TDK :: Volume #5

#424: Second Titan

Tittered!” The golden thunder fought the lance to pass through the abdomen of Barlow flame demon, then blasted out, changes to the golden thunder its package, without the blood splashed, because evaporation. “噗嗤!”黄金雷霆战矛贯穿了巴洛炎魔的腹部,然后炸开,化作黄金雷霆将其包裹,没有血液溅出,因为都被蒸干了。 After thunder dissipation, the abdomen presented around one insightful large cave/hole, the body covers entirely the scorch Barlow flame demon to reveal the form, the flaming flame burns on it, the scorch falls off, the flesh growth wriggles, blood hole healing. 待雷霆消散之后,腹部出现了一道前后通透大洞,身上布满焦痕的巴洛炎魔显露出身影,炽盛的火焰在它身上燃烧,焦痕脱落,血肉生长蠕动,血洞愈合。 The full of vigor and vitality of legendary devil shows, but has no egg to use, the strong vitality also makes this devil a restoration function extremely good Barlow flame demon sandbag. 传奇恶魔的旺盛生命力展现,但并没有什么卵用,强大的生命力也只是让这头恶魔成为一头复原功能极佳的巴洛炎魔型沙包而已。 Actually this Barlow flame demon is also helpless, it also the first time is to Titan, before had also heard, has not seen, when it discovered that own conventional attack method majority is invalid after Aines Orr, is somewhat helpless. 其实这头巴洛炎魔也非常无奈,它也是第一次对上泰坦,以前也只是听说过,没有见过,所以当它发现自己常规的攻击手段大部分都对安斯奥尔无效之后,也是有些手足无措的。 The evil miraculous glow by the complete immunity, the kind of magic arts ability flame storm and implosion technique is a point with does not have, calling back the soul of the deceased technique and law: The shock and awe does not have an effect, as for near body fight, Barlow flame demon was suppressed by Aines Orr all-around. 邪恶灵光被完全免疫,类法术能力火焰风暴与内爆术更是一点用都没有,摄魂术与律令:震慑更是不起作用,至于近身战斗,巴洛炎魔更是被安斯奥尔全方位压制。 Legendary Titan Aines Orr does not know that has killed many Barlow flame demons, but this Barlow flame demon never has to fighting the experience of Titan. Naturally the devil that fights can also live after Titan to be few, without the experience is a very normal matter. 传奇泰坦安斯奥尔不知已经杀了多少巴洛炎魔,而这头巴洛炎魔却从未有过对战泰坦的经验。当然跟泰坦战斗之后还能活下来的恶魔寥寥无几,没有经验是一件很正常的事情。 Roar!” Once again was thrown the thunder lance that passes through the body after by Titan, Barlow flame demon after trying one is unable to break through the space to prohibit, thorough despaired, but after despairing, then during falls into is crazy. “吼!”又一次被泰坦投掷的雷霆长矛贯穿身体之后,巴洛炎魔在尝试了一下无法突破空间封禁之后,彻底绝望了,而绝望之后便陷入疯狂之中。 Aines Orr regarded a prey it purely, seeks pleasure bored, prohibited the surrounding space, making it not take the opportunity that the higher transmission technique runs away, actually indulges it to use the transmission technique during the fight, is this what kind of self-confidence? 安斯奥尔纯粹就是将它当成了一头猎物,无聊取乐而已,封禁了周围的空间,让它没有利用高等传送术逃走的机会,却放纵它在战斗之中使用传送术,这是何等的自信? After discovering own kind of magic arts attack is basically invalid, Barlow flame demon starts the devil summon technique again, summoned lots of cannon fodders to come , helping own protracted time, naturally it hopes after can, summoned similar, then everyone came under attack together. 在发现自己的类法术攻击基本无效之后,巴洛炎魔再一次发动恶魔召唤术,召唤大量的炮灰过来,帮自己的拖延时间,当然它更希望能后召唤过来一名同类,然后大家一起挨打。 The devil summon technique is full of the enormous uncertainty, the poor demon, the crazy war demon, sentencing in soul demon these low rank devil naturally is 100% can summon, but the high rank devil was random, possibly summoned first six arm snake demons, possibly was Barlow flame demon. 恶魔召唤术充满着极大的不确定性,劣魔,狂战魔,判魂魔这些中低阶恶魔自然是百分之百可以召唤过来,但是高阶恶魔就是随机了,可能召唤过来一头六臂蛇魔,也可能是巴洛炎魔。 Is bets the probability also to have the luck completely, but the luck of this Barlow flame demon was obviously poor, to summon for successive three times, only summoned six arm snake demons, making Aines Orr look to its look somewhat was strange. 完全就是赌概率还有运气,而这头巴洛炎魔的运气明显不怎么好,连续三次召唤,都只召唤出来六臂蛇魔,让安斯奥尔看向它的眼神的都有些怪异。 Why doesn't have one similar to respond your summon?” Aines Orr is treading the devil burned body everywhere, moves toward has revealed the terrified color Barlow flame demon. “为何没有一名同类响应你的召唤?”安斯奥尔踏着满地的恶魔焦尸,走向已经露出惶恐之色的巴洛炎魔。 How do I know?” Angry low of Barlow flame demon in the heart is roaring, just also felt oneself by him who the abyss cares, now felt oneself had shut out by the abyss will, it felt the evil intention from the world. “我怎么知道?”巴洛炎魔在心中愤怒的低吼着,刚刚还觉得自己被深渊眷顾的他,现在觉得自己已经被深渊意志嫌弃了,它感受到了来自世界的恶意。 Roar!” The fourth summon that after Barlow flame demon starts presented the transmission gate, is full of the exciting sound roaring sound to get up, scalding hot flame from gushes out, the fierce tall and strong form trod the flame to clash together. “吼!”在巴洛炎魔发动的第四次召唤而出现了传送门之后,一声充满兴奋声咆哮声响起,灼热的火焰从其中涌出,一道狰狞魁梧的身影踏着火焰冲了出来。 However after seeing Aines Orr's form, this is stagnated by the Balot flame demon figure that summoned from the abyss, without delay, backed up rapidly, wants to form the space gate to return the abyss through the summon technique. 但是在看到安斯奥尔的身影之后,这头被从深渊召唤过来的巴洛炎魔身形一滞,二话不说,就迅速倒退,想要通过召唤术形成空间门退回深渊。 Brothers, remains, do not think escaping.” Had been punched the suspicion demon fresh Barlow flame demon to close the space channel by Aines Orr with a laugh. “兄弟,留下来吧,不要想着逃跑。”被安斯奥尔已经揍到怀疑魔生的巴洛炎魔笑呵呵地关闭了空间通道。 thing! You court death!” Saw the gate of escaping was closed, was just summoned the anger and tyrannical color of Barlow flame demon whole face comes. “混账东西!你找死!”看到回去的逃生之门被关闭,刚刚被召唤而来的巴洛炎魔满脸的愤怒与暴虐之色。 Ok!” But in addition one side, after seeing this Barlow flame demon summoned one finally similar, Aines Orr nods satisfied, you two on together, if you two can wound me, I put you to return to the abyss.” “可以!”而另一旁,当看到这头巴洛炎魔终于召唤过来一头同类之后,安斯奥尔满意地点点头,“你们两个一起上,如果你们两个能够击伤我,我就放你们返回深渊。” Really?” “真的?” Naturally.” Aines Orr corners of the mouth slightly Yang, reveals to taunt the color, regarding falling into desperate existence, it is necessary to give a hope, making it be full of the fighting spirit, even if that hope is similar to the mirror to spend, in the water the moon/month is ordinary. “当然。”安斯奥尔嘴角微杨,露出一丝嘲讽之色,对于陷入绝望的存在,有必要给予一点希望,让它充满斗志,哪怕那希望就如同镜中花,水中月一般虚无飘渺。 With his close combat, spreads out to attack uselessly with the magic arts.” Barlow flame demon after is taught itself by the unlucky egg that oneself summoned suffered such long fat to punch, the most effective forms of defensive action of trying to find out. “跟他近战,拉开距离用法术攻击没用。”巴洛炎魔向被自己召唤过来的倒霉蛋传授自己挨了这么长的胖揍之后,摸索出来的最有效攻击方式。 Finishes speaking, the bodies of two Barlow flame demons are vanishing simultaneously same place, by appeared Aines Orr, two handles wind around the beheading heavy sword of flame with two bandings have the barb to puncture sharply suddenly with hard globe the whip of flame pull out simultaneously to Aines Orr. 话音刚落,两头巴洛炎魔的身躯同时在原地消失,出现的安斯奥尔两旁,两柄缭绕着火焰的斩首重剑与两条带有倒钩的锋利突刺与坚硬球状物的火焰之鞭同时抽向安斯奥尔。 Finally is a little appearance!” Because of without legendary mail-armor and helmet, therefore Aines Orr has not let the attack near the body, during the footsteps calm migrations, then evaded two handles to behead the attack of sword. “总算是有点样子!”因为没有传奇甲胄,所以安斯奥尔没有让攻击临身,脚步从容移动之间,便躲过了两柄斩首剑的攻击。 Surges with the timely breeze and thunder to the palm, congeals one set of element fingernail, then finds out, on the one hand grasps whip of the flame. 同时风与雷向手掌上涌动,凝结成一套元素手甲,然后探出,一手抓住一条火焰之鞭。 Bang!” Aines Orr turns to begin the whip of flame, making two build majestic tall and strong Barlow flame demons hit layer on layer/heavily in together, the clear and crowded skeleton break sound gets up. “嘭!”安斯奥尔轮动手中的火焰之鞭,让两头体型雄壮魁梧的巴洛炎魔重重地撞击在一起,清脆而又密集的骨骼断裂声响起。 How before me bumps into is weaker than?” A fist pounds to fly Barlow flame demon a Aines Orr brow slightly wrinkle, immediately looked up by these devil sending out the sky of aura pollution, responded. “怎么比我之前碰到的弱很多?”一拳砸飞一头巴洛炎魔的安斯奥尔眉头微皱,随即抬头看了看被这些恶魔散发的气息污染的天空,反应过来了。 He before fought in the abyss and devil, as defending the foreword lifeform, will be suppressed in the abyss, was similar to puts on the shackles, but Barlow flame demon was actually the darling of abyss, will receive the abyss in addition to hold. 他之前都是在深渊与恶魔战斗,作为守序生物,在深渊会受到压制,就如同戴上枷锁般,而巴洛炎魔却是深渊的宠儿,会受到深渊的加持。 But now actually in Ella Sya, Aines Orr, although will not obtain in addition of the world to hold, will not actually be suppressed, but the devil because of the present special condition, without the suppression does not have to hold. 而现在却是在埃拉西亚,安斯奥尔虽然不会获得世界的加持,却也不会受到压制,而恶魔因为现在的特殊环境,没有压制也没有加持。 Thinks yes what's the matter when Aines Oulton feels senseless, the thunder bursts out, was summoned the cannon fodder devil that comes to sweep clear these, later looked to staggering two Balot flame demons that stands from the falling pit. 想明白怎么回事的安斯奥尔顿时倍感无趣,雷霆迸发,将那些被召唤而来的炮灰恶魔清扫一空,随后看向踉跄从陨坑中站起来的两头巴洛炎魔。 Then, the ground blasts out, Aines Orr figure from vanishes instantaneously same place, appears before a Barlow flame demon body, winds around the sole of this wind and thunder to step on under...... 接着,地面炸开,安斯奥尔身形瞬间从原地消失,出现在一头巴洛炎魔身前,缭绕这风雷的脚掌踩踏而下…… Bang!” Bang!”...... Aines Orr raises hand to stamp the foot, breaks open the atmosphere, hits the sonic boom link, brings the slating bellow, sincerely to the meat, two Barlow flame demon pitiful yells again and again. “轰!”“砰!”……安斯奥尔举手顿足之间,破开大气,打出音爆环,带着雷鸣般的轰鸣声,拳拳到肉之下,两头巴洛炎魔惨叫连连。 Tittered!” A Barlow flame demon was stressed by Aines Orr in the hand, just like the cloth doll is ordinary, the claw, the wing, the tail 11 was torn by this violent Titan, just like the blood spout of magma, polluted the big piece ground...... “噗嗤!”一头巴洛炎魔被安斯奥尔抓在手中,犹如布娃娃一般,爪子,翅膀,尾巴等都被这名暴力的泰坦一一撕裂下来,犹如岩浆的血液喷涌,污染了大片地面…… Does not satisfy a craving!” Stands collapses in the hill, the trees fall, sores all over the eye Titan in ground has the dissatisfied tone to say with a sigh especially, his under foot, body broken Barlow flame demon surface such as dying embers is lying, it had given up struggling. “不过瘾啊!”站在山丘坍塌,树木倾倒,满目疮痍的地面上的泰坦带着尤不满足的语气叹息道,他的脚下,一头身躯残破的巴洛炎魔面如死灰的趴着,它已经放弃了挣扎。 „It is not anxious, just started, behind also has a stronger devil to arrive.” “不急,才刚刚开始而已,后面还有更强的恶魔降临。”
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