TDK :: Volume #5

#416: Calm Gold Dragon mother

How did you come?” Six Morea are the color of face ignorant compelling looks blonde young girl who completely this presents towering, he has a dream has not thought that oneself mother will suddenly appear here, Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz. “你怎么来了?”六名穆瑞亚全部都是一脸懵逼之色地看着这位突兀出现的金发少女,他做梦都没有想到自己的母亲会突然出现在这里,金龙娘阿特丽斯。 In Narnia subcontinent, the dead souls parliament starts extinguishes the country plans to supplement the cannon fodder that big sound, had not seen that the Gold Dragon mother comes out. Naturally perhaps is only Morea has not bumped into, after all the Kingdom of Bavaria area is very big. 在艾欧尼亚次大陆,死灵议会发动灭国计划补充炮灰时那么大的动静,也没看到金龙娘出来。当然也许只是穆瑞亚没碰到而已,毕竟巴伐利亚王国面积挺大的。 Moreover Morea is also staying in the Aub empire's its bordering on Patrick fort, has not gone to other positions. 而且穆瑞亚也只是在呆在奥布王国与其接壤的帕特里克要塞而已,并没有去其他位置。 Why can't I come?” The beautiful young girl of blonde takes a step to arrive is congealing the Morea clone front of mark, sized up earnestly, clone also to lie down the Morea main body on chair with another four compares, approached smelled smelling, the eye narrowed the eyes slightly, pondered flickered, the cheek that put out a hand to pinch clone. “我为什么不能来?”金发的绝美少女迈步走到正在凝结阵纹的穆瑞亚分身面前,认真打量了一番,与另外四具分身还有躺在椅子上的穆瑞亚本尊比较一番,又凑近嗅了嗅,眼睛微微一眯,思考了一瞬,伸手捏了捏分身的脸蛋。 Feel is good!” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz said that speech at the same time, her two fingers pinch Morea to be divided on the one's appearance to be seemingly delicate the fair meat, twisted twisting slightly. “手感不错!”金龙娘阿特丽斯赞道,说话的同时,她两指捏着穆瑞亚分身脸上看上去细嫩白皙的肉,微微拧了拧。 „Do you do?” The Morea main body unconscious tracing cheek on deck chair, the Gold Dragon mother touches his clone, his same sympathize. So-called clone, is being controlled by him as before, otherwise was born the independent consciousness, that also calculates that what clone. “你这是干什么?”躺椅上的穆瑞亚本尊不自觉的摸了摸脸蛋,金龙娘触碰他的分身,他一样感同身受。所谓分身,依旧是由他在控制,不然诞生了独立意识,那还算哪门子分身。 Confirmed the level that your clone technique practices, your not with clone that the magic arts condense.” Pinches Morea clone the tender slippery cheek, on the Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz face reveals the color of satisfaction, „the incarnation of clone technique manufacture may not have your type just like the true body same feel.” “确认一下你的分身术修行的水平而已,你这不是用法术凝聚成的分身吧。”捏着穆瑞亚分身上嫩滑的脸蛋,金龙娘阿特丽斯脸上露出满意之色,“分身术制造的化身可没有你这种宛如真身一样的手感。” This was I found from the Titan inheritance secret technique.” Morea gets angry to look both hands used the Gold Dragon mother, you can let loose? Isn't my clone a toy?” “这是我从泰坦传承秘术里面找到的。”穆瑞亚黑着脸看着两只手都用上了的金龙娘,“你可以放开了吗?我的分身可不是玩具?” „The consciousness of clone is not your consciousness, playing clone with playing you are same, but you as my son, making me play? Has a child is not used to play, that also lives to do.” “分身的意识不就是你的意识么,玩分身跟玩你都是一样的,而你作为我的儿子,让我玩玩怎么了?生孩子不是用来玩的,那还生干嘛。” The Gold Dragon mother responded deprecatingly, end supplemented one, these words were my friend said that but I felt very reasonable.” 金龙娘不以为意的回应道,末了又补充一句,“这句话是我一位朋友说的,不过我觉得挺有道理的。” Nonsense.” The delicate and pretty cheek is transforming various shapes Morea saying that under a Gold Dragon mother's pair of hand clone coldly, then blasts out directly, appears one as if the chains that is condensed by the radiant galaxy becomes, then this chains turned into star light, submerges Morea main body within the body. “胡说八道。”俊美的脸蛋在金龙娘的一双手下变换着各种形状的穆瑞亚分身冷冷的说道,然后直接炸开,显出一根仿佛由璀璨星河凝聚而成的锁链,而后这根锁链化成了一道星光,没入穆瑞亚的本尊体内。 Interesting! That crowd of fights of Titan clan create this secret technique crazily unexpectedly.” The Gold Dragon mother circles interested sizes up other clone, by her clone direct light of gaze, changes the weapon, submerging Morea within the body- this is the clone technique that he himself relieves. “有意思!泰坦族的那群战斗狂居然创造出这种秘术。”金龙娘绕有兴趣的打量着其余分身,被她的注视的分身直接化光,变回兵器,没入穆瑞亚体内-这是他自己解除的分身术。 Very good clone technique, but besides you also has Titan that creates this secret technique, should not have third Titan to cultivate, because these clone to be used in the fight the words, the use is not big.” “很不错的分身术,不过除了你还有创造出这道秘术的泰坦,应该不会有第三位泰坦修炼了,因为这些分身用于战斗的话,用处不大。” Gold Dragon mother Arter Liz very affirmative saying, in this world except for Titan, could not find several to understand compared with her again Titan existed, that is one crowd of from head to tail fights is crazy. 金龙娘阿特丽斯十分肯定的说道,这世界上除了泰坦自己,再也找不到几个比她更了解泰坦的存在了,那就是一群彻头彻尾的战斗狂。 Clone technique , is not only used to fight.” Morea replied, „, moreover to me, the clone battle efficiency enough has dealt with a lot.” “分身术不只是用来战斗。”穆瑞亚回答道,“而且对于我来说,分身的战斗力已经足够应付很多事情了。” „, Small Morea, what you ate, broke through inflates to the soul intent peak?” The Gold Dragon mother sizes up Morea that stands from the chair, in the eye has been showing a happy expression. “啧,小穆瑞亚,你这是吃了什么,突破到魂意巅峰就这么膨胀了?”金龙娘打量着已经从椅子上站起来的穆瑞亚,眼中露出一丝笑意。 Regarding the Morea present achievement, she is satisfied. This indicated that she decided initially is right, if in the Titan islands, how Morea probably to have such strength. 对于穆瑞亚现在的成就,她非常满意。这说明她当初的决定是对的,如果还是在泰坦群岛,穆瑞亚怎么可能拥有如此实力。 Swallowed the hearts of three element feudal lords.” Morea complexion indifferent saying, he looks to forcing the Gold Dragon mother in travelling world, although knows her for oneself well, but this involuntary feeling makes one not be feeling well very much. “只是吞了三颗元素领主的心脏。”穆瑞亚脸色淡然的说道,他看向逼迫自己游历世界的金龙娘,虽然知道她是为自己好,但这种身不由己的感觉很让人不爽。 Moreover, I have not inflated, I make a correct appraisal to my strength.” Morea looks that the semblance seems like the elder sister much the Gold Dragon mother who looks like mother, the both arms open, releases all the link of own soul intent. “另外,我没有膨胀,我只是对自己战力做出一个正确的评估而已。”穆瑞亚看着外表看起来像姐姐多过像自己母亲的金龙娘,双臂张开,将自己的魂意之环尽数释放出来。 The wind and thunder surges, electric arc and weak flame in broken bits are found in the main hall, gold/metal is one after another radiant, has the mysterious spirit mark, is sending out the soul link of ancient, boundless, distant aura appears in Morea behind, slowly the rotation, is sending out the strong oppression strength. 风雷激荡,细碎的电弧与微弱的火苗遍布大殿之中,一道又一道金芒璀璨,带着玄奥灵纹,散发着古老,苍茫,悠远气息的魂环出现在穆瑞亚的身后,缓缓转动,散发着强大的压迫力。 The links of enough 120 soul intent, stuffed the space of Morea top of the head and back, during the soul link rotations, making the space twist slightly, unexpectedly presented an empty shadow of stretch of bleak land, above had the innumerable shape fierce monster to loaf above. 足足一百二十道魂意之环,充塞了穆瑞亚头顶与背后的空间,魂环转动之间,令空间都微微扭曲,居然出现了一片荒凉大地的虚影,上面有数不清的形态狰狞的怪物在其上游荡。 That is swallowed by Ella Sya world in the space level almost with the Nuoqiya subcontinent overlapped abyss, at this time was vibrated by the strength of Morea sending out, revealed an corner/horn. 那是在空间层面上被埃拉西亚世界吞下几乎与诺奇亚欧次大陆重叠的深渊,此时被穆瑞亚散发的力量震动,露出了一角。 Has clone of my main body 30% strengths, sufficiently with ordinary Gold Dragon or a Red Dragon war.” Morea has meaning of the showing off, shows own soul link to the Gold Dragon mother, he self-confident anyone, the link had soul intent is impossible to have his many, Titan is not good, Gold Dragon is also not generation after generation good. “拥有我本尊30%战力的分身,足以与普通的金龙或者红龙一战。”穆瑞亚带着一丝炫耀之意,向金龙娘展现自己的魂环,他自信不论是谁,拥有的魂意之环都不可能有他的多,泰坦不行,祖代金龙同样不行。 Small Morea, you really worthily is a my son.” The Gold Dragon mother appreciates Morea the link of soul intent, in the eye does not have color of the difference, fused a drop of Dragon King source blood, the link of soul intent will be many she not to feel strange, will be short of her to find it strange. “小穆瑞亚,你真不愧是我儿子。”金龙娘欣赏着穆瑞亚的魂意之环,眼中没有一丝异样之色,融合了一滴龙王源血,魂意之环再多她都不会奇怪,少了她才会觉得奇怪。 Your link of strength soul intent is unstable.” Gold Dragon mother calm is sizing up behind Morea, that occupied Morea all soul link number 1/3 unusual look soul links, “不过你的魂意之环力量还不稳定。”金龙娘淡定的打量着穆瑞亚背后,那足足占据了穆瑞亚所有魂环数量三分之一的异色魂环, Needs to practice, you pursue the strength, I can understand, but you must control you to obtain the strength every minute perfectly, otherwise rather does not want this strength.” “需要多加练习,你追求力量,我可以理解,但是你必须完美掌控你得到每一分力量,不然宁可不要这份力量。” I know, during is disciplining.” Morea pulled the corners of the mouth, somewhat unwilling receives the link of soul intent, without sees the surprised color on the Gold Dragon mother, making Morea feel somewhat loses, „do you come to here to do?” “我知道,正在磨练之中。”穆瑞亚扯了扯嘴角,有些不甘的收起魂意之环,没有在金龙娘身上看到惊讶之色,让穆瑞亚感觉有些失落,“你来这里干什么?” This subcontinent now everywhere is the devil, do I appear am very here strange?” The Gold Dragon mother smilingly is sizing up the surroundings, „after going to this mainland, discovered exactly my son also here, do I have a look am not a very normal matter?” “这片次大陆现在到处都是恶魔,我出现在这里很奇怪吗?”金龙娘笑眯眯的打量着周围,“来到这片大陆之后,恰好发现我的儿子也在这里,我过来看看不是一件很正常的事情吗?” „......” Morea is silent, he did not know to say anything, the dragon that oneself using energy mental effort raised was sent into exile the all over the world, said that to the Gold Dragon mother not discontented, that was impossible. “……”穆瑞亚沉默,他不知道说什么,自己费劲心力养大的龙被放逐到世界各地,说对金龙娘没有一点不满,那是不可能的。 However he has also tasted, oneself from the Gold Dragon mother's crystal castle, obtain the process of legendary metal was extremely whether relaxed, smoothly to looked like has some Gold Dragon deliberately to turn on the water to be the same, in this situation mood of Morea to own mother somewhat was complex. 但是他也早就回过味来了,自己从金龙娘的水晶城堡之中,得到传奇金属的过程是否太过轻松了一些,顺利到了就像是有某条金龙刻意放水一样,这种情况下穆瑞亚对自己母亲的情绪就有些复杂了。
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