TDK :: Volume #5

#425: Gift on first meeting

We came out early, should wait again for 1-2 years.” “我们还是出来早了,应该再等1-2。” Hears sound that the side resounds towering, on Aines Orr face reveals the color of approval, nods, truly early, although now has the legendary devil to appear, but the strength was too weak.” 听到身边突兀响起的声音,安斯奥尔脸上露出认同之色,点点头,“确实早了,现在虽然有传奇恶魔出现,但是实力太弱了。” Titan!” Has lived to lose the confidence to the demon, head corner/horn broke the Barlow flame demon of half, is slightly excessive, sees second Titan, appears from the midair slowly, imposing manner of sending out faintly also is oppressive above its Titan. “还有泰坦!”已经对魔生失去信心,头上的角断了半截的巴洛炎魔,微微偏过头,看到第二位泰坦,从半空中缓缓浮现,散发的气势隐隐还在完虐它的那名泰坦之上。 After all is not the abyss, this strength is very normal.” Titan cast aside a Aines Orr Barlow flame demon, as for waits again for a year? Perhaps Aines Orr you and others was so long!” “毕竟不是深渊,这种实力很正常。”泰坦撇了一眼安斯奥尔脚下的巴洛炎魔,“至于再等一年?恐怕安斯奥尔你等不了这么久!” As far as I know, your son Morea in the travelling world, now happen to this seating order mainland, my spirit the information obtained from the database, he now is a leader of laws in human country, very good achievement. “据我所知,你的儿子穆瑞亚正在游历世界吧,现在正好在这一座次大陆上,我的灵从信息库得到的情报,他现在已经是一个人类国家的执政者,很不错的成就。 I camouflage human young time, may not have to obtain this authority in the state of human. ” Space collapsing was shattered, third Titan walks, having the tone of appreciation to say with emotion. 我年少伪装成人类的时候,可没有在人类的国度获得这种权柄。”空间坍塌破碎,第三位泰坦走出来,带着赞赏的语气感慨道。 „The boy depends upon the gracious favor of elder, bumped into exactly, unlike your situation.” Aines Orr hears other Titan to oneself heir's commendation, the corners of the mouth rises slightly, as the father, this feeling is good. “那小子不过是依靠长辈的恩泽而已,恰好碰上了而已,跟你的情况不一样。”安斯奥尔听到其余泰坦对自己子嗣的称赞,嘴角微微上扬,作为父亲,这种感觉还是不错的。 So under the environment, can operate a country, and does not make a mistake, is good, my boy may not have this skill, all day knows the fight and slaughtering.” “如此环境下,能够执掌一国且不出错,已经非常不错了,我的那小子可没有这种本事,整天就知道战斗与杀戮。” In Aines Orr steps on the Barlow flame demon of under foot has arrived at nearly in the look of delay lightly, fourth Titan appears. 在安斯奥尔踩在脚下的巴洛炎魔已经平淡到近乎呆滞的眼神中,第四位泰坦出现。 Un, learned how control subordinate, regarding our Titan, is a very important curriculum, now the learned, later does not need the waste time to go to the potential surface expedition school of Wula Nourse empire to take advanced courses specially.” “嗯,学会如何统御下属,对于我们泰坦来说,也是一件非常重要的课程,现在学会了,以后就不用废时间去乌拉诺斯帝国的位面征战学院专门去进修了。” Oh, is Aines Orr your son spell of good or bad fortune is good, obtains to wield an opportunity in country's young.” “唉,还是安斯奥尔你的儿子际遇好啊,这么年轻就获得执掌一国的机会。” Luck also becomes one of the powerhouse factors.” “运气也是成为强者的因素之一。” Hehe, do not discuss, Aines Orr could not have waited to see his son.” Titan looks at Aines Orr's complexion, the tone that to tease said. “呵呵,别讨论了,安斯奥尔已经等不及要去见他的儿子了。”一名泰坦看着安斯奥尔的脸色,以调侃的语气说道。 „Doesn't Aines Orr, this Barlow flame demon you kill also keeps doing?” Has Titan to look at already half remnantly, and demon blood had flowed place, seems angle of rupture Barlow flame demon that will hang momentarily, asking of some doubts. “安斯奥尔,这头巴洛炎魔你不杀还留着干什么?”有泰坦看着已经半残,且魔血已流了一地,好似随时会挂掉的断角巴洛炎魔,有些疑惑的问道。 Arter Liz told me, Morea obtained some opportunities, now has promoted to the soul intent peak.” “阿特丽斯跟我说,穆瑞亚获得了一些机遇,现在已经晋升到魂意巅峰了。” Such quickly?” “这么快?” Un, because the promotion speed was too fast, therefore I worried that his strength control is not good, therefore wants to look for a weak point legend, when his sparring partner, this Barlow flame demon strength is not strong, happen to meets my anticipation requirement.” “嗯,因为晋升速度太快了,所以我担心他的力量掌控不好,所以想找一个弱一点的传奇当他的陪练,这头巴洛炎魔实力不强,正好符合我的预期要求。” „Was legendary third-order Barlow flame demon, regarding Morea too strong, looked for one again weakly! Otherwise it starts is too heavy when the time comes, Morea cannot withstand.” “传奇三阶的巴洛炎魔,对于穆瑞亚来说是不是太强了一些,再找一头更弱的吧!不然到时候它下手太重,穆瑞亚承受不住。” Does not need troublesome, me to stare in side when the time comes, will not have an accident. Moreover Morea fused a drop of source blood, unlike same age Titan, the Barlow flame demon of this strength was just good.” “不用那么麻烦,到时候我会在旁边盯着,不会出事的。而且穆瑞亚融合了一滴源血,跟同龄泰坦不一样,这种实力的巴洛炎魔刚刚好。” Source blood!” On another three Titan faces does not reveal color of the envying voluntarily, has a drop of source blood, but is half foot makes great strides forward in the epic, growing out of nothing is most difficult one step, but this has not existed regarding Morea. “源血!”另外三名泰坦脸上不自觉露出一丝羡慕之色,拥有一滴源血,可是算是半只脚迈进史诗之中,从无到有是最难的一步,而这对于穆瑞亚来说已经不复存在了。 Do not envy! Walks, sees his talent son with Aines Orr.” “别羡慕了!走吧,跟着安斯奥尔去见一见他的天才儿子。” Under, Aines Orr treats as the gift on first meeting with a Barlow flame demon to his son, our these as elder, sees a later generation, must take anything, cannot begin spatially.” “等下,安斯奥尔拿一头巴洛炎魔给他儿子当做见面礼,我们这些作为长辈的,去见一位后辈,总要拿一些什么,总不能空着手去吧。” Does not need.” Aines Orr shakes the head, when the time comes you directed the Morea feat of arms to practice were good, this was stronger than what gift.” “没有必要。”安斯奥尔摇摇头,“到时候你们指点一下穆瑞亚的武技修行就行了,这比什么礼物都强。” Directs later generation practicing should be, the gift on first meeting cannot exempt,” Titan Eric hehe is smiling, the sharp vision looks to the distant place, the golden god light/only jumps shoots, resembling to pierce the space to be the same. “指点一下后辈修行是应该的,见面礼可不能免,”泰坦艾力克呵呵笑着,锐利的目光看向远方,金色的神光迸射,似要洞穿空间一般。 What did you see?” Has Titan curious asking. “你看到什么了?”有泰坦好奇的问道。 Gift on first meeting.” Titan Eric replied with a smile, waited a bit my moment, immediately came back.” “见面礼。”泰坦艾力克笑着答道,“稍等我片刻,马上就回来。” Under including the gazes of Aines Orr three Titan doubts vision, legendary Titan Eric lifted the hand to tear into shreds the space, took a step. 在包括安斯奥尔三位泰坦疑惑目光的注视下,传奇泰坦艾力克抬手撕碎了空间,迈步走了进去。 Eric he sees anything, he cultivated a pupil technique, the eyesight is among several of us is best.” “艾力克他是看见什么吧,他修炼了一门瞳术,眼力是我们几个当中最好的。” Un, looked complexion that he just revealed that should not be a friend, possibly is the enemy who before had.” “嗯,看他刚刚露出来的脸色,应该不是朋友,可能是以前结下的仇家。” ...... …… Roar!” Roar!” Above boundless wilderness, a cavalry team that is sending out the air/Qi of withering marches forward in the midair, the place visited, the group bird flutters about, ten thousand beasts run. “吼!”“吼!”苍茫荒野之上,一支散发着肃杀之气的骑兵队伍在半空中行进,所过之处,群鸟纷飞,万兽奔走。 In the team each knight is the elite gentleman, the whole body wraps, in the construction installs to fight in armor, no flesh exposed, seemingly is outside valiant and overwhelming power, shocks the will of the people. 队伍之中每一名骑士都是精锐之士,全身都包裹在构装战甲之中,没有一丝肌肤裸露在外,看上去彪悍而又威猛,震慑人心。 But in this elite cavalry regiment in being able to stand in line number in Ella Sya world, is towed the chariot that entrains by the wicked beasts of nine ominous cries, the chariot modeling majestic atmosphere, above inscribes numerous and diverse mysterious rune/symbol writing, the miraculous glow is radiant, the brilliance is eye-catching. 而在这一支在埃拉西亚世界上都排得上号的精锐骑兵团中,有一辆由九头凶唳的恶兽拖拽的战车,战车造型堂皇大气,其上铭刻着繁杂玄奥的符文,灵光璀璨,光耀夺目。 So the battle formation, rides conceivably in the chariot has its status and strength is powerful. 如此阵势,可以想象乘坐在战车之中存在其身份与实力是何等强大。 Stops!” Suddenly team of this in barrel in the upper air spreads is full of the dignified sound together, racing line/traverse the knights was stopping the mount rapidly almost at the same time, hovering in in the air motionless. “止!”突然这一支在高空中快速行进的队伍中传出一道充满威严的声音,正在急速奔行的骑士们几乎在同一时间勒停了坐骑,悬停于空中一动不动。 The momentum astonishing team stopped in in the air, has not made a least bit sound again, is ordinary just like the sculpture that will not move. 原本声势惊人的队伍就这么停在空中,再也没有发出一丝半点声音,一个个都宛如不会动弹的雕塑一般。 Your excellency looks, does not know that what matter has to need this your highness to help?” After long time, appears the exceptionally moderate humble sound to spread from the chariot together. “阁下找上来,不知是有什么事情需要本殿下帮忙?”半晌之后,一道显得异常温和谦逊的声音从战车之中传出。 Really has a matter to need you to help.” The space was shattered, above this obvious origin uncommon team, the body twines is appearing just like Titan of golden python common sturdy thunder, overlooks under. “确实有件事需要你帮忙。”空间破碎,就在这支明显来历不凡的队伍上方,身上缠绕着宛如黄金巨蟒一般粗壮雷霆的泰坦出现,俯视下方。 Please say.” Even Titan in legend appears, rides the existence tone on chariot is still unflustered, no flurry, his experience is quite vast, Titan thinks strange insufficient. “请讲。”即便是传说中的泰坦出现,乘坐在战车上的存在语气依旧从容不迫,没有一丝慌乱,他的见识极为广博,泰坦并不足以为奇。 I must see a later generation, your chariot I happen to feel good, treating as the gift on first meeting is very appropriate.” On Eric face reveals to sneer, looks below chariot, is waiting for his reply, brings to give me!” “我要去见一位后辈,你的这辆战车我正好觉得不错,当做见面礼很合适。”艾力克脸上露出冷笑,看着下方的战车,等待着他的回答,“拿来给我吧!” „......” Existence in this chariot has not made noise immediately, but is silent, in Eric prepares to act, finally has the sound to pass on, “……”这一次战车中的存在没有立即出声,而是沉默,就在艾力克准备出手之时,才终于有声音传出来, Titan your excellency can have a liking for my chariot unexpectedly, that is my being honored, since you want, that takes away!” 泰坦阁下居然能够看上我的战车,那就是我的荣幸,既然您想要,那就拿去吧!”
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