TDK :: Volume #5

#419: Legendary barrier

What is your regret?” How many blue veins the Morea fair forehead explodes, I am a boy, rather than girl, therefore disappointed you? That is really also sorry!” “你的遗憾是什么?”穆瑞亚白皙的额头爆起几根青筋,“我是男孩,而不是女孩,所以让你失望了?那还真是抱歉啊!” „, Small Morea, if you feel guilty, wants to comfort your mother's injured mind, now.” The Gold Dragon mother is hugging exceptionally clever British imperialist, is sizing up Morea. “啊啦,小穆瑞亚,如果你感到愧疚,想要安慰你母亲受伤的心灵,现在就可以。”金龙娘抱着异常乖巧的英帝拉,打量着穆瑞亚 „Do you want to make me do?” Although clear(ly) knows that has the words of joke nature, but curious under Morea still went. “你想让我干什么?”虽然明知道带着玩笑性质的话,但好奇之下的穆瑞亚仍旧接了下去。 Your appearance is a bit like with me, does not need to cultivate/repair the eyebrow, draws the informer, in addition our Gold Dragon natural smell, if you change a satisfactory skirt, plays the role of a pretty girl absolutely not to have the issue.” “你的容貌跟我有点像啊,不用修眉毛,画眼线,加上我们金龙天然的气味,如果你换上一条美美的裙子,扮成一个漂亮的女孩子是绝对没有问题的。” Women's wear!” Morea face black like bottom of the pot, why Gold Dragon well will have the so wicked interest. “女装!”穆瑞亚脸黑如锅底,好好的一条金龙为什么会有如此恶趣味。 Small can Morea, try? You change the pretty skirt, I give you to dress up again slightly, you can become one the same as be charmed myriad male outstandingly beautiful young girls with me.” “小穆瑞亚,要不要试一试?你换上漂亮的裙子,我再给你稍微打扮一下,你就能成为一位跟我一样迷倒万千雄性的绝色少女。” Is impossible.” Morea wants not to think, rejected the so unreasonable request directly. “不可能。”穆瑞亚想都不想,直接拒绝了如此无理的要求。 Isn't really good?” The Gold Dragon mother is somewhat sizing up Morea regrettably, although is only an idea that she has suddenly, words that but can realize, is seemingly good. “真的不行?”金龙娘有些遗憾地打量着穆瑞亚,虽然只是她突然冒出的一个想法,但是能实现的话,貌似也非常不错。 Does not want to make this bored fantasy.” Morea looks indifferently to the Gold Dragon mother, you thought that my father may wear your women's clothing?” “不想做这种无聊的幻想。”穆瑞亚冷眼看向金龙娘,“你觉得我的父亲可能会穿上你的衣裙吗?” Valiant to carrying the long spear/gun is running up to the abyss, aimed at hunting and killing the devil feudal lord whets feat of arms Titan to wear the dress? This picture imagines the flash merely, after the Gold Dragon mother it ejects the brain, own spouse is impossible to make this matter. 一位彪悍到拎着长枪跑到深渊之中,以猎杀恶魔领主磨砺武技为目的的泰坦穿上裙装?这种画面仅仅想象一瞬间,金龙娘就将它抛出脑后,自己的配偶不可能会做出这种事情。 Is impossible, right.” Morea is unemotional, in the eye has the electric arc to jump, this is his mood margin of fluctuation enormous one performance, I also calculated half Titan, therefore I same was impossible.” “不可能,对吧。”穆瑞亚面无表情,眼中却有电弧在跳跃,这是他情绪波动幅度极大的一种表现,“我也算个半个泰坦了,所以我一样不可能的。” Small Morea, in the world does not have the absolute matter, all have the possibility, so long as the time is appropriate, even the mortal still has the possibility of murdering the god.” The Gold Dragon mother said very reasonable words. “小穆瑞亚,世界上没有绝对的事情,一切皆有可能,只要时机恰当合适,就算是凡人也有弑神的可能。”金龙娘说出一番很有道理的话。 What relations but does this wear girl's clothes to have with Morea?” Was hugged the British imperialist in bosom to draw by the Gold Dragon mother with the immature luoli sound asks. “可是这跟穆瑞亚穿上女孩子的衣服有什么关系?”被金龙娘抱在怀中的英帝拉用稚嫩的luoli音问道。 Because this may become the reality the matter.” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz more looked the appearance that the British imperialist draws is more satisfactory, if neglects on her that strange and arbitrary aura, this small luoli can make up for itself not to have daughter's regret perfectly. “因为这是有可能变成现实的事情啊。”金龙娘阿特丽斯越看英帝拉的样貌越满意,如果忽略她身上那股诡异而蛮横的气息,这只小luoli能够完美弥补自己没有女儿的遗憾。 Because the father promotes dragon clan bloodlines that Dragon King promotes once again, oneself regenerated a hope of heir to be getting more and more low with strength stronger and stronger Aines Orr. 因为老爹晋升龙王又一次晋升的龙族血脉,自己跟实力越来越强的安斯奥尔再生一位子嗣的希望越来越低了。 The individual strength more powerful life body birth heir's probability is lower, this is the nature eternally unchanging principle. The heir exists regarding the race is extension of bloodlines, is the one alternative of life is eternal. 个体实力越强大的生命体诞生子嗣的概率就越低,这是自然永恒不变的法则。子嗣存在对于种族来说就是血脉的延续,是生命的一种另类永恒。 Therefore these live to plant short have so exaggerating reproduction ability, because they are extremely frail, was too easy dead, wants to be continued, the reproduction that by own race bloodlines can only go all out. 所以那些短生种才拥有如此夸张的繁殖能力,因为它们太过脆弱,太容易死亡,想让自己种族血脉得到延续,只能拼命的繁殖。 In life level pyramid, the position is higher, reproducing the ability is lower, and so on. ancient dragon loses the fertility, is not because they lost the ability in that aspect, because of their life levels, soon close to does not need the heir to continue the bloodlines life level. 在生命层级的金字塔上,位置越高,繁殖能力越低,以此类推。古龙失去生育能力,不是因为它们丧失了那方面的能力,而是因为它们的生命层次,快要接近不需要子嗣来延续自己血脉的生命层次。 The dragon is one type does not conform to the common sense the lifeform, they do not have some characteristics of ordinary lifeform, after for example went through the mature stage, the body function will then go down hill. Does not exist regarding the dragon senilly. 龙是一种不符合常理的生物,它们没有普通生物的一些特性,比如度过壮年期之后,身体机能便会走下坡路。衰老对于龙来说不存在的。 Big dragon from birth to death, body growth of keeping, consistently is maintaining the abundant vigor. Big dragon is divided as 12 big ages entire life, the old stage with the extremely old time, these two names, tricks others to use. 巨龙从出生到死亡,身体都在不停的成长,始终保持着充沛的活力。巨龙的一生被划分为十二大年龄段,其中老年期与极老期,这两个称呼,就是忽悠其他人用的。 Felt the people who the body and spirit of these two ages big dragons can drop is a fool, if letter/believes, after withstanding these old dragon magic arts bombing, will be used the powerful body oppressive to suspecting the life by them. 觉得这两个年龄段巨龙的体魄会下降的人都是傻子,如果信了的话,在承受住了那些老龙的法术轰炸之后,就会被它们用强大的身躯虐到怀疑人生。 These two ages are used to describe that with it the body condition of big dragon, might as well be used to describe their ideological changes, after old stage, the thought of big dragon becomes maturely steady, works to start to be partial in conservative, when such as is no longer young like that rash. 这两个年龄段与其用来形容巨龙的身体状态,不如用来形容它们的思想变化,进入老年期之后,巨龙的思想变得成熟稳重起来,做事开始偏向于保守,不再如年轻时那般莽撞。 Metal dragon clan is so, five colors dragon Zuyi is, even the temperament most is so hot tempered, character most arrogant Red Dragon, after old stage, should still turn steadily many, for example Morea subdues that old age Red Dragon Otte Ryan by the military force. 金属龙族是如此,五色龙族亦是如此,就算脾气最暴躁,性格最为傲慢的红龙,进入老年期之后,也会变成稳重不少,比如穆瑞亚以武力收服那头老年红龙奥特莱恩。 Finally walked,” sits Morea before table, saw that hugs the Gold Dragon mother who the British imperialist is pulling away, long relaxes, the peaceful Gold Dragon mother, indeed has the Gold Dragon style very much, powerful, graceful, noble. “终于走了,”坐在桌案前的穆瑞亚,看到抱着英帝拉离开的金龙娘,长松了一口气,安静的金龙娘,的确很有金龙风范,强大,雍容,高贵。 However after the Gold Dragon mother opens the mouth, these makings were destroyed instantaneously do not have, has one type the feeling of accent, her thought unusual bracelet, does not seem like normal Gold Dragon. 但是金龙娘一开口之后,这些气质瞬间就被破坏全无,给人有一种不着调的感觉,她的思维非常跳脱,根本就不像是一条正常的金龙 After a period of time has Titan to come,” some Morea headaches rubbed the forehead, when that concrete is? Said generally, was not good to arrange.” “过段时间有泰坦要来,”穆瑞亚有些头疼的揉了揉眉心,“那具体是什么时候?说得太笼统了,不好安排啊。” The time sense of immortal with lives different, after a period of time, regarding human that short completely plants is quite a while, or several days, do many also one month, but place the immortal to plant, dozens years, can be counted are the short time. 长生的时间观念跟短生种的完全不一样,过段时间,对于人类来说就是半天,或者几天,做多也就一个月,但是放在长生种身上,几十年的时间,都能算作是短时间。 Then when some time, the Morea practice clone technique, handles the government affairs, starts to go all out to exercise own strength, makes every effort before oneself father arrives, will swallow the strength that the heart of element rises suddenly completely to control. 接下来一段时间,穆瑞亚练习分身术,处理政务之余,又开始拼命锻炼自己的力量,力求在自己的父亲到来之前,将吞噬元素之心而暴涨的力量完全控制住。 After soul intent, many quality changes of body can respond that on the link of soul intent, that is the one manifestation of soul and strength, if no secret technique, is extremely difficult to cover up, but during own inheritance, Morea had not found this secret technique temporarily. 魂意之后,身体的诸多好坏变化都会反应在魂意之环上,那是灵魂与力量的一种体现,若无秘术,极难遮掩,而在自己的传承之中,穆瑞亚暂时没有找到这种秘术。 During the inheritance of Titan, overwhelming majority the knowledge about fight, are partial to the auxiliary war technique and secret technique, is similar to sending the soul refining up soldier clone technique type, that is extremely rare. 泰坦的传承之中,绝大部分都是关于战斗的知识,偏向辅助性的战技与秘术,类似于寄魂炼兵分身术这种,那是凤毛麟角。 Morea felt, if were seen present him by own father Aines Orr, his fate will not be possibly good. Because the fight is also one of the control strength optimal paths, therefore his father thinks that will not mind makes him feel the heaviness and great that the father loves. 穆瑞亚觉得如果让自己的父亲安斯奥尔看到现在的他,他的下场可能不会很好。因为战斗也是掌控力量的最佳途径之一,所以他的父亲想必不会介意让他感受一下父爱的沉重与伟大。 Thinks that the possible consequence, Morea scratches the cold sweat that on the forehead did not have, with the strength high too many Titan fights, there is no pleasure, is abused purely unilaterally. 想到可能的后果,穆瑞亚擦了擦额头上并不存在的冷汗,跟实力比自己高太多的泰坦战斗,没有任何乐趣可言,纯粹就是单方面受虐。 When I can enter the step, smashes the legendary barrier, becomes legendary Titan?” Morea talked to oneself in a soft voice, he of soul intent peak, has touched the edge of legend, however the sincerity of shackles, making Morea have desperate, making him know that oneself short-term is nothing wants to smash the legendary barrier forcefully. “我何时才能进阶,打破传奇壁垒,成为传奇泰坦?”穆瑞亚轻声自语,已经魂意巅峰的他,已经触碰到了传奇的边缘,但是桎梏的厚重,让穆瑞亚心生绝望,让他知道自己短期是没有任何希望强行打破传奇壁垒的。
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