TDK :: Volume #5

#427: Comes out to come under attack

After the Gold Dragon mother goes to the Rauchman kingdom, stemming from the care to Morea, studied a surrounding influence distribution, the surrounding three countries, Sherman dwarf duchy also has the Wang Jianli's of dragon person scarlet wing duchy, does not need to care, because of does not have any threat. 金龙娘来到洛克曼王国之后,出于对穆瑞亚的关心,研究了一下周围的势力分布,周围三个国家,谢尔曼矮人公国还有龙人之王建立的赤翼公国,都不需要在意,因为没有任何威胁。 Only has the dark region situated in bottom, is founded the beautiful Teece kingdom that to need to pay attention by Takuji elf, especially after knowing this group of black skin whores once had the criminal record of attack ground, the Gold Dragon mother did not have the favorable impression to them. 唯有位于地底的幽暗地域,由卓尔精灵建立的美迪斯王国需要注意,特别是在知道这群黑皮婊子曾经有进攻地面的前科之后,金龙娘就对她们更加没有好感了。 Was born the lifeform in darkness, stayed in the dark region honestly was good, the sunny ground did not suit them to survive the multiplication, why can launch the war, the manufacture death? Because cannot obtain is best? 生于黑暗中的生物,老老实实呆在幽暗地域就好了,充满阳光的地面不适合她们生存繁衍,为什么要发动战争,制造死亡?就因为得不到的才是最好的吗? In knew another luoli Princess Millie through daughter British imperialist who she adopted, and knows, when Morea abdicated, the after little miss of this blue blushing pupil will succeed to the throne operated the Rauchman kingdom, the Gold Dragon mother had the idea of solving beautiful Teece kingdom malignant tumor. 在通过她领养的干女儿英帝拉认识了另外一只luoli公主蕾米莉亚,且知道当穆瑞亚退位,这位蓝发红瞳的小姑娘会继位执掌洛克曼王国之后,金龙娘就有了解决掉美迪斯王国这颗毒瘤的想法。 Morea ten big ancient dragon assistances, these black skin elves do not dare to move now, after Morea leaves, ancient dragon will also leave surely, the Rauchman kingdom could not have provided for ten ancient dragon consumption of resources. 穆瑞亚现在有十大古龙的辅助,那些黑皮精灵不敢动弹,但是当穆瑞亚离开之后,古龙必定也会随之离开,洛克曼王国还供养不起十条古龙的资源消耗。 But after Millie succeeds to the throne some did not say, except for being loyal to the five legends of royal family, other will kingdom nine legends really obey this Princess luoli order honestly? Perhaps cannot! 但在蕾米莉亚继位之后就有些不好说了,除了忠于王室的五位传奇,王国其余九位传奇真的会老老实实地服从这位luoli公主的命令吗?恐怕不会吧! In this case, beautiful Teece kingdom, if launches the attack to the ground again, future Queen Millie will resist with what? To prevent such future happened, the Gold Dragon mother thought it is necessary to solve this crowd of black skins now, at least must solve that cruel and merciless queen Di beautiful to draw, making that crowd of elves return the hundred years ago civil war periods, self- internal consumption. 在这种情况下,美迪斯王国如果再对地面发起进攻,未来的蕾米莉亚女王拿什么抵挡?所以为了防止这样的未来发生,金龙娘觉得有必要现在就解决掉这群黑皮,最起码要解决那位心狠手辣的女王迪丽拉,让那群精灵重归百年前的内战时期,自我内部消耗。 The beautiful Teece kingdom at least has ten legends, the legend of Takuji elf will not look like the human legend to be the same, at least the basic attribute of body above human. 美迪斯王国至少有十位传奇,卓尔精灵的传奇不会像人类传奇一般弱小,最起码身体的基础素质在人类之上。 Moreover also has elf queen Lya this variable, she is god family, after the back has the spider , under Ross's shadow, is hard to calculate her to go all out, can erupt the strong strength. 而且其中还有精灵女王迪莉娅这个变数,她是神眷者,背后有蛛后罗丝的影子,难以计算她拼命之下,能够爆发多强的力量。 If according to the worst situation calculated, she oneself regard the carrier, after the summon spider, Ross projection incarnation arrives, the Gold Dragon mother thought that draws in ten ancient dragon is not safe, perhaps will have the dragon therefore to fall from the sky, this will be the Gold Dragon mother is unable to tolerate. 如果按照最糟糕的情况推算,她把自己当成载体,召唤蛛后罗丝投影化身降临,金龙娘觉得拉上十条古龙并不稳妥,说不定有龙会因此而陨落,这是金龙娘无法容忍的。 Therefore the Gold Dragon mother represses oneself temper, after Aines Orr brings another three Titan are arriving, she existence that elf queen Di beautiful draws says, making Titan know, naturally, Titan had the interest in this Queen Takuji. 所以金龙娘按耐住自己的性子,当安斯奥尔带着另外三名泰坦降临之后,她才把精灵女王迪丽拉的存在说出来,让泰坦知晓,理所当然的,泰坦们对这位卓尔女王有了兴趣。 I can lead you to pass directly.” The Gold Dragon mother hears Titan Eric to inquire the Coordinate , indicating that she is willing to guide, you wait again, the quantity of that crowd of black skin elves are somewhat many, to prevent to be besieged, I shouted again some dragons come.” “我可以直接带你们过去。”金龙娘听到泰坦艾力克询问坐标,表示她愿意带路,“不过你们再等一下,那群黑皮精灵的数量有些多,为了防止被围攻,我再去喊一些龙过来。” Titan look at each other one, finally nods silently, without speech. Can look, Arter Liz has the hostility to this beautiful Teece kingdom, wants to rely on their strengths, there is nothing, but slight effort...... 泰坦们对视一眼,最终都默默地点点头,没有说话。都看得出来,阿特丽斯对这美迪斯王国有敌意,想要借助他们的力量,这没有什么,不过举手之劳而已…… „Is this plan starts extinguishes the country war?” dragon Yi maid Mia looks at front battle formation, is somewhat choked up with emotions to Morea before body asks. “这是打算发动灭国战争吗?”龙裔女仆米娅看着面前的阵势,有些心潮澎湃向身前的穆瑞亚问道。 Almost! After this fights, the beautiful Teece Takuji elf kingdom will not exist.” Looks at the present unceasing gathering Giant and dragon, Morea also replies self-satisfiedly. “差不多吧!这一战之后,美迪斯卓尔精灵王国将不复存在。”看着眼前的不断汇聚的巨人与龙,穆瑞亚也略带一丝志得意满地回答道。 The Gold Dragon mother is successfully urging Titan to want after Queen Takuji begins, makes Morea use him as ruling Grand Duke the authority, summoned all enters the Rauchman kingdom, the strength arrives at capital Sikaleite situated in the soul intent level above metal big dragon. 金龙娘在成功撺掇泰坦想要对卓尔女王动手之后,就让穆瑞亚利用他身为执政大公的权柄,召唤所有进入洛克曼王国,实力处于魂意级以上的金属巨龙到首都斯卡雷特。 Simultaneously makes Morea assemble subordinate Storm Giant as far as possible, the quantity the more better, has Mountain Giant anything as for Cloud Giant, that the strength was too even weak, do not go to hold back. 同时让穆瑞亚尽量调集麾下的风暴巨人,数量越多越好,至于云巨人还有山岭巨人什么的,那就算了,实力太弱,就别去拖后腿了。 But the Gold Dragon mother's goal the zero casualty solves the beautiful Teece kingdom, routs country that this just took shape, making it disintegrate, cannot pose any threat to future Queen Millie luoli. 金龙娘的目标可是零伤亡解决掉美迪斯王国,击溃这个刚刚成型的国家,让它解体,对未来的蕾米莉亚luoli女王不能造成任何威胁。 Un, lovable Princess Millie, is this cause that extinguishes the country war, but went to the dark region to take a stroll quietly, experienced this group of black skin elf wealthy Gold Dragon mothers is this seed of war. 嗯,可爱的蕾米莉亚公主,就是这场灭国战争的诱因,而悄悄去幽暗地域溜达了一圈,见识到了这群黑皮精灵富裕的金龙娘则是这场战争的根源。 Because Takuji elf was too rich, but this crowd of elves are also the evil camp exactly, during the division of Gold Dragon mother, belonging object who can grab. 因为卓尔精灵太有钱了,而这群精灵又恰好属于邪恶阵营,在金龙娘的划分之中,属于可以劫掠的对象。 Today stayed in Sikaleite person broadened the outlook, their whole life has not seen so many dragon all assembleds in the same place!” Mia said with a smile. “今天呆在斯卡雷特的人可是大开眼界了,他们这辈子都没有见过这么多龙聚齐在一起吧!”米娅笑道。 I the second time am noticed that such dragon gathers.” Morea stands in the high place, is looking into the present kings. “我是第二次看到这么龙聚集在一起。”穆瑞亚站在高处,眺望着眼前的王都。 Storm Giant that across the kingdom guards was dispatched by Morea from transmission continuously goes out, but receives the metal dragons that ancient dragon summoned from fly in all directions. 穆瑞亚派往王国各地镇守的的风暴巨人从传送阵中源源不断地走出,而接到古龙召唤的金属龙们从四面八方飞来。 This time king Sikaleite, in the ground is walk Giant, the sky also has to ride Storm Giant of great Péng to seize by the big dragon of hovering everywhere, but in the ground, the local resident in this city is common. 此时的王都斯卡雷特,地面上到处都是行走的巨人,天空已经被翱翔的巨龙还有骑着巨鹏的风暴巨人占领,而地面上,这座城市的本地居民则毫不起眼。 Young Master Morea, who sees present Sikaleite, does not think that this is the capital of human country!” 穆瑞亚少爷,不论是谁看到现在的斯卡雷特,都不会认为这是人类国家的首都吧!” Truly is this,” Morea smiled, felt that the present Locker kingdom somewhat is truly strange, the trouble-maker lifeform, is really unfair to the division of human country everywhere. “确实是这样,”穆瑞亚笑了,感觉现在的洛克王国确实有些怪异,到处都是非人生物,实在是对不起人类国家的划分。 ...... …… Your majesty, Rauchman kingdom has the change, according to our scout returns, many Storm Giant left from their guarding city, is very likely is wanted to make anything by that Grand Duke Gold Dragon, summoned them. “陛下,洛克曼王国方面有异动,根据我们的探子回报,很多风暴巨人都从他们的驻守城市离开了,很有可能是被那条金龙大公想做什么,把他们都召唤回去了。 Enters the metal big dragon of Rauchman kingdom also to move, according to their lines of march also has the direction, can speculate that the goal places of these big dragons are the capitals of Rauchman kingdom. ” 还有很多进入洛克曼王国的金属巨龙也在移动,根据它们的行进路线还有方向,可以推测出这些巨龙的目的地点就是洛克曼王国的首都。” „Does that dragonet want to do?” Sits by the black skin white hair queen body in dark gold/metal throne slantingly positively, white eyebrows slightly pressed, hears this news she felt one to be anxious and agitated instantaneously inexplicably, she felt that these changes in view of her, did want to convene the dragon also to have Giant to attack my beautiful Teece kingdom?” “那条小龙想干什么?”斜靠在暗金王座上的黑肤白发女王身体坐正,白眉微蹙,听到这个消息的瞬间她就莫名感受到了一阵不安与烦躁,她感觉这些变化都是针对她的,“想要召集龙还有巨人进攻我美迪斯王国吗?” Your majesty, at this time, that Grand Duke Gold Dragon should not launch the war to us, the demon disaster has entered to the most serious stage, has the legendary devil to appear, how does he possibly have the thoughts to attack us?” “陛下,这种时候,那位金龙大公不应该对我们发动战争啊,魔灾已经进入到最严重的阶段了,已经有传奇恶魔出现了,他怎么可能还有心思进攻我们?” Right, that dragonet summoned these dragons and Giant, perhaps was because he presented the legendary devil in the kings, therefore needs to support.” “对啊,那条小龙召唤那些龙和巨人,说不定是因为他所在王都出现了传奇恶魔,所以需要支援。” Snort! What in your brain attire is what?” Di beautiful drew a face to despise is staring at just that making noise Takuji, „can the legendary devil that the present presents block ten legendary ancient dragon?” “哼!你的脑子里装的是什么?”迪丽拉一脸鄙夷地盯着刚刚那名出声的卓尔,“现在出现的传奇恶魔能够挡住十头传奇古龙?” Di beautiful draws, comes out to come under attack to me!” At this moment, together clear graceful female voice from there is a rumor that to discussing politics hall. “迪丽拉,给我出来挨打!”就在这时,一道清脆优雅的女声从外传到议政厅之中。
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