TDK :: Volume #5

#418: Arter Liz's regret

But, you looted my treasure house initially time, how you do not have this consciousness, your so-called bottom line? Others' treasure delivers to your hand you do not want. “不过,你当初洗劫我宝库的时候,你怎么就没有这种觉悟,还有你所谓的底线呢?别人的宝物送到你手里你都不要。 Your mother I saves several hundred years of treasure laboriously, protected with legendary law, you must pry open steal away completely, you played the double sign! ” 你老妈我辛辛苦苦积攒几百年的宝物,都用传奇法阵保护起来了,你都要撬开全部都偷走,你玩双标是吧!” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz is casting a sidelong glance slantingly Morea, she now is unforgetable, when Morea patronizes own treasure house, after oneself open the front door, that flash drops the valley the mood. 金龙娘阿特丽斯斜睨着穆瑞亚,她都现在都难以忘怀,当穆瑞亚光顾自己的宝库,自己打开大门之后,那一瞬间跌落谷底的心情。 Hehe, that different.” Morea said with a smile dry/does, you were my mother, how with your thing can with the looting, steal this word?” “嘿嘿,那不一样。”穆瑞亚干笑道,“你是我的母亲,拿你的东西怎么能用洗劫,盗窃这种词呢?” Hehe.” The Gold Dragon mother just wants to say anything, suddenly thinks that had also done many similar matters to father emperor Moss, really has his mother Bi to have its, is all connected, does not know did own father have to do this matter in childhood. “呵呵。”金龙娘刚想说什么,突然想起来自己曾经对老爹帝摩斯也曾经干过不少类似的事,真可谓是有其母必有其子,一脉相承,就是不知道自己老爹小时候有没有干过这种事。 Your Highness Morea, Sir Arter Liz, without the words of matter, I first drew back.” The silentness of air, making Gold Dragon Bastus more awkward, therefore he set out to ask to be excused to this mother and child. 穆瑞亚殿下,还有阿特丽斯大人,没有事情的话,我就先退下了。”空气的静默,让古金龙巴斯德更加尴尬了,于是他起身向这母子俩告退。 Why did you call his your highness?” Gold Dragon mother somewhat discontented asking, oneself son called oneself name to be better, how this did not make his her be angry, “你为什么叫他殿下?”金龙娘有些不满的问道,自己儿子称呼比自己的称呼更好,这如何不让他她生气, Because he has Dragon King bloodlines, that compares, you should call me for your highness, I am direct descendant blood of Dragon King, but he is only the skip-generation, I, his dragon body cannot change.” “因为他拥有龙王血脉,那相比起来,你更应该称呼我为殿下,我才是龙王的嫡系血裔,而他只是隔代的而已,要不是我,他连龙身都变不出来。” „!” Hears a name to let burn down itself on, Bastus is somewhat helpless, he is not a fool, among this pair of mother and child obviously has some contradictions, he hurries to withdraw on the line now, two your highness, I asked to be excused in advance.” “呃!”听到一个称呼都能让火烧到自己身上,巴斯德有些无奈,他又不是傻子,这对母子之间明显存在一些矛盾,他现在赶紧脱身就行,“两位殿下,我先行告退了。” Said no matter also this is anything responded to mother and child, this ancient dragon made a getaway. 说完也不管这对母子是什么反应,这条古龙就逃之夭夭了。 Bastus's age is your several times, merry 1000-year-old ancient dragon, you should put to respect some.” “巴斯德阁下的年龄是你的几倍呢,都快活1000岁的古龙,你应该放尊重一些。” Except for age, strength and bloodlines, experiences, regardless of which aspect I above him, this, I still talked with him with the stance of equality even, where didn't respect?” “除了年龄,不论是实力、血脉,还是见识,无论哪方面我都在他之上,就算是这样,我也是以平等的姿态与他对话,哪里不尊重了?” „...... I must handle the government affairs.” Before Morea arrives at the table sits down, starts to write to continue to review the official documents. “……我要处理政务了。”穆瑞亚走到桌案前坐下,开始执笔继续批阅公文。 „Do you want to catch up with me to walk?” The meaning in Morea words, how the Gold Dragon mother cannot listen, half potential surface don't you want?” “你这是要赶我走?”穆瑞亚话里的意思,金龙娘如何听不出来,“半位面你不想要了?” „Will you give me?” The hand of Morea lives, half facing his attraction is very big, after all is the legendary master can use the magic arts to open in the nihility, in addition, was Spiritual God epic that first-level exists to open. “你会给我?”穆瑞亚的手顿住,半位面对他的吸引力还是非常大,毕竟是传奇法师才能利用法术于虚无之中开辟,除此之外,就是神灵史诗那一级存在才能开辟了。 When have I rejected?” The Gold Dragon mother asked that then her also told a Morea information with the tone of seduction, “我什么时候拒绝过?”金龙娘反问道,然后她又用诱惑的语气告诉了穆瑞亚一则信息, „, Right, a matter must tell you, half potential surface that just took shape, if there is an appropriate mystique, can fuse -and-a-half potential surfaces them.” “哦,对了,还有一件事要跟你说一下,刚刚成型的半位面,如果有合适的秘法,可以将它们融合成一座半位面。” Mother, do you currently have the dwelling? If not, the words that you do not shut out, can stay temporarily here.” Morea puts down the pen in hand, on the face shows the attentive happy expression. “母亲,你现在有住处吗?如果没有,您不嫌弃的话,可以暂时在这里住下。”穆瑞亚放下手中的笔,脸上露出殷勤的笑意。 I did not have extravagant to the situation that even the royal palace in human kingdom shuts out arrogantly.” “我还没有骄奢到连人类王国的王宫都嫌弃的地步。” Mia,” Morea knocks steward bell, calls own personal maid. “米娅,”穆瑞亚敲动身边的管家铃,将自己的贴身女仆唤来。 Sir Arter Liz.” When on the face leads dragon scale in broken bits the blonde young girl to walk, when sees to gather the Gold Dragon mother who side Morea looks at him to review the official documents, salutes to give regards to her sensibly. “阿特丽斯大人。”当脸上带着细碎龙鳞的金发少女走进来,看见凑到穆瑞亚身边看他批阅公文的金龙娘时,非常懂事向她行礼问好。 At first she serves the Gold Dragon mother, but slept after Morea afterward, follows Morea, this is her life second largest opportunity, as for first, is family background ordinary she, bumped into the Gold Dragon mother extremely luck, was transformed dragon Yi. 最初她就是侍奉金龙娘,只是后来跟穆瑞亚睡了一觉之后,才跟着穆瑞亚,这是她此生第二大的机遇,至于第一,则是出身平凡的她,极为幸运地碰上了金龙娘,然后被转化成了龙裔。 Mia, prepares a best palace garden, arranged my mother stays, the servant, guards must best.” “米娅,准备一间最好的宫苑,安排我母亲住下,佣人,守卫都要最好的。” Compliant!” “遵命!” Morea!” Mia was called by Morea, similarly another lovable little fellow with, after seeing Morea, immediately cheers one to charge into him. 穆瑞亚!”米娅被穆瑞亚唤来,同样又一位可爱的小家伙跟了过来,看到穆瑞亚之后,就立即欢呼一声冲向他。 British imperialist, did you come? Aren't you accompanying Millie to play?” Supports to jump into young tooth luoli in bosom, Morea ignores nearby Gold Dragon mother's surprised look, inquired in a soft voice. “英帝拉,你怎么来了?你不是在陪蕾米莉亚玩吗?”拥住扑入怀中的幼齿luoli,穆瑞亚不顾一旁金龙娘惊奇的眼神,轻声询问道。 From void British imperialist, before does not need her that tyrant to say the swallowing talent that also has strangely that changes the body talent, with the ordinary little girl does not have the wide difference, un, has present Millie compared to Morea. 来自虚空的英帝拉,在不用出她那霸道的吞噬天赋还有那诡异的变身天赋之前,跟普通小女孩没多大差别,嗯,相对于穆瑞亚还有现在的蕾米莉亚来说。 Today I beat Millie, she is running back the room to cry now.” British imperialist pulled out sniffing, complacent saying, then I just saw Mia to look for you, I with.” “今天我击败了蕾米莉亚了,她现在正跑回房间哭鼻子去了。”英帝拉抽了抽鼻子,得意洋洋的说道,“然后我刚好看见米娅过来找你,我就跟过来了。” Un.” Morea nods, these two luoli, since the cognition, almost must hit every day, the victory and defeat basically is to the half a point, the victory and loss is every day is trading. “嗯。”穆瑞亚点点头,这两只luoli,自从认知之后,几乎每天都要打一场,胜负基本是对半分,输赢都是每天换着来。 Two mutual no one can kill the opposite party, the resiliency strong small monster, they decided that the victory and defeat the way is very simple, who first injures to the opposite party, making the opposite party bleed who wins. 两个互相谁都打不死对方的,恢复力超强的小怪物,她们决定胜负的方式很简单,谁先伤到对方,让对方流血谁就获胜。 „Is this your daughter?” Looks at as if biological brother and sister's general Morea and British imperialist, the Gold Dragon mother asks joyfully, the appearance that the British imperialist draws, perfectly conforms to her fondness. “这是你的女儿?”看着仿佛亲兄妹一般的穆瑞亚与英帝拉,金龙娘满心欢喜地问道,英帝拉的样子,非常符合她的喜好。 You feel!” Hears the Gold Dragon mother to ask something already known, brings issue that teased the tone, Morea flips the supercilious look, so long as were the person of familiar Morea aura, can feel the difference that Morea and British imperialist drew. “你觉得呢!”听到金龙娘明知故问,带着调侃语气的问题,穆瑞亚翻了翻白眼,只要是熟悉穆瑞亚气息的人,就都能感受到穆瑞亚与英帝拉的不同。 Morea is similar to the bright hot sun in sky, is sending out the endless light and heat, majestic vast. But British imperialist looks like swallows all void vortex, bites to extinguish the myriad things, making one feel to tremble. 穆瑞亚就如同天空中的煌煌烈日般,散发着无尽的光与热,堂皇浩大。而英帝拉就像是吞噬一切的虚空漩涡,噬灭万物,令人感到战栗。 When do you live?” Among the Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz facial features has the happy expression, how not to say one to me.” “你什么时候生的?”金龙娘阿特丽斯眉眼间带着笑意,“怎么不跟我说一句。” This is the grandfather delivers me to hatch from that void egg.” Morea ill-humored saying, the British imperialist draws the present appearance, has the relations of being able to withdraw with the Gold Dragon mother, you should see.” “这是祖父送我的从那枚虚空之卵里面孵化出来的。”穆瑞亚没好气的说道,英帝拉如今的模样,与金龙娘有着脱不开的关系,“你应该见过。” Originally is that little fellow, I said that somewhat to be how familiar.” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz reveals the color of thinking, I saw that egg initially time, touched curiously two, discovered that it wants to swallow my strength, I fed it to eat.” “原来是那个小家伙,我说怎么有些熟悉。”金龙娘阿特丽斯露出思索之色,“我当初看见那枚蛋的时候,好奇的摸了两下,发现它想吞噬我的力量,我就喂它吃掉了一些。” Therefore, the British imperialist draws now is a girl, if you have not touched her, now should be like me, is a boy.” Morea answered, according to British imperialist Rabon can determination, Gold Dragon mother's strength by far strong in Morea, therefore she took the Gold Dragon mother to construct itself as the template, but Morea was also noticeable to her influence, therefore she became the present so appearance. “所以,英帝拉现在是一个女孩,如果你没有触碰她,现在应该跟我一样,是一个男孩。”穆瑞亚解释道,按照英帝拉本能的判定,金龙娘的实力远远强于穆瑞亚,所以她以金龙娘为模板构造自身,但穆瑞亚对她的影响又是不可忽视的,所以她就成了现在这般模样。 Girl is better, happen to made up for my initial regret.” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz bends down, draws to claim to hug into the British imperialist from the Morea bosom at the extremely arbitrary strength to cherish, you break the shell, but time, but disappoints me somewhat.” “女孩子更好,正好弥补一下我当初的遗憾。”金龙娘阿特丽斯俯下身,以极为蛮横的力量将英帝拉从穆瑞亚怀中夺走抱入自己怀中,“你破壳而出的时候,可是让我有些失望。”
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