TDK :: Volume #5

#409: Hunts for the demon tablet system

The Rauchman empire's Sikaleite families have the team that establishment complete subsidiary occupations composes, they can complete any successively hold the demon that the ruler wants to make to lead the goods, for example Morea wants with for resisting the hunting for demon tablet of devil for the meritorious military service system that to hunt for the demon group makes. 洛克曼王国的斯卡雷特家族本身就拥有一支编制完整的辅助职业者组成的队伍,他们可以完成任何历任统治者想要制造的魔导物品,比如穆瑞亚想要为猎魔团制造的战功系统与用于对抗恶魔的猎魔碑。 Each joins to hunt for the members of demon group to obtain an accessory that is similar to the battlefield recording instrument, can be the waistband, the bracer, the volume plays the part and other not to affect the battle efficiency the goods. 每一位加入猎魔团的成员都可以获得一个类似于战场记录仪的饰品,可以是腰带,护腕,额饰等任何不影响战斗力的物品。 These battlefield recording instruments can record wearing cuts to kill all information after devil, after the appraisal, transforms as the meritorious military service, then the data synchronization transmits to be away from his recent hunting for demon tablet, finally to all hunts for on the demon tablet synchronously, enabling the kingdom residents to see. 这些战场记录仪可以记录佩戴者斩杀恶魔后的一切信息,评估之后,转化为战功,然后数据同步传输到距离他最近的猎魔碑上,最后同步到所有猎魔碑上,让王国居民都可以看到。 This is the krypton gold/metal project that needs to put up the cash, but leads the system in similar demon well, some people have studied to make, Morea only with ordering subordinate refiner master, the mark master and others, followed a model to imitate one similarly then. 这是一场需要砸钱的氪金工程,但好在类似的魔导系统,早就有人研究制造出来过,穆瑞亚只用命令麾下的炼器师,阵纹师等,照葫芦画瓢仿制一个类似的即可。 Manufactures a public transparent meritorious military service system, the main original intention of Morea prevents some people to delimit the water, after all some people under the form forces, situated, helpless joins to hunt for the demon group. 制作一个如此公开透明的战功系统,穆瑞亚的主要初衷是防止有人划水,毕竟有些人是在形式逼迫下,处于无奈才加入猎魔团的。 In order to prevent these people are present at work does not strive, this is the best way, in so public transparent, and hunting for demon that the synchronization renews fights on the stone tablet recording meritorious deeds. About 2000 people, do you feel all right to fall on last? Even is not last, because the meritorious military service are too few, falls on below, similarly is a shame. 为了防止这些人出工不出力,这就是最好的办法,在如此公开透明,并且同步更新的猎魔战功碑上。近两千人,你好意思落在最后一名?就算不是最后一名,因为战功太少,落在下面,同样是一种耻辱。 ...... …… Hunts for the demon tablet the synchronized transmission function to be normal? Conforms to my original tentative plan? Hunts for the demon tablet the transmission function and requesting reinforcements function whether improves?” “猎魔碑的同步传输功能是否正常?是否符合我原先的设想?猎魔碑的传送功能与求援功能是否完善?” Morea your majesty, after the experiment of Commander Leon, hunts for the demon tablet all functions to improve, has not presented any mistake, the meritorious military service data transfer delay has controlled in a breath, the error is zero.” 穆瑞亚陛下,经过莱昂团长的实验,猎魔碑的所有功能都已经完善,没有出现任何错误,战功数据传输延迟已经控制在一息以内,误差为零。” Un, very good, can manufacturing the good hunting for demon tablet starts to put in kingdom all cities that.” Morea set the must-have specification, each city must have one to hunt for the demon tablet.” “嗯,很好,可以将制作好的猎魔碑开始投放到的王国所有城市之中。”穆瑞亚下达了硬性指标,“每一座城市都必须有一座猎魔碑。” Understood.” “明白。” When the delivery hunts for the demon tablet, must hunt for the demon tablet to the local city propaganda the existence significance, told under each personal name, the digit that string changed is representing anything.” “在投放猎魔碑的时候,必须向当地城市宣传猎魔碑的存在意义,告诉他们每一个人名下面,那一串变动的数字代表着什么。” The Morea complexion is serious, categorical saying, must make the Kingdom People know, when digital change, represents has one group of people to fight a bloody battle for them. The heroes should not the nameless.” 穆瑞亚面色严肃,斩钉截铁的说道,“必须让王国民众知道,当数字变动之时,就代表着有一群人正在为他们浴血奋战。英雄不应该籍籍无名。” All things defer to the estimate of Morea to work, after hunts for what clearly the demon tablet above digit change is representing, the people were immediately excited, the only doubts are, what this hunts for the demon group is in the devil that which hunts, how haven't they seen? 所有的事情都按照穆瑞亚的预想进行下去,在明白猎魔碑上面的数字变动代表着什么之后,民众顿时都激动了,唯一的疑惑就是,这猎魔团的是在哪狩猎的恶魔,他们怎么就没有看到呢? However without seeing are not related, Morea your majesty said that has the devil to invade that to have the devil invasion, is impossible to make a mistake, Gold Dragon is impossible to lie. 不过没有看到也没关系,穆瑞亚陛下说有恶魔入侵那就是有恶魔入侵,不可能出错,金龙是不可能撒谎的。 ...... …… Sun raises then falls, the time passes. Like like that the attack frequency of devil Morea forecasts is getting higher and higher, the emergence of more and more devil no indication, then starts to launch undifferentiated slaughtering. 太阳升起而后落下,时间流逝。如同穆瑞亚所预测的那般,恶魔的侵袭频率越来越高,越来越多的恶魔毫无征兆的出现,然后开始展开无差别的杀戮。 As a result of the appearance time of devil, the place is completely stochastic, therefore transmission of kingdom is staying the opening condition completely, and Cloud Giant with hunting for the demon group members when having the duty has the optimal right of use. 由于恶魔的出现时间,地点完全随机,所以王国的传送阵全部都保持着开启状态,且云巨人与猎魔团成员在出任务时拥有优选使用权。 But even if Morea made many preparations, over time, the casualties in kingdom are increasing as before unceasingly, sometimes because the devil will suddenly appear in the city, the situation, definitely will so cause massive damages, this is the unavoidable matter. 但就算穆瑞亚做了诸多准备,随着时间流逝,王国之中的伤亡依旧在不断增加,因为有时候恶魔会突然出现在城市之中,如此情况,必然会造成大量损伤,这是无法避免的事情。 The panic in the devil continuously, under the attack when terminates incessantly in the Rauchman kingdom, or in Nuoqiya subcontinent spreads. 恐慌的情绪在恶魔连续不断,不止何时终止的侵袭之下在洛克曼王国,或者说诺奇亚欧次大陆上蔓延。 Grasps the unusual strength human, eventually is only the small number of people, overwhelming majority human, even if facing the smallest and weakest timid demon, only then escapes and stretches out the neck unites two roads to elect, resists with the devil regarding the average person, has no difference from the suicide. 掌握超凡力量的人类,终究只是少数人,绝大部分人类,哪怕是面对最弱小的怯魔,也只有逃跑与引颈就戮两条路可以选,与恶魔对抗对于普通人而言,与自杀没有任何区别。 But Rauchman empire's people, although the fear will have the devil suddenly to appear will kill, because the life becomes extremely depressing, the energetic comfort that but other their countries do not have, hunts for the demon tablet. 而洛克曼王国的民众,虽然同样恐惧会有恶魔突然出现将自己杀死,生活因为变得极为压抑,但是他们却有一项其他国家所没有的精神慰籍,猎魔碑。 Hunting for demon tablet that in Rauchman kingdom each city has, reaches as high as about hundred meters, even in the darkness, should still bloom the dazzling ray. The digit that above is changing day and night, in the hunting for demon group member image of change position, brings the enormous spiritual comfort to the nervous people. 洛克曼王国每一座城市之中都存在的猎魔碑,高达近百米,即便是在黑暗之中,也会绽放出耀眼的光芒。上面不分昼夜都在变动的数字,还有在变化位置的猎魔团成员影像,都给不安的民众带来极大的精神安慰。 Hunts for the demon tablet under the operation of Morea, had turned into the second largest spiritual sustenance of kingdom, as for the largest spiritual sustenance, naturally was the Spiritual God, the danger that meeting was hard to resist prayed to the Spiritual God, was the first choice of people, this was does not know that continued many ten thousand years of tradition. 猎魔碑在穆瑞亚的运作之下,已经变成了王国的第二大精神寄托,至于第一大精神寄托,自然是神灵了,遇到难以抵御的危险向神灵祈祷,才是民众的第一选择,这是不知道延续了多少万年的传统。 ...... …… Hapless, unexpectedly has three gold level devils.” A whole body covers the Saint knight of pure white Saint light to stand in the city wall, looks is protected city law to keep off the devil group outside city, the complexion is somewhat ugly, to hunting for the demon group sends out the assistance message?” “倒霉,居然有三头黄金级恶魔。”一名浑身笼罩着纯白圣光的圣骑士站在城墙上,望着被护城法阵挡在城外的恶魔群,脸色有些难看,“向猎魔团发出求援信息没有?” Through hunting for the demon tablet sent out the assistance message to the kings, but they responded must after the quarter of an hour, can arrange enough gold level hunting for demon to give support, making us first depend upon to protect city law to support as far as possible.” “已经通过猎魔碑向王都发出求援信息了,但是他们回应说要在一刻钟之后,才能安排足够黄金级的猎魔者前来支援,让我们先依靠护城法阵尽量撑住。” Scoundrel, king united front activities department these fellows does not know, one month ago had here been attacked one time by the devil? Moreover attacks from the interior, our protecting city law is incomplete. “混账,难道王都统战部那些家伙不知道,一个月之前我们这里已经被恶魔袭击过一次吗?而且还从内部袭击的,我们的护城法阵已经不完整了。 Possibly how to block three gold level devils to be subordinated the attack of quarter of an hour with them? Do king these fellows want us to kill off by the devil, making kingdom many devils massacre city the event again together? ” 怎么可能挡住三头黄金级恶魔与它们从属一刻钟的攻击?王都那些家伙想要我们被恶魔杀光,让王国再多一起恶魔屠城事件吗?” This does not have the matter of means that the land area of our Rauchman kingdom was too big, now a national day gets down must have over a hundred devil attacks, but hunts for the demon group, only then so many people.” “这是没有办法的事情,我们洛克曼王国的国土面积太大了,现在全国一天下来就要发生上百起恶魔袭击事件,而猎魔团只有那么多人。” Morea your majesty should expand to hunt for the demon group, these talents are insufficient, this is not the competition, does not need to limit the age, so long as there is a courage to fight with the devil on the line.” 穆瑞亚陛下应该扩张猎魔团,就那些天才根本就不够用,这又不是比赛,根本就不用限制年龄,只要有胆子跟恶魔战斗就行了。” Heard that has started to select the new hunting for demon group members, all strengths will receive to join the group the invitation in the gold level above powerhouse, you should have when the time comes , on hunting for the demon tablet stays behind own name, is this what kind of glory?” “听说已经开始选拔新的猎魔团成员了,所有实力在黄金级以上的强者都会收到入团邀请,你到时候应该也会有,啧,在猎魔碑上留下自己的名字,这是何等的荣耀啊?” Do not pull uselessly these, first resisted this devil attack to say again.” On the Saint knight face shows a happy expression, then restrains rapidly, is putting on a serious face, the tone said seriously. “别扯这些没用的,先抗住这次恶魔攻击再说。”圣骑士脸上露出一丝笑意,而后迅速收敛,板着脸,语气严肃说道。 Roar!” „!”...... Life aura attraction of devil outside city in massive human gathering sending out by city, attacks the defense miraculous guard/shield crazily time. “吼!”“嗷!”……就在城外的恶魔被城市中大量人类汇聚散发的生命气息吸引,疯狂攻击守城灵光护罩的时候。 Buzz!” Hunts for the demon tablet to vibrate, guards the soldier to bring in the surroundings in vision that hopes the respect, more than ten complexions are exhausted, the young people but who have high morale, hold a gun to grasp the sword...... “嗡!”猎魔碑震动,在周围驻守士兵带着期许崇敬的目光之中,十余名脸色疲惫,但又斗志昂扬的青少年,持枪握剑而出……
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