TDK :: Volume #5

#406: Hunts for the demon to recruit

In Morea does not count under the consumption of price, Rauchman kingdom over 90% residents saw about 2000 people of fight competition processes. Was divided into five big ages to conduct the player who the ratio fights by Morea, projects on is only left over eight people finally, in addition the players of other subsidiary occupations, less than more than hundred people. 穆瑞亚不计代价的消耗之下,洛克曼王国九成以上的居民都看到了近两千人的战斗比赛过程。被穆瑞亚划分为五大年龄段进行比斗的选手,打到最后都只剩下八个人,再加上其余辅助职业的选手,不足百余人。 Last is the final, five big ages have chosen eight, the final five kingdom's first resort to violence talents produce among them. 最后一场就是总决赛,五大年龄段都已经选出来了八强,最后的五位王国第一武斗天才就在他们之间产生。 The rule of final no longer is the elimination series, but fairer circulation system, everyone wants another seven players to fight, winning streak seven people, is the Rauchman empire's first talent. 总决赛的规则就不再是淘汰制,而是更加公平的循环制度,每个人都要另外七名选手战上一场,连胜七场之人,即为洛克曼王国第一天才。 In comparison, the competition of subsidiary occupations is more convenient, is one decides the victory and defeat directly, without so many gaudy, everyone can conduct the competition after all simultaneously. 相比之下,辅助职业的比赛则要方便许多,直接就是一场定胜负,没有那么多花里胡哨的比法,毕竟所有人都可以同时进行比赛。 For example Morea gives a secret dosage formulation, lets all pharmacists in the tool, in the material same situation, simultaneously refines the medicament, from the time of refinement medicament consumption, the success ratio, the quality conducted the comprehensive judgment variously, finally selects the champion. 比如穆瑞亚给出一张秘传药剂配方,让所有药剂师在工具,材料都相同的情况下,同时炼制药剂,从炼制药剂消耗的时间,成功率,品质等多方面进行综合判断,最终选出冠军。 The resort to violence competition, below ten years old this ages, the British imperialist drew by the overwhelming advantage nothing more to be said gained the final victory, she every ended the fight by a fist one time, the people kindly name that therefore many were watched all competitions was: A fist princess. 武斗大赛,十岁以下这个年龄段没有什么好说的,英帝拉以压倒性的优势取得了最后的胜利,她每一次都以一拳结束战斗,所以被诸多观看所有比赛的民众亲切地称呼为:一拳公主。 But compares draws the final victory of so relaxed acquired fight in the British imperialist, the fight of Leon is more difficult, cannot put on him of hunting demon armor, is only an outstanding human talent, does not have special. 而相比于英帝拉如此轻松的获得战斗的最终胜利,莱昂的战斗就要艰难许多,穿不上狩魔铠甲的他,只是一个优秀的人类天才而已,没有多特别的。 But seven competitions of final, he won eventually one after another, what is quite interesting, he in the process of fight, exposed him the status as hunting demon knight. 但总决赛的七场比赛,他终究是一场接一场的赢了过来,比较有趣的是,他在战斗的过程中,暴露了他身为狩魔骑士的身份。 The reason is simple, during the fifth fight in Leon, with his to war a talent master who fused different kind bloodlines, because his bloodlines awakening degree is high, has arrived has needed to maintain the human form with the distortion technique the situation. 原因非常简单,在莱昂的第五场战斗之中,跟他对战的一名融合了异类血脉的天才术士,因为他的血脉觉醒程度非常高,已经到了需要用变形术维持人形的地步。 During the determination of hunting demon armor, this human master talent is not the human category. Therefore, made Leon put on the golden hunting demon armor directly, defeated the opponent with the steamroll stance. But after this fights, the popularity of Leon rises dramatically. 在狩魔铠甲的判定之中,这名人类术士天才已经不属于人类范畴。所以,直接让莱昂穿上了金色的狩魔铠甲,以碾压性的姿态击败了对手。而这一战之后,莱昂的人气暴增。 Because the hunting demon knight was good to identify, Leon put on the mail-armor and helmet un at that moment, making most people recall oneself childhood to listen to the legend story about hunting demon knight. 因为狩魔骑士太好辨认了,莱昂穿上甲胄嗯那一刻,让大部分人都回忆起了自己小时候听过关于狩魔骑士的传说故事。 After that competition, does not know the story that many children start to closely examine oneself parental hunting demon knight, does not know many people start to cheer for every action and every movement of Leon cried out, does not know many young girls adore for Leon, the feelings of love ripple. 自那一场比赛之后,不知有多少孩童开始追问自己的父母狩魔骑士的故事,不知多少民众开始为莱昂的一举一动而欢呼呐喊,不知有多少少女为莱昂倾心,春心荡漾。 The finals add on the final, time-consuming one month later, drops the curtain in many people's longing gazes, every day can see the so splendid fight, they want continuously this. 决赛加上总决赛,耗时一个月之后,在诸多民众依依不舍的注视中落下帷幕,每天都可以看到如此精彩的战斗,他们想一直这样。 But this is impossible, leads the facility by the foundation demon of Roulot Coman kingdom, conducts the national live broadcast to burn money, the time grew, can burn the bankruptcy Morea. 但这是不可能,以卢洛克曼王国的基础魔导设施,进行全国直播就是在烧钱,时间长了,能把穆瑞亚烧破产。 After the resort to violence competition ended, Morea starts to act according to participating talent to obtain result overall, making them freely exchange, then provides the reward. 当武斗大赛结束之后,穆瑞亚开始根据各位参赛天才取得成绩累计的积分,让他们自由兑换,然后发放奖励。 This aspect, what Morea adopts is the points-based system, every time wins one to have the corresponding overall, more projects on behind, the acquired overall are more, then can exchange the treasure that in reward list Morea opens with the overall. 这方面,穆瑞亚采取的是积分制,每赢一场就有相应的积分,越是打到后面,获得的积分就越多,然后可以用积分兑换穆瑞亚开出来的奖励清单之中的宝物。 After completing last of competition issues the reward, Morea sends for all resort to violence talents obtained the final qualification invited in the discussing politics hall completely. 在完成比赛的最后一项颁发奖励之后,穆瑞亚派人将所有获得决赛资格的武斗天才全部都邀请到了议政厅之中。 I invited the goal that you came, believes that among you had few people to know.” Morea is overlooking below about 2000 talents, they were the essence of this national new generation, if ruined them, is equal to ruining the future of this country. “我邀请你们过来的目的,相信你们中间有一部分人已经知道了。”穆瑞亚俯视着下方的近两千位天才,他们就是这个国家新生代的精华,如果毁掉他们,就等于葬送掉这个国家的未来。 Among you, but many fellows held concurrent jobs to study the elixir, cast the soldier, a strategy kind of deputy, moreover studied specially well, even was more outstanding than these people of full-time.” “你们之间,可是有不少家伙兼职学习了炼药,铸兵,阵法一类的副职,而且还学得特别好,甚至比那些全职的人都更加优秀。” The child of poor person manages a household early, these words in the incisiveness that on these civilian talents manifests, because the dependence slaughters, plundering obtains the resources to practice, eventually is not the long-term task. 穷人的孩子早当家,这句话在那些平民天才身上体现的淋漓尽致,因为依靠杀戮,掠夺获得资源来修行,终究不是长久之道。 But excavation own subsidiary occupations talent, becomes pharmacist kind of existence, is equal to obtaining a gold ore continuously, takes spending own time obtains the cultivation resources as the price, this regarding the family background not good person, is a majestic main road. 而发掘自己的辅助职业天赋,成为药剂师一类的存在,就是等于获得一条源源不绝的金矿,以消耗自己的时间为代价获得修炼资源,这对于出身不好的人来说,不失为一条堂皇大道。 Your these wholeheartedly dual purpose, even three use wholeheartedly, but also obtains specially excellent result fellow, should bump into me to send out to gather your people, saw me soon, to the national public top-secret material.” “你们这些一心两用,甚至一心三用,还取得特别优异成绩的家伙,应该都碰到了我派出招揽你们的人,看到了我在不久之后,就会向全国公开的绝密资料。” Morea looks that under has fallen into moves restlessly, on many faces has revealed the discontented resort to violence talent, they are wholly-absorbed with slaughtering war duty of fight with being infatuated in law duty of research, they do not know completely what happened. 穆瑞亚看着下方已经陷入躁动,很多脸上已经露出不满的武斗天才,他们是专心与厮杀战斗的战职者与醉心于研究的法职者,他们完全不知道发生了什么事情。 This classification person knows, the feeling that and oneself do not know, making people very uncomfortable, person who has the issue except for certain psychology, no one likes was treated by the difference, this makes one have a despised feeling. 这种别人知道,自己且不知道的感觉,让人非常不爽,除了某些心理有问题的人,没有人喜欢的被差别对待,这让人有一种被轻视的感觉。 Is patient.” Morea knocked the throne arm rest, in discussing politics hall in all directions, the light screen shines one after another, appears the related information of various devil attacks, with the related speculation. “稍安勿躁。”穆瑞亚敲了敲王座扶手,在议政厅的四面八方,一道又一道光幕亮起,浮现出各种恶魔袭击事件的相关资料,还有与之相关的推测。 During the shocking material, making noisy some discussing politics halls fall into gradually is silent, is only left over the even more loud breathing. The clear transparent data can show all, even ignorant person, so long as is not the brain is remnant, can look at the gravity that has problems. 触目惊心的资料,让原本有些喧闹的议政厅渐渐陷入寂静之中,只剩下愈发粗重的呼吸声。清晰明了的数据能够说明一切,就算是再无知的人,只要不是脑残,都能看出问题的严重性。 Authenticity that some similarly people questioned these data information, because dispatched Giant to suppress the devil attack in Morea everywhere, in addition Morea deliberately suppressed the dissemination of news, therefore in the eyes of these talents, the Rauchman kingdom was a lively scene of school of put on a show of peace and prosperity. 同样有人质疑这些数据资料的真实性,因为在穆瑞亚四处派遣巨人镇压恶魔侵袭,再加上穆瑞亚刻意压制消息的传播,所以在这些天才的眼中,洛克曼王国还是一派歌舞升平的繁华景象。 Your years are static, are because have my subordinate Giant for your carrying a heavy load vanguard.” The Morea complexion is solemn, in hand light, all around light screen starts to broadcast Cloud Giant to slaughter the bloody scene of fight with various grotesque devils immediately. “你们的岁月静好,是因为有我麾下的巨人在替你们负重前行。”穆瑞亚脸色冷峻,手中轻点,四周的光幕顿时开始播放云巨人与各种奇形怪状的恶魔厮杀战斗的血腥场景。 Front just like ironclad proof general influence record, everyone did not have the words saying that because they noticed that had Cloud Giant dead in battle. 在犹如铁证一般的影响记录面前,所有人都没有话说了,因为他们看到有云巨人战死了。 I am Gold Dragon, by invitation of former king Beira Dean, was the ruling Grand Duke, I have to shelter the duty and other, my subordinate Giant protects the Rauchman kingdom, that is the responsibility is. “吾乃金龙,受前任君王贝拉迪恩之邀,担任执政大公,吾有庇护尔等之义务,我麾下巨人守护洛克曼王国,那是职责所在。 But the Rauchman kingdom is the country of human, is not the country of dragon, is not the Giant country, you should also take up the sword law stick in hand, protects your family members, defends your countries, this is your unshirkable responsibility and duties. ” Morea stands to overlook below all talents. 但洛克曼王国是人类的国家,不是龙的国家,也不是巨人的国家,你们也应该拿起手中的刀剑法杖,守护你们自己的亲人,保卫你们自己的国家,这是你们义不容辞的责任与义务。”穆瑞亚站起来俯视下方所有天才。 I in the name of Rauchman kingdom rule Grand Duke, issued that hunts for the demon to recruit the command!” “吾以洛克曼王国执政大公的名义,发布猎魔征召令!”
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