TDK :: Volume #5

#420: The thought of master

This is wind king Ying!” The blonde young girl interest abundant sizes up is lying the giant beast that in the wind element crystal congeals to become in the crystal nest that sleeps soundly, in the eye has an eager impulsion. “这就是风王鹰么!”金发少女兴致盎然地打量着趴在风元素水晶凝结而成的水晶巢上酣睡的巨兽,眼中有一股跃跃欲试的冲动。 „Do you want to do?” Saw that the Gold Dragon mother responded, Morea catches her hastily. “你想干什么?”看到金龙娘如此反应,穆瑞亚连忙拽住她。 Float over a hundred cloud Dao by king Sikaleite, is extremely conspicuous, the Gold Dragon mother to time naturally is somewhat curious, in knowing above has wind king Ying after sleeping soundly, 悬浮于王都斯卡雷特旁的上百座云岛,太过显眼,金龙娘对次当然是有些好奇的,而在得知上面有一头风王鹰在酣睡之后, The Gold Dragon mother drew Morea to come immediately. But Morea in oneself know that mother is in a situation of legendary master, naturally did not feel relieved with. 金龙娘立马拉着穆瑞亚过来了。而穆瑞亚在自己知道母亲是一名传奇法师的情况下,当然也不放心地跟过来了。 Master, the master who particularly is promoted the legend, basically does not have, but small existence, is bold existences, these fellows will ponder over the matter that in some average man eyes indulges in fantasy frequently. 法师,尤其是晋级传奇的法师,基本没有但小的存在,一个个都是胆大包天的存在,这些家伙经常会琢磨一些常人眼中异想天开的事情。 For example murders god matter, this is the issue that overwhelming majority legendary masters can ponder, after meeting by chance a Gods saint incarnation, how to guarantee under own no longer killed premise, completes to murder the god magnificent feat. Naturally, wants to be a matter, the true execution was a different matter. 比如是弑神这种事,这是绝大部分传奇法师都会思考的问题,在偶遇一位神袛的圣者化身之后,如何保证自己不再被打死的前提下,完成弑神壮举。当然,想是一回事,真正执行又是另外一回事了。 Besides murdering god, these fellows will make frequently some same level exist will also feel that the inconceivable matter, for example through massive computations and research, how gangs up with on a goddess, then completes wonderful meeting with It time, conducts lost/carrying distance a contact and exchange of time. 除了弑神之外,这些家伙经常会做出一些同级存在也会感到不可思议的事情,比如通过大量的计算与研究,如何勾搭上一位女神,然后与祂完成一次美妙的邂逅,进行一次负距离的接触与交流。 The long years, truly have the legendary master who successfully gangs up with the goddess, moreover are not the this solitary one case. Moreover not only has ganged up with the goddess master, wants to be stronger the valiant master of devil feudal lord. 漫长的岁月,确实存在成功勾搭上女神的传奇法师,而且还不是孤例。而且不仅有勾搭过女神的法师,还有想要强上恶魔领主的彪悍法师。 Un, once the legendary master of big shot rank, in illustrious the abyss feudal lord to the abyss, charm demon queen beautiful Sueter had the thoughts, wants to conduct an explaining the profound in simple language exchange with her. 嗯,曾经有一位大佬级别的传奇法师,对深渊之中赫赫有名的深渊领主,魅魔女王美坎修特动了心思,想要跟她进行一番深入浅出的交流。 After passing through careful plan, he successfully was close to the devil feudal lord of this colorful remoteness, and is willing to recompense realized his initial idea. 在经过一番精心的谋划之后,他成功接近了这位艳名远扬的恶魔领主,并且得愿以偿的实现了他最初的想法。 Then he was cool, his corpse also has the soul, now is the charm demon queen, one of beautiful Sueter's numerous collections. 然后他就凉了,他的尸体还有灵魂,现在就是魅魔女王,美坎修特的众多收藏品之一。 When Morea when a record in these legends the books of various great person meddlesome news, was seeing fantastic story record that this has the romantic aura, deeply also has the courage and wisdom to shock for the idea of this legendary master. 穆瑞亚在一本记载着那些传说中的大人物各种八卦消息的书籍中,看到这件带着香艳气息的奇闻记载时,深深为这位传奇法师的想法还有胆识而震惊。 What thought is, what courage has to have the idea of such rare and beautiful flowers. 到底是什么样的思维,拥有什么样的胆子才能够拥有如此奇葩的想法。 Because of the wonderful idea of masters that powerful and unconstrained style, develops Ella Sya world this highly developed demon to lead the technology now, although most people are unable to enjoy and that's the end. 就是因为法师们那天马行空的奇思妙想,才发展出了埃拉西亚世界现在这高度发达的魔导技术,虽然绝大部分人都无法享受到就是了。 I go all over the world not to bump into a town/subdues world giant beast, now bumps into one with great difficulty, naturally must conscientiously study.” Gold Dragon mother face natural speaking, said that goes forward to touch under wind king Ying be at sleeping soundly condition. “我走遍世界都没有碰到一头镇世巨兽,现在好不容易碰到了一只,当然要认真研究一下。”金龙娘一脸理所当然的说到,说罢就上前触碰处于酣睡状态下的风王鹰。 Mother, you do not know that touches being blocked by the wind king Ying later consequence?” Morea blocks the Gold Dragon mother's movement again. “母亲,你不会不知道触犯风王鹰之后的后果吧?”穆瑞亚再一次挡住金龙娘的动作。 Knows, the luck will become worse.” Saying that the Gold Dragon mother does not care at all, trivial some time misfortune, can shoulder by my present strength, compares in studying the wind king Ying later harvest, the price that I must pay is fully worth.” “知道,运气会变差而已。”金龙娘满不在乎的说道,“区区一段时间的厄运而已,以我现在的实力还扛得住,相比于研究风王鹰之后的收获,我要付出的代价是完全值得的。” „Did you determine?” When Morea remembers just entered the clan, these same age Titan to his warning, that is special existence that even Titan dreads, because their first ancestors active in the world. “你确定?”穆瑞亚想起刚进入族地时,那些同龄泰坦的对他的警告,那是连泰坦都忌惮的特殊存在,因为它们的始祖有功于世界。 Regarding the master, pays certain price, unties unknown, at normal matter, you, although does not have the wholly-absorbed research magic arts, but these master basically conduct criteria, you must know.” “对于法师来说,付出一定的代价,解开未知,是在正常不过的事情了,你虽然没有专心研究法术,但是这些法师最基本的行事准则,你一定要知晓。” The words spoke of this situation, Morea do not have the least bit to stop the Gold Dragon mother to study the wind king Ying reason again, but Morea did not feel relieved asked one: How do you want to study wind king Ying?” 话都说到这种地步,穆瑞亚就再也没有半点阻拦金龙娘研究风王鹰的理由,但是穆瑞亚还是不放心的问了一句:“你想怎么研究风王鹰?” If Ok, I want certainly to cut open to have a look this wind king Ying, naturally the present is impossible, all I can only do some level shallowest research, collected some feathers also to have it to overflow the loose strength and aura on the line.” “如果可以,我当然想把这只风王鹰切开看看,当然现在是不可能的,所有我只能做一些层次最浅的研究,收集一些羽毛还有它溢散的力量与气息就行了。” Just before hearing the Gold Dragon mother , when half a word words, the heart of Morea raised, but after hearing , after the half a word, Morea relaxes. 刚刚听到金龙娘前半句话时,穆瑞亚的心都提起来了,但是听到后半句之后,穆瑞亚又松了一口气。 Can collect some blood skeletons and so on was better,” the Gold Dragon mother falls side wind king Ying, restrains the aura, the cautious place collected several feathers, then did not sigh especially satisfiedly wind king Ying, like this I can study more things.” “不过能够收集一些血液骨骼之类的就更好了,”金龙娘落在风王鹰身边,收敛气息,小心翼翼的地收集了几枚羽毛,然后尤不满足地叹息到风王鹰,“这样我能研究出更多的东西。” Does not use, these feathers enough you have studied a long time.” Follows in the hand that Gold Dragon mother's Morea holds her to be ready to make trouble, through the ages, because of provoking town/subdues world giant beast, but died pitifully, degenerates into the person of laughingstock, does not know several, Morea naturally does not think that own mother becomes one. “不用了吧,就这些羽毛已经够你研究很长一段时间了。”跟在金龙娘身边的穆瑞亚一把抓住她蠢蠢欲动的手,古往今来,因为招惹镇世巨兽而凄惨死去,沦为笑柄的人,不知几凡,穆瑞亚自然不想自己的母亲成为其中的一员。 If you must draw its blood, will awaken this wind king Ying absolutely, the matter is not when the time comes easy to do.” “如果你要抽取它的血液,绝对会惊醒这尊风王鹰的,到时候事情就不好办了。” Anyone, when discovered oneself are at the deep sleep condition, some exists has not undergone own agreement, draws own blood arbitrarily, during the discovery, will fall into absolutely is annoyed. 不论是谁,在发现自己处于沉睡状态的时候,有存在没有经过自己的同意,就擅自抽取自己的血液,在发现之后,绝对会陷入恼火之中。 Also right, really provoked this big bird, making it be angry, you were finished.” The Gold Dragon mother nods to approve the person of same belief. “也对,真的招惹了这头大鸟,让它生气了,你就完蛋了。”金龙娘点头赞同道。 You provoke, why was I was finished?” On the Morea face reveals the surprise and subtle color. “你招惹的,为什么是我完蛋?”穆瑞亚脸上露出诧异与微妙之色。 Because I will tear the space to run away, but you now are most enter soon the fused abyss using the peculiar circumstance in present Nuoqiya subcontinent as before, cannot escape from angry ground wind king Ying hunt.” “因为我会撕裂空间逃走啊,而你现在最多依旧利用现在诺奇亚欧次大陆的特殊情况进入即将被融合的深渊而已,逃不脱愤怒地风王鹰的追捕。” That also really disappointed you, the situation that you anticipated will not happen.” On the Morea face reveals the self-confident color. “那还真是让你失望了,你期待的这种情况不会发生。”穆瑞亚脸上露出自信之色。 „Are you very ripe with this wind king Ying?” The Gold Dragon mother grasped the key point instantaneously, can stop the lair by Morea, explained indirectly both relate is not ordinary. “你跟这头风王鹰很熟?”金龙娘瞬间就抓住了重点,能够将巢穴停在穆瑞亚旁边,间接说明了两者关系的不一般。 Just knew that is far from ripe.” “只是刚刚认识而已,谈不上有多熟。” You woke up by shouting it a bit faster, making it give me one drop...... is not right, can the blood that this space ring packed on the line “那你快点喊醒它,让它给我一滴……不对,能够把这枚空间戒指装满的血就行了” „Are you cracking a joke? Why do you want to put this wind king Ying blood?” The Morea psychic force extends, touches the space ring, then saw the volume of this space ring, that is can the ultra-large space that the Morea true body installs to have more than enough to spare. “你在开什么玩笑?你想要将这头风王鹰的血都放干吗?”穆瑞亚精神力延伸,触碰到空间戒指,然后就看到了这空间戒指的容积,那是能将穆瑞亚真身装进去都绰绰有余的超大空间。 Compares in Fengwang the eagle so huge body, what is this blood?” “相比于风王鹰如此庞大的身躯,这点血算什么?” I am not so ripe with it, moreover I look for it to demand the blood, exchanges with it with what?” Morea gets angry to ask, even if donates blood without compensation must bestow some goods, let alone he is acting as lookout king Ying wakes up by shouting, looks for it to demand the blood. “我跟它没有这么熟,而且我找它索要血液,拿什么跟它交换?”穆瑞亚黑着脸问道,就算是无偿献血都要给赠送一些物品呢,何况他是把风王鹰喊醒,找它要索要血液。 „, Gives you!” The Gold Dragon mother thinking moment, takes out sends out the wind element crystal core of legendary aura to give Morea together, you trade with it with this.” “喏,给你!”金龙娘思索片刻,取出一块散发着传奇气息的风元素晶核递给穆瑞亚,“你拿这个跟它换。”
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