TDK :: Volume #5

#426: After the spider, Ross

Uncle Eric, this gift was too expensive, I cannot receive.” Morea looks at front this miraculous glow radiant chariot, lies in the nine soul intent level wicked beasts of ground honestly, shakes the head to turn down to say continually. “艾力克叔叔,这份礼物太贵重了,我不能收。”穆瑞亚看着面前这辆灵光璀璨的战车,还有老老实实趴在地上的九头魂意级恶兽,连摇头婉拒道。 „!” The Morea words just said, is taking a look at the Gold Dragon mother of chariot to turn around toward the Morea head close to slap, what nonsense spoke? Do not deliver me, sees clearly, above inscribed one set of complete legendary law.” “啪!”穆瑞亚的话刚刚说完,正在打量战车的金龙娘转身就往穆瑞亚头上一巴掌扇下,“说什么傻话呢?你不要可以送我,看清楚,上面可是铭刻了一套完整的传奇法阵。” I know, is because so I cannot want.” Morea shirks saying that „the value of this chariot was too high.” “我知道,就是因为如此我才不能要。”穆瑞亚推脱道,“这辆战车的价值太高了。” „To accept directly, you're welcome, this chariot is on Eric this fellow halfway tribulations, thing that originally results in white/vain, is not his.” Titan that reduces the ordinary human size said with a laugh. “想要就直接收下吧,不用客气,这辆战车是艾力克这家伙半路上劫来的,本来就是白得的东西,不是他的。”一名缩小成普通人类大小的泰坦笑呵呵道。 „, Where tribulations, the place told me, I also went tribulation one.” The Gold Dragon mother is appreciating rune/symbol writing on chariot, in the eye glittering, she does not conceal oneself to the affection of this chariot. In fact, regarding all valuable valuables, the Gold Dragon mothers likes. “啧,在哪里劫的,地点告诉我,我也去劫一个。”金龙娘欣赏着战车上的符文,眼中金光闪闪,她毫不掩饰自己的对这辆战车的喜爱。事实上,对于一切值钱的贵重物品,金龙娘都喜欢。 This is I must come from imperial prince there of Tela Scar empire.” Titan Eric answered, wanting character was nipped very much heavily by him, he currently estimates that is not in-situ.” “这是我从特拉斯卡帝国的一位皇子那里要来的。”泰坦艾力克解释道,其中“要”字被他咬得很重,“他现在估计已经不在原地了。” „The imperial prince in Tela Scar empire? The empire of main mainland some people come now!” Aines Orr selected the eyebrow, you ask him to want directly, he gave you.” “特拉斯卡帝国的皇子?主大陆的帝国现在就有人来了么!”安斯奥尔挑了挑眉毛,“你直接找他要,他就这么给你了。” Right, this boy instigated, does not have the courage and uprightness like his father, his side also complete constructions install the knight group, but he has not ordered to attack me from beginning to end.” “没错,这小子太怂了,一点都不像他的父亲那样有血性,他身边还有一支完整的构装骑士团,但他从头到尾都没有下令进攻我。” Like his father?” On a Titan face reveals the strange color, „ I remember that you have told me, your travelling world time, had had the conflict with the royalty of Tela Scar empire, after you punched his more than ten times . “像他父亲那样?”一名泰坦脸上露出古怪之色,“我记得你跟我说过,你游历世界的时候,曾经与特拉斯卡帝国的一位皇族发生过冲突,你揍了他不下十次之后。 That royalty went crazy, the regiment of reassignment expedition potential surface besieges you, then you were compelled to escape, this is one of you entire life most distressed things, this is? ” 那位皇族发疯了,调动征战位面的军团来围攻你,然后你就被逼得逃跑了,这是你生平最狼狈的事情之一,难道这位就是?” Un, that fellow who I punch, does not know that walked what fate, 63 years ago ascends the throne, becomes the emperor in Tela Scar empire, that just bumped into, is his son.” On Eric face reveals the color of sobbing. “嗯,我揍的那个家伙,不知道是走了什么运道,六十三年前登基,成为了特拉斯卡帝国的皇帝,刚刚碰到的那一位,就是他的儿子。”艾力克脸上露出一丝唏嘘之色。 He had punched fellow, now mounts so top, how can not make him sigh the human affairs change, the vicissitudes, „the matter of human state really changes quickly.” 他曾经揍过的家伙,如今登上了如此高位,怎么能不让他感叹世事变迁,沧海桑田,“人类国度的事情变化得真快啊。” Ha, this is one the matter that is worth showing off, you have punched the emperor in Tela Scar empire.” Aines Orr said with a smile. “哈,这是一件非常值得炫耀的事情,你揍过特拉斯卡帝国的皇帝。”安斯奥尔笑道。 This has anything to show off,” Eric shakes the head, „, if the present can punch him to be worth one time showing off again, but by my present strength, possibly has not basically broken through his defense capacity , when so long as I break through the epic, can again punch his one time.” “这有什么炫耀的,”艾力克摇摇头,“如果现在能再揍他一次才值得炫耀,不过以我现在的实力,基本是没可能突破他身边的防卫力量了,只要等到我突破史诗之后,才能再揍他一次了。” Ok, do not pull uselessly these, small Morea, this chariot, do not want your mother I to replace you to receive.” The Gold Dragon mother was saying unchaste words, searches the hand to grasp to that miraculous glow radiant chariot. “行了,别扯这些没用的了,小穆瑞亚,这辆战车你不要是吧,不要你母亲我就代替你收起来了。”金龙娘说着毫无节操的话,探手抓向那辆灵光璀璨的战车。 When I said that does not want.” Morea first step opens wide half potential surface channel, soon soon was also frightened the wicked beast that the urine collapses to take in half potential surface this chariot nine by Titan. Since does not have a treasure, that Morea was impolite with this elder. “我什么时候说不要了。”穆瑞亚抢先一步敞开半位面通道,将这辆战车还有九头快要被泰坦快要被吓到尿崩的恶兽收进半位面之中。既然是无本的宝物,那穆瑞亚就不跟这位长辈客气了。 Then makes sense, the treasure that succeeds in obtaining, no matter is useful, should receive, cannot push.” Sees Morea to receive the chariot, the Gold Dragon mother puts down to feign to grasp to the hand of chariot, if she really wants, where has the Morea opportunity. “这才像话,到手的宝物不管有没有用,都应该收起来,不能推出来。”看到穆瑞亚收起战车,金龙娘放下佯装抓向战车的手,她如果真的想要,哪有穆瑞亚的机会。 Ok, Morea, this time period I lived with these three uncles your here, you arranged all, practice on has anything not to understand the place, although consulted to them, you're welcome.” “好了,穆瑞亚,这阵子我跟这三位叔叔都住在你这里,你安排好一切,修行上有什么不懂得地方,尽管向他们请教,不用客气。” Hey, Morea, looks for another two fellows, they have not given you gift on first meeting, wants them to compensate you well, most little makes them teach them to fight the technique through preying that the fight comprehends.” “嘿,穆瑞亚,多找另外两个家伙,他们没有送给你见面礼,一定要他们好好补偿你,最少让他们传授一下他们自己通过战斗领悟出来的搏杀战技。” Understood, I will not be polite.” Hearing to consult to four Titan at any time, Morea lights up with pleasure immediately, although compares these four Titan, his age can be called immaturely, however on practicing, the doubts that he accumulates may be many. “明白,我不会客气的。”听到可以随时向四位泰坦请教,穆瑞亚顿时喜笑颜开,虽然相比于这四位泰坦来说,他的年龄称得上稚嫩,但是在修行上,他积累的疑惑可不少。 „One side consults the feat of arms the matter first to place, Morea can you tell me, this city side these cloud Dao what's the matter? Especially cloud Dao the center, that made me feel that what the danger the lifeform was?” “请教武技的事情先放在一边,穆瑞亚你能不能告诉我,这座城市旁边那些云岛是怎么回事?特别是云岛中央,那令我都感觉到危险的生物是什么?” Subdue world giant beast wind king Ying, these cloud Dao are it transfer to here,” Morea very frank replied. “镇世巨兽风王鹰,那些云岛都是它移到这里来的,”穆瑞亚十分坦率的回答道。 Wind king Ying!” Hears the Morea words, in four Titan eyes explodes projects two gold/metal, on the face reveals the color of changing countenance, this is in the world quantity least lifeform. “风王鹰!”听到穆瑞亚的话,四名泰坦眼中都爆射出两道金芒,脸上都露出动容之色,这是世界上数量最少的生物。 What kind of? One type wants to look for the impulsion that wind king Ying fights, that also waits for anything, the heart movement might as well act!” Saw that Titan so display, the start that the Gold Dragon mother spares no effort misleads these Titan, this time, had wanted to bump into wind king Yingke to be difficult.” “怎么样?是不是有一种想找风王鹰战斗的冲动,那还等什么,心动不如行动!”看到泰坦们如此表现,金龙娘不遗余力的开始蛊惑这些泰坦,“过了这一次,想要碰到一头风王鹰可就非常困难了。” „, Right, they can challenge, but Aines Orr you cannot go, you give me honestly dull here, taught that Morea practice on the line.” “哦,对了,他们可以去挑战,但是安斯奥尔你不能去,你给我老老实实呆在这里,教导穆瑞亚修行就行了。” This wind king Ying strength how?” Aines Orr asked that in what ages.” “这头风王鹰的实力如何?”安斯奥尔问道,“处于什么样的年龄段。” Cannot look, but has grown up, strength view estimate for in legendary peak high and low, your three true bodies add some not necessarily families' bodies to be big.” “看不出来,不过已经成年了,实力预估计为在传奇巅峰上下,你们三个真身加起来都不一定有人家的身体大。” Un!” “嗯!” What's wrong? Don't you plan to challenge?” “怎么?你们不打算挑战一下吗?” Cannot be victorious, moreover compares the harvest of challenge, the price that the challenge needs to withstand is extremely serious, without this necessity.” “打不过,而且相比挑战的收获,挑战需要承受的代价太过沉重,没有这个必要。” In the world the opponent who is worth fighting has, so long as looks always has, fights with the town/subdues world giant beast, is not too worth.” In Eric eyes reveals a dreading color, shakes the head, very resolute rejection Gold Dragon mother's proposition. “世界上值得一战的对手有很多,只要去找总还是有的,与镇世巨兽战斗,太不值得了。”艾力克眼中露出一丝忌惮之色,摇摇头,十分果决的拒绝了金龙娘的提议。 Since you do not want to select Tornado king Ying, you to god family interested?” The Gold Dragon mother is not discouraged, says her truly the life that wants Titan to help solve. “既然你们都不想挑战风王鹰,那你们对神眷者有没有兴趣?”金龙娘也不气馁,说出她真正想要泰坦们帮忙解决掉的生灵。 God family?” On Aines Orr face reveals the color of intent moving, the Spiritual God is the Ella Sya the world's most powerful community, those touch on slightly with the Spiritual God, does not have ordinary. “神眷者?”安斯奥尔脸上露出意动之色,神灵才是埃拉西亚世界上最强大的群体,凡是跟神灵沾边的,就没有普通的的。 When kingdom border that „ I going on patrol Morea control recently now the discovery has a channel to dark region, inside has a Takuji elf kingdom unexpectedly. “我最近巡游穆瑞亚如今掌控的王国边境时发现有一处通往幽暗地域的通道,里面居然有一座卓尔精灵王国。 Their ruler Di beautiful draws is the dependence violent means that conquered dozens Takuji elf families, founded the kingdom, is certain after she is the spider, Ross's god family, even after possibly is the spider, Ross's descendant. ” 她们的统治者迪丽拉是依靠暴力手段,征服了数十个卓尔精灵家族,建立了王国,可以肯定她是蛛后罗丝的神眷者,甚至可能是蛛后罗丝的后裔。” „After the spider, Ross's god!” Titan Eric looks to the Gold Dragon mother, now where is she at? Gives me the Coordinate position.” “蛛后罗丝的神裔!”泰坦艾力克看向金龙娘,“她现在在哪?给我坐标位置。”
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