TDK :: Volume #5

#408: Engraves a stone to record merit

But half potential surface internal space is limited, is impossible to allow kingdom all residents to enter seeks asylum, some talents have this opportunity.” “但是半位面内部的空间有限,不可能让王国所有居民都进入其中避难,只有很少的一部分人才拥有这个机会。” Morea was introducing simply half potential surface escape plan that he will soon start, without a doubt, is the elite in your human first, for example the senior elixir master, the refiner master, a master, engraved inscription master kind of high-end knowledge talent, their subordinate family members have first enter right that seeks asylum.” 穆瑞亚简单的介绍着他即将开启的半位面避难计划,“毫无疑问,是你们人类之中的精英人士优先,例如高阶炼药师,炼器师,阵法师,铭文师这一类高端知识人才,还有他们的直属家人拥有优先进入其中避难的权利。” Some people gripped under secretly tightened the fist, was angry about the Morea words, but also had no alternative, as the ruler, what wrong the elite talent in optimal protection country had? 有人在底下暗暗攥紧了拳头,对穆瑞亚的话感到愤怒,但却又无可奈何,作为统治者,优选保护国家中的精英人才有什么错? If first does not protect these highly qualified personnel, instead protects these civilians, seems like nicely cherishes the people very much, but this was the head entered the water, brain remnant behavior that did not know relative importance. 如果不优先保护这些高级人才,反而去保护那些平民,看起来很善良亲民,但这就是脑袋进了水,不知轻重缓急的脑残行为。 However you as joining to hunt for one of the demon group, your family members have to enter the opportunity that half potential surface seeks asylum, but is needs you by slaughtering the devil, received exchange for the quota with meritorious military service.” “而你们作为加入猎魔团的一员,你们的家人同样拥有进入半位面避难的机会,不过就是需要你们靠杀戮恶魔,用战功点来换取名额。” How many meritorious military service points needs to receive in exchange for a quota?” Carries axe youngster inferior (Asia) to raise hand to ask permanently again. “需要多少战功点才能换取一个名额?”背斧少年亚恒再一次举手问道。 1000 meritorious military service.” “一千战功。” Needs to kill any rank the devil to win 1000 meritorious military service.” “需要杀一头什么等级的恶魔才能获得一千战功。” „A silver third-order about devil then.” “一头白银三阶左右的恶魔即可。” That is good.” inferior (Asia) relaxes permanently thoroughly, devil of silver level, in range that exactly in he can deal with ease. “那就好。”亚恒彻底松了一口气,白银级的恶魔,恰好在他能够轻松应付的范围之内。 „The present devil, appears in groups, wants to cut to kill a silver third-order devil, is not easy.” Morea reminded well-meaning. “现在的恶魔,都是成群出现的,想要斩杀一头白银三阶的恶魔,并不容易。”穆瑞亚善意地提醒道。 ...... In reputation, meritorious military service, the self-respect of young people and other under influences, all resort to violence talents that attended the finals join to hunt for the demon group, no one withdraws, no matter many is wholehearted, many hunts for the demon reward to come purely, but this result after all is very good. ……在名誉,战功,还有年轻人的自尊心等多重影响之下,所有参加决赛的武斗天才都加入猎魔团,没有一人退出,不管其中有多少是真心实意,有多少纯粹就是猎魔奖励而来,但这结果总归是非常好的。 Was worth a saying, all subsidiary occupations talents that obtained the final qualification, minus having aristocrat background, almost all people by the Morea income, although some the processes of gathering somewhat were ugly, but the result was good on line. 值得一说的,所有获得决赛资格的辅助职业天才们,刨去拥有贵族背景的,几乎所有人都被穆瑞亚收入麾下,虽然其中有一些招揽的过程有些难看,但结果是好的就行了。 No matter the black cat white cat, can catch the mouse is the good cat. Naturally, half potential surface that these auxiliary talents enter is not half potential surface that Sikaleite family controls, but is of Morea control already nearly desolated half potential surface. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓到老鼠的就是好猫。理所当然,这些辅助天才进入的半位面都不是斯卡雷特家族所掌控的半位面,而是穆瑞亚掌控的那座已经近乎荒芜的半位面。 Morea provides to these mark masters, rune/symbol writing the master enough blueprint of also has the material, making them restore the master tower originally defense system in the foundation , to continue its optimization, becomes stronger. 穆瑞亚提供给那些阵纹师,符文师足够的图纸还有材料,让他们修复法师塔原本防御系统的基础上,继续将其优化,变得更强。 After all this is the ten thousand years ago master tower, the strict sense, has fallen behind the time, utilizes leads the technology also to have a mark above demon, compared to the present latest research, obsolete antique. 毕竟这是一座万年之前的法师塔,严格意义上来说,已经落后于时代了,运用于其上的魔导技术还有阵纹,相对于现在最新的研究来说,都是已经过时的老古董。 As for the pharmacist, Morea according to from 9 to 5 operating time, calculated them to refine the speed of medicament on average, then started to give each pharmacist talent arrangement elixir duty, after completing the elixir task, other time controlled freely, why love. 至于药剂师,穆瑞亚按照朝九晚五的工作时间,计算了他们平均炼制药剂的速度,然后开始给每一位药剂师天才安排炼药任务,完成炼药任务之后,其余时间自由支配,爱干嘛干嘛。 The refiner master, Morea also provides to the sufficient material to them, while convenient arrangement duty. It can be predicted that in the future, the weapon also has the consumption of medicament is biggest, Morea naturally must store up now as far as possible massively, treats as the war reserves. 还有炼器师,穆瑞亚同样提供给充足的材料给他们,顺便布置任务。可以预见,在未来,武器还有药剂的消耗是最大的,穆瑞亚现在当然要尽可能地大量囤积,当做战争储备。 ...... …… The resort to violence competition ended, has not given full expression the city people in Rauchman kingdom to discover surprisedly, in own city liveliest position center, reaches as high as about hundred meters crystal stele to stand erect. 武斗大赛结束了,意犹未尽地洛克曼王国的城市居民惊奇发现,在自己城市最繁华的位置中央,一座高达近百米的晶石碑矗立而起。 Above has one after another image of lifelike belt/bring name, arranges densely and numerously, looks very magnificent, on the stele the dazzling miraculous glow also has the mysterious aura, this is they have never seen the thing. 上面有一位又一位栩栩如生带名字的影像,排得密密麻麻的,看起来非常壮观,石碑上耀眼的灵光还带着神秘气息,这是他们从未见过的东西。 What thing is this? Yesterday did not have, this morning suddenly appeared, is this miracle?” A Gods follower is looking splendid the crystal stele under newborn Sun, some do not determine the sound said. “这是什么东西?昨天还没有的,今天早上就突然出现了,这是神迹?”一位神袛信徒望着在初生的太阳下熠熠生辉的晶石碑,有些不确定出声道。 What leaves not to know that pulls toward Gods on, you thought that on our small broken city, which Gods will lower the miracle?” A passing by pedestrian heard the words of this follower, somewhat discontented asked that he was last night witnesses one of the miracle people with own eyes. “别什么都不知道就往神袛身上扯,你觉得就我们这小破城,哪位神袛会降下神迹?”一位路过的行人听到这名信徒的话,有些不满的反问道,他是昨晚亲眼见证奇迹发生的人之一。 Since is not the miracle, you said how such attractive grand crystal stele does appear? Did you see with one's own eyes?” “既然不是神迹,那你说这么漂亮宏伟的晶石碑是怎么出现的?难道你亲眼看到了?” That also was really skillful, yesterday evening I also saw, I saw with one's own eyes Cloud Giant of eight military might to bring dozens lion vultures, lifted this crystal stele to fall from the sky, placed it in the city center.” “那还真是巧了,昨天晚上我还就看见了,我亲眼看到八名威武的云巨人带着几十头狮鹫,抬着这块晶石碑从天空之中落下,将它安置在城市中央。” „, Is the thing that Grand Duke Morea manufactures, no wonder.” Hears the words of this pedestrian, the surrounding person shows the expression that is suddenly enlighted. Because of the reason of new tax law, kingdom's most people to Morea the esteem, wishes one could him to be the ruler in kingdom forever. “哦,原来是穆瑞亚大公制作的东西,怪不得啊。”听到这名行人的话,周围的人都纷纷露出恍然大悟的表情。因为新税法的原因,王国的大部分民众都对穆瑞亚的非常推崇,恨不得他能够永远担任王国的统治者。 Big does such crystal stele, how fall on a sound?” “这么大的晶石碑,落下来怎么就一点动静都没有?” You were silly, does not know that had the magic arts? Returns the vibration.” “你傻了吧,不知道有法术吗?还震动。” Also yes, what people but are the stele above these person's shadows? Looks that is good to look familiar, aristocrat?” “也是啊,不过石碑上面那些人影都是些什么人?看着都好眼熟啊,贵族?” Your this memory is not good, was made the number of times of villain to make with your young married woman last night, even these were everyone forgot, how long did this pass?” “你这记忆力的不行啊,是昨晚跟你婆娘造小人的次数造多了吧,连这些是什么人都忘记了,这才过去多长时间?” Finishes speaking, this region then resounded laughter, in the air filled with the merry aura immediately. The ordinary people, without aristocrat so many art, say several salacious stories with the tone that chatted normally to them are the base exercise. 话音刚落,这片区域便响起一阵哄笑声,空气中顿时充满了快活的气息。市井小民,没有贵族那么多讲究,用正常聊天的语气说几个荤段子对于他们来说不过是基操而已。 Saw clearly, these are the talents that goes to king Sikaleite to attend the resort to violence competition.” “看清楚了,那些都是去王都斯卡雷特参加武斗大赛的天才。” „, But also, I said that looks familiar? However, makes such big stele, but also puts the appearances of all talents, is this wants to do?” “呀,还真是,我说怎么就这么眼熟呢?不过,弄这么大一块石碑,还把所有天才的样子都放上去,这是想干什么?” Does not know, but Grand Duke Morea Gold Dragon, his present appearance looks very young, who knows how long he had lived, that great person, is far-sighted, their ideas are not our unimportant people can guess.” “不知道,穆瑞亚大公可是金龙,他现在的样子看起来很年幼,可谁知道他已经活了多久,那种大人物,目光长远,他们的想法根本就不是我们这种小人物能猜测的。” This but actually is also , you looked, the images of some people uppered shift, below also presented one string of digits, sees? How many that is coming, 1000, 1300, 2200, how this has also been increasing, is this does do?” “这倒也是,诶,你们看,有人的影像上移了,下面还出现了一串数字,看见没?那是多少来着,一千,一千三,两千二,这咋还一直在增加,这是干什么呢?” „A below of person presents the digit incessantly, under many people appeared, these digits are also increasing.” “不止一个人的下面出现数字,很多人下面都出现了,这些数字也在增加。” In many city people doubts puzzled vision, that night stood erect quietly in their city central crystal stele, happened is letting their perplexed changes, 在诸多城市居民疑惑不解的目光之中,那一夜之间就悄然矗立在他们城市中央的的晶石碑,发生着让他们不明所以的变化, Lifelike images have name also one string repeatedly to change are the digit, keeps taking off and landing on the stele, the high and low about rapid movement, seeming like is really strange. 一道道栩栩如生的影像带着名字还有一串不断发生变化是数字,不停地在石碑上起起落落,上下左右迅速移动,看起来甚是怪异。
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