TDK :: Volume #5

#415: Suddenly blonde young girl

Your Highness Morea, is your?” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus enters the main hall of Morea processing government affairs, leaves king sometime him, on the face reveals a stunned color. 穆瑞亚殿下,您这是?”古金龙巴斯德走进穆瑞亚处理政务的大殿,离开王都有一段时间的他,脸上露出一丝错愕之色。 Because he sees six semblance exactly the same Morea, a posture lies down in the chair high-grade gracefully the tea, but another two are handling the government affairs in a terrible fix, is constructing a mark, seems like practicing the set up formation, final two are the shoulder weapons, mutually to cutting, the tactical situation is intense. 因为他看到六位外表一模一样的穆瑞亚,一位姿势优雅躺在椅子上品着茶,而另外两位正在焦头烂额的处理政务,还有一位正在构建阵纹,似乎是正在练习布阵,最后两位正在是手持兵器,互相对砍,战况激烈。 Clone technique?” Gold Dragon Bastus some indefinite makes noise to ask, he heard that this was known as one of magic arts is most difficult to study, but as far as he knows, the clone technique can only change one clone, had not heard can change five clone simultaneously. “分身术?”金龙巴斯德有些不确定的出声问道,他听说这个号称最难学的法术之一,但是据他所知,分身术只能变化出一具分身,没听说过可以同时变化出五具分身。 „It is not the magic arts, is I inherits inside clone secret technique.” Is sitting on the deck chair, Morea that the stance drinks tea lazy looks up ancient Gold Dragon that walked, the family background answers. “不是法术,是我传承里面的分身秘术。”正坐在躺椅上,姿态慵懒喝茶的穆瑞亚抬头看了一眼走进来的古金龙,出身解释道。 So that's how it is.” In ancient Gold Dragon eye reveals an admiring color, this secret technique, he also wants to study, can clone to make the secret techniques of six matters simultaneously, was really convenient.” “原来如此。”古金龙眼中露出一丝艳羡之色,这种秘术,他也想学,“能够同时分身做六件事的秘术,真是太方便了。” Bastus, you carefully looks, I can achieve to lose concentration now six, but actually cannot each matter complete.” Drinking tea Morea sighed in a soft voice. “巴斯德阁下,您仔细看一看,我现在能做到分神六处,但是却不能每件事都做好。”喝茶的穆瑞亚轻声叹道。 Bastus carefully observed, discovered that this except for lying down in the main body that on the chair drinks tea, other five clone, sometimes in the eye will present the color of delay, the body is motionless, but this condition continues less than a breath generally time, then has to restore as usual, the situation, the issue is not so big. 巴斯德仔细观察了一下,发现这除了躺在椅子上喝茶的本尊,其余五具分身,有时候眼中之会出现呆滞之色,身体一动不动,但这种状态一般持续都不到一息的时候,便有恢复如常,如此情况,问题不大。 Your highness you should just start to practice this clone secret technique, having this situation is very normal, after all simultaneously must control six bodies to work, is not familiar with, when behind adapted, should be better.” “殿下您应该是刚刚开始练习这分身秘术吧,出现这种情况很正常,毕竟同时要控制六具身体做事,还是非常不习惯,等到后面适应了,应该会好很多。” Therefore, my main body does not have the energy to handle other things, can only do to drink tea, relaxes.” Morea said with a smile, he noticed first of this clone technique then wanted to cultivate, part of reasons were his previous generation. “所以啊,我本尊没有精力做其他事情,只能做喝喝茶,放松一下了。”穆瑞亚笑道,他之所以看到这分身术的第一眼便想要修炼,其中一部分原因便是他的前世。 He remembers when his previous generation childhood, once had to sound very weak desire: If two were good, can go to school, another can play. 他记得他前世幼年之时,曾有个听起来很幼稚的愿望:如果有两个自己就好了,一个可以去上学,另外一个就可以去玩了。 So naive child desire, after he arrives at Ella Sya world, became the reality, he learned the clone technique, can make the main body delimit the water, let clone to do these tiring work. 如此天真的孩童愿望,在他来到埃拉西亚世界之后,变成了现实,他学会分身术了,可以让本尊划水,让分身去干那些累活。 However in fact the wide difference, has not said clone, actually he is doing these things, comparing has not learned clone is more tired, just his main body semblance looks very leisurely and carefree. 但是实际上没有多大差别,说是分身,其实还是他在干这些事情,比没有学会分身的时候更累,只不过他的本尊外表看起来很悠闲而已。 Sits to drink one cup, told me situation that your doing an inspection nation sees.” Morea said with a smile. “坐下来喝一杯吧,跟我说说你巡查全国看到的情况。”穆瑞亚笑道。 Arrived at the five colors dragon of Rauchman kingdom also to have the different kind race to be getting more and more, but majority has not stirred up trouble, peaceful is staying, be only few part clashed with human.” “来到洛克曼王国的五色龙还有异类种族越来越多了,不过大部分都没有惹事,都是安安静静的呆着,只有很少的一部分与人类发生冲突。” These five colors dragons and did the monster clans that has the conflict remember?” “发生冲突的那些五色龙与怪物氏族记下来了吗?” Wrote down.” “都记下来了。” Issues the notice, making them withdraw from the Rauchman kingdom immediately, can not stay, if declines to leave, in three days enforces.” Morea combative light snort/hum said. “发出通知,让它们即日起撤离洛克曼王国境内,不得停留,如果赖着不走,三日内强制执行。”穆瑞亚杀气腾腾的轻哼道。 Since the demon disaster starts, because Morea also ten big ancient dragon existences, some quantity astonishing dragon classes, from flood into the Rauchman kingdom every day in all directions, moreover there are these to like attaching in strong big dragon class monster clan, migrates from the distant place unceasingly enters the Rauchman kingdom, seeks harbour. 自从魔灾开始之后,因为穆瑞亚还有十大古龙的存在,每天都有数量惊人的龙类,从四面八方涌入洛克曼王国境内,而且还有那些喜欢依附于强大龙类的怪物氏族,也从远方不断迁移进入洛克曼王国,寻求庇护。 From the beginning, only then metal dragon clan, because ten big ancient dragon existence, enters the Rauchman kingdom unceasingly. However after the demon disaster opened the second year, six powerful five colors dragons, the manner make widely known, the movement enters in the Rauchman nation rampantly. 一开始,只有金属龙族因为十大古龙的存在,不断进入洛克曼王国。但是到了魔灾开启后的第二年,六条强大的五色龙,举止张扬,动作嚣张地进入洛克曼全国境内。 When Morea first obtained the news, then sent six Storm Giant that directly has the great Péng mount, one hauled back the kings these six five colors dragon Tongou. 穆瑞亚第一时间得到了消息,然后直接派了六名拥有巨鹏坐骑的风暴巨人,将这六条五色龙痛殴一顿拖回了王都。 Heard the dragon class of this news thinks these six five colors dragons must be finished, after all is the five colors dragon, finally goes into the domain of metal dragon to make widely known, was not hit is strange. 很多听说了这则消息的龙类都以为这六条五色龙要完蛋了,毕竟身为五色龙,结果跑到金属龙的地盘上张扬,不被打才奇怪呢。 What the result made many dragons shock, these six colorless dragons appeared in a while, but also following human acted together, helped the human resistance devil. 结果令很多龙大跌眼镜的是,这六条无色龙没过多久又出现了,还跟着人类一起行动,帮助人类对抗恶魔。 After the news spreads, the five colors dragons of many in constant anxiety could not sit still again, leaves to go to the Rauchman kingdom in abundance. 消息传出之后,很多惶惶不可终日的五色龙再也坐不住了,纷纷动身前往洛克曼王国。 Five colors dragon Keshi said that is a grandmother is not sore, orphan dragon that the uncle does not love, lucky five colors dragon, but can also be raised youngster dragon period by own parents, but the unlucky dragon, the birth was the orphan dragon, can only struggle to seek livehood in the open country difficultly. 五色龙可是说是一种姥姥不疼,舅舅不爱的孤儿龙,幸运的五色龙,还可以被自己的父母养到少年龙期,而不幸运的龙,出生就是孤儿龙,只能自己在野外艰难挣扎求生。 Regardless of comes across anything, the five colors dragon almost can only shoulder, does not need to think whom asks to help, does not help the same clan, after asking the five colors dragon, was a point with does not have, as for other families, basically was impossible. 不论碰到什么事,五色龙几乎都只能自己扛,不用想着去找谁帮忙,连同族都不帮忙,求五色龙后更是一点用都没有,至于外族,基本上是不可能。 Therefore, in knowing Morea gave shelter to six five colors dragons, after has not injured them, many five colors dragons start to find the way to enter the Rauchman kingdom, seeks harbour. 所以,在得知穆瑞亚收留了六条五色龙,没有伤害它们之后,很多五色龙都开始想办法进入洛克曼王国,寻求庇护。 The country that ten Gulong Town defend, in many dragon eyes, that was in Nuoqiya subcontinent the safest place, therefore felt oneself in the five colors dragon that in the demon disaster is unable to go on living, naturally was finds the way to run toward there. 有十条古龙镇守的国家,在很多龙眼中,那就是诺奇亚欧次大陆上最安全的地方了,所以感觉自己在魔灾之中无法活下去的五色龙,自然是想办法往那里跑了。 Your highness, perhaps had no dragon also to have the monster clan to be willing to leave the kingdom at this time.” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus reminded, at the present that the present demon disaster gets stronger and stronger, left the Rauchman kingdom with dying no difference. “殿下,恐怕没有哪条龙还有怪物氏族愿意在这个时候离开离开王国。”古金龙巴斯德提醒道,在如今魔灾愈演愈烈的现在,离开洛克曼王国与死没有什么区别。 Naturally, staying in the Rauchman kingdom is the survival percentage is also bigger, did not say that certainly can pass the demon disaster safely, even the legend does not dare to talk irresponsibly. 当然,留在洛克曼王国也是存活率更大一些,不是说一定可以安全度过魔灾,就算是传奇也不敢如此信口开河。 What because can foresee, by the later period, will certainly have the legendary devil to appear, perhaps will have the devil father to project to arrive, wind king Ying existence has indicated. 因为可以预见的是,到了后期,一定会有传奇恶魔出现,说不定会有恶魔大君投影降临,风王鹰的存在已经预示了很多。 That recruits them forcefully, the monster clan that each enters the kingdom, must obey kingdom's management, and sends out certain young, assistance kingdom resistance devil.” “那就强行征召它们,每一支进入王国的怪物氏族,必须服从王国的管理,并且派出一定的青壮,协助王国对抗恶魔。” The Morea complexion reveals the resolute color, makes the decision, along with his thought that is processing clone of government affairs to sign a related administrative law immediately. 穆瑞亚脸色露出果决之色,做出决定,伴随着他的念头,正在处理政务的分身立即签署一份相关的行政法令。 In the national territory of Rauchman kingdom length and breadth, has place total area insufficient throughout that human occupies actually 1/10, the land-use capability is extremely low, therefore the places of some massive desolated habitations can be for these monster clan survivals, so long as can defeat the local monster then. 洛克曼王国广袤的国土上,实际有人类居住的地方总面积不足全境十分之一,土地利用率极低,因此有大量荒芜人烟的地方可以供那些怪物氏族生存,只要能够战胜本地的怪物即可。 If wants to impact the human city, that do not blame Morea not being impolite, gave shelter to you, the result does not know to feel grateful, but also wants to toss about causes trouble, where has this matter. 若是想要冲击人类城市,那就别怪穆瑞亚不客气了,收留了你,结果不知感恩,还想折腾闹事,哪有这种事情。 „, Small Morea, you now are very imposing!” A vocal cord the feeling the color sound is resounding in Morea behind, lets the six Morea bodies in palace slightly one stiff, similarly looks excessively to the unidirection. “啊啦,小穆瑞亚,你现在很威风啊!”一声带着感慨之色的声音在穆瑞亚身后响起,让宫中的六位穆瑞亚身体都微微一僵,同样偏过头看向同一方向。 There has a looks peerless blonde young girl, tears the space, takes a step. 那里有一位姿容绝世的金发少女,撕裂空间,迈步而出。
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