TDK :: Volume #5

#423: Desperate Barlow flame demon

Bored!” When the evil miraculous glow of Barlow flame demon release has swept him, Aines Orr unemotional puts out two characters, looked like you to prepare?” “无聊!”当巴洛炎魔释放的邪恶灵光扫过他时,安斯奥尔面无表情的吐出两个字,“看来你已经准备好了?” Naturally!” Barlow flame demon is roaring in the devil language, uses the higher transmission technique to appear in front of Aines Orr instantaneously, the hand whip of roaring flame extracts, winds around the beheading sword of being bewitched flame to fall. “当然!”巴洛炎魔用恶魔语咆哮着,使用高等传送术瞬间出现在安斯奥尔面前,手中的烈焰之鞭抽出,缭绕着魔焰的斩首剑落下。 Clang!” No dodges the movement, Aines Orr lifts the hand to catch Barlow flame demon the beheading sword, wraps the mail-armor and helmet of palm with beheading the sword blade of sword rubs, the spark such as spring Yongban spatters in all directions. “锵!”没有任何闪躲动作,安斯奥尔抬手接住巴洛炎魔的斩首剑,包裹着手掌的甲胄与斩首剑的剑刃摩擦,火花如泉涌般迸溅。 „!” The long whip that is condensed by the flame pulls out on Aines Orr, sends out just like resonant like a bell general buzz whining noise, flashes through along with the gold/metal mark of Titan black armor, the flame long whip direct disintegration in Barlow flame demon hand the half, changed to the ignition flame to dissipate in the air. “啪!”由火焰凝聚的长鞭抽在安斯奥尔身上,发出犹如黄钟大吕一般的嗡鸣声,伴随着泰坦身上黑甲的金纹闪过,巴洛炎魔手中的火焰长鞭直接崩碎了半截,化作点点火焰逸散在空气中。 Legendary mail-armor and helmet!” Saw own attack so relaxed receives, Barlow flame demon was a little immediately ignorant, then in the heart appears the aggrieved feeling. “传奇甲胄!”看到自己的攻击被如此轻松的接下,巴洛炎魔顿时就有点懵了,然后心中浮现憋屈之感。 Oneself just arrived at material, but also anything has not done with enough time, stared by Titan, unlucky, this quantity was also bumped into by it compared with Gods few existences. 自己才刚刚到物质界,还啥都没来得及干呢,就被一头泰坦盯上了,倒霉透顶,这种数量比神袛还少的存在都被它碰上了。 Moreover on this Titan one set of legendary mail-armor and helmet, could not have been victorious unexpectedly, it is also thinking waits for an opportunity to escape to sneak off, now runs a dead spirit. Its attack does not move this Titan, how does this withdraw? 而且这名泰坦身上居然还有一套传奇甲胄,本来就打不过,它还想着伺机逃跑开溜呢,现在跑个亡灵。它的攻击都打不动这名泰坦,这怎么脱身? Soft and weak attack.” In Barlow flame demon, because own attack is nearly invalid and time of god, Aines Orr grips to behead the sword single-handed, makes an effort to pull, the Barlow flame demon tall and strong grandiose body throws immediately to Aines Orr. “软弱无力的攻击。”在巴洛炎魔因为自己的攻击近乎无效而愣神的功夫,安斯奥尔单手握住斩首剑,用力一拉扯,巴洛炎魔魁梧壮硕的身躯顿时就向安斯奥尔扑来。 The meaning without shown mercy, Aines Orr another hand, the five fingers gather to make a fist to wield, the golden thunder sparkles above, along with the strong winds, Aines Orr's fist pounds directly on the face of Barlow flame demon. 没有丝毫手下留情的意思,安斯奥尔另一只手,五指并拢握拳挥出,金色的雷霆在其上闪耀,伴随着狂风,安斯奥尔的拳头直接砸在巴洛炎魔的面孔上。 „!” Made the skeleton shatter sound of person scalp tingles have the flesh torn sound resounds, sprayed just like the blood of magma blazingly, but also is mixing with bone dregs that is glittering the metallic luster. “咔嚓!”令人头皮发麻的骨骼破碎声还有血肉被撕裂的声音响起,炽热宛如岩浆的血液喷洒而出,还夹杂着闪烁着金属光泽的骨渣。 Bang!” The visible airing link appears, Barlow flame demon was pounded flying upside down by a Aines Orr fist, two counter- joint hooves have that sturdy tail to have three long gullies in the ground plow fully behind. “轰!”肉眼可见的气爆环出现,巴洛炎魔被安斯奥尔一拳砸得倒飞而出,两只反关节蹄足还有身后那条粗壮的尾巴在地上犁出三条长长的沟壑。 Roar!” With unclear sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, Barlow flame demon after hitting does not know many trees, pounds in more than a hundred meters high short mountain, and deeply falls into. “吼!”伴随着含糊不清的凄厉惨叫声,巴洛炎魔在撞到不知多少树木之后,砸进一座百余米高的矮山之中,并深深地陷入其中。 Saw after this Barlow flame demon so cannot withstand, Aines Orr was more disappointed, a footsteps point, the palatial majestic body vanishes in gently instantaneously same place, leaves behind together slowly the illusory image of dissipation. 看到这头巴洛炎魔如此不堪之后,安斯奥尔更加失望了,脚步轻轻一点,巍峨雄壮的身躯瞬间消失在原地,留下一道缓缓消散的幻影。 Bang!” A fiercer explosive sound resounds, Aines Orr crashes in the pothole that Barlow flame demon pounds, again a fist bang above its chest, the thunder that on the fist winds around while the chest of Barlow flame demon leaves behind a scorch, the terrifying strength also affects on its body. “轰隆!”更加剧烈的爆炸声响起,安斯奥尔冲进巴洛炎魔砸出的坑洞之中,再一次一拳轰在它的胸膛之上,拳头上缭绕的雷霆在将巴洛炎魔的胸部留下道道焦痕的同时,恐怖的力量也作用在它的身上。 Barlow flame demon fell into that hill to explode directly, the mudstone soil block is mixing with the remnant fallen leaves, sprinkled all over the sky, the body of Barlow flame demon flew upside down again, pounded above another mountain, partly fell into. 巴洛炎魔陷入其中的那座山丘直接炸了,泥石土块夹杂着残枝败叶,满天洒落,巴洛炎魔的身躯再一次倒飞而出,砸进另一座山岳之上,半陷入其中。 Waits for.” Saw that Titan prepares to continue to attack, Barlow flame demon stops hastily, no matter is useful, first shouted said again, if really stops, time that can also win to restore for own body. “等一下。”看到泰坦又准备继续攻击,巴洛炎魔连忙喊停,不管有没有用,先喊了再说,万一真停,也可以为自己的身躯争取恢复的时间。 What did you have to say?” Front the Aines Orr facial expression faint gaze this head also has Barlow flame demon that the chest collapses gets down hollowly. “你还有什么想要说的?”安斯奥尔神情淡漠的注视面前这只头颅还有胸膛都坍塌凹陷下去的巴洛炎魔。 At the visible speed, its flesh also has the skeleton the rapid-growth, Aines Orr knows that it is thinks the means dragging time to restore the injury, but as before ignores it so. 以肉眼可见的速度,它的血肉还有骨骼都在快速生长,安斯奥尔知道它是想办法拖延时间恢复伤势,但依旧放任它如此。 He does not care, the devil of this strength , there is nothing to have scruples, he can hit the remnant first time this waste devil, can hit the remnant second time. 他不在乎,这种实力的恶魔,没有什么好顾忌的,他可以把这头废物恶魔打残第一次,就能打残第二次。 On the contrary, Aines Orr wants this devil to stay oneself best condition actually diligently, this can take to him many fight pleasure. 相反,安斯奥尔倒是非常愿意这头恶魔努力保持自己的最好状态,这样能带给他更多的战斗乐趣。 „Do you dare to take off on you that mail-armor and helmet, then fights with me?” Barlow flame demon is harboring leaving things to chance, is stimulating Aines Orr in the spoken language, although to the legendary rank, no one will pay attention to the obscene talk that the opponent spoke, if succeeded. “你敢不敢脱下你身上那道甲胄,然后再跟我战斗?”巴洛炎魔抱着侥幸心理,用言语刺激着安斯奥尔,虽然到了传奇级别,没有谁会理会对手说的骚话,但是万一成功了呢。 Satisfies you.” The thinking moment, Aines Orr on unloading mail-armor and helmet, revealed battle dress slightly, he thought that copes with such an emaciated Barlow flame demon, but also puts on the legendary mail-armor and helmet, truly was a little excessive. “满足你。”略微思索片刻,安斯奥尔就卸下身上的甲胄,露出了身上的战袍,他觉得对付这样一头孱弱的巴洛炎魔,还穿传奇甲胄,确实是有点过分了。 Hey, even if died in battle, I must stay behind some traces on you.” Has understood oneself are difficult in Barlow flame demon eye that escapes dies to reveal color decidedly, it has the plan of fighting tooth and nail. “嘿,就算是战死,我也要在你身上留下一些痕迹。”已经明白自己难逃一死的巴洛炎魔眼中露出决然之色,它已经有了搏命的打算。 Finishes speaking, this Barlow flame demon appears in front of Aines Orr, the hand grasps to behead the sword to divide toward the head of Titan, but another hand has not actually wielded the flame long whip, but started own kind of magic arts ability, summon devil! 话音刚落,这头巴洛炎魔出现在安斯奥尔面前,手握斩首剑朝着泰坦的头部劈下,而另一只手却没有挥动火焰长鞭,而是发动了自己的类法术能力,召唤恶魔! Trades a more appropriate name, summoned the cannon fodder! The timid demon, the crazy war demon, sentences the soul demon, the fan tempts the demon, even six arm snake demons, responded the summon of this Barlow flame demon, wells up from its behind space crazily. 或者,换一个更加贴切的称呼,召唤炮灰!怯魔,狂战魔,判魂魔,迷诱魔,甚至还有一位六臂蛇魔,响应了这头巴洛炎魔的召唤,从它身后的空间之中狂涌而出。 Has what significance?” This Aines Orr bare-handed has not received this sword time, but evades its point, wielded three fists instantaneously, two fists pounded on beheading the sword, almost made Barlow flame demon unable to grip this sword, but the last fist, just restored the good chest to pound again hollowly it gets down. “有何意义?”这一次安斯奥尔没有徒手接下这一剑,而是避其锋芒,瞬间挥出了三拳,其中两拳砸在斩首剑上,几乎让巴洛炎魔握不住这柄剑,而最后一拳,再一次将它刚刚恢复好的胸膛砸得凹陷下去。 Tittered!” The dirty blood spout, falls on the ground, corrodes to result in the ground to incite to make noise. When Aines Orr just prepared makes up strikes, this devil has used the higher transmission technique to spread out, evaded this fist. “噗嗤!”污血喷涌,落在地上,腐蚀得地面滋滋作响。在安斯奥尔刚刚准备补上一击的时候,这头恶魔已经使用高等传送术拉开了距离,躲过了这一拳。 Gives on me!” Stands Barlow flame demon that coughs up blood in not far away orders these forcefully by the devil that oneself summoned, charged into Aines Orr, consumed his strength, shifted the attention, had better be able create the opportunity of escaping for it. “都给我上!”站在不远处咳血的巴洛炎魔强行命令那些被自己召唤过来的恶魔,冲向安斯奥尔,消耗他的战力,转移注意力,最好能够为它创造逃生的机会。 Snort!” Looked that to kills mutually, the devil group of while to oneself flushing, Aines Orr cold snort/hum, the golden overbearing thunder also has the hurricane to sweep across the body week. “哼!”看向一边相互砍杀,一边向自己冲来的恶魔群,安斯奥尔冷哼一声,金色的霸道雷霆还有飓风席卷身周。 The crowded pitiful yell sound gets up, but vanishes quickly does not see, because these were summoned to arrive at the cannon fodder, after was deducted the suspicious hard coke by the golden thunder, was cut also to want the tiny fragment by the innumerable wind blade compared with the finger. 密集的惨叫声响起,但又很快消失不见,因为这些被召唤而来到炮灰,在被黄金雷霆劈成可疑的焦炭之后,又被数不清的风刃斩成了比手指还要细小的碎块。 Senseless needle grips and revolts.” Aines Orr puts out a hand empty to grasp, the dazzling thunder concentrates 18 lances in his side, then shoots at that to use the higher transmission technique rapidly unceasingly, Barlow flame demon that dodges everywhere. “无谓的针扎与反抗。”安斯奥尔伸手虚握,璀璨夺目的雷霆在他身边凝成十八根长矛,而后急速射向那头不断施展高等传送术,到处闪躲的巴洛炎魔。 Why amn't I able to transmit leave here? Do you do?” “为什么我无法传送离开这里?你们到底干什么?” I have said that do not hold the lucky thought that you best result was dead in battle today here, did not have the second result. The surrounding space had been prohibited by me,” “我说过,不要抱着侥幸的思想,你今日最好的结局就是战死在这里,没有第二种结果。周围的空间都已经被我封禁了,”
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