TDK :: Volume #5

#410: The world swallows the theory

Hunts for demon through the youngster who hunting for the demon tablet transmission comes, among the facial features is completely exhausted, puts in the youngster of armor also to have dirty blood that braves the steam, the young girl of hand law enforcement stick is rubbing the forehead, while under difficult drinking can reply the psychic force fast the medicament...... 通过猎魔碑传送而来的少年猎魔者们,眉眼间满是疲惫,穿着铠甲的少年身上还有冒着热气的污血,手执法杖的少女一边揉着眉心,一边艰难的喝下可以快速回复精神力的药剂…… This is one already already the hunting for demon squad that crosses several difficult fights, under medicament supply that does not limit the quantity, their battle qi have the psychic force consistently to stay the full condition, however the long-term fight, making their wills be disciplined. 这是一支已经已经过数场艰难战斗的猎魔小队,在不限量的药剂供应下,他们的斗气还有精神力始终都保持着充盈状态,但是长时间的战斗,让他们的意志饱受磨练。 „Are you come to support our hunting for demon?” Looks that this crowd of ages did not have son's big hunting for demon, on the Saint knight face of host city defense to reveal the stunned look, on the magic arts screen retransmitted and some the honorable person also differences of reality sees. “你们就是前来支援我们的猎魔者?”看着这群年纪还没自己儿子大的猎魔者,主持城市防御的圣骑士脸上露出了错愕的眼神,法术荧幕上转播看到的与现实的真人还有有些差别。 Un!” Is the head holds the sword youngster, after looking at this stunned Saint knight one eyes, then has not paid attention to him again. Starts to observe the peripheral terrain earnestly, then made a brief pre-war discussion with own ally. “嗯!”为首的持剑少年,看了这名错愕的圣骑士一眼之后,便没有再理会他。开始认真观察周边的地形,然后与自己的战友做了一个简短的战前讨论。 Finally, holds the sword youngster with several companion who excels at the close combat leaps the city wall, direct impact these is attacking the devil group of miraculous guard/shield, in process that they charge, increases the magic arts to fall on them one after another, the dazzling gain miraculous glow makes them seem like martial-looking uncommon. 最后,持剑少年与几位擅长近战的同伴跃下城墙,直冲那些正在攻击灵光护罩的恶魔群,在他们冲锋的过程中,一道又一道增益法术落在他们身上,耀眼的增益灵光让他们看上去更加英武不凡。 Waits for......” saw that already six youngster who three gold level devils fight, several characters have not said the Saint knight to close the mouth, is somewhat annoying, does impulsive, the devil is so good to cope?” “等一……”看到已经跟三头黄金级恶魔打起来的六名少年,还有几个字没有说出来都圣骑士闭上嘴巴,有些懊恼,“这么冲动干什么,恶魔是那么好对付的吗?” After annoying, this Saint knight tears off oneself cloak, takes out the long sword, the preparation leaps the city wall , helping these rashly youngster. 懊恼之后,这名圣骑士就扯下自己身上的披风,取出长剑,就准备跃下城墙,去帮助这些“莽撞”的少年。 Hey, Uncle, do you want to do?” “喂,大叔,你想干什么?” At that time was helps them.” Suddenly was called the uncle, has stood in the Saint knight who the wall piles up has turned head, said with a natural tone. “当时是下去帮他们了。”突然被人叫大叔,已经站在墙垛上的圣骑士扭过头,用一种理所当然的语气说道。 Your resting meeting, we quickly good, do not get down to add to the chaos.” “您歇会吧,我们很快就好,你就不要下去添乱了。” „Do I add to the chaos?” The Saint knight stunned color looks at that to shout young girl magic arts that oneself uncle, I am the golden second-order Saint knight! I am the poor family background, kills this rank by oneself, does not have the medicament pile by the Spiritual God gracious gift to the aristocrat waste of gold.” “我添乱?”圣骑士一脸错愕之色望着那名喊自己大叔的少女法术,“我可是黄金二阶的圣骑士!我是贫民出身,是靠自己杀到这个等级来的,不是靠神灵的恩赐还有药剂堆到黄金的贵族废物。” Uncle, gets down, has not really looked down upon your meaning, but that several fellows fight frequently together, has trained the tacit understanding, you help them, but will disrupt their rhythms, making their battle efficiency drop.” “大叔,下来吧,真的没有瞧不起你的意思,只是那几个家伙经常一起战斗,已经培养出了默契,你下去帮他们,可是会打乱他们的节奏,让他们战斗力下降。” Fight tacit understanding?” Had certain fight accomplishment Saint knight to look at six coordination to be watertight, but also gave the law duty partner in city wall to make the hunting for demon youngster who attacked the crevice once for a while, on the face revealed the color of exclamation, silently underground city wall. “战斗默契?”拥有一定战斗素养的圣骑士看了看六名配合得滴水不漏,还时不时给城墙上的法职伙伴制造施法攻击空隙的猎魔少年,脸上露出惊叹之色,默默地下了城墙。 Present young people, but is really strong.” The middle-aged Saint knight is sighing silently, simultaneously makes the decision, if oneself received the joining the Communist Youth League invitation that hunts for the demon group, must reject. “现在的年轻人,可真是强啊。”中年圣骑士默默感叹着,同时做出决定,如果自己收到了猎魔团的入团邀请,一定要拒绝掉。 On own present this strength, entering hunts for the demon group is not looks for trouble? Jumped casually a youngster, did not say young, but can also hit, how this made one have a face to treat. 就自己现在这实力,进入猎魔团不是找不自在吗?随随便便蹦出来一位少年,比自己年轻不说,还比自己能打,这让人怎么有脸待下去。 When the middle-aged Saint knight thinks silently, leads to come held a sword youngster sword to cut a severed head of gold level devil, then set up its body chops, the injury, has so gone beyond the range that gold level devil can recover. 就在中年圣骑士默默思索的时候,带队前来的持剑少年一剑斩下了一头黄金级恶魔的首级,而后又将它的身躯立劈,如此伤势,已经超出黄金级恶魔身体能够恢复的范围。 Quick, after the first gold level devil suffers a defeat and flees, the remaining two gold level devils were encircled by the heroic youngster one after another kill, but is following the devil groups of three big devils quickly by these six young hunting for demon, by rank advantage slaughter completely. 很快,在第一头黄金级恶魔败亡之后,剩下的两头的黄金级恶魔被英勇的少年们相继围杀,而跟随着三头大恶魔的恶魔群很快都被这六位年轻的猎魔者,以等级优势屠杀殆尽。 United front activities department that group of bastards arranged the duty to us, walked.” Youngster who just killed off the devil, but also without the wipe clean blood stain, then received from united front activities department's issuing hunting for demon duty with enough time once again. “统战部那群混蛋又给我们安排任务了,走了。”刚刚杀光恶魔的少年们,还没有来得及擦拭干净身上的血污,便又一次收到来自统战部下发的猎魔任务。 Scoundrel, that group of fellows us, when the draft animal does direct? Is the domestic animal also has the time of rest, we fought quickly continuously for day.” “混账,那群家伙是把我们当牲口使唤吗?就是畜牲也有休息的时间,我们都快连续战斗一天了。” Do not complain, does not reach the limit, the united front activities department will not make us stand still.” “别抱怨了,不到达极限,统战部是不会让我们停歇的。” Rest a while, I now am quite again tired.” “休息一会儿再出发吧,我现在好累。” Cannot rest, we arrive late a breath, perhaps the innocent children were killed by mistreatment to be killed by the devil.” “不能休息,我们晚到一息,也许就有一位无辜的孩子被恶魔虐杀丧命。” What does that also wait for? The Coordinate place is anything, hurries, do not delay.” “那还等什么?坐标地点是什么,赶紧出发,别耽误了。” Looks at this opening to hunt for the hunting for demon squad that demon tablet transmission departs in a hurry, but also outside city devil skeleton everywhere, in the middle-aged Saint knight heart hundred taste Chen Za, an ashamed mood well ups. 望着这支开启猎魔碑传送阵匆匆离去的猎魔小队,还城外满地的恶魔尸骸,中年圣骑士心中百味陈杂,一股羞愧的情绪涌上心头。 Afterward, arrives with the Saint knight of this complex mood hunts for under the demon tablet, sought just saved the hunting for demon squad image of this city, the names of his these youngster young girls calls anything not to know by the present. 随后,怀着这股复杂情绪的圣骑士来到猎魔碑下,寻找刚刚拯救这座城市的猎魔小队影像,到现在他连这些少年少女的名字叫什么都不知道。 „Is ranking so low?” The Saint warrior looks at ranking to be basically located in stunned hunts for in the demon tablet on several youngster young girl images of position, their ranking this him estimated must be lower, he thinks that the member of this team should be located in the uppermost layer position. “排名这么低?”圣武士错愕的望着排名基本位于猎魔碑中上位置的十几名少年少女影像,他们的排名这比他预想中的要低很多,他原以为这支队伍的成员应该位于最上层的位置。 Now the talent of kingdom is so strong!” The Saint knight shakes the head the forced smile, I also really am uncle who cannot keep up with the time, but, I did not join to hunt for the demon group not to represent cannot resist the devil, I will not accept asylum of one group of children safely.” “现在王国的天才都已经这么强了么!”圣骑士摇头苦笑,“我还真是个跟不上时代的大叔,不过,我不加入猎魔团就不代表不能对抗恶魔了,我可不会安心接受一群孩子的庇护。” Therefore, the Rauchman kingdom was short of a temple knight, were many to resist the devil, vagrant Saint knight who protected the people. 于是,洛克曼王国少了一位圣殿骑士,多了一名以对抗恶魔,保护民众的流浪圣骑士。 ...... …… This what's the matter? Why the space of Nuoqiya subcontinent and abyss relates to this degree strongly, the casualness can break through the space suddenly.” “这到底是怎么回事?诺奇亚欧次大陆与深渊的空间联系为什么突然强到这种程度,随随便便就能够突破空间。” Morea knits the brows to stare at present the desolated deathly stillness scorched earth, the brow tight wrinkle, he was just prompted by a sudden impulse, attempts slightly, unexpectedly broke through the space, arrives at this abyss. 穆瑞亚皱眉凝望着眼前荒芜死寂的焦土,眉头紧皱,他刚刚心血来潮,稍微尝试一下,居然突破了空间,来到这一层深渊。 The threshold of his legend has not even traced, relies on the strength also to the sensibility of space, unexpectedly so arriving abyss easily, compared with puncturing a paper difficultly many. 他可是连传奇的门槛都没有摸到,凭借着力量还有对空间的一点感悟,居然如此轻易的来到深渊,比戳破一张纸都困难不了多少。 Your Highness Morea, I have read very interesting books, named «World Swallows Theory», according to inside supposition infers, our world is swallowing abyss powerful.” 穆瑞亚殿下,我看过一本很有意思的书籍,名为《世界吞噬学说》,按照里面的假设来推断,我们的世界正在吞噬深渊强大自身。” Swallows the abyss?” On the Morea face reveals the surprised color, looks at to behind with ancient Gold Dragon Bastus. This hypothesis, it can be said that powerful and unconstrained style, this is treats as a life individual that the world has the consciousness treats. “吞噬深渊?”穆瑞亚脸上露出惊讶之色,看向身后跟来的古金龙巴斯德。这种假说,可以说是天马行空,这是将世界当做一位拥有意识的生命个体来对待。 So long as this can explain why we will so easily appear now here? According to the normal condition, the legend wants to transmit the abyss from Ella Sya, needs to consume much, rather than the present this, just like the child's play is ordinary.” “只要这样才能解释我们现在为什么会如此轻易地出现在这里?按照正常情况,传奇想要从埃拉西亚传送到深渊,也需要耗费不少,而不是现在这样,犹如儿戏一般。” If regards as the lifeform Ella Sya world, the prey that then we abyss, are swallowed down by Ella Sya now, to a certain extent, can we situated in Ella Sya world, understand as before like this?” “如果将埃拉西亚世界视作生物,那么我们现在所处的这层深渊,就是被埃拉西亚吞下去的猎物,在某种程度上来说,我们依旧是处于埃拉西亚世界中,可以这样理解吗?”
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