TDK :: Volume #5

#421: Aines Orr's hand

Were too few.” Looks in the crystal bottle that day azure blood, Gold Dragon mother some are unsatisfied. “太少了。”看着水晶瓶中那天青之血,金龙娘有些不满意。 Being content often/common Le.” The Morea eye looks at wind king Ying who rests vacantly, said a previous generation proverb. “知足者常乐。”穆瑞亚目无表情地看着重新睡下去的风王鹰,说出前世一句谚语。 Scoffs!” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz laughs at one, „this opinion without the enterprise, where do you in see? It is not content can become powerful, without the desire , there would be no advance driving force, being content is a mediocre person.” “嗤!”金龙娘阿特丽斯嗤笑一声,“这种没有进取心的言论,你是在哪看到的?只有不知足才能够变得强大,没有欲望,就没有前进的动力,知足者不过是庸人而已。” „......” The Morea corners of the mouth pulled pulling, he wants to make the Gold Dragon mother quit when you're ahead, but was seized the opportunity by her unexpectedly, slightly reproved. “……”穆瑞亚嘴角扯了扯,他只是想让金龙娘见好就收而已,但是居然被她抓住机会,小小地训斥了一番。 You looked, the Gold Dragon mother referred to wind king Ying, has too many existences and things, is I am not able to understand that but if these I have the sufficient strength, then can easily know. Exploration unknown, is the power that I go forward.” “你看,”金龙娘指了指风王鹰,“有太多的存在与事物,是我无法理解的,而这些如果我拥有足够的实力,便能够轻易知晓。探索未知,才是我前进的动力。” „After having the sufficient strength, explores unknown, is steadiest, otherwise does.” Morea said in the heart silently, special existence that town/subdues world giant beast even Gods god can erase directly. “有足够的实力之后去探索未知,才是最稳重的,不然只是作死而已。”穆瑞亚在心中默默地说道,镇世巨兽可是连神袛的神名都可以直接抹除的特殊存在。 The harvest surpasses oneself expected Gold Dragon mother to draw Morea to stroll among cloud Dao slightly well satisfied, she regarding gathering in together, quantity such many cloud Dao will be curious, because of the acquired disposition formation that will want to nose this is forms naturally. 收获略微超过自己预期的金龙娘心满意足的拉着穆瑞亚在云岛之间闲逛,她对于汇聚在一起,数量如此之多的云岛非常好奇,想要查探一下这是天然形成的还是因为后天因素形成的。 Small Morea, you feel these overlapping piles in together cloud Dao, like an enlargement pine cone?” Above hundred cloud Dao, the Gold Dragon mother is overlooking, suddenly has a bold idea, some asked to Morea suddenly. “小穆瑞亚,你觉得这些层层叠叠堆在一起的云岛,像不像一颗放大的松塔?”百座云岛之上,金龙娘俯视着下方,突然冒出一个大胆的想法,有些突然地向身边的穆瑞亚问道。 Pine cone?” Morea stares slightly, later sizes up below that stack-up to be distributed in various cloudy islands that wind king Ying centered on cloud Dao is at carefully scattered, endures that to appear the scattered in disorder formation, that does not have a same irregular profile, roughly looks also really looks like that a matter. “松塔?”穆瑞亚微微一愣,随后仔细打量着下方那层叠错落分布在以风王鹰所在的云岛为核心的诸多云岛,忍受一下那显得散乱的阵型,还有那没有一座相同的不规则外形,大致看上去还真像那么一回事。 Has a point image, but the position was too scattered in disorder, without the pine cone is so regular.” Morea replied, somewhat inexplicable looked to the Gold Dragon mother, he a little admired the Gold Dragon mother's brain hole, unexpectedly can associate to the pine cone on. “有一点像,但位置都太散乱了,没有松塔那么规则。”穆瑞亚回答道,有些莫名的看向金龙娘,他有点佩服金龙娘的脑洞,居然能够联想到松果上面去。 cloud Dao the position can move the adjustment, even the contour different can still decorate.” “云岛的位置可以移动调整,就算外形不一样也可以进行修饰。” What idea do you have?” Morea somewhat astonished sees the Gold Dragon mother. “你有什么想法?”穆瑞亚有些惊异的看着金龙娘。 You did not think that these cloud Dao look like thick embryo that floats the empty city? So long as the transformation, that is over a hundred floats the empty city slightly.” In the Gold Dragon mother eyes is sparkling the exciting vision. “你不觉得这些云岛就像是一座座浮空城的粗胚吗?只要稍加改造,那就是上百座浮空城。”金龙娘眼中闪耀着兴奋的目光。 cloud can Dao transform to float the empty city?” Morea was startled, unexpectedly this method, he listened not to listen. “云岛可以改造成浮空城?”穆瑞亚惊到了,居然还有这种玩法,他听都没有听过。 Ok, this is that crowd of mysterious technique federation ate to the full supporting is all right the dry/does fellow to study the technology that.” On the Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz face reveals to taunt the color, “可以,这是奥术联邦的那群吃饱了撑的没事干的家伙研究出来的技术。”金龙娘阿特丽斯脸上露出一丝嘲讽之色, Most starts to study the goal of this technology is to save the manufacture floats the resources of empty city, but studies successfully, starts to construct the later discovery truly, constructs to float the consumption of empty city using cloud Dao compared with not to construct to float the empty city to save the resources baseless.” “最开始研究这种技术的目的就是为节省制造浮空城的资源,但是研究成功,真正开始建造之后发现,利用云岛建造浮空城的消耗不比凭空构建浮空城节省资源。” Why?” Morea is a little strange, floating the empty city maximum energy cost is to float spatially, if can save the energy output of this part, truly can save the resources. “为什么?”穆瑞亚有点奇怪,浮空城最大能源支出就是浮空,如果能够省下这部分的能量输出,确实可以节省资源。 Because cloud Dao position is fixed motionless, wants to construct, either asked the legendary master to intend to move, either must transmit to construct to cloud Dao on the construction material directly. “因为云岛本身的位置都是固定不动的,想要建造,要么请传奇法师出手移动,要么就要将建造材料传送到到云岛上直接建造。 Moreover, cloud Dao the number is scarce, each shape has nothing in common, therefore each cloud Dao transforms to float the plan of empty city needs to conduct a layout design plan, is unable to use two times. 而且,云岛数量稀少,每一座的形状都各不相同,因此每一座云岛转化为浮空城的方案都需要进行一次规划设计方案,无法二次利用。 This method is unable to promote massively, is unable to save many materials, regarding the mysterious technique federation, this is a research of unusual weak, therefore they abandoned in a while. ” 这种方法根本无法大规模推广,也无法节省多少材料,对于奥术联邦而言,这就是一个非常鸡肋的研究,所以没过多久他们就废弃了。” Mother, you mean, in your hand has cloud Dao transforms to float the technical data of empty city?” The Morea vision flashes, tone somewhat loud asking, unknowingly he used the respectful designation. “母亲,你的意思是,您手里有将云岛转化为浮空城的技术资料吗?”穆瑞亚目光闪动,语气有些粗重的问道,不知不觉中他用上了敬称。 „The core technologies of mysterious technique federation I cannot obtain, the words that but the knowledge of this abandoned project, I want are very relaxed.” “奥术联邦的核心技术我得不到,但是这种废弃项目的知识,我想要的话还是挺轻松的。” !” Morea just thinks that my humble home facial skin begs this technology, but he thinks that a very essential point, looks during below cloud Dao is lost in thought that these cloud Dao are not my, are not related with me.” “唔!”穆瑞亚刚想舍下一点脸皮讨要这份技术,但是他想到很关键的一点,看着下方的云岛陷入沉思之中,“这些云岛不是我的,跟我没关系啊。” Is that wind king Ying,” the Gold Dragon mother thinks, then very waving of atmosphere, existences of these ranks like sleeping . Moreover the awakens time is short. After it enters the deep sleep, these cloud Dao property rights were your.” “都是那头风王鹰的么,”金龙娘想了想,然后十分大气的一挥手,“这些级别的存在都喜欢睡觉,而且苏醒时间非常短暂。在它进入沉睡之后,这些云岛的所有权就是你的了。” But after all is not my.” Morea shakes the head. “但总归不是我的。”穆瑞亚摇摇头。 Obtains does clearly, even if you transform to float the empty cities all cloud Dao, with the wind king Ying breadth of spirit, you wants to be motionless its eagle nest, wants to come it not to care.” “分得那么清楚干什么,你就算将所有云岛都改造成浮空城,以风王鹰的气魄,你只要不动它的鹰巢,想来它也是不会在意的。” This matter makes me consider.” “这件事情让我考虑一下。” Un, you control kingdom all resources now, did not seize the chance to mix the resources for oneself to use, to miss does not know when can have again.” “嗯,你现在掌控了一个王国所有资源,不趁机调配资源为己用,错过了就不知道什么时候才能再次拥有了。” ...... …… One full is in the volcano abdominal cavity of meaning of deathly stillness, sulfur mixture of irritating the nose in various types of toxic gas, blazing magma tumbling. 一座满是死寂之意的火山腹腔之中,刺鼻的硫磺夹杂在各种毒气之中,炽热的岩浆翻滚。 Suddenly, seemed like receives anything to stimulate, or was attracted by anything, the magma tumbled just like spring wells up generally, along with roaring that was full of the exciting meaning, volcanic eruption. 骤然,似乎是受到了什么刺激,又或者是被什么吸引,岩浆宛如泉涌一般翻滚,伴随着一声充满兴奋之意的咆哮,火山喷发了。 With the magma of shooting up to the sky, a tall and powerfully built and grandiose devil, is bathing the magma, crawled from the crater, the pressure of high-rank devil spreads along with the emergence of this devil, making the surrounding only more than ten low devil crawl on the ground, trembles. 伴随着冲天而起的岩浆,一头身材魁梧而又壮硕的恶魔,沐浴着岩浆,从火山口中爬了出来,上位恶魔的威压伴随着这头恶魔的出现而扩散,让周围仅有的十几头低等恶魔匍匐在地上,瑟瑟发抖。 Quick, the magma of eruption subsides, the hot wave that after all when is only this powerful devil regains consciousness to bring. 很快,喷发的岩浆平息下来,毕竟只是这头强大的恶魔苏醒时所带起的火浪而已。 Abyss will is summoning me!” The whole body winds around the flame, the skin is assuming the dark-red Barlow flame demon facial expression to roar stimulated lowly, the blazing flame forms a long whip in its hand, another hand claw empty grasps, a beheads the sword to reappear. “深渊意志在召唤我!”浑身缭绕着火焰,皮肤呈暗红色的巴洛炎魔神情亢奋地低吼着,炽热的火焰在它的手上形成一条长鞭,另一只手爪虚握,一柄斩首剑浮现。 Material!” This powerful Barlow flame demon wielded a sword to cut to break the space excitedly, is complying with the direction of abyss will, spanned abyss layer by layer , has had the demon air/Qi to swamp into its body along the way unceasingly, supplemented its consumption. “物质界!”这头强大的巴洛炎魔兴奋地挥剑斩破了空间,顺应着深渊意志的指引,跨越一层又一层深渊,沿途所过,不断有魔气涌入它的身躯,补充它的消耗。 „The emaciated material ants, offer your souls to me.” Finally, this Barlow flame demon arrived is soon swallowed the fusion by Ella Sya world the abyss level, then easily broke open it originally not the space barrier that was possible to break, arrived at Nuoqiya subcontinent. “羸弱的物质界蝼蚁们,向我献上你们的灵魂吧。”最终,这头巴洛炎魔来到了即将被埃拉西亚世界吞噬融合的深渊层面,然后轻易的破开了它原本不可能打破的空间屏障,降临到了诺奇亚欧次大陆。 Quack!” Is looking at the under foot because of the animal that own appearance flees everywhere, plant that starts to burn, Barlow flame demon excited laughs. “嘎嘎嘎!”望着脚下因为自己的出现而四处奔逃的动物,还有开始燃烧的植物,巴洛炎魔兴奋的大笑起来。 But in it is self-satisfied, is winding around the golden thunder the palm breaks open the space, grasps to its head...... 但就在它得意之时,一只缭绕着黄金雷霆的的手掌破开空间,向它的头颅抓来……
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