TDK :: Volume #5

#407: Majestic open intrigue

You can reject my recruiting command, I will not force you.” On the Morea face shows the genial smile, joins to hunt for the demon group and devil fights, this is guarding the kingdom with the life, therefore all interpolates depending on you voluntarily, but life own.” “你们可以拒绝我的征召令,我也不会强迫你们。”穆瑞亚脸上露出和善的笑容,“加入猎魔团与恶魔战斗,这是用生命在守卫王国,所以全凭你们自愿参入,命可是自己的。” Ok, starts to register now.” Morea Mia waves, 20 masters hold the books in waits on to grasp the souvenir photo gem with and other quantity is in waits on, “好了,现在开始登记。”穆瑞亚身旁的米娅挥了挥手,二十名手执书册的内侍与等数量手握留影宝石是内侍走进来, To join to hunt for the person of demon group voluntarily, please leave behind your names and images, you will certainly become the hero in kingdom, your names and appearances should make national each people know.” “所用自愿加入猎魔团的人,请留下你们的名字与影像,你们必将成为王国的英雄,你们的名字与样子应该让全国每一位民众知晓。” I, Leon, joins to hunt for the demon group voluntarily, is willing by life protection human, to fight to the last drop of blood with all invasion human peaceful devils.” Mia's words just said, young hunting demon knight first stands, responded recruiting of Morea, the keeper clan itself/Ben is his responsibility. “我,莱昂,自愿加入猎魔团,愿意以生命守护人类,与所有侵扰人类安宁的恶魔血战到底。”米娅的话刚刚说完,年轻的狩魔骑士就第一个站出来,响应了穆瑞亚的征召,守护人族本就是他的职责。 Leon your excellency, please stands, I must leave behind a clearest influence on you.” Grasps the books in waits on the name of Leon when the record, grasps in waiting on video recording gem to stand the Leon directly opposite, the gem in hand to this valiant red hair youngster. “莱昂阁下,请站好,我要给您留下一张最清晰的影响。”手持书册的内侍在记录下莱昂的名字时,手持录影宝石的内侍站到莱昂正对面,将手中的宝石对着这位英姿勃发的红发少年。 Records earnestly, do not present the wrong character, the image also certainly pats clearly.” Morea makes noise the reminder saying that three days later, I must all join to hunt for the talent list and image of demon group voluntarily, spreads over kingdom throughout, builds the tablet to show the people. I must make the nationals in kingdom know, one group of people ignore oneself safety, the choice protect them.” “认真记好,不要出现错字,影像也一定拍清楚。”穆瑞亚出声提醒道,“三天后,我要将所有自愿加入猎魔团的天才名单与影像,传遍王国全境,筑碑以示民众。我要让王国的国民知道,有一群人不顾自己的安危,选择保护他们。” Such remarks, planned the talents that joins immediately become excited, to become famous to set up ten thousand things, who does not like, who can reject, although revealed a face during the finals, but perhaps only then front that several talents will be remembered, behind, quick will forget by the populace. 此话一出,原本就打算加入的天才们顿时都变得兴奋起来,扬名立万的事情,谁不喜欢,谁能拒绝,虽然在决赛之中都露了一次脸,但恐怕只有前面那几位才会被人记住,后面的,很快就会被大众遗忘。 But this difference, Grand Duke Morea must all join to hunt for the person of demon group, the name and image inscribes on the stele, is situated in the major city central places, this was different. This type of recording merit stele, so long as deliberately does not damage, having thousand son 800 years is an issue does not have. 但这一次不一样,穆瑞亚大公要将所有加入猎魔团的人,名字与影像铭刻在石碑上,立于各大城市中央处,这就不一样了。这种记功石碑,只要不刻意损坏,存在千儿八百年是一点问题都没有。 But compares in these originally the doggedly sincere youngster talent, these planned to not stick one's neck out, refuse to recruit the talents of command to shout 'motherfucker', Morea this was one really projects on their Achilles'heel. 而相比于这些本就一腔热血的少年天才,原本那些打算明哲保身,拒绝征召令的天才们就想要骂娘了,穆瑞亚这是一手真是打到他们的死穴上了。 They attend the competition for the name, for the advantage, achieves both fame and fortune now, is planning to go home sight. If refuses to recruit the command, hunts for on the demon tablet not to have the academic honor. 他们参加比赛既是为了名,也是为了利,如今名利双收,正打算风风光光回家呢。如果拒绝征召令,猎魔碑上无功名。 When the time comes a coveting life and fearing death reputation cannot run away, as for the reputation adds body anything does not even think about it, by ten thousand people was spurned may happen actually very much. 到时候一个贪生怕死的名声是跑不掉的,至于名誉加身什么的更是想都不要想了,被万人唾弃倒是很有可能会发生。 Is the talents that goes to the kings to attend the finals, others can respond recruiting of ruling Grand Duke, fights devil, protects our homes and defends our country. How did you reject? What doesn't covet life and fear death is? Cowards! Cowards! Incompetent person! 都是前往王都参加决赛的天才,人家能响应执政大公的征召,去抗击恶魔,保家卫国。你怎么就拒绝了呢?不是贪生怕死是什么?懦夫!胆小鬼!无能之辈! So long as thinks oneself reject recruiting of Morea, after going home, when periphery this ruling Grand Duke will hunt for the personnel name and image of demon group announced and propagandizes after the nation, after oneself will suffer the person of what kind of despising vision and discussion, many people changed the original mind. 只要想一想自己拒绝穆瑞亚的征召,回家之后,当这位执政大公将猎魔团的人员名字与影像向全国公布并宣传之后,自己会遭受周围人何等的鄙视目光与议论之后,很多人都改变了原先的主意。 Ok, wanted to join to hunt for the people of demon group to stay behind, registers the name, left behind the image, person who does not want to join, now can leave.” Morea unemotional saying. “好了,想要加入猎魔团的人留下,登记名字,留下影像,不想加入的人,现在就可以离开了。”穆瑞亚面无表情的说道。 In the discussing politics hall, many talents look at each other in blank dismay, no one moves, the talents of many noble births, operate to Morea the wave hate secretly. 议政厅之中,不少天才面面相觑,没有人动,其中就有不少贵族出身的天才,对穆瑞亚的这波操作暗恨不已。 As the family education profound aristocrat, they naturally know that fights with all might to represent anything with the devil, exhalted they, do not certainly think, for what country people fight with all might, aristocrat where of peaceful age has with the beginning in the negligible fighting with all might for aristocrat that consciousness. 作为家教渊博的贵族,他们自然知道与恶魔拼杀代表着什么,养尊处优的他们,当然不想为了什么国家民众去拼杀,承平年代的贵族哪有与微末之中拼杀出来的初代贵族那种觉悟。 They mostly only want during the peaceful years, to enjoy in the family territory, these ignorant civilians consecration of industrious work, during various competitions, obtain the reputation every day while convenient, returns home with a full load, takes this to gang up with several aristocrat young ladies as the capital. 他们大多只想在和平的岁月之中,享受自己家族领地中,那些愚昧的平民每日辛勤劳动的供奉而已,顺便在各种比赛之中,获得名誉,满载而归,以此为资本勾搭几位贵族小姐。 However, aristocrat heaviest prestige, once catches the timid, spiritless this infamy, light then closes the confinement, since then suffers injustice, can only move in the darkness, heavy was pursued aristocrat by the family, eliminates the surname, degenerates into the common people. 但是,贵族最重声誉,一旦染上胆怯,懦弱这种污名,轻则关禁闭,从此不见天日,只能在黑暗中活动,重则被家族驱逐出贵族行列,剥夺姓氏,沦为庶民。 Therefore, to defend the reputation of aristocrat, the talent that all aristocrats were born has not left, regardless of wanting, these fellows of noble birth must join to hunt for the demon group, this is their status decisions, leeway that they have not refused to revolt against. 所以,为了维护贵族的声誉,所有贵族出生的天才都没有离开,不论愿不愿意,这些贵族出身的家伙都必须加入猎魔团,这是他们的身份决定的,他们没有拒绝反抗的余地。 This was the naked open intrigue, on the Morea mouth was saying can choose freely, but in fact regarding aristocrat talent, only then an option, Morea has died of suffocation their all rear guards, wanted to preserve own honor and status, can only fight with the devil. 这就是赤裸裸的阳谋,穆瑞亚嘴上说着可以自由选择,但实际上对于贵族天才来说,只有一条选项,穆瑞亚已经堵死了他们的所有后路,想要保住自己的荣誉与身份,就只能与恶魔进行战斗。 But regarding these talents from an ordinary family, they, although does not have the prominent status, but they are the reputation add the body now, this is the glory, bears, if after does not want to go back, was spurned by the whole neighborhoods, then they have a choice. 而对于那些平民出身的天才来说,他们虽然没有显赫的身份,但是他们现在已经是名誉加身,这是荣耀,亦是负担,如果不想回去之后,被街坊四邻唾弃,那么他们同样只有一条选择。 Naturally, about 2000 people, always some different kind, they do not care about reputation kind of nihility the thing, they come and go freely, only cares about own benefit, they attend the resort to violence competition, the main purpose is also for that rich prize, rather than reputation. 当然,近两千人,总有一些异类,他们不在乎名声这一类虚无的东西,他们独来独往,只在乎自己的利益,他们参加武斗大赛,主要目的也是为了那丰厚的奖品,而不是名誉。 But at this moment, Morea opens the mouth again, lists the condition that these self-centered alone wolves are unable to reject. 但就在这时,穆瑞亚再一次开口,列出了这些以自我为中心的独狼无法拒绝的条件。 Joins to hunt for the demon group, becomes hunts for demon and devil slaughters, is the most dangerous occupation. However the most dangerous occupation, has the largest return, later each of you will obtain an demon to lead, this demon leads does not have any auxiliary ability, the only function is to record you cuts to kill the devil the quantity, then through calculating its strength strong and weak, transforms as the meritorious military service point. “加入猎魔团,成为猎魔者与恶魔厮杀,是最危险的职业。但是最危险的职业,有最丰厚的回报,稍后你们每人都会获得一件魔导器,这件魔导器没有任何辅助能力,唯一功能就是记录你们斩杀恶魔的数量,然后通过计算其实力强弱,转化为战功点。 But the overall that the meritorious military service point, participates in the resort to violence competition wins obtains to be the same after you, can exchange to hunt for the resources in demon meritorious military service reward list, you cut to kill the multi- discount devil, won many meritorious military service, I exchanged many resources to you, did not set the upper limit. ” 而战功点,就如同你们参加武斗大赛胜利之后获得的积分一样,能够兑换猎魔战功奖励列表之中的资源,你们斩杀了多少头恶魔,获得了多少战功,我就给你们兑换多少资源,不设上限。” On the Morea face brings wisdom bead in the smile of grasping, as for hunting for demon meritorious military service reward list, I can tell you now, the above breath law, contemplates the law, the weapon, the armor, a medicament kind of commodity, compared with the reward of resort to violence competition, is more precious, both completely not in a level.” 穆瑞亚脸上带着智珠在握的笑容,“至于猎魔战功奖励列表,我现在就可以告诉你们,上面的呼吸法,冥想法,兵器,铠甲,药剂一类的物资,比武斗大赛的奖励,更加珍贵,两者完全不在一个层次。” Morea your majesty, can allow the average person to enter the quota that half potential surface seeks asylum, can exchange with the meritorious military service?” At this time at the back of the youngster of battle axe, raising hand sound loud and clear asking. 穆瑞亚陛下,能够让普通人进入半位面避难的名额,也可以用战功兑换吗?”这时一名背着战斧的少年,举着手声音洪亮的问道。 Sure.” The Morea nod said with a smile, regarding this filial little fellow, he expressed the unusual appreciation, devil attack that because got stronger and stronger, therefore I decided all half potential surfaces that opened the royal family to grasp, making kingdom's some people go to seek asylum.” “当然可以。”穆瑞亚点头笑道,对于这种孝顺的小家伙,他表示非常欣赏,“因为愈演愈烈的恶魔侵袭,所以我决定开放王室掌握的所有半位面,让王国的一部分民众进去避难。”
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