TDK :: Volume #5

#414: Titan inheritance secret technique

Good fortune does not fail in one's mission, Morea your majesty.” “幸不辱命,穆瑞亚陛下。” Youth inferior (Asia) of complexion blanch drags the sending out odor smell wing demon skeleton to arrive slightly permanently hunts for under the demon tablet on, looks up to is occupying the golden big dragon on crystal stele. 脸色微微发白的青年亚恒拖着散发恶臭气味的翼魔尸骸来到猎魔碑下上,仰望着盘踞在晶石碑上的金色巨龙。 Un!” Figure somewhat illusory Gold Dragon lowered the head to overlook, complied with one desolately. This lets want on an Asian permanent face of commendation to reveal the disappointed color. “嗯!”身形有些虚幻的金龙低头俯视了下方,非常冷淡的应了一声。这不由让想要得到一句称赞的亚恒脸上露出失望之色。 What wants me to commend your?” Form even more illusory Gold Dragon searches, joined to hunt for the demon group already three years, the experience most brutal fight, enjoyed the best cultivation resources, practice the breath law of highest rank, the practice strongest war technique, the use best weaponry, you told me, will you hold true by lose to a same level devil? But you won, what also there is worth praising? This is not natural?” “想要我称赞你什么?”身影愈发虚幻的金龙把头探下来,“加入猎魔团已经三年了,经历最残酷的战斗,享受最好的修炼资源,修行最高等级的呼吸法,练习最强的战技,使用最好的武器装备,你告诉我,你有什么理由会输给一头同级恶魔?而你赢了,又有什么值得夸赞的?这不是理所当然的吗?” Your majesty!” Youth inferior (Asia) somewhat blushes permanently bashfully discards the devil wreckage in hand, then some doubts looked that has turned to the figure translucent, bringing not a real illusory feeling golden big dragon, on the face to reveal the color of doubts, “陛下!”青年亚恒有些羞赧地扔掉手中的恶魔残骸,然后有些疑惑的看向身形已经变成半透明,带着一种不真实虚幻之感的金色巨龙,脸上露出疑惑之色, „Does your body, why what's the matter turn into this? Why is your aura declining fast?” “您的身体,是怎么回事为什么变成这样?您的气息为什么在快速衰落?” Has heard the clone technique?” Occupies Gold Dragon body on in Shoumo the tablet to collapse, changes just like the innumerable point golden light, gathers in a golden light river, falls before the youth inferior (Asia) permanent body, condenses a black hair gold/metal Tong youngster form. “听说过分身术吗?”盘踞于狩魔碑上的金龙身体崩溃,化作宛如无数点金光,汇聚成一条金色光河,落在青年亚恒身前,凝聚成一位黑发金瞳的少年身影。 Has heard, nine points of magic arts that it is said only then the peak master can grasp, the natural talent common master is unable to analyze the magic arts model.” “听说过一点,据说只有最顶尖的法师才能够掌握的九环法术,天资一般的法师根本无法解析法术模型。” inferior (Asia) is taking a look at the human not the slightest difference youngster of front and permanently cautiously, he guessed correctly what condition probably front this Grand Duke by existed, „after you are to use the clone technique, clone that now forms?” 亚恒小心翼翼地打量着面前与真人一般无二的少年,他大概猜到面前这位大公是以什么样的状态存在了,“您现在就是施展分身术之后形成的分身吗?” I indeed clone, but actually not through clone technique formation, but is in my inheritance has to be similar to the mystique of clone technique, I attempted to practice, congealed this clone, happen to I through hunting for the demon tablet induced to your here except for the issue, I clone to send this game, how tried actual combat.” “我的确是分身,但却不是通过分身术形成的,而是我的传承中有类似于分身术的秘法,我尝试修行了一下,凝结成了这一具分身,正好我通过猎魔碑感应到你们这里除了问题,我就把这局分身派过来,试一下实战情况如何。” Inheritance mystique?” On the Asian permanent face reveals to admire the color, this is these immortal planting the place that lets the person envious hatred is, they have the long life span not only, has the contemplation law and secret technique that suits itself to cultivate inborn, merely was only the birth, then stood in end point that in most lives could not touch. “传承秘法?”亚恒脸上露出艳羡之色,这就是那些长生种让人嫉恨的地方所在,他们不光拥有漫长的寿命,还有天生就拥有适合自己修炼的冥想法与秘术,仅仅只是出生,便站在绝大多数生灵都触碰不到的终点上。 Meanwhile, the Morea words also solved the Asian permanent doubts, why the imperator in kingdom will appear in an unknown small town, why the strength of Grand Duke compared with before him sees wants weak so many. 同时,穆瑞亚的话也解开了亚恒的疑惑,为什么王国的最高统治者会出现在一座名不见经传的小城之中,为什么大公的实力比他之前所见的要弱这么多。 „The strength of this clone is a little low, is insufficient my main body strength three.” Black hair gold/metal Tong youngster some grasped the fist discontentedly, had my main body 30% strengths also to deal with most situations sufficiently, but the fight cruise duration was too short, this condition, the fight was less than one hour, my strength of this clone consumed almost, will soon collapse.” “这具分身的战力有点低,不足我本体战力的三层。”黑发金瞳的少年有些不满地握了握拳头,“不过拥有我本体的30%战力也足以应付大多数情况了,但是战斗续航时间太短了,这种状态,战斗不到一个小时,我这具分身的力量就消耗得差不多,即将崩溃了。” Less than clone of 30% strengths!” The Asian permanent corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, he is recalling just Morea the does strength that clone by the steamroll rank slaughter the devil wantonly the scene, in the heart raises the difficult situation strongly, the main body strength of Grand Duke Morea? Can fight vigorously the legend to be inadequate? This was too inconceivable. “不足30%战力的分身!”亚恒嘴角抽了抽,他回忆着刚刚穆瑞亚的这具分身以碾压级别的战力大肆屠杀恶魔的场景,心中掀起来惊涛骇浪,穆瑞亚大公的本体实力到底有多强?难道能够力战传奇不成?这太不可思议了。 Ok, protected this city earnestly, I should walk.” Clone of Morea patted the youth inferior (Asia) permanent shoulder, then turned around to stimulate to hunt for transmission on demon tablet, the figure vanishes in the hazy transmission miraculous glow does not see. “好了,认真守护这座城市,我该走了。”穆瑞亚的分身拍了拍青年亚恒的肩膀,而后转身激发了猎魔碑上的传送阵,身形在迷蒙的传送灵光之中消失不见。 The kings, in the Sikaleite central royal palace, Morea sit well above the throne, looks with exactly the same youngster who walks from the front door, complexion some did not rub the forehead attractively, 王都,斯卡雷特中央王宫之中,穆瑞亚端坐于王座之上,看着从大门外走进来的与自己一模一样的少年,脸色有些不好看的揉了揉眉心, Keeps one eye on! Also needs to practice, the wholehearted easy to do matter, undecided could not hold the matter.” “一心二用啊!还需要多加练习,一心一意好办事,三心二意就办不好事情了。” Morea was sighing puts out a hand toward, later the under surface seems like has almost no youngster of difference from Morea, the body is blooming the ray, turned into the human form luminophor, then pulverizes to internal collapsing, finally, on a stick draws up a gorgeous law stick of lifelike platinum big dragon to appear. 穆瑞亚感叹着朝下方伸出手,随后下方表面看上去几乎与穆瑞亚没有任何差别的少年,身体绽放着光芒,变成了人形发光体,接着向内部坍塌弄碎,最后,一柄杖身上绘制着一条栩栩如生的白金巨龙的华美法杖显现而出。 End the law stick buzz is calling finally, has the brilliant five colors miraculous glow, drags to entrain a long band of light, flies to Morea, then by him, as soon as grasps in the hand. 终末法杖嗡鸣着,带着绚烂的五色灵光,拖拽出一条长长的光带,飞向穆瑞亚,然后被他一把握在手中。 „A exclusive weapon, can form clone that has my main body 30% strengths, nine weapons are nine clone, if adds on the Saint shining sovereign deep pool again, that is ten.” “一柄专属兵器,就可以形成一具拥有我本体30%力量的分身,九柄兵器就是九具分身,如果再加上圣耀皇渊,那就是十具。” Morea at this time somewhat happy is worrying, so many clone, must make them move simultaneously, must ten use wholeheartedly.” 穆瑞亚此时有些幸福的烦恼着,“这么多分身,要让他们同时都动起来,要一心十用啊。” Each exclusive weapon formation of Titan, was contaminated a Titan complete blood with part of souls, the Morea weapon was no exception. His weapon are most, the pain that but he bears, matches with it. 泰坦的每一件专属兵器成型,都浸染了一位泰坦全部的血与一部分灵魂,穆瑞亚的兵器也不例外。他的兵器最多,但是他承受的痛苦,同样与之相匹配。 The Titan exclusive weapon is so special, naturally has Titan to act according to various clone magic arts and secret techniques, creates by suitable Titan, the clone secret technique based on exclusive weapon, there is nothing well strange, the Titan clan never lacks the creation to fight the talent in technique. 泰坦的专属兵器如此特殊,自然有泰坦根据各种分身法术与秘术,创造出以一种适合泰坦,以专属兵器为基础的分身秘术,这没有什么好奇怪的,泰坦族从来不缺少创造战技方面的天才。 This being similar in the Titan secret technique of clone technique, when is Morea is boring, from Titan that voluminous inheritance found, after glancing through carefully, he then immense interest attempts to cultivate. 这种类似于分身术的泰坦秘术,是穆瑞亚无聊之时,从泰坦那浩如烟海的传承之中找到的,仔细翻阅之后,他便兴趣盎然的尝试修炼起来。 However except for first experience that Titan that creates this clone technique keeps, did not have the practicing experience that other Titan left behind to refer for Morea again, because did not have the second Titan choice to cultivate this secret technique. 不过除了第一位创造这道分身术的泰坦留下来的经验,再也没有其他泰坦留下的修行经验供穆瑞亚参考了,因为没有第二位泰坦选择修炼这道秘术。 Because of extremely the waste, the formation that each Titan clone needs to be centered on a exclusive weapon took the carrier, even still had the main body 30% strengths. 因为太过废物了,每一道泰坦分身的成型都需要以一柄专属兵器为核心作为载体,就算如此也只是拥有本体30%的战力。 This clone technique, regarding ordinary Titan, does not have the function, overwhelming majority Titan only then a exclusive weapon, the fight time, condenses together good to look at but of no use clone with only exclusive weapon, simply is the brain remnant behavior. 这种分身术,对于普通的泰坦来说,毫无作用,绝大部分泰坦只有一柄专属兵器,战斗时候,用唯一一柄专属兵器凝聚成一道中看不中用的分身,简直就是脑残行为。 But regarding Morea different, his exclusive weapon are too many, in the Titan casting soldier history, absolutely is unprecedented, latter possibly does not have the future. 但对于穆瑞亚来说不一样,他的专属兵器已经太多了,在泰坦的铸兵历史上,绝对是前无古人,后也可能没有来者。 After forming clone regarding Titan, the 30% strengths of unusual weak, regarding Morea are very objective. 至于形成分身之后对于泰坦来说,非常鸡肋的30%战力,对于穆瑞亚来说还是非常客观的。 If pure by the link of computation strength soul intent, has clone of Morea main body 30% strengths, but has the links of 36 soul intent, this still dominated in most the quantities of soul intent, deals with most things sufficiently. 如果单纯的以魂意之环计算战力,拥有穆瑞亚本尊30%实力的分身,可是拥有三十六道魂意之环,这仍旧是凌驾于绝大多数魂意的数量,足以应对大部分事情。 Therefore, Morea is building up the soldier clone technique to be interested to the Titan inheritance memory in sending soul, seizes all opportunities to exercise own clone, for example controls one clone to fight simultaneously, clone to handle the government affairs. 所以,穆瑞亚对着泰坦传承记忆中的寄魂炼兵分身术非常感兴趣,抓住一切机会锻炼自己的分身,比如同时控制一具分身战斗,一具分身处理政务。
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