TDK :: Volume #5

#422: Strikes conveniently

Breathes to that moment of material that fresh air, Barlow flame demon felt care from abyss will, here was many devils the place that longed for even in dreams to arrive. 呼吸到物质界那清新空气的那一刻,巴洛炎魔感受到了来自深渊意志的眷顾,这里是多少恶魔都梦寐以求都想要抵达的地方。 Here has the abundant soul resources, even if responds the summons of material these emaciated ants, to most consume the projection of strength to arrive at the way, has the innumerable devil to rush to do, merely is because has the opportunity to obtain the soul. 这里有着充沛的灵魂资源,哪怕是响应物质界那些羸弱蝼蚁的召唤,以最为耗费力量的投影降临方式,都有数不清的恶魔抢着干,仅仅是因为有机会获得灵魂而已。 But it actually so the true body arrives now easily, arrived in material, and has not received the suppression of least bit material principle, the strength can unexpectedly 100% displays. 而它现在却如此轻而易举地真身降临,来到了物质界之中,并且没有受到半点物质界法则的压制,实力居然可以百分之百的发挥出来。 How this makes it not pleasantly surprised extremely, can display the complete strength, how the flowers of main material these greenhouses possibly are its opponent. 这如何让它不惊喜万分,能够发挥出全部的实力,主物质界那些温室的花朵怎么可能是它的对手。 Then, the devil is the race of not most tasteful family background, so long as there is a skill, even if an abyss worm may evolve to become Barlow flame demon type of apex to exist. 说起来,恶魔才是最不讲究出身的种族,只要有本事,就算是一条深渊蠕虫都有可能进化成为巴洛炎魔这种顶尖存在。 About one step, becoming the abyss feudal lord even is the devil father is not impossible. Naturally, according to the present information, abyss known all devil fathers, but also has no devil father to come by a worm evolution. 更近一步,成为深渊领主甚至是恶魔大君也不是不可能。当然,按照现在的情报来看,深渊已知所有的恶魔大君,还没有哪一位恶魔大君是由一条蠕虫进化而来的。 However cannot say that in the abyss absolutely does not have this existence, the years that the abyss has to be extremely remote, but the quantity of its abyss level were too many, still has no to exist to talk clearly some abyss many levels. 不过也不能说深渊之中绝对没有这种存在,深渊存在的岁月太过久远,而它的深渊层面的数量太多了,至今都没有哪位存在可以说清楚深渊到底有多少层。 All, before the remote years, perhaps really the abyss worm, through own striving for success struggle, various accidents of sorts, becoming in the abyss is topest, made the innumerable material life for the devil father who it frightened and trembled. 所有,在久远的岁月以前,说不定真的有一条深渊蠕虫,通过自身的拼搏奋斗,还有各种机缘巧合,成为深渊之中最顶尖,令无数物质界生灵为之恐惧并瑟瑟发抖的恶魔大君。 The water of abyss is very deep, on the devil Dajun coca was known as outwardly is the abyss strongest devil, but actual also has outside it besides its subordinate, other devil fathers treat as the joke this title, does not have any father acknowledged. 深渊的水很深,明面上恶魔大君狄摩高根号称是深渊最强的恶魔,但实际除了它的手下还有它自己以外,其他恶魔大君都是把这个称号当做笑话,没有任何一位大君承认。 Even other small and weak devils, still awe its strength, orally acknowledged, in fact no one will approve. Because many abyss fathers are inactive, the matter that cannot attract their attention, they spent the long time in the deep sleep. 就算是其他弱小的恶魔,也只是敬畏它的实力,口头上承认,实际上没有谁会认同。因为有很多深渊大君并不活跃,没有能够吸引它们注意力的事情,它们都是在沉睡中度过漫长时光。 After five colors dragon the position of Diyama god country's, can see the clue, after the dragon the fearless strong supernatural power rank Gods strength, It also only places the god country on first of bottomless trench, ten thousand deep pool plains. 从五色龙后提亚马特神国的位置,就能看出端倪,以龙后无惧强大神力级别神袛的实力,祂也只将神国安置在无底深渊的第一层,万渊平原。 Ten thousand deep pool plains are not any good place, there is the chaotic devil and order devil has the conflict the place of bloody battle, but after the dragon, where the god country places, this is very thought-provoking. 万渊平原可不是一个什么好地方,那里是混乱恶魔与秩序魔鬼发生冲突的血战之地,但龙后就是把神国放在哪里,这就很耐人寻味。 After the dragon, doesn't want to place an abyss deeper level the god country? Alternatively, she is having scruples anything. After the dragon, places the god country in ten thousand deep pool plains, is more like wants to draw support from abyss certain the deterrent forces of existence, deters her enemy. 难道龙后不想将神国放在深渊更深的层面吗?或者是,她在顾忌什么。龙后将神国安置在万渊平原,更像是想要借助深渊某些存在的威慑力,震慑她的敌人。 I felt, the agglomeration of human.” Arrives in the Barlow flame demon of Nuoqiya subcontinent with ease looks to a direction, in the eye full is the greedy and exciting color. “我感受到了,人类的聚集地。”轻松降临于诺奇亚欧次大陆的巴洛炎魔看向一个方向,眼中满是贪婪与兴奋之色。 Even the chaotic devil still knows, if there is an opportunity to enter the material harvesting soul, wants to obtain the biggest harvest, that slaughters human, because of according to the strength, the quality, quantity and other factor computations, the soul performance-to-price ratio that slaughter human obtains is highest. 就算是混乱的恶魔也知道,如果有机会进入物质界收割灵魂,想要获得最大收获,那就去屠戮人类,因为按照实力,质量,数量等因素计算,屠杀人类获得的灵魂性价比最高。 Determined after being away from oneself recent human agglomeration, behind Barlow flame demon the wing of that pair of spacious devil opens, blazing demon flame combustion, while it must shoot up to the sky, an intense sense of crisis wells up its heart, lets its heart rapid beat, head thick blood vessel bang bang beat, seeming to blast out is the same. 确定了距离自己最近的人类聚集地之后,巴洛炎魔背后那双宽大的恶魔之翼张开,炽热的魔焰燃烧,正当它要冲天而起的时候,一股强烈的危机感涌上它的心头,让它心脏急促的跳动,头部粗大的血管“砰砰”跳动,好似要炸开一样。 Pondered without enough time this sudden fatal sense of crisis from where, Barlow flame demon experiences the instinct that slaughters to exercise innumerably following oneself first, evades this to grasp to the palm of its head, but that hand bound the thunder that cooperated still to have falls on its head much. 来不及思考这突如其来的致命危机感来自哪里,巴洛炎魔就顺着自己经历无数厮杀锻炼出来的本能把头一偏,躲过这抓向它头颅的手掌,但那只手裹协的雷霆仍有不少落在它的头上。 Roar!” After evading this fatal attack, Barlow flame demon pain roars to throw rapidly forward, after spreading out, turns around to look that rapidly to just sneak attacked its existence. “吼!”躲过这一次致命攻击之后,巴洛炎魔痛吼着迅速向前扑去,拉开了距离之后,迅速转身看向刚刚偷袭它的存在。 „!” The trees burn down the later blasting to resound, set up a place in Barlow flame demon, the trees burns, the rock and land that its under foot stepped on are melting, under the strength of this high-rank devil sending out, there are sign that transformed to become the magma. “噼里啪啦!”树木焚烧之后的炸裂声响起,在巴洛炎魔立身之处,树木都燃烧起来了,就连它脚下踩踏的岩石与土地都在融化,在这头上位恶魔散发的力量下,有转化成为岩浆的迹象。 Titan!” Is seeing the tearing space, the steps, but, and not mince is releasing great existence of aura, Barlow flame demon the fierce face became twisted, has the anger, shocked and dreads and other complex mood. 泰坦!”在看到撕裂空间,踏步而出且毫不掩饰地释放着气息的伟岸存在,巴洛炎魔本就狰狞的脸庞变得扭曲了,带着愤怒,震惊与畏惧等复杂情绪。 Was too weak, you just awoke!” Puts on black bottom gold/metal mark to fight armor Titan to look that this has strided in the legendary domain Balot flame demon, on the face reveals the disappointed color, that half in the hand brings the metal luster, the flame throws the ground in combustion the corner/horn of devil. “太弱了,你刚睡醒么!”穿着黑底金纹战甲的泰坦看着这头已经跨入传奇领域巴洛炎魔,脸上露出失望之色,将手中那半截带着金属色泽,还有火焰在燃烧的恶魔之角扔到地上。 My corner/horn.” Saw that was regarded the trash to throw the ground by Titan generally the corner/horn of devil, Barlow flame demon cannot bear lift the hand to trace the cross section of corner/horn of top of the head devil, the face becomes twists. “我的角。”看到被泰坦当成垃圾一般扔到地上的恶魔之角,巴洛炎魔忍不住抬手摸了摸头顶恶魔之角的断面,面孔变得更加扭曲。 Just that say/way attack, it did not have to hide completely, was held to pull half corner/horn by this Titan, this is what kind of shame! 刚刚那道攻击,它没有完全躲过去,还是被这名泰坦抓住扳断了半根角,这是何等的耻辱! When your Titan is like these despicable devils, did the learned sneak attack?” Barlow flame demon makes noise the taunt saying that fight time, strikes at the enemy using the spoken language is the required course, the devil is the chaotic lifeform, but does not represent them is the brain is remnant, although has not missed many. “你们泰坦什么时候跟那些下贱的魔鬼一样,学会偷袭了?”巴洛炎魔出声嘲讽道,战斗的时候,利用言语打击敌人是必修课,恶魔是混乱生物,但不代表它们是脑残,虽然也没差多少。 Sneak attack? Do you also match?” The pupil faint gaze of Aines Orr shining gold/metal this response is slow Barlow flame demon, I just induce to your appearance, grasps conveniently, never expected that you so cannot withstand.” “偷袭?你也配?”安斯奥尔耀金的瞳孔淡漠的注视着这头“反应迟钝”的巴洛炎魔,“我不过是刚好感应到你的出现,随手一抓而已,没想到你如此不堪。” Conveniently?” On Aines Orr face faint also had the careless tone deep stabbing pain the self-respect of Barlow flame demon, at present because this Titan says absolutely real, this conformed to the Titan conduct criterion. “随手?”安斯奥尔脸上的淡漠还有漫不经心的语气深深刺痛了巴洛炎魔的自尊,因为眼前这名泰坦说的绝对都是真的,这样才符合泰坦的行事准则。 Let Titan break away from the convention to sneak attack it, in this Barlow flame demon heart a little ac number, oneself not big face, Titan fight always by the potential of steamroll directly just. 让一名泰坦打破惯例来偷袭它,这头巴洛炎魔心中还是有点ac数的,自己没有怎么大的脸,泰坦战斗一向都是以碾压之势正面刚的。 How does your type of waste become promotes to become Barlow flame demon?” Aines Orr takes a step to move toward by him to be pulled an corner/horn conveniently Barlow flame demon, is because your parents do have a side are Barlow flame demons? Therefore do you live are so the shape?” “你这种废物是怎么成为晋升成为巴洛炎魔的?”安斯奥尔迈步走向被他随手扳断一只角的巴洛炎魔,“是因为你的父母有一方是巴洛炎魔?所以你生下来就是如此形态?” I kill step by step from the timid demon,” was looked down upon by Titan, making this Barlow flame demon unable to bear argue, I just regained consciousness from the deep sleep, will therefore be so pulled an corner/horn by you with ease.” “我是从怯魔一步步杀上来,”被泰坦瞧不起,让这头巴洛炎魔忍不住争辩一下,“我只是刚刚从沉睡中苏醒而已,所以才会被你如此轻松地扳断一只角。” Yes?” Aines Oulton lived in the footsteps, in the spoken language filled self-confidently, that I gave you time, adjusted the good condition, making you fall from the sky in this place with the best stance.” “是么?”安斯奥尔顿住脚步,言语中充满了自信,“那我给你时间,调整好状态,让你以最好的姿态于此地陨落。” Roar!” Hears front this Titan so contemptuous words, Barlow flame demon instantaneous was wild, the blazing demon flame ignites from it, the symbolic beheading sword also has the whip of flame to appear, the evil miraculous glow spreads...... “吼!”听到面前这位泰坦如此轻蔑的话语,巴洛炎魔瞬间狂暴了,炽热的魔焰从它身上燃起,标志性的斩首剑还有火焰之鞭出现,邪恶灵光扩散……
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