TDK :: Volume #5

#405: Bullies the person

Do not be excited, Leon.” Morea felt that somewhat funny shaking the head, I recruit the talent to form to hunt for the demon knight group, is the current situation needs completely, as the hunting demon knight, you should feel, fills the air that evil tyrannical aura in the air.” “不要激动,莱昂。”穆瑞亚感觉有些好笑的摇摇头,“我征召天才组建猎魔骑士团,完全是时势所需,身为狩魔骑士,你应该感受到了吧,弥漫在空气之中那股邪恶暴虐的气息。” I felt, devil that stink.” Leon looks all around, deeply frowns, very powerful devil, moreover he had stayed here.” “我感受到了,魔鬼那股臭味。”莱昂环顾四周,眉头紧锁,“很强大的魔鬼,而且他曾经就在这里呆过。” How can't I feel aura of devil?” Morea vision doubt is staring at Leon, although he summoned Miles here repeatedly, when each time summon, Miles will restrain oneself aura discretely, after he left, Morea will also intend to purify, was impossible to have the aura to remain. “我怎么感受不到一点魔鬼的气息?”穆瑞亚目光狐疑的盯着莱昂,虽然他在这里多次召唤麦尔斯,但每次召唤之时,麦尔斯都会非常谨慎地收敛自己的气息,而在他离开之后,穆瑞亚也会出手净化一下,不可能有气息残留。 If pure by aura hunting demon, our hunting demon knight was also too disappointing.” “如果只是单纯凭借气息来狩猎魔物,那我们狩魔骑士也太差劲了。” „Do you trace by what?” Morea somewhat curious asking. “那你们凭借什么追踪?”穆瑞亚有些好奇的问道。 Direct sense impression!” “直感!” „Similar to the sixth sense perception capability?” Some Morea surprise, this is similar to wild animal general perception capability, but most human in the long years, had lost this ability. “类似于第六感的感知能力?”穆瑞亚有些诧异,这就是类似于野兽本一般的感知能力,不过大部分绝大部分人类在漫长的岁月中,已经失去了这种能力。 Only then after stepping the unusual road, can awaken. However, Leon this perception capability does not know that surpasses this wild animal not to know several, must know that Morea make a move to purify, he sensation has not arrived at the deep prison to refine demon Miles had presented the trace. 只有踏上超凡之路后才能重新觉醒。不过,莱昂这种感知能力不知道超过这种野兽不知几凡,要知道穆瑞亚自己可是出手净化过的,他自己都已经感知不到深狱炼魔麦尔斯曾经出现过的痕迹。 Right, this is the hunting demon armor gives our one perception capability.” Leon replied. “没错,这是狩魔铠甲赋予我们的一种感知能力。”莱昂回答道。 „, Probably was not clear.” “唔,大概明白了。” Your Highness Morea, I thought it is necessary to investigate thoroughly this to present the big devil here, perhaps it has spied on many confidential information.” 穆瑞亚殿下,我觉得非常有必要彻查这头出现在这里的大魔鬼,它恐怕已经窥探到不少机密信息了。” „, Leon, does not need to trace, this big devil is my retinue, its life grasps in my hands.” Morea coughs, somewhat helpless answered, if this fellow the occupational disease outbreak, pursued following his bewildered intuition to Miles on, then carried the sword to chase down the big devil who Miles this soon broke through the legend, that was very awkward. “咳,莱昂,不用追查,这头大魔鬼是我的仆从,它的性命都掌握在我的手中。”穆瑞亚干咳一声,有些无奈的解释道,这家伙要是职业病发作,顺着他那莫名其妙的直感追到麦尔斯身上,然后拎着剑去追杀麦尔斯这头快要突破传奇的大魔鬼,那就很尴尬了。 „Do you use the devil to work as the subordinate?” The brow of Leon wrinkled deeply, he had the moral cleanliness/mysophobia person, his some are unable to understand Gold Dragon that liked rewarding virtue and punishing vice why will have big devil existence hand/subordinate. “你用魔鬼当手下?”莱昂的眉头皱得更深了,他是有道德洁癖的人,他有些无法理解一条喜欢惩恶扬善的金龙手下为什么会有大魔鬼这种存在。 I am half master.” The Morea palm lifts lightly, the golden dragon flame gushes out, forms a soccer size the fireball, above also has the thunder to flee, the power and influence is astonishing, enslaves a devil to be very strange?” “我算是半个法师。”穆瑞亚手掌轻抬,金色的龙炎涌出,形成一颗足球般大小的火球,上面还有雷霆窜动,威势惊人,“奴役一头魔鬼很奇怪吗?” Morea felt oneself have remained pure and incorruptible as a Master dragon very much. He knows has the master of summon devil devil ability, will play specially, for example summoned some charm demons or the desire demons takes care of itself. 穆瑞亚觉得自己作为一名龙法师已经很洁身自好了。他可是知道很多拥有召唤恶魔魔鬼能力的法师,特别会玩,比如召唤一些魅魔或者欲魔服侍自己。 But that is the devil who the seduction intelligent life degenerates.” “但那是诱惑智慧生灵堕落的魔鬼。” In my subordinate, he is an obedient hunting dog, will obey all my orders.” “在我手下,他就是一条听话的猎狗而已,会服从我的一切命令。” Good, if it has that day that is separated from you to control, I will certainly cut to kill it, does not die continuous.” The survival until now hunting demon knight is not the hunting demon time these old-fashioned, these knights who in the eye cannot accommodate the least bit sand, they learn the adjustment and compromise now, they have understood, cannot be restrained other to exist by own standard, this is not realistic. “好吧,如果它有脱离你控制的那一天,我一定会将它斩杀,不死不休。”存活至今的狩魔骑士已经不是狩魔时代那些古板,眼中容不得半点沙子的那些骑士,他们现在又学会了变通与妥协,他们已经明白,不能让自己的标准约束其他存在,这不现实。 This did not need you to begin, if it were separated from my control, doing all kinds of evil things, my first could not forgive it.” Morea light snort/hum a sound said. “这就不用你动手了,如果它脱离我的掌控,为非作歹的话,我第一个饶不了它。”穆瑞亚轻哼一声道。 ...... …… Under being a focus of public attention, prepares the one-and a half month resort to violence competition from the propaganda to the registration, after experiencing two months of preliminary contest and intermediary heat, finally conducted the final stage. 于万众瞩目之下,从宣传到报名准备历时一个半月之久的武斗大赛,在经历了两个月的预赛与复赛之后,终于进行到了决赛阶段。 Morea starts to arrange the resort to violence competition entire four months later, he fulfills the commitment that oneself once made. Each fight that will play in the finals retransmits to each city of Rauchman kingdom synchronously, enabling everyone to see. 穆瑞亚开始筹备武斗大赛整整四个月之后,他兑现了自己曾经许下的承诺。将决赛的每一场战斗都同步转播到洛克曼王国的每一座城市,让所有人都可以看到。 When the specification with his high-rank the ruling grand ceremony is the same, does not have any difference. This is an astonishing consumption, initially that was only one continues less than a day of celebration, but now is actually number about 2000 people of large-scale competitions, every will broadcast live, this is burning money simply. 其规格与他上位时举办的执政大典一样,没有任何差别。这是一场惊人的消耗,当初那只是一场持续不到一天的庆典而已,而现在却是一场参赛人数近两千人的超大规模比赛,每一场都会进行直播,这简直就是在烧钱。 But is good because, by the background of Rauchman kingdom, can haunch this consumption, but is the price somewhat is big. Is good is typical is child sells the master field does not love dearly the psychology because of Morea, is not his thing, he does not know that what saves is. 但好在,以洛克曼王国的底蕴,能够支撑得起这种消耗,不过就是代价有些大而已。好在穆瑞亚是典型是“崽卖爷田不心疼”的心理,不是他的东西,他根本不知道节省为何物。 The final stage is adopts the one-to-one elimination system as before, loses one then to be eliminated directly, no leeway of recalling. The Morea formulation is the athletic competition system is so brutal. 决赛阶段依旧是是采取一对一的淘汰制度,输一场便直接出局,没有任何挽回的余地。穆瑞亚制定是赛制就是如此残酷。 The winner high-rank, the defeated leaves, indeed will have some people quite hapless, started first to bump into was similar Leon this type to have the strength to aspire to seize of champion player, then eliminated directly. 胜者上位,败者离开,诚然会有一些人比较倒霉,开始第一场就碰上了类似莱昂这种有实力问鼎冠军之位的选手,然后直接淘汰。 This being defeated, except for sums up part of reasons after the luck is not good, the biggest reason is the strength is insufficient, if has to dominate in the strength of same ages, what who will care about himself to match is. 这种落败,除了将一部分原因归结于运气不好之后,最大的原因就是自身实力不够,如果拥有凌驾于同年龄段的实力,谁会在乎自己匹配到的是谁。 On for example by the Morea stopper to British imperialist of below ten years old this ages competition group, who she was not cared about own opponent is, she only knows oneself walk, a fist rumbles, then, her duty was accomplished 就比如被穆瑞亚塞到十岁以下这个年龄段比赛组的英帝拉,她根本就不在乎自己的对手是谁,她只知道自己走上去,一拳轰出,然后,她的任务就完成了 Because a competition had ended, is the so simple and crude, Rauchman kingdom the child of below ten years old ages, no opponent who is the British imperialist draws. 因为一场比赛已经结束了,就是如此简单粗暴,洛克曼王国的十岁以下年龄段的孩子,没有一个是英帝拉的对手。 The British imperialists draw need scruples only, before is goes on stage, estimates the strong and weak of opponent, the strength control in the tolerance range of opponent, is insufficient to have fights with the fists dead a bear child this massacre. 英帝拉唯一需要顾忌的,就是上场之前,估算一下对手的强弱,将力量控制在对手的承受范围之内,不至于发生“一拳打死一个熊孩子”这种惨案。 If really makes the British imperialist draw the strength full, that is a slaughter, Morea is impossible to tolerate this matter. 如果真的让英帝拉战力全开,那就是一场屠杀,穆瑞亚不可能容忍这种事情的发生。 From the beginning also some people directly enter the finals quite to have the veiled criticism to Morea Leon and British imperialist Lasser, but with competition conducts, British imperialist and Leon constantly win by the potential of steamroll, some people shut up directly, but has another sound to resound. 一开始还有人对穆瑞亚直接将莱昂与英帝拉塞进决赛颇有微词,但是随着比赛的进行,英帝拉与莱昂不断以碾压之势获得胜利,这部分人直接闭嘴了,但却有另一种声音响起。 They think that this competition is the Rauchman kingdom resort to violence competition, the people outside Rauchman kingdom cannot participate, but British imperialist and Leon are the Morea people, is not the resident in Rauchman kingdom, without qualifying. 他们认为这种比赛是洛克曼王国武斗大赛,洛克曼王国以外的人不能参加,而英帝拉与莱昂是穆瑞亚的人,不是洛克曼王国的居民,没有参赛资格。 This sound, Morea naturally disregarded directly, to put it bluntly was certain people frightens by British imperialist the battle efficiency and Leon, felt oneself not the possibility in the arena winning. 这种声音,穆瑞亚自然是直接无视了,说白了就是某些人被英帝拉与莱昂的战斗力吓到了,觉得自己没有在赛场上获胜的可能。 Then outside the arena thinks that some at sixes and sevens methods want the disturbing effect they, best is to make Morea cancel their rights of participation directly. 然后在赛场之外想一些乱七八糟的方法想要干扰影响到他们,最好是让穆瑞亚直接取消他们的参赛权。 Regardless of outside person is what idea, Morea disregards totally, but does one's best to maintain „the Gold Dragon cup resort to violence competition conducts, does not let the external interference any player. 不论场外的人是什么想法,穆瑞亚都一概无视,只是尽心尽力维护“金龙杯”武斗比赛的进行,不让外界干扰到任何一位参赛选手。
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