TDK :: Volume #5

#413: Dragon that should not present

In falls into under the vision gaze that the desperate person hopes for innumerably, in city center, a big dragon that is sending out endless gold/metal raises, just like a Sun, the ray of blooming outshone the black red nighttime sky, scattered frightened and anxiety in everyone heart. 在无数陷入绝望之人期盼的目光注视下,在城市中央,一条散发着无尽金芒的巨龙升起,宛如一颗太阳般,绽放的光芒照亮了黑红色的夜空,驱散了凡人心中的恐惧与不安。 Is the Morea rule Grand Duke!” Pulls the little girl face of old person clothes robe to be pleasantly surprised, having not covering up the color of worship to look to circle the golden big dragon sky over city, Grand Duke Gold Dragon saved us.” “是穆瑞亚执政大公!”拉扯着老人衣袍的小女孩一脸惊喜,带着不加掩饰的崇拜之色看着盘旋在城市上空的金色巨龙,“金龙大公来救我们了。” How can?” The old person who has prepared the combustion soul surprised is looks to circle the golden big dragon sky over city, the highest leaders of laws in kingdom arrives suddenly, in his eyes, is really a very strange matter. “怎么会?”已经准备燃烧灵魂的老人惊讶是看着盘旋在城市上空的金色巨龙,王国的最高执政者突然降临,在他眼中,实在是一件非常奇怪的事情。 He travelling various countries, naturally had once understood the position of oneself living in seclusion city, in the province that this city in he is a city, but enlarges to the nationwide scale, similar city has several hundred, radically insignificant, is not worth mentioning. 他曾经游历各国,对于自己隐居城市的地位自然有所了解,这座城市在他所在的行省上算是一个重要城市,但是放大到全国范围,类似的城市有几百座,根本就无足轻重,不值一提。 Therefore Morea arrives in this, is a very strange matter, but that Gold Dragon nearly first does not have two contours, has proven all, facts speak louder than words, this is the ruling Grand Duke. 所以穆瑞亚降临于此,是一件非常奇怪的的事情,但那条金龙近乎第一无二的外形,已经证明了一切,事实胜于雄辩,这就是执政大公。 Bang!” Bang!”...... After the golden big dragon appears, has not stopped, the radiant dazzling thunder and flame burst out from him, are curling the strong winds, since the high place falls, hits accurate each devil. “轰!”“轰!”……当金色的巨龙出现之后,没有丝毫停顿,璀璨耀眼的雷霆与火焰从他身上迸发,卷着狂风,从高处落下,精准命中每一头恶魔。 In the Morea shining Gold Dragon pupil the place of gaze, all devils vanished in a puff of smoke in the pitiful yell wailing sound, in this included certainly kept off that first six arm snake demons in front of old person accompanies with her devil. 穆瑞亚耀金龙瞳所注视之处,一切恶魔在惨叫哀嚎声中灰飞烟灭,这里面当然包括了挡在老人面前的那头六臂蛇魔与她的恶魔随从。 This is what kind of terrifying strength.” Is gazing at with own eyes, even if burn the snake demon that the soul may not defeat, strikes off the body by three rounds of thunder fires that in the sky drop, this recluse cannot bear say after a sigh. “这是何等恐怖的力量。”亲眼注视着即便是自己燃烧灵魂都不一定可以战胜的蛇魔,被天空之中落下的三发雷火击断身躯,这位隐者忍不住感叹道。 The charming attractive belt/bring being bewitched mark, fills the plentiful upper part of foreign land character and style, appears the fierce fearsome snake-shaped lower part, breaks from the slender and powerful waist, the fracture place drop blood has not fallen. Because had been burnt down the hard coke by the thunder, is sending out ill-smelling burnt taste. 娇媚诱人带着魔纹,充满异域风情的丰满上半身,还有显得狰狞可怖的蛇形下半身,从纤细而又有力的腰部断裂开,断口处滴血未落。因为都已经被雷火烧成焦炭了,散发着一股难闻的焦糊味。 Grandfather, this snake demon is also living, cannot the opportunity restore to her, you break out her head a bit faster, like this she will die thoroughly.” Wears the little girl of grey clothes to draw old person's clothes robe, is shouting with the anxious tone, the eye closely is staring in snake demon that half sturdy snake tail that the ground pain struggles, then swallowed saliva quietly. “爷爷,这头蛇魔还活着,不能给她机会恢复,你快点去劈开她的头颅,这样她才会死透。”身穿灰衣的小女孩拉着老人的衣袍,用焦急的语气喊着,眼睛紧紧地盯着在地上痛苦挣扎的蛇魔那半截粗壮蛇尾,然后悄悄吞了一口口水。 Does not use, you look at her appearance, does not need the grandfather to make up the blade, she must die immediately thoroughly.” All children who the head of old person somewhat helpless tracing little girl, he adopts, this little fellow is the different kind. “不用了,你看她的样子,不用爷爷去补刀,她自己马上就要死透了。”老人有些无奈的摸了摸小女孩的头,他收养的所有孩子,就这个小家伙是异类。 Before had not looked, however when was the official in this city according to the order popular science of ruling Grand Duke about the devil knowledge, this little fellow heard most vigorously, but also very earnest writing down. 以前没有看出来,但是当这座城市的官员按照执政大公的命令科普关于恶魔的知识时,就这个小家伙听得最起劲,还非常认真的记下来。 When facing devil, all children only then she has the courage to start talking, according to devil knowledge that she hears, the identification present devil, then well-organized just like with the information with the related weakness endorses the same back to come out, this is the thick nerve, does not seem to know that what frightened is same. 在面对恶魔之时,所有孩子只有她一个人有胆子开口说话,根据她听到的恶魔知识,辨认眼前的恶魔,然后条理清晰地将与之相关的弱点与情报犹如背书一样背出来,这是何等粗大的神经,就好像不知道恐惧为何物一样。 Why doesn't need to make up the blade?” Little girl puzzled asking, did not say the devil of soul intent level, even if will cut the head not dead? So long as gives them the time to restore in peak condition, therefore kills the soul intent level devil, must chop the hashed meat.” “为什么不用补刀?”小女孩不解的问道,“不是说魂意级的恶魔就算是斩下头颅都不会死吗?只要给它们时间就又能恢复到巅峰状态,所以杀魂意级恶魔,一定要剁成碎肉。” You looked that her thunder Hu also has the flame, this is the strength of Grand Duke Morea, is obliterating her vitality also to have the soul, this is a very overbearing strength.” The old person eyeground has a deep awe to look that is lying down in the snake demon that the ground pain wails. “你看她身上的雷弧还有火焰,这是穆瑞亚大公的力量,正在磨灭她的生机还有灵魂,这是一种很霸道的力量。”老人眼底带着一丝深深的敬畏看着正躺在地上痛苦哀嚎的蛇魔。 Is powerful, more can feel in the Morea strength that steamroll to be shattered all overbearing. 越是强大,就越是能够感受到穆瑞亚力量中那股碾压破灭一切的霸道。 Goes home, we do not go out of town.” The old person has the look that the deep awe and admires, looked up one to spread the thunder in the sky, the emitting flame, golden big dragon that started the hurricane. “回家,我们不出城了。”老人带着深深的敬畏与艳羡的眼神,抬头看了一眼正在天空之中散布雷霆,喷吐火焰,掀起飓风的金色巨龙。 The big dragon, occupies in the lifeform of the world food chain peak! Every thing who does not envy. After all bloodlines this type of thing, really cannot make up diligently. 巨龙啊,盘踞于世界食物链顶端的生物!凡物谁不羡慕。毕竟血脉这种东西,真的不是努力能够弥补的。 ...... …… inferior (Asia) brandishes the own wing demon of heavy axe in hand with preventing permanently hits the difficult minute/share of difficult shed, in him is planning that uses itself the secret technique that uses the meritorious military service exchange to come, burns own vitality, the eruption potential, forcefully the when stop of breakthrough this wing demon. 亚恒挥舞着手中的重斧与阻挡自己的翼魔打得难分难舍,正在他打算使用自己用战功兑换而来的秘术,燃烧自己的气血,爆发潜能,强行突破这头翼魔的阻拦时。 He notices on a distance insufficient kilometer giant crystal of a mark to shine one after another, making the radiant hunting for demon tablet intensely brighter, the brilliant transmission miraculous glow shines. 他注意到距离不足自己千米的巨大晶体上一道又一道阵纹亮起,让本就璀璨的猎魔碑变得更加耀眼夺目,绚烂的传送灵光亮起。 With a resonant dragon roar, pale golden dragon prestige just like tidal, from hunting for the demon tablet gushes out, flooded at present all fields of vision, making one just like placing oneself in the golden sea water. 伴随着一声嘹亮的龙吼声,淡金色的龙威宛如潮水般,从猎魔碑上涌出,充斥了眼前所有视野,让人宛如置身于金色的海水之中。 Afterward, Rauchman kingdom all human very familiar dragon shades ascend from the crystal stele together, later the thunder, flame and hurricane then such as the pouring rainstorm falls generally. 随后,一道洛克曼王国所有人类都非常熟悉的龙影从晶石碑上升腾而起,随后雷霆、火焰与飓风便如倾盆暴雨一般落下。 Easily accomplished! No devil can anti- that dragon shadow attack, in the city the highest-rating six arm snake demons be no different from the most preliminary timid demon fate, what is only different is only they after the issue that withstanding Morea many attacks can die. 摧枯拉朽!没有一头恶魔可以抗那道龙影的攻击,城市中等级最高的六臂蛇魔与最低级的怯魔下场没有什么不同,唯一不同的只是它们在承受穆瑞亚多少次攻击后会死的问题。 This dragon prestige felt that some are not right.” By the Asian perseverance that in substantializing dragon prestige of dragon shadow sending out wraps some doubts, weak so many? Normal, I should be irremovable now, but this aura truly is Your Highness Morea right!” “这龙威感觉有些不对劲啊。”被龙影散发的实质化龙威包裹的亚恒心中有些疑惑,“怎么弱了这么多?正常来说,我现在应该不能移动,但这气息确实是属于穆瑞亚殿下的没错!” What's the matter? Was my these days strength growth.” Discovered some Asian permanent doubts that oneself can also move is thinking, he had felt a dragon prestige of Morea rule Grand Duke fortunately. “到底是怎么回事?难道是我这段时间的实力增长了。”发现自己还能动弹的亚恒有些疑惑的想着,他曾经有幸感受过一次穆瑞亚执政大公的龙威。 At that time he felt that oneself looked like one to drop resin inside insect to be common, the hands and feet wanted to move is so difficult, in the heart filled feared and despaired. 当时他感觉自己就像是一只落进松脂里面的虫子一般,手脚想要动弹一下都是如此艰难,心中充满了恐惧与绝望。 „Did the strength of Grand Duke Morea reduce? It is not right, perhaps was injured.” The movement under the influence of dragon prestige becomes slow inferior (Asia) permanently to indulge in flights of fancy, but there is to look at one that to slaughter the devil wantonly the dragon shadow, denied this speculation, this condition, where probably injured appearance. 穆瑞亚大公的实力降低了?不对,也许是受伤了。”在龙威的影响下动作变得缓慢的亚恒胡思乱想着,但是有看了一下那条正在大肆屠杀恶魔的龙影,又否认了这个猜测,这种状态,哪里像是受伤的样子。 „Does this is do, how not my surface forward wing demon killing?” But quick, inferior (Asia) discovered permanently matter some are not right, the dragon shadow of that say/way doubtful Grand Duke Morea, killed off neighbor all devils, but has not massacred his front this wing demon only, this was very awkward. “这是干嘛,怎么不把我面前翼魔这头打死?”但很快,亚恒就发现事情有些不对,那道疑似穆瑞亚大公的龙影,杀光了附近所有的恶魔,但是唯独没有杀掉他面前这翼魔,这就很尴尬了。 Before I clean up complete city all devils, in front of the devil you kills, how has been hunting for the demon group to stay for a long time, can't kill including a same level devil?” When inferior (Asia) permanently secretly depressed, the familiar sound resounds in his ear, do not disappoint me.” “在我清理完全城所有恶魔之前,将你面前的这头恶魔杀死,已经在猎魔团呆了怎么久,连一头同级恶魔都干不掉吗?”就在亚恒暗自郁闷的时候,熟悉的声音在他耳边响起,“不要让我失望。” Asked the Grand Duke to be able rest assured that I guaranteed on time completed the task.” Hears the Morea words, youth inferior (Asia) permanently just like hits the chicken blood to reply. “请大公阁下放心,我保证按时完成任务。”听到穆瑞亚的话,青年亚恒犹如打了鸡血般回答道。
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