TDK :: Volume #5

#404: Notice

Human is the sociality lifeform, person who so long as there is seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, worried inevitably. But brutally not wants, that is not human, therefore, the talent, has the fetters in any event eventually, person who definitely has caring. 人类是群居性生物,只要有七情六欲的人,就必然有所牵挂。而无情无欲的,那已经不是人类了,所以,不论如何天才,终究是有羁绊的,绝对有在乎的人。 Parental brothers and sisters direct line blood relation, is the average person most cares. Was abandoned without the orphan talent of father no mother, person who similarly has caring, because only then receives others' help, these orphans can grow. 父母兄弟姐妹这种直系血亲,是一般人最在乎的。就是被抛弃无父无母的孤儿天才,同样有在乎的人,因为只有受到别人的帮助,这些孤儿才能够成长起来。 In brief, in talent that the human state grows, regardless of seemingly has looks like the alone wolf, can definitely have happening together, will have to happen together will produce the fetters, then had the scruples. 总之,在人类国度成长起来的天才,不论看起来有多么像独狼,必然会与人产生交集,有而交集就会产生羁绊,然后就有了顾忌。 In understanding when the subcontinent that oneself are at had the unprecedented change, secure knows, oneself does not have the qualifications reject this ruling Grand Duke to gather, ten quota that enters half potential surface to seek asylum, he acknowledged own heart movement. Not only excited, he also thought that these quotas were too few. 在明白自己所在的次大陆发生了前所未有的变化时,安兹就知道,自己已经没有资格拒绝这位执政大公的招揽了,十名进入半位面避难的名额,他承认自己心动了。不光心动,他还觉得这些名额太少了。 In the range affects in the disaster of Nuoqiya subcontinent, how many people does he add on inferior (Asia) to protect permanently? They possibly could not protect including themselves, so long as attached in most powerhouse, passed the hope of this disaster is biggest. 在范围波及诺奇亚欧次大陆的灾难之中,他加上亚恒能护住多少人?他们可能连自己都保护不了,只要依附于最强者,度过这场灾难的希望才是最大的。 Grandmaster secure, wants to obtain more seeking asylum quotas, that does your best, in the later pharmacist finals, obtains a better position, those who are able are many.” “安兹大师,想要获得更多的避难名额,那就尽你所能,在之后药剂师决赛中,获得更好的名次,能者多得。” I understood.” secure deeply inspires, then puts out slowly. Treatment that decides to obtain by the ability, this point is fair , there is nothing to struggle. “我明白了。”安兹深吸一口气,然后缓缓吐出。以能力决定获得的待遇,这一点非常公平,没有什么好争的。 I?” Saw own sending slightly complied with gathering somewhat urgently, inferior (Asia) permanently also inward waits on to ask. “那我呢?”看到自己的发小答应了招揽,亚恒也有些迫切的朝内侍问道。 Was sorry, Morea your majesty subordinate has enough many, and very outstanding Giant soldier follows, therefore does not need the unnecessary human soldier.” In waits on as before by facing the smile expression says very teasy words. “抱歉了,穆瑞亚陛下的麾下拥有足够多,且十分优秀的巨人战士追随,所以并不需要多余的人类战士。”内侍依旧以面对微笑的表情说出十分让人恼火的话。 How can like this?” In hears the words that waits on, inferior (Asia) falls into permanently instantaneously annoyingly, he naturally does not care regarding the devil of invasion. “怎么能这样?”听到内侍的话,亚恒瞬间陷入懊恼中,对于入侵的恶魔他自然是不在乎。 However he can disregard, his relatives and friends mostly may be an average person, bumped into the most preliminary timid demon, will be killed a cleanness, he can protect one two, but ten? 20? He thought that oneself cannot protect. 但是他可以无视,他的亲朋好友大多可都是普通人,就是碰上了最低级的怯魔,都会被杀个干净,他可以护住一个两个,但是十个?二十个呢?他觉得自己护不住。 Being patient, inferior (Asia) is permanent your excellency.” In this has broken through to the gold level youngster responds, lets wait on very satisfied, he referred to the good meal that was carried by the restaurant waiter, makes a movement of invitation, then took up the tableware to eat. “稍安勿躁,亚恒阁下。”这位已经突破到黄金级少年如此反应,让内侍非常满意,他指了指被餐厅侍者端上来的美味佳肴,做出一个请的动作,便拿起餐具吃了起来。 What means can I have to obtain the seeking asylum quota?” The words that in waits on, making youngster inferior (Asia) feel permanently the favorable turn, pursued hastily asks. If really does not have the means that he can only lag behind the facial skin slightly to seek help from oneself sending, in any event, he must feed in half potential surface to seek asylum oneself parents. “我能有什么办法获得避难名额?”内侍的话,让少年亚恒感觉到了转机,连忙追问道。如果真的没有办法,他就只能拉下脸皮向自己的发小求助了,无论如何,他都要把自己的父母送进半位面之中避难。 Kingdom needs your such soldier, after the resort to violence competition ended, you should receive the recruiting command that Your Highness Morea issues, when the time comes, you had the battle axe in use hand to win to enter the opportunity that for your relative half potential surface sought asylum.” “王国需要你这样的战士,在武斗大赛结束之后,你应该就会收到穆瑞亚殿下发布的征召令,到时候,你就有利用手中的战斧为自己的亲属赢得进入半位面避难的机会。” Hears itself also to have the opportunity, the Asian permanent complexion relaxed immediately, although own treatment seemingly was inferior that own sending is small, but at present looks like, is very good, at least has the opportunity that a struggle strives for success. 听到自己还有机会,亚恒的脸色顿时放松了许多,虽然自己的待遇看起来不如自己的发小,但是就目前看来,已经很不错了,最起码有个奋斗拼搏的机会。 How to obtain with the battle axe?” Saw own nerve thick sends small that the well satisfied appearance, after secure criticizes was unpromising, for him asks. “怎么用战斧获得?”看到自己神经粗大的发小那已经心满意足的样子,安兹暗骂了一句没出息之后,替他问道。 Naturally slaughters to win the meritorious military service with the devil, then received exchange for the quota by the meritorious military service.” In waits on to smile is replying. “当然是与恶魔厮杀来获得战功,然后以战功来换取名额。”内侍微笑着回答道。 Fights with the devil.” secure complexion immediately becomes ugly, even if three -year-old child knows devil cruel vicious, but he knows are more, the devil is slaughtering the evil lifeform of fight from the birth. Same level, overwhelming majority lifeform are not their opponents. “与恶魔战斗。”安兹的脸色顿时变得难看起来,就算是三岁小孩都知道恶魔的残暴凶狠,而他知道的更多,恶魔可是从出生就在厮杀战斗的邪恶生物。同级之中,绝大部分生物都不是他们的对手。 National disaster overhead, you have no alternative.” Been satiated with food and wine in waiting on stands, leaves behind a wholehearted advice: Before present Morea your majesty can also maintain the kingdom surface peace, grasps all time growth, leaves the time of your crowd of talents is not many.” “国难当头,你们别无选择。”已经吃饱喝足的内侍站起来,留下一句真心实意的忠告:“趁现在穆瑞亚陛下还能维持王国表面的和平之前,抓紧一切时间成长吧,留给你们这群天才的时间已经不多了。” After saying, does not pay attention to fall into silent two people, the preparation brings to camouflage the construction of ordinary guard to install the knight to leave the restaurant behind, goes to the next place, according to the list, seeks for Morea to mention names the talent that wants to gather. 说完之后,也不理会陷入沉默的两人,就准备带着身后伪装成普通护卫的构装骑士离开餐厅,前往下一处地方,按照名单,寻找穆瑞亚指名道姓想要招揽的天才。 Under.” “等下。” What matter also has? secure.” In waits on to stop the footsteps to look that to raising the head to stop by calling out own talent pharmacist. “还有什么事情吗?安兹阁下。”内侍停住脚步看向抬头叫住自己的天才药剂师。 If just I rejected, you to me how?” “如果刚刚我拒绝,你会对我怎么样?” I naturally not to you how.” In waited on to smile, I was only responsible for informing in wait on, these protected my security. I will inform another not friendly fellow to take over.” “我当然不会对你怎么样。”内侍笑了,“我只是一个负责通知的内侍而已,身边的这几位只是保护我的安全而已。我只是会通知另外一位不怎么友好的家伙接手而已。” „Be responsible for informing? In other words had a liking for by Grand Duke Morea, regardless of wanting, only then works for this result for him, without other choices, yes?” “负责通知?也就是说被穆瑞亚大公看上了,不论愿不愿意,都只有为他效力这一种结果,没有其他选择余地,是么?” Really is by the talent pharmacist who your majesty is settles on worthily, but somewhat is young, something understand well, does not need to say.” “真不愧是做被陛下是看中的天才药剂师,不过还是有些年轻,有些事明白就好,不用说出来。” ...... …… Prepared? Leon.” Above the throne, Morea is looking below brow slightly wrinkle sends the youngster scarlet slantingly, the body by the look on the throne asks lazy. “准备好了吗?莱昂。”王座之上,穆瑞亚望着下方眉头微皱的赤发少年,身体斜靠在王座上神色慵懒地问道。 You allow me directly to attend the finals, whether is unfair? You are Gold Dragon.” Leon is frowning to ask. “你让我直接参加决赛,是否有失公平?你可是金龙。”莱昂皱着眉头问道。 Fair? The competition is I spends to send people to conduct, did you tell fairly me?” On the Morea face reveals a chuckle, „, moreover by your strength, according to the normal participating flow, you thought that oneself can't project on the finals?” “公平?比赛都是我花钱派人举办的,你跟我讲公平?”穆瑞亚脸上露出一丝轻笑,“而且以你的实力,按照正常参赛流程,你觉得自己打不到决赛吗?” Sure.” “当然可以。” That was not good, having anything is unfair, but is to make you save some time, little walks some unnecessary flow. Compares in this, I felt you should care about to be able in receiving in competition, obtains the 16 to 20 years old section first, rather than intertwines in this minor details.” “那不就行了,有什么不公平,不过是让你省些时间,少走一些不必要的流程而已。相比于这个,我觉得你应该关心一下自己能不能在接下的比赛中,获得16到20岁年龄段的第一,而不是纠结于这种细枝末节。” I in the sword by hand, will win first surely.” “我必定会以手中的剑,赢得第一。” Words do not say fully, cannot put on the hunting demon armor, you to fighting these human talents, no advantage. In my hand has the materials of all participating talents, needs to understand ahead of time? Like this your winning percentage will be bigger.” “话不要说得太满,穿不上狩魔铠甲,你对战那些人类天才,没有一点优势。我手中有所有参赛天才的资料,需要提前了解一下吗?这样你的胜率会大很多。” Does not need, I do not want to win through this method.” “不需要,我不想通过这种手段获胜。” Stodgy knight.” Morea ridicules saying that „, if you are the scourge knight this/should good, I did not need to give so many cares.” “死板的骑士。”穆瑞亚笑骂道,“如果你是天谴骑士该多好,我就不用费这么多心思了。” „......” Young knight is silent, degenerates to wield a sword to cut regarding these to the consanguineous scourge knight, he has harbored very complex mood, he did not think that they made the mistake. “……”年轻的骑士沉默,对于那些堕落挥剑斩向同族的天谴骑士,他一直都怀着非常复杂的情绪,他不觉得他们做错了。 „After competition ended, I can recruit these talents to form to hunt for the demon group, after you obtain one, I can confer you for justifiablily a regimental commander who hunts for the demon group, does not need to worry others 's censures.” “比赛结束之后,我会以征召这些天才组建猎魔团,你获得第一之后,我可以名正言顺的册封你为其中一支猎魔团的团长,不用顾虑其他人的非议。” Hunts for the demon group?” Sends the youngster to raise the head scarlet, on the face reveals the exciting color, in the eye projects two scalding hot scarlet glow. “猎魔团?”赤发少年抬起头,脸上露出激动之色,眼中射出两道灼热的赤芒。
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