he several years of tutors.” 宋教习何等聪明的人,简单介绍道:“不算是正式的弟子,不过当了他几年的家庭教师而已。” Cao Aman said: Teacher was I three years of tutors, from nine years old to the Twelve year, are many, in the world that another over a hundred teachers teach besides my grandfather, flatter will only respect you.” 曹阿蛮道:“老师当了我三年的家庭教师,从九岁到十二岁,比阿蛮另外上百名导师传授的还要多,世上除了我祖父之外,阿蛮只会敬重你。” Schoolwork must do.” Song Jiaoxi said indifferently. “功课还是要做的。”宋教习淡然说道。 Cao Aman gives a calm smile, others possibly thought that Song Jiaoxi was a devil, the work of arrangement was not the person can complete-, but he is very clear, so long as these arduous work completed it attentively, has definitely received goods...... can participate to compile the people's general education foundation cultivation technique woman, his grandfather, studied the palace sword Saint quite to esteem! 曹阿蛮淡然一笑,别人可能觉得宋教习是魔鬼,布置的作业不是人能做完的-但他却很清楚,这些艰巨的作业只要用心去完成它,就肯定有所收货……能够参与编纂全民普教基础功法的女人,就连他的祖父,学宫剑圣都颇为推崇! Teacher, this mister, is your close friend!” When Cao Aman is actually sizing up Little Luo SIR- at this time curiously he also in light of this can have the opportunity to open with this Unicorn On man two words! “老师,这位先生,可是你的亲密友人!”曹阿蛮此时却好奇地打量着小洛SIR-他也就此时才能够有机会与这个开着【独角兽】的男人上两句话! Friend.” Before Song Jiaoxi was direct at this time slightly, you called him Mr. Luo.” “友人。”宋教习此时直接前略,“你叫他洛先生吧。” Mr. Luo is good!” Cao Aman shouted very cleverly, is clever only looks like in the legend to appear in the top-notch foremost person in the field gifted student children of neighbor family/home is the same! 洛先生好!”曹阿蛮十分乖巧地喊了一声,乖巧得就像是传说之中只会出现在邻居家的十佳状元资优生孩子一样! The key he also is really the clever that type! 关键他还真的是乖的那一种! Hello.” “你好。” Little Luo SIR also responded to one well-meaning- regarding the clever child, Little Luo... Boss Luo likes very much. 小洛SIR也善意地回应了一下-对于乖巧的孩子,小洛洛老板很是喜欢的。 Mr. Luo, you, but Nantianmen Does the name catch?” Cao Aman said at this time fast: As far as I know, Nantianmen Only several names catch can be joined to Unicorn! This is Nantianmen With Cloud Zhongliao The joint writer's or artist's signature, the bystander cannot buy!” 洛先生,你可是【南天门】的名捕?”曹阿蛮此时飞快地说道:“据我所知,【南天门】唯有几位名捕才能够配上【独角兽】!这可是【南天门】与【云中寮】的联名款,外人根本买不到!” Little Luo SIR said with a smile at will: Because obtained some merit before accidentally, therefore was commended. Catches...... me to try hard as for from now on.” 小洛SIR随意一笑道:“因为之前偶然间获得了一些功劳,所以被嘉许的。至于名捕……我今后会努力。” So that's how it is!” Cao A second understands...... in the work places to be widely known, Nantianmen Today retrieved Yaochi The most precious object, the person of retrieving is also only an rookie, it seems like it was this Mr. Luo. “原来如此!”曹阿蛮秒懂……坊间盛传,【南天门】今日寻回了【瑶池】至宝,寻回之人还只是一个新人,看来就是这位洛先生了。 „To open.” Little Luo SIR smiled saying with a smile. “想开一下吗。”小洛SIR笑了笑道。 „!!” Cao Aman said sternly: Younger generation?” “!!”曹阿蛮正色道:“晚辈可以吗?” I should also one to walk.” Little Luo SIR pulled out the car(riage) key directly, do not start out is too far, should not have the issue.” “我应该还要一会才走。”小洛SIR直接掏出了车钥匙,“不要开出太远,应该没有问题的。” Many thanks mister!” Cao A took directly, looks like a child who obtained the long-awaited toy is the same, rushed to directly in his opinion, leads the dregs Lancet Radha Place. “多谢先生!”曹阿蛮直接取了过来,就像是一个得到了梦寐以求玩具的孩子一样,直接奔赴了在他看来,帅到掉渣的【阿斯拉达】处。 „The flatter ordinary day interest is few.” Song Jiaoxi said at this time suddenly: This was one of his few hobbies. He often said that gallops the joy on racetrack, compared with fools around together together with the beautiful study elder sister, wanted to be comfortably many.” “阿蛮平日的兴趣很少。”宋教习此时突然道:“这算是他为数不多的爱好之一了。他常说驰骋在赛道上的快乐,比与美丽的学姐厮混在一起,要舒服很多了。” You care about this student very much.” Little Luo SIR actually smiles, „is really not the official disciple.” “你还是很在意这个学生的嘛。”小洛SIR却笑了笑,“真的不是正式的弟子吗。” I do not receive the disciple.” The Song teacher shakes the head gently, at once hesitates saying: How you plan to process this finally zither | Jean mother.” “我不收弟子的。”宋教习轻轻地摇了摇头,旋即沉吟道:“你最后打算怎么处理这个【琴娘】。” Our department is only responsible for the criminal investigation.” Little Luo SIR said with a smile at will: Following processing, naturally is gives the major department to decide.” “我们的部门只负责刑侦哦。”小洛SIR随意一笑道:“后续的处理,自然是交给专业的部门来决定的。” The Song teacher deeply looked at his one eyes, did not set at or not lightly un one, at once unemotional say/way: „The it's nothing matter, I returned, tonight must write the new topic.” 宋教习深深地看了他一眼,不置与否地轻嗯了一声,旋即面无表情道:“没什么事,我回了,今晚还要写新的课题。” Also had what wonderful idea.” Little Luo SIR asked suddenly. “又有什么奇思妙想了吗。”小洛SIR忽然问道。 The Song teacher has not stayed, vanished in the cloud peak mountain stream. 宋教习就没有停留,独自一人消失在了云峰的山涧之中。 Un...... study the palace Song teacher, was well-known for a long time, it seems like it was has the individuality woman very much.” When does not know, Ye Yan arrived at the Little Luo SIR side, patted patted his shoulder, said with a smile: Female friend? Said... actually delivers the proposition together?” “嗯……学宫宋教习,闻名许久了,看来是个很有个性的女人嘛。”不知何时,叶言来到了小洛SIR的身边,轻拍了拍他的肩膀,笑道:“红颜知己?还是说…其实是一道送命题?” Little Luo SIR smiles, without speech. 小洛SIR只是笑了笑,没说话。 At this time, sees only together the blue light, comes by exaggerating speed dashing, actually stops suddenly, later slowly landing- impressively is Lancet Radha. 此时,只见一道蓝光,以夸张的速度冲撞而来,却猛然停下,随后缓缓降落-赫然是【阿斯拉达】。 The vehicle door opens, Cao Aman had not given full expression at this time sits on the driver seat, resembled is tasting, only heard him to mutter: Decided, after I graduate, must join Nantianmen......” 车门打开,曹阿蛮此时意犹未尽地坐在了驾驶座上,似在回味似的,只听见他喃喃自语道:“决定了,我毕业之后也要加入【南天门】……” Ye Yan hears word, touches the nose, after does not study the palace palace lord knew, can take his Spring and Autumn Period big sword, Comes up Nantianmen Was reasonable with second? 叶言闻言,不禁摸了摸鼻子,不是学宫宫主知道了之后,会不会拿着他那柄【春秋大剑】,上去【南天门】与第二摩罗讲道理? A moment later, Cao Aman walked from the car(riage) longingly, and both hands handed over a brocade box to Little Luo SIR. 片刻之后,曹阿蛮才依依不舍地从车里走了出来,并且双手给小洛SIR递了一个锦盒。 This is anything.” Little Luo SIR asked curiously. “这是什么。”小洛SIR好奇问道。 Cao Aman: This is the younger generation test run time, in the sword intent grass that study in the stopping sword deep pool of palace back side of the mountain picks. This grass, absorbs my grandfather's sword intent to live every day, regarding cultivating the person of swordsmanship has certain help. Mr. Luo, this is returns a courtesy, please must accept.” 曹阿蛮到:“这是晚辈试车的时候,在学宫后山的停剑渊之中采摘的剑意草。这种小草,每日汲取我祖父的剑意而生,对于修剑道之人有一定的帮助。洛先生,这是回礼,请务必收下。” Also is really a good child! 还真是一个好孩子! Ye Yan, really had this knowledge sleek/moist to be abundant surprisedly, treats people mildly, defending the ritual is humble, from inside to outside bright insightful two generations! 叶言惊奇不已,原来真的有这种学识润博,温润待人,守礼谦逊,从内到外都明净通透的二代! The key looks at him to fighting magnificence snowy peak time, understands flexible, the onset and retreat has the evidence, should cut cuts, does not see mother -in-law...... this youngster, will study the palace sword Saint should not to Complete human Trains? 关键看他对战华雪峰的时候,也懂变通,进退有据,该斩就斩,丝毫不见婆妈……这少年,学宫剑圣该不会是冲着【完人】去培养的吧? It seems like we often/common to come is good.” The Ye Yan chuckle the sound, this youngster, he also had many favorable impressions. “看来我们得常来才行。”叶言不禁轻笑了声,这个少年,他也生出了不少好感。 Unexpectedly Cao Aman actually shakes the head at this time, hopes two do a bit less... unicorn Although good, but flatter cannot therefore leave uncultivated the studies. flatter only opens this time, opens next time again...... is flatter obtains Unicorn Time.” 不料曹阿蛮此时却摇了摇头,“还是希望两位少来…【独角兽】虽好,但是阿蛮不能因此而荒废了学业。阿蛮只开这一次,下一次再开……是阿蛮得到【独角兽】的时候。” TM! TM! Ye Yan felt an inexplicable pressure immediately...... this study palace Small sword Saint Can curl?! 叶言顿时感受到了一股莫名的压力……这个学宫【小剑圣】会不会太卷了?! Slid! 溜了溜了! ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Sends under custody the car(riage) inner layer, the second blade sovereign is guarding magnificence snowy peak. 押送车内层,第二刀皇独自一人看守着华雪峰。 At this time side no one, the second blade sovereign direction to magnificence snowy peak, from fainting to awaken him. 此时身旁无人,第二刀皇一指点向了华雪峰,将他从昏死之中唤醒过来。 After seeing only magnificence snowy peak wakes up, sizes up all around, silent, a moment later said: You unexpectedly, really snatched from the hand of Yuan room me.” 只见华雪峰醒来之后,打量四周,沉默不语,片刻之后才道:“你竟然,真的将我从元斋的手上抢了下来。” You have not given me the answer.” The second blade sovereign sinking sound asked that had an issue, I in base in smuggled experiment body, looked to hit one with the swallow extremely similar child......” “你还没有给我答案。”第二刀皇沉声问道,“有一个问题,我在基地被偷运的实验体之中,找打了一个与燕子极为相似的孩子……” That child who you said that you do not have the answer.” magnificence snowy peak said indifferently: Cage Where the base is, you are also clear, why to ask me.” “你说的那个孩子,你心里不是已经有答案了吗。”华雪峰淡然说道:“【笼】基地是什么地方,你也清楚,何必来问我。” Second blade sovereign said solemnly: I only want to know, the swallow is actually voluntary, is forced!” 第二刀皇沉声道:“我只想知道,燕子究竟是自愿的,还是被迫的!” Voluntary?” magnificence snowy peak was startled being startled, at once nods saying: It seems like, you also discovered Cage The truth of base. However I did not care how her innermost feelings think, she is my stepping-stone, is my being used lets Cage The base utilizes the resources of base, assists to develop Soul tears The key...... you, will care the blade in own hand, whether is willing to be grasped by you.” “自愿?”华雪峰怔了怔,旋即点点头道:“看来,你也发现了【笼】基地的真相了。不过我并不关心她的内心是怎么想的,她不过是我的一块敲门砖而已,是我用来让【笼】基地动用基地的资源,协助开发【魂泪】的钥匙……你,会关心自己手中的刀,是否愿意被你所握吗。” In the second blade sovereign eyes covered entirely killing intent. 第二刀皇眼中布满了杀意 magnificence snowy peak jokes: What's wrong, whether has started to regret didn't hesitate to offend the Yuan room to embrace...... to kill me me? Now was the best time......, otherwise, you later did not have the opportunity.” 华雪峰讥笑道:“怎么,是否已经开始后悔不惜得罪元斋都要将我揽下来了……要杀了我吗?现在就是最好的时机了……否则,你以后都没有机会了。” Saw only the second blade sovereign to implore the tone at this time suddenly slowly, said suddenly: „Before I board, that boy who is surnamed and I spoke a few words.” 只见第二刀皇此时突然缓缓地吁了口气,冷不丁说道:“我上车之前,姓洛的那个小子和我说了一句话。” A magnificence teacher brow wrinkle, the subconsciousness asked: What words?” 华教习眉头一皱,下意识问道:“什么话?” The second blade sovereign is staring at the magnificence teacher stubbornly, said slowly: He said that at the present Soul tears With Soul needle The research progress, is unable from living in the state of mind of person raised the knowledge with remembering. Only the physical body died the later soul, can conduct the operation of correspondence, true invention and creation Soul tears Person, that person......” 第二刀皇死死地盯着华教习,缓缓说道:“他说,以目前【魂泪】与【魂针】的研究进度,是无法从活着的人身上的神魂之中提起知识与记忆。只有肉体死亡之后的阴魂,才能够进行对应的操作,真正发明与创造【魂泪】的人,那个人……” The magnificence teachers the complexion is serious immediately, at once clenches teeth saying: Soul needle... Also preserved a Yang Zi swallow Soul needle, Although only then her some passing memories, are incomplete.” 华教习顿时脸色沉重,旋即咬牙道:“【魂针】…还留存了一支杨子燕的【魂针】,虽然只有她一些过往的记忆,并不完整。” Second blade sovereign said sternly: Where told me, you were Soul tears Only creator.” 第二刀皇正色道:“告诉我在什么地方,你就是【魂泪】唯一的创作者了。” You pledged!” “你发誓!” You do not have the right of choice.” Second blade sovereign said indifferently: You only believe.” “你没有选择的权利。”第二刀皇淡然道:“你唯有相信。” magnificence snowy peak silent for a long time, said slowly: Baihu Avenue, The 4 th Ring Road, in the safe cabinet of the world bank branche, the password is......” 华雪峰沉默了许久,才缓缓地说道:“【白虎大街】,四环路,天地银行支行的保险柜里,密码是……” The second blade sovereign is listening carefully...... by his ability, one can remember. 第二刀皇仔细地听着……以他的能力,一遍就能够记下。 I also final requests.” magnificence snowy peak said at this time in a low voice: Destroys... do not let my soul quilt all my 【The ninth prison carry away.” “我还有一个最后的要求。”华雪峰此时低声说道:“将我的一切毁去…不要让我的魂被【第九狱】带走。” Private destroys the soul, this is the grave offense.” The second blade sovereign sinking sound said. “私毁阴魂,这是重罪。”第二刀皇沉声说道。 Was injected in Yang Zi swallow state of mind Soul tears The research knowledge is incomplete.” magnificence snowy peak is fast typical: Therefore, afterward cloud Tianfeng the research was also wrong...... complete knowledge in my state of mind, that was the true taboo. They use the incomplete knowledge, created that type of weapon one thing, if made them obtain the complete knowledge, the consequence you may think!” “被注入杨子燕神魂之中的【魂泪】研究知识是不完整的。”华雪峰飞快地道:“因此,后来云天风的研究也是错误的……完整的知识都在我的神魂之中,那是真正的禁忌。他们用不完整的知识,就创造出了那种兵器一样的东西,如果让他们得到了完整的知识,后果你可想过!” The second blade sovereign is silent. 第二刀皇沉默不语。 【The ninth prison It looks like privilege monster that is unable to shake, its authority even unquestionable-, however process Cage The matter of base, the second blade sovereign is very clear, once somebody in prison multiplied other thoughts time...... 【第九狱】就像是一个无法撼动的特权怪物,它的权柄甚至不容置疑-然而经过【笼】基地的事情,第二刀皇却很清楚,一旦狱內的某人滋生了别的心思的时候…… You may know, which were used Soul tears Experiment body that the technology, resurrects finally, final whereabouts?” magnificence snowy peak the sinking sound said at this time. “你可知道,哪些被用【魂泪】技术,最终复活的实验体,最终的去向吗?”华雪峰此时沉声说道。 The second blade sovereign hesitates saying: Was not used Black room Seeking money?” 第二刀皇沉吟道:“不是被用【黑房】的牟利吗?” That is only very small part!” magnificence snowy peak is fast typical: This several years event, was smuggled by them, but Resurrecting Experiment body, over 100,000! Did you in the base of Gong no sea, how many find? Dozens? 100?” “那只是很小的一部分!”华雪峰飞快地道:“这数年事件,被他们偷运出去而【复活】的实验体,超过十万!你们在龚无海的基地里,才找到了多少?几十个?还是一百个?” Other experiment bodies?” “其余的实验体?” Monster boundary, Pure land!” magnificence snowy peak took a deep breath said: human ancient country that even alliance the rebel armies in some big provinces, only save wait/etc.” “【妖境】,【净土】!”华雪峰深呼吸了一口气道:“甚至联盟的一些大省之内的叛军,仅存的人类古国等等。” Ten make anything multipurpose.” The second blade sovereign shakes the head, launches a war, insufficiently dies.” “十万能做什么。”第二刀皇摇摇头,“发动一场战争,都不够死的。” If they can the multiplication descendant?” magnificence snowy peak sneers saying: These descendants who if multiply, is the unconscious, cruel demon sickness, to slaughter to live completely, fearless death Warrior?” “如果他们能够繁衍后代呢?”华雪峰冷笑道:“如果繁衍出来的这些后代,也是神志不清,暴戾魔症,完全就是为了杀戮而生,无惧死亡的战士呢?” What did you say?!” The second blade sovereign the vision sinks immediately. “你说什么?!”第二刀皇顿时目光一沉。 You know 【The ninth prison In the true goal of that fellow back operating this transaction is what?!” magnificence snowy peak at this time look excited said/tunnel: To create more wars, to let more people died...... in order to carry away more souls!” “你知道【第九狱】在背后操作这种交易的那个家伙的真正目的是什么吗?!”华雪峰此时神色激动地道:“是为了创造更多的战争,是为了让更多的人死去……为了能够带走更多的阴魂!” The second blade sovereign implored the tone slowly. 第二刀皇缓缓地吁了口气。 magnificence snowy peak faintly said: Soul tears, You know why is this name...... to stop the tears of living. zither | Jean mother saw too many parting forever, at first to let living the person, can have the opportunity of meet again | goodbye love. Now, all have been defeated, only has Soul tears The technology also retained got down...... asked how I can let her research, served as apply Tanfan the world, created kills the evil innumerably......” 华雪峰幽幽地道:“【魂泪】,你知道为什么是这个名字吗……是为了停住生者的眼泪。琴娘看到了太多的生离死别,起初只是为了让活着的人,能够拥有再见挚爱的机会。如今,一切都已经是失败,唯有【魂泪】的技术还保留了下来……试问,我又如何能够让她的这项研究,被用作涂炭凡世,创造无数杀孽……” This... does not seem like words that a person who cultivated the demon merit, can say.” The second blade sovereign shakes the head gently. “这…不像是一个修炼了魔功的人,能说出来的话。”第二刀皇轻轻地摇了摇头。 magnificence snowy peak smiles bitterly saying: Because of you, abandoned my skill...... present I, is true I.” 华雪峰苦笑道:“因为你,废了我的功力了啊……现在的我,才是真正的我。” The second blade sovereign also wanted to say anything. 第二刀皇还想要说些什么。 But sends under custody the car(riage) actually to stop suddenly...... the second blade sovereign brow wrinkle in this time, has an ominous meaning, waved to seal up magnificence Xuefeng's acupuncture point hastily, letting him to move, later went out of the compartment. 但押送车却在此时猛然停顿……第二刀皇不禁眉头一皱,心生一股不祥之意,连忙挥手封住了华雪峰的穴道,让他不能动弹,随后走出了车厢。 What happened!” “发生了什么事情!” Actually sees the motorcade that sends under custody, at this time dozens law enforcement patrol cars have stopped, that protects the motorcade of important person group also to stop...... everyone motionless, at this time looked like by petrify is been same, sat in the car(riage), the expression was usual! 却见押送的车队,此时数十辆执法巡逻车都已经停下,就连那保护要员组的车队也停止不动……所有人,此时就像是被石化了一样,坐在了车里,表情如常! A biting cold cold meaning raids the heart, making the second blade sovereign shiver with fright. 一股彻骨的寒冷之意袭上心头,让第二刀皇不禁打了个冷战。 Only hears the melodious flute sound to transmit together, above the vehicle of front law enforcement patrol, is sitting a Daoist who at this time grasps the long and loud cry to play! 只听见一道悠扬的箫声传来,前方一辆执法巡逻的车子之上,此时正坐着了一名手持长啸吹奏的道人! If Daoist surface peach blossom, delicate and pretty incomparable, is ordinary just like the feminine appearance. 道人面若桃花,俊美无比,宛如女相一般。 The second blade sovereign vision institute and instance, the heart actually beat crazily...... 第二刀皇目光所及的瞬间,心脏却疯狂地跳动了起来…… The flute sound stops suddenly, the beautiful Daoist has transferred the face at this time slowly, the sound opens, such as clear current sound, „the second blade sovereign, magnificence snowy peak and Millennium demons teach Related, I wanted carry away.” 箫声忽然停下,美丽的道人此时缓缓转过了脸来,声音开启,如清泉流响,“第二刀皇,华雪峰与【千年魔教】有关,我要带走了。” The second blade sovereign hit to startle immediately, took a deep breath, clenched teeth to say lightly: Kind navigation On emperor......” 第二刀皇顿时打了个激灵,深呼吸了一口气,轻咬牙道:“【慈航】帝上……” Sees only the beautiful Daoist to jump to leap, then passed over gently and swiftly from the side of second blade sovereign...... from beginning to end, the second blade sovereigns do not dare to move. 只见美丽的道人纵身一跃,便从第二刀皇的身边掠过……由始至终,第二刀皇都没敢动一下。 As if there is fine gauze that cannot see together to stroke, when the second blade sovereign responded, the beautiful Daoist, has appeared before compartment gate that sent under escort the car(riage)...... he turned head, was unable to prevent! 仿佛有一道看不见的轻纱拂过般,当第二刀皇反应过来的时候,美丽的道人,已经出现在了押解车的车厢门前……他回头,已经无法阻止! But sees this beautiful Daoist, at this time has not actually walked, instead stopped in front of compartment, looked a strange color. 但见这美丽的道人,此时却没有走进去,反而是停在了车厢门前,面露一丝怪异之色。 The second blade sovereign clenches teeth at this time, the whole body vibrates, cannot move the feeling to shake the powder that quickly dares to come...... this time beautiful Daoist not to prevent. 第二刀皇此时一咬牙,全身震动,将那股不能动弹之感震散,急忙敢来……此时美丽的道人并没有阻止。 The second blade sovereign looked hurriedly, saw only magnificence snowy peak to sit cross-legged at this time in inside, actually does not have the vitality. 第二刀皇匆忙地看了进去,只见华雪峰此时盘坐在了里面,竟然已经毫无生机。 He partly is lowering the head lowly, the vision is crazy, looks also one to feel relaxed unexpectedly the happy expression. 他半低垂着头,目光痴痴,面露竟还有一丝释然般的笑意。 Died in a sitting posture unexpectedly?” The second blade sovereign stared in a big way both eyes inconceivable, was impossible, I sealed up his acupuncture point obviously......” “竟然坐化了?”第二刀皇不可思议地瞪大了双眼,“不可能,我明明只是封住了他的穴道……” Person dead lamp extinguishes the coming back to life powder.” The beautiful Daoist narrowed the eye at this time, also was really very clean.” “人死灯灭还魂散。”美丽的道人此时眯起了眼睛,“还真是很干净啊。” Hesitates, beautiful Daoist brow light wrinkle. 沉吟之间,美丽的道人眉头轻皱。 Sees only the distant place together strong light shoots, later blue white, the hearse of Tela bang catches up fast- Lancet Radha! 只见远处一道强光射来,随后一辆蓝白色,特拉轰的灵车飞快地赶来-【阿斯拉达】! Blade sovereign, what happened, why stops here?” Sees only Ye Yan to support the body at this time directly, stretches the body forward directly from the lathe: What is who?” “刀皇,发生了什么事情,为什么停在这里?”只见叶言此时直接撑着身,直接从车床之中探身出来:“刚才的是谁?” Just......” second blade sovereign subconsciously complied with one, actually sees the side suddenly, that beautiful Daoist has actually been missing, the second blade sovereign silent half sound, said solemnly: Just now on the emperor comes, wants carry away magnificence snowy peak, I could not block...... am only didn't expect, magnificence snowy peak died in a sitting posture in this crucial point unexpectedly, in our at present.” “刚刚的……”第二刀皇下意识地应了一声,却见身边骤然一空,那美丽的道人却已经不见了踪影,第二刀皇沉默半响,才沉声道:“方才有一名帝上前来,想要带走华雪峰,我挡不住……只是没想到,华雪峰竟然在这个节骨眼上坐化了,就在我们的眼前。” „!” “!” Ye Yan was startled being startled, subconsciously looked in the vehicle, saw only Little Luo SIR also to stare in a big way both eyes at this time, revealed wiped the surprise color appearance- he always felt the play that this kid was quite false! Especially but this kid unexpectedly not regularly blinking stares! 叶言怔了怔,下意识地看回了车子里面,只见小洛SIR此时也瞪大了双眼,露出了一抹诧异之色的模样-他总感觉这娃儿的戏好假!尤其是这娃儿居然不是惯常的眨眼而是瞪眼! But Little Luo travels together with him, seems... does not have any issue? 小洛一路与他同行,好似…没有什么问题啊?
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