TDK :: Volume #5

#412: dragon prestige

Cuts the devil follower who kills to be searched personally, solved an city hidden danger inferior (Asia) to be permanently happy, then starts to stroll to stroll in the city street that oneself guarded. 亲手斩杀所有被搜查出来的恶魔信徒,解决了一个城市隐患的亚恒心情舒畅,然后开始在自己镇守的这座城市街头漫步闲逛。 Unknowingly, before inferior (Asia) gets to a peaceful orphanage entrance permanently, wears the rickets gray-haired old person to grasp the broom in the hand, sweeps the floor in the orphanage peacefully. 不知不觉中,亚恒走到一座安静的孤儿院门口前,一位身穿佝偻头发花白的老人正在手握扫把,在孤儿院中安安静静地扫地。 Good evening, did the senior, the children fall asleep?” “晚上好,前辈,孩子们都睡着了吗?” Fell asleep.” The old person looked at an inferior (Asia) to be permanent, had told you many times, after the murder, washed cleanly smell comes to here again, during the daytime your will frighten the child.” “都睡着了。”老人看了一眼亚恒,“跟你说过多少次了,杀人之后将身上的气味洗干净再来这里,白天你这样会吓到孩子的。” On me does not have the smell.” Asian permanent some are not convinced smelled the armpit. “我身上没有气味啊。”亚恒有些不服气的嗅了嗅腋下。 On you that heavy/thick smell of blood, I am away from a street to smell.” Old person tone light saying. “你身上那股厚重的血腥味,我隔着一条街都能闻到。”老人语气平淡的说道。 Hehe, senior, this, only then you can feel.” inferior (Asia) permanent hehe smiling, walked to receive the broom in old person hand, swept the floor for him. Old person who this opens the orphanage, was he just a recluse who came to this city soon to discover. “嘿嘿,前辈,这只有您才能感觉到吧。”亚恒嘿嘿的笑着,走过去就要接过老人手中的扫帚,替他扫地。这位开孤儿院的老人,是他刚来这座城市不久发现的一位隐者。 Do not despise the child's spirit sleep/felt in this aspect.” The old person has not modestly declined, whatever inferior (Asia) robs the broom in his hand permanently, what person you just did kill?” “不要小看孩子在这方面的灵觉。”老人也没有谦让,任由亚恒抢走他手中的扫帚,“你刚刚杀了一些什么人?” Devil follower.” “恶魔信徒。” Kills to be clean?” Old person slightly. “杀干净没有?”老人微微一顿。 I will not let off any follower.” “我不会放过任何一位信徒。” But you have not killed cleanly.” Under the old person raised the head to look up to by seven bright moonlight is shone the nighttime sky, moon of pure white no flaw, has blood-color at this time, seemingly felt the bloody, chaotic, evil feeling. “但是你没有杀干净。”老人抬头仰望被七轮明月照耀下的夜空,原本洁白无瑕的月亮,此时带着一股血色,看上去充满了血腥,混乱,邪恶之感。 How possibly? I have killed off them.” Youth inferior (Asia) looks permanently he had seen blood moon/month one time, the body cannot bear shiver, this is because causes angrily. “怎么可能?我已经将他们杀光了。”青年亚恒看着他曾经见过一次的血月,身体都忍不住颤抖起来,这是因为愤怒而导致。 What you discover is only a small part.” The old person looks at the black red nighttime sky, the view is hanging down, turns around to walk toward the room, he must awaken these children, the preparation leads them to leave this city. “你发现的只是一小部分。”老人望着黑红色的夜空,眼帘低垂,转身向屋内走去,他要唤醒那些孩子,准备带着他们离开这座城市。 Senior, I want hunting demon tablet there request assistance, first walked one step.” Has understood the youth who oneself neglect duty, abandons the broom in hand, within the body vigorous battle qi to gush out, oneself will lift, toward blooms the hunting for demon tablet of hazy miraculous glow to fly rapidly in the nighttime sky. “前辈,我要去狩魔碑那里请求支援,先走一步了。”已经明白自己失职的青年,扔下手中的扫帚,体内雄浑的斗气涌出,将自己托举而起,朝着在夜空中绽放着迷蒙灵光的猎魔碑急速飞去。 Roar!” But inferior (Asia) has not been close to hunt for the demon tablet permanently, a gold level wing demon on towering appears from the midair, then plunges him without hesitation, slaughters with him in the same place, preventing inferior (Asia) to be close to hunt for the demon tablet permanently. “吼!”但亚恒还没有接近猎魔碑,一头黄金级翼魔就突兀的从半空中出现,而后毫不犹豫的扑向他,与他厮杀在一起,阻止亚恒接近猎魔碑。 Presents the mutation earliest possible time in the sky of city, many people detected, each person's first response was charges into hunts for the demon tablet, wanted through hunting for the demon tablet requests reinforcements to the kings. 在城市的天空出现异变的第一时间,就有很多人察觉到了,每个人的第一反应都是冲向猎魔碑,想要通过猎魔碑向王都求援。 The demon disaster is in flood already three years , the knowledge about devil, has become a general knowledge under the propaganda that Morea spared no effort, the devil follower started the blood sacrifice, the omen of summon devil, slightly sensible point children know. 魔灾泛滥已经三年之久,很多关于恶魔的知识,在穆瑞亚不遗余力的宣传下已经成了一种常识,恶魔信徒发动血祭,召唤恶魔的前兆,稍微懂事一点的孩子都知道。 However very much what is a pity, to the person who hunting for the demon tablet moves, was blocked completely by the towering devil, most people after fighting several rounds, was killed by mistreatment by the devil. 但是很可惜的是,所有向猎魔碑移动的人,全部都被突兀的恶魔拦下,绝大部分人在交手几个回合之后,就被恶魔虐杀。 This is a deliberate attack, devil majority that the devil follower summoned is centralized near the hunting demon tablet, they do not want to make anybody touch to hunt for the demon tablet. 这是一场有预谋的袭击,恶魔信徒召唤的恶魔大部分都集中在狩魔碑附近,他们不想让任何人触碰到猎魔碑。 As for ruining to hunt for the demon tablet, this tells the kings obvious the united front activities department, here has the issue, hurries to send for the rescue. Before had had a precedent, one group of devil followers before the blood sacrifice city, first hunting for the demon tablet destroyed, then next breath ancient dragon arrived. 至于毁掉猎魔碑,这是明摆着告诉王都的统战部,这里有问题,赶紧派人过来营救。之前就有过一则先例,一群恶魔信徒在血祭城市之前,先把猎魔碑破坏了,然后下一息古龙降临。 That is a very sad story, therefore as the successor, must absorb the predecessor with the lesson that the blood trades. Hunting for the demon tablet is absolutely indestructible. Only can the idea prevent others to be close to hunt for the demon tablet, sends out the rescue information. 那是一个非常悲伤的故事,所以作为后来者,一定要吸取前人用鲜血换来的教训。猎魔碑是绝对不能破坏的。只能想法阻挡其他人接近猎魔碑,发出救援信息。 Roar!” „!”...... Devil shouts in the city continuously, follows to have the weeping and wailing pitiful yell sound of human civilians comes, this regarding ordinary human, is one has the desperate total destruction. “吼!”“嗷!”……恶魔的嘶吼声在城市之中此起彼伏,伴随而来的还有人类平民的哭喊惨叫声,这对于普通人类的来说,就是一场心生绝望的灭顶之灾。 Children, got out of bed.” In the orphanage, the old person awakened all children, trembles these, after the whole face frightened child brings the side . “孩子们,起床了。”孤儿院中,老人唤醒了所有孩子,将这些瑟瑟发抖,满脸恐惧的孩子带着身边之后。 The old person leads the children to arrive at the front door place, from the shutter of orphanage, pulls out a sword blade bright long sword, the miraculous glow that on the sword blade sparkles is representing the uncommonness of this long sword. 老人带着孩子们来到大门处,从孤儿院的门板中,抽出一柄剑刃明亮的长剑,剑身上闪耀的灵光代表着这柄长剑的不凡。 Grandfather, I feared!” The little girl who wears the worn-out hempen garments, the corner of the eye is with the tears, is drawing old person's lower hem corner. “爷爷,我怕!”一位穿着破旧麻衣的小女孩,眼角含着泪水,拉着老人的衣角。 Do not fear, you looked, the grandfather currently has the sword, can protect you.” The old person demonstrated toward the children with a laugh starts the long sword, when this is he is young the side arms. “别怕,你们看,爷爷现在已经有剑了,可以保护你们。”老人笑呵呵朝着孩子们展示了一下手中的长剑,这是他年轻之时的随身武器。 Human, whom do you want to protect?” Has the cruel tyrannical feeling sound to resound, a fan tempts the demon to appear in the silence outside the orphanage front door, side him, four Furlow demons, is greedy with dozens whole faces, timid demon of being eager to try. “人类,你想保护谁?”带着残忍暴虐之感的声音响起,一头迷诱魔在悄无声息间出现在孤儿院大门外,在他身边,还有四头弗洛魔,与几十头满脸贪婪,跃跃欲试的怯魔。 Devil of gold level!” Sees to appear in oneself front devil, the old person sighed one lightly, he did not have to think own luck was not so good, but also without going out bumped into a big devil. “黄金级的恶魔!”看到出现在自己面前的恶魔,老人轻叹一声,他没有想到自己运气这么不好,还没有出门就碰到了一头大恶魔。 Human, gives you an opportunity, gives to me your child, I forgive you not dead.” The fans tempt the demon the vision to take a look at the old person maliciously. “人类,给你一个机会,将你身边的孩子都献给我,我饶你不死。”迷诱魔的目光不怀好意地打量着老人。 The old person has not spoken, but with looking at the look of idiot looked at a fan to tempt the demon, patted the racket to draw the little girl of his lower hem corner, little brave, loosened, time cut this devil to the grandfather.” 老人没有说话,而是用看白痴的眼神看了一眼迷诱魔,拍了拍拉着他衣角的小女孩,“小英,松开一下,给爷爷一点时间砍了这头恶魔。” Grandfather, this is the fan tempts the demon, it most likes deceiving people, once deceived people the failure on the line, will approach the opponent......” little girl to say one pile tempted the information paper of demon about the fan, hearing that fan to tempt the demon unable to bear the low roar roar. “爷爷,这是迷诱魔,它最喜欢骗人,一旦骗人失败就行,就会逼近对手……”小女孩噼里啪啦说了一堆关于迷诱魔的信息资料,听得那头迷诱魔忍不住低吼咆哮。 Grandfather knew, had your information, the grandfather can solve them immediately.” The old person grasps the long sword, takes a step to move toward the fan to tempt the demon. “爷爷知道了,有了你的这些情报,爷爷马上就能解决他们。”老人手持长剑,迈步走向迷诱魔。 „Does human, depend on your frail body also to want with me to fight?” “人类,就凭你这年老体衰的身体也想跟我战斗?” „The gold level devil, I also had killed before much.” Has not paid attention to this fan to tempt clamoring of demon, the old person grasps the long sword moves toward this crowd of devils at a moderate pace, the under foot together nearly without soul intent to reappear. “黄金级恶魔,以前我也杀过不少。”没有理会这头迷诱魔的叫嚣,老人手持长剑不紧不慢地走向这群恶魔,脚下一道近乎于无的魂意浮现。 Soul......” devil just said a character then to terminate with the panic-stricken sound. “魂……”恶魔用惊恐的声音刚刚说出一个字便终止了。 Tittered!” The stench dirty blood sprays, a sword cuts the old person who kills all devils to push toward that crowd in one group of children beckons, walks, the grandfather leads you to kill to go out of town.” “噗嗤!”腥臭的污血喷洒,一剑斩杀所有恶魔的老人朝那群挤在一团的孩子招了招手,“走,爷爷带你们杀出城。” „! Grandfather, you are quite fierce!” “哇!爷爷,你好厉害啊!” That is, grandfather's sword has contaminated dragon blood.” Old person to the group of children who oneself adopt told own once score comforted their mood, while battle qi to bind all children with oneself be continuous mellow pure, outside the quick steps toward the city went. “那是,爷爷的剑可是沾染过龙血的。”老人一边向自己收养的这群孩童诉说自己曾经的战绩安抚他们的情绪,一边用自己绵延醇厚的精纯斗气将所有孩子裹起,往城外疾步而去。 Human, remains!” “人类,留下来吧!” Where do you also want toward to escape?” “你还想往哪里逃?” ...... …… Another devil gushes out from the street, plunges this old people who lead one group of orphans, so long as is the devil, can feel this old person's powerful soul with the incompatible senile body, this to the devil, is together the unsurpassed feast. 一头又一头恶魔从街道两边涌出,扑向这位带着一群孤儿的老人,只要是恶魔,都能感受到这名老人强大的灵魂与之不相匹配的衰老身躯,这对恶魔来说,是一道无上大餐。 ...... Soul intent level devil!” Is looking at front six arm snake demons, does not know that killed on the old faces of many devils to reveal one, helpless color, „, although as a soldier, dying in battle was the best home to return, but I have not been able dead now, these children I have not delivered to go out of town.” ……“魂意级恶魔!”望着面前的六臂蛇魔,已经不知道杀了多少恶魔的老人脸上露出一丝无奈之色,“虽然作为一名战士来说,战死是最好的归宿,但是我现在还不能死,这些孩子我还没有送出城呢。” Raise! Prepares to burn own soul in the old person, restores the young time the condition, with front six arm snake demon independently wars, a resonant dragon recited the sound to get up, the pale golden dragon prestige proliferation filled the air. 昂!就在老人准备燃烧自己的灵魂,恢复自己年轻时候的状态,与面前的六臂蛇魔放手一战的时候,一声嘹亮的龙吟之声响起,淡金色龙威扩散弥漫。
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