TDK :: Volume #5

#417: Epic poem Titan goal

„, Right had a matter to you tell ahead of time.” The Gold Dragon mother arrives at side Morea, after a period of time, your father can bring several Titan to come, you remember to be ready, best before he sees you, controls all links of soul intent.” “哦,对了有件事情要跟你提前说一下。”金龙娘走到穆瑞亚身边,“过段时间,你的父亲会带着几位泰坦过来,你记得做好准备,最好在他看到你之前,掌控所有魂意之环。” „Will my father also come?” On the Morea face reveals a stunned color, this may really be lets he completely unexpected news, „can also bring other Titan to come, is this plan does do? Because of devil?” “我父亲也会来?”穆瑞亚脸上露出一丝错愕之色,这可真是一副让他完全意想不到的消息,“还会带着其他泰坦过来,这是打算干什么?因为恶魔?” Our world is swallowing the abyss part, sounds very good, but the abyss will is not affable, wants to swallow these abyss levels, must withstand backlash of abyss. “我们的世界正在吞噬深渊的一部分,听起来很不错,但是深渊意志也不是好惹的,想要吞掉这些深渊层面,就要承受深渊的反噬。 Now Nuoqiya subcontinent is what situation, you ruling Grand Dukes as Rauchman kingdom should also know. This is backlash of abyss, more arrives at behind, the appeared devil is more powerful, several years later, or more than ten years, 现在诺奇亚欧次大陆是什么情况,你作为洛克曼王国的执政大公应该也知道。这就是深渊的反噬,越到后面,出现的恶魔越强大,再过几年,或者十几年, Swallowed the final stage of abyss to the world, will have the legendary devil to arrive, because at that time the abyss principle pestered with the principle of our world mutually, arrives the devil strength that came is not suppressed, they can display the complete strength, by that time was the demon tide most frigid time. 到了世界吞噬深渊的最后阶段,就会有传奇恶魔降临,那时因为深渊法则与我们世界的法则相互纠缠,降临而来的恶魔实力不会被压制,它们可以发挥自己全部的力量,到那时就是魔潮最惨烈的时候。 Now is the small scale, is not anything. Aines Orr they for many devil feudal lords who these will soon arrive. 现在不过是小打小闹而已,根本就不算什么。安斯奥尔他们就是为了那些即将降临的众多恶魔领主而来。 Naturally, the fight is only your father's their secondary goals, the main purpose is in some epic Titan for your clan to explore the way, determined that the competitor also has the time of making a move. ” 当然,战斗只是你父亲他们的次要目的,主要目的就是为你族中某位史诗泰坦过来探路而已,确定竞争对手还有出手的时机。” Has epic Titan to make a move?” Even if Morea lives in the top digit year, at this time is still hard to maintain the shock, this news is extremely astonishing, unexpectedly has epic Titan to prepare to act. “有史诗泰坦要出手?”即便是穆瑞亚身居高位数年,此时也难以保持震惊,这消息太过惊人,居然有史诗泰坦准备出手。 Right, your mother I am really pitiful!” The Gold Dragon mother reveals the color of complaining just like the 28 young girl common faces on, your father did not have, I must embark for him ahead of time act as advance party.” “对啊,你母亲我真可怜啊!”金龙娘宛如二八少女一般的脸上露出哀怨之色,“你父亲还没出发,我就得提前出发为他打前站。” Ella Sya swallows the abyss, what has to be worth epic Titan making a move?” Morea disregarded just like the play essence generally to the Gold Dragon mother who he performs turns hostile instantaneously, directly asked own doubts. “埃拉西亚吞噬深渊,有什么值得史诗泰坦出手的?”穆瑞亚无视了宛如戏精一般给他表演瞬间变脸的金龙娘,直接问出自己的疑惑。 „Don't this you know?” Hears the Morea issue, the Gold Dragon mother reveals a shocking appearance immediately. “这你都不知道?”听到穆瑞亚的问题,金龙娘立即露出一副震惊的模样。 „Does Bastus, you know?” Morea unemotional looked that to standing somewhat is very awkward and shocking ancient Gold Dragon in one side, he heard some explosive news in a short time, suddenly somewhat cannot respond. “巴斯德阁下,你知道吗?”穆瑞亚面无表情的看向站在一旁有些尴尬且十分震惊的古金龙,他短时间内听到了一些非常劲爆的消息,一时间之间有些反应不过来。 Sorry, Your highness, I am friendless and unlearned.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus shakes the head directly, the cause of his demon tide is because after easily is entering the abyss, according to this/Ben have looked at the hypothesis infers. “抱歉,殿下,恕我孤陋寡闻。”古金龙巴斯德非常直接摇头,他连魔潮的起因都是因为在轻易进入深渊之后,根据一本自己看过的假说推理出来的。 Asked that he will arrive at Nuoqiya subcontinent issue with epic Titan of Dragon King rank because of anything, to him, some ultra outlines, have pressed him. 问他跟龙王一个级别的史诗泰坦会因为什么而来到了诺奇亚欧次大陆这种问题,对于他来说,已经有些超纲了,太难为他了。 Ancient Gold Dragon does not know, but you have not told me the related knowledge in this aspect.” Morea turns head to see mother, the implied meaning is, he does not know that is very normal matter, therefore needs the Gold Dragon mother to explain at this time, satisfies his curiosity. “古金龙也不知道,而你也从来没有告诉我这方面的相关知识。”穆瑞亚扭头看着母亲,言下之意就是,他不知道是非常正常的事情,所以此时需要金龙娘解释一下,满足他的好奇心。 Your this is not good, small Morea.” Gold Dragon mother crooked tilting the head, is really ordinary just like a clear pretty young girl, I collected the books about space, moreover I had opened to you book stacks, you do not know unexpectedly.” “你这就不行了,小穆瑞亚。”金龙娘歪了歪头,真的宛如一个清纯靓丽的少女一般,“我可是收集了很多关于空间的书籍,而且我已经将书库对你开放了,你居然不知道。” So many books, how can I possibly look?” The Morea rebuttal said. “那么多书,我怎么可能看得完?”穆瑞亚反驳道。 Was too young.” It seems like also sighing compared with the Morea young Gold Dragon mothers greatly, „ considers as finished, I told you, after Ella Sya swallowed the abyss, the assimilated abyss can have part to integrate in the subcontinent, therefore after this event, the area of Nuoqiya subcontinent will certainly expand. “还是太年轻了。”看起来也就比穆瑞亚大几岁的金龙娘感叹着,“算了,我来告诉你吧,埃拉西亚吞噬深渊之后,被同化的深渊会有一部分融入到次大陆中,所以这次事件过后,诺奇亚欧次大陆的面积一定会扩张。 But is only part, overwhelming majority abyss levels will break, attaches in the form of half potential surface above the seat of honor surface, but these are the half potential surface of natural without owner, moreover huge quantity. ” 但只是一部分而已,绝大部分深渊层面都会破碎,以半位面的形式依附于主位面之上,而这些都是天然无主的半位面,而且数量庞大。” Huge?” “有多庞大?” When the time comes forms half potential surface total area, will not be lower than half of Nuoqiya subcontinent total area.” “到时候形成半位面总面积,不会低于诺奇亚欧次大陆总面积的一半。” Such greatly? No wonder the epic can make a move.” Morea traces own chest, he was also excited, strategic resources that the half potential surface of without owner, these only happened by happy circumstance, no one will dislike many. “这么大?怪不得史诗会出手。”穆瑞亚摸了摸自己的胸膛,他也心动了,无主的半位面,这些可遇不可求的战略资源,不论是谁也不会嫌多。 „Does half potential surface that therefore, you soon will also take shape for these come?” Morea towering asking. “所以,你也是为了这些即将成型的半位面而来的?”穆瑞亚突兀的问道。 „, Mainly to attack evilly, fights against the devil to come, half potential surface anything, looks at the situation when the time comes, fished more than ten me to be well satisfied casually.” The Gold Dragon mother coughs, being without turning a hair answered. “咳,主要是为了打击邪恶,抗击恶魔而来,半位面什么的,到时候看情况,随便捞个十几座我就心满意足了。”金龙娘干咳一声,面不改色的解释道。 Several -and-a-half potential surfaces?” The Morea corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, half potential surface quantity of abyss shatter formation many to this degree? Do you want to obtain more than ten unexpectedly? Besides Titan, should have other to exist will also hit the attention of these half potential surfaces.” “十几座半位面?”穆瑞亚嘴角抽了抽,“深渊破碎成型的半位面数量已经多到这种程度吗?你居然想得到十几座?除了泰坦,应该还有其他存在也会打这些半位面的注意吧。” Some many influences will act, but I can bring one crowd of Titan to go when the time comes, I looked that who dares to snatch with me.” A Gold Dragon mother face happily said. “是有很多势力会出手,但是到时候我会带着一群泰坦去,我看谁敢跟我抢。”金龙娘一脸得意地说道。 Mother, please must take me when the time comes.” Morea dropped out in this moment to the Gold Dragon mother's obstruction, asks for it directly, in the Morea eye, asked own parents, was not the matter that anything fell the face. “母亲,到时候请务必带上我。”穆瑞亚在这一刻抛下了对金龙娘的芥蒂,直接开口请求,在穆瑞亚眼中,求自己的爸妈,根本就不算什么掉面子的事情。 „It is not good, you removed held back can also do anything, that belongs to the battlefield of high rank legend, will also have the epic to exist will act, you went to the even/including to work as the cannon fodders to be unqualified.” “不行,你去除了拖后腿还能干什么,那是属于高阶传奇的战场,还会有史诗存在会出手,你去连当炮灰都不够资格。” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz be relentless rejected the request of Morea, does the matter that the child who legend has not a, mixes their Sirs do. 金龙娘阿特丽斯毫不留情地拒绝了穆瑞亚的请求,一个连传奇都没有突破的小孩子,掺合他们大人的事情干什么。 Mother, you have many half potential surface when the time comes, divides my several?” Morea is probing asking. “母亲,那你到时候有多的半位面,分我几座?”穆瑞亚试探着问道。 You now are not the ruling Grand Duke in Rauchman kingdom, heard 12 -and-a-half potential surfaces that Sikaleite family controls grasp completely in your hand, you also ask my penniless mother to demand half potential surface unexpectedly, don't you feel ashamed?” “你现在不是洛克曼王国的执政大公,听说斯卡雷特家族掌控的十二座半位面全部都掌握在你的手上,你居然还找我这个一贫如洗的母亲索要半位面,你不觉得羞愧吗?” I run, that is not my half potential surface.” Morea shakes the head saying that „, after Millie is grown, I will give back to her the controls of these half potential surfaces.” “我只是代为掌管而已,那又不是我的半位面。”穆瑞亚摇头道,“等到蕾米莉亚成年之后,我会将这些半位面的掌控权都还给她。” I heard that now Sikaleite family's sole heir, was you just said Princess Millie, now ten years old, so long as you think, these half potential surfaces now are your, what you did ask me to want?” “我听说现在斯卡雷特家族的唯一继承人,就是你刚刚说蕾米莉亚公主,现在才十来岁吧,只要你想,这些半位面现在就是你的,你找我要什么?” Should be I am my, no one can win, is not my, delivers to my hand not to want.” A Morea face sincere said, I have the bottom line, these bottom lines before I am living, I will be will not touch absolutely.” “该是我就是我的,谁也不能夺走,不是我的,送到我手里都不要。”穆瑞亚一脸正色地说道,“我是有底线的,这些底线在我活着之前,我是绝对不会去触碰。” „, Good, finally is a little Gold Dragon appearance, dragon clan is greedy for money, this is the natural disposition, but anything this/should corrupt, anything should not, probably divide clearly.” “啧,不错,总算是有点金龙的样子,龙族贪财,这是本性,但是什么该贪,什么不该,一定要分清楚。”
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