TDK :: Volume #5

#411: World feed

Right, according to the affect range of this demon disaster, our world appetites is big, perhaps swallowed incessantly an abyss. At least the area that was swallowed all abyss levels that add by our world is not smaller than Nuoqiya subcontinent.” “没错,按照这场魔灾的波及范围来看,我们的世界胃口不小,恐怕吞噬了不止一层深渊。最起码被我们世界吞噬的所有深渊层面加起来的面积不会小于诺奇亚欧次大陆。” Is so exaggerating?” The corners of the mouth of Morea pulled out two, must know that more than ten abyss the area add not necessarily to have an area of seating order mainland to be big, it can be imagined, the appetite in Ella Sya world good. “这么夸张?”穆瑞亚的嘴角抽了两下,要知道十几层深渊的面积加起来都不一定有一座次大陆的面积大,可想而知,埃拉西亚世界的胃口是有多好。 „Do other subcontinents have similar phenomenon?” Morea asked to this ancient dragon. “其他次大陆有没有类似的现象?”穆瑞亚向这头古龙问道。 I contacted with some old friends, asked that the basic confirmation only then Nuoqiya subcontinent had this situation.” “我联系了一些老朋友,问了一些,基本确认只有诺奇亚欧次大陆发生了这种情况。” This.” Morea is slightly silent, then looked that had to this had lived 900-year-old old dragon, „before you, has bumped into similar situation?” “这样么。”穆瑞亚微微沉默,然后看向这有已经活了900多岁的老龙,“您之前碰到过类似的情况吗?” Listens not to hear, let alone bumped into.” Bastus is smiling bitterly shaking the head, „ I also the first time am came across this different matter, I am because before , looks at that «World To swallow Theory», this associates. “听都没有听说过,更别说碰到了。”巴斯德苦笑着摇摇头,“我也是第一次碰到这种异事,我是因为之前看过那本《世界吞噬学说》,这才联想到的。 I treated as the psychic force confused master that book it, situated in books that under the hysteria condition write, has not thought that with inside supposition speculated the present situation is reasonable. ” 我原本是将那本书其当做精神力错乱的法师,处于癔症状态下写出来的书籍,没想到用里面的假设来推测现在的情况非常合理。” Now drew a conclusion too early, the direct evidence had not shown that this was the world is eating food, perhaps was other reasons.” Morea raised the head to look up to dusky, is indistinct also brings luminous sky, soon will raise the beforehand daybreak to be the same just like the material Sun. “现在下结论还是太早了,没有直接的证据说明这是世界在进食,也许是其他原因。”穆瑞亚抬头仰望灰蒙蒙,隐约间还带着一丝光亮的天空,宛如物质界太阳即将升起之前的黎明一般。 The so strange sky, had explained many issues, Ella Sya's world principle assimilates this abyss in the corrosion, or changes a more appropriate view, digestion this abyss. 如此奇异的天空,已经说明了很多问题,埃拉西亚的世界法则在侵蚀同化这一层深渊,或者换一种更加贴切的说法,正在“消化”这层深渊。 Morea has approved «World To swallow Theory», although sounds talks nonsense very much, but the fact is so. This is only the feed of the world, although the time-gap long was hard to know to even/including Gulong, can only depend upon the degree of guess. 穆瑞亚已经认同了《世界吞噬学说》,虽然听起来很扯淡,但事实就是如此。这只是世界的一次进食而已,虽然时间间隔漫长到了连古龙都难以知晓,只能依靠猜测的程度。 Regarding the world, our these life in life, what is?” Thinks that makes the demon disaster that the entire seating order mainland is filled with sufferers, Morea say after a sigh in the tone of taunt. “对于世界来说,我们这些生活在其中的生灵,到底算什么?”想到让整座次大陆都哀鸿遍野的魔灾,穆瑞亚以嘲讽的语气感叹道。 Part of the world.” Bastus replied. “世界的一部分。”巴斯德回答道。 „If really eating food, regarding the world, this is a good deed, but regarding the life the lifeform in Nuoqiya subcontinent, this is an unexpected misfortune.” “如果真的是在进食,对于世界本身来说,这是一件好事,但对于生活在诺奇亚欧次大陆上的生物而言,这就是一场无妄之灾。” Your Highness Morea, the demon disaster affects the range to be broad, regarding the truly strong influence and powerhouse, wanted to cross, was not difficult, what the true survival was difficult was only these ordinary and small and weak lifeform. 穆瑞亚殿下,魔灾只是波及范围广而已,对于真正强大的势力与强者来说,想要渡过,并不困难,真正生存艰难的只是那些平凡而又弱小的生物。 But regarding the world, they most unimportant existence, regardless of died many, so long as there are 1%, even 1/1000 survivors, the millenniums, they will multiply again, cover entirely the entire seating order mainland. But millenniums, regarding the world, what was also considered as? ” 但对于世界来说,他们只是最不重要的存在,不论死了多少,只要有百分之一,甚至千分之一的幸存者,不出千年,他们又会再次繁衍,布满整座次大陆。而千年,对于世界来说,又算得了什么?” Therefore, regarding the world, sacrificed the thing that within some millenniums can restore, received exchange for an own growth, is exchange that gain steadily do not compensate.” “所以,对于世界而言,牺牲掉一些千年以内就能恢复的东西,换取自己的一次成长,是稳赚不赔的交换。” Morea unemotional is looking into the devil that wanders on the distant place wilderness, the mood inexplicably somewhat agitated. The world swallows the abyss level to grow, this matter may not have to the wrong division, the words that must blame, blame themselves to live in this world. 穆瑞亚面无表情的眺望着在远处荒原上游荡的恶魔,心情莫名有些烦躁。世界吞噬深渊层面成长,这种事可没有对错之分,要怪的话,就怪自己生在这个世界吧。 Went back, Bastus, I should fulfill me the responsibility as ruling Grand Duke.” “回去了,巴斯德阁下,我该履行我身为执政大公的职责了。” ...... …… Today is harmonious happy a day.” center about hundred meters high hunting for demon tablet peak in city, seems like the quite calm youth to rest the head on both hands, face upwards lying down when above, is appreciating the dusk, setting sun in the western sky setting sun beautiful scene. “今天又是和谐美好的一天啊。”在城市的中央近百米高的猎魔碑顶端,一位看起来颇为沉稳的青年枕着双手,仰躺在上面,欣赏着黄昏之时,夕阳西下的落日美景。 Somewhat bored!” Already somewhat drowsy, the youth who nearly three days has not cut the devil felt stranded intent to upwell, he somewhat fondly remembers three days ago, suddenly presents outside the city that crowd of flame demons that oneself guard. “有些无聊啊!”已经有些昏昏欲睡,近三天都没有砍恶魔的青年感觉一股困意上涌,他有些怀念三天前,突然出现在自己镇守的这座城市外的那群炎魔。 Should not hack to death, should keep several to play.” Youth honk nan, quite bored, so to be how long does not have the devil to appear? This should not, according to the master who united front activities department that group of god gods talked on endlessly calculate, here was a space weak point, will have many devils to break through from here, appears in Ella Sya world.” “不应该都砍死的,应该留来几头玩玩。”青年嘟喃着,“好无聊,怎么这么久都没有恶魔出现了?这不应该啊,根据统战部那群神神叨叨的法师计算,这里就是一处空间薄弱点,会有很多恶魔从这里突破,出现在埃拉西亚世界。” „Does the Asian permanent boy, you little talk incessantly two to be good? Without the attack of devil, enjoys several Tianan rather not?” From a hunting demon tablet insufficient kilometer master tower peak, keeps the whiskers, carries a law stick like carrying a master of wooden club is poking head to be foul-mouthed. “亚恒小子,你少唠叨两句行不行?没有恶魔的袭击,享受几天安宁不好吗?”距离狩魔碑不足千米的一座法师塔顶端,一位留着络腮胡的,拎着一根法杖就像拎着一根棒槌的法师探出头来骂骂咧咧。 Hey, didn't my kill the devil to kill be used to it? Suddenly moves to guard the city me, making my some not be familiar with, this duty was also too idle, making my whole body bone probably rust was the same.” “嘿,我这不是杀恶魔杀习惯了吗?突然把我调来镇守城市,让我有些不习惯,这任务也太清闲了,让我浑身的骨头都要生锈了一样。” Idle?” Full beard master light bah, I thought that you were kill the devil to kill insanely, every other day the devil attacked a city, I did not have money, I bring my master tower to shift, who also kept the places of this four war?” “清闲?”大胡子法师轻呸一声,“我看你是杀恶魔杀疯了吧,三天两头就有一次恶魔攻城,要不是我没钱,我早就带着我的法师塔转移走了,谁还留在这个四战之地?” I, hunt for demon group many people the place that likes this devil frequency having, but the devil was too few, was inferior I carried out made the duty the time the devil that kills were many, guards the city for these days, making my hunting for demon ranking reduce much.” “我啊,还有猎魔团很多人都喜欢这种恶魔频出的地方,不过恶魔还是太少了,不如我执行巡狩任务的时候杀的恶魔多,镇守城市这几天,让我的猎魔排名降低了不少。” I thought that you are idle, if you are all right to do, investigates the city. I just opened detection law, the inspection city time, discovered several trails of devil followers, you trace.” “我看你就是闲得慌,你如果没事干,就是探查一下城市吧。我刚刚开启侦测法阵,检查城市的时候,发现了好几个恶魔信徒的踪迹,你去追查一下。” Devil follower?” The Asian permanent eye stares, the visible malignant influences fill the air, he without delay, pulls out a to have the higher unusual metal battle axe, must enter the city search devil follower. “恶魔信徒?”亚恒眼睛一瞪,肉眼可见的煞气弥漫,他二话不说,掏出一柄有高等超凡金属战斧,就要进入城市搜寻恶魔信徒。 Because doubts is „the world feed the mutation, lets the unclear quantity the abyss level and Nuoqiya subcontinent is almost overlapped, is not only the legendary devil can enter material, a little gold level devil of strength brings to enter material to raise reign of terror slightly. 因为疑是“世界进食”的异变,让不明数量的深渊层面与诺奇亚欧次大陆几乎重叠,不光是传奇恶魔可以进入物质界,就连稍微有一点实力的黄金级恶魔都已经带着喽啰进入物质界掀起一阵腥风血雨。 So the change, almost captured the attention of the world, especially these dementias, the behavior cruel crazy devil follower, they are excited, the devil follower in different mainland regards as sacred place Nuoqiya subcontinent now, wants completely all also means to enter. 如此变化,几乎吸引了全世界的目光,特别是那些精神错乱,行为残忍疯狂的恶魔信徒,它们更是激动万分,异大陆的恶魔信徒现在将诺奇亚欧次大陆视为圣地,想尽一切办法也要进入其中。 One crowd likes playing the terror attack, to life no respect lunatic, this is definition of Morea to the devil follower. These fellows to the damage of similar causing, not under at slaughtering of devil. 一群喜欢玩恐怖袭击,对生命毫无敬意的疯子,这是穆瑞亚对恶魔信徒的定义。这些家伙对同类造成的伤害,丝毫不下于恶魔的杀戮。 Since Morea has formed to hunt for the demon group, matter that the devil follower blood sacrifice massacres city, happened more than ten times, as for the slaughter village, the instance of slaughter town/subdues, is as numerous as the hairs of an ox, therefore inferior (Asia) permanently so tense anger, even if this is a fundamental not confirmed news. Also can make look for the city lord permanently, the use hunts for demon the jurisdiction to make him dispatch troops to search the entire city. 自从穆瑞亚组建猎魔团以来,恶魔信徒血祭屠城的事情,发生了不下十次,至于屠村,屠镇的事例,更是多如牛毛,所以亚恒才会如此紧张愤怒,哪怕这是一个根本就没有得到确认的消息。也能让亚恒去找城主,动用猎魔者的权限让他派兵搜查全城。 Finally, in a room that fills the smell of blood, inferior (Asia) found the devil follower who the full beard master said permanently...... 最终,在一间充满血腥味的房间之中,亚恒找到了大胡子法师所说的恶魔信徒……
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