TDK :: Volume #5

#403: Seeking asylum quota

secure, occupation: The gold metallurgy master, is expert in the medicament, the silver fifth-order peak strength, has obtained went to king Sikaleite to participate in the final qualification that the pharmacist competes, right?” “安兹,职业:炼金术士,专精药剂,白银五阶巅峰实力,已经获得了前往王都斯卡雷特参加药剂师比赛的决赛资格,没错吧?” „Who are you?” Has blown cleanly whiskers on the face, reveals the secure knitting the brows brow of delicate youngster face to look at in front of five people. “你们是什么人?”已经将自己脸上的络腮胡刮得一干二净,露出清秀少年脸庞的安兹皱眉眉头望着自己面前的五个人。 Does not use anxiously, you have the qualifying now, according to the competition stipulated, you are under the asylum of Grand Duke Morea now, no one dares to begin to you.” “不用紧张,你们现在还拥有参赛资格,按照比赛规定,你们现在正处于穆瑞亚大公的庇护之下,没有人敢对你们动手。” Blocks in secure royal palace to wait on Asian permanent smiling of wants to begin to one side, referred to the symbol of clothes robe chest place that say/way six Ceratop heads, I come from king Sikaleite, this symbol, you should know!” 拦住安兹的王宫内侍冲一旁想要动手的亚恒的笑了笑,指了指自己衣袍胸口处那道六角龙首的徽记,“我来自王都斯卡雷特,这个徽记,你们应该认识吧!” „Are you person of Morea rule Grand Duke?” secure who has attended more than ten competitions records naturally not to be familiar again to this six Ceratop prefixes, this is the symbol of ruling Grand Duke, body everything has this symbol subordinates in the person of ruling Grand Duke. “你是穆瑞亚执政大公的人?”已经参加过十余场比赛的安兹对这个六角龙首标记自然是再熟悉不过来,这是执政大公的徽记,身上凡事有这道徽记的都是隶属于执政大公的人。 Naturally, is you are pharmacist secure?” Through the three-dimensional solid image had confirmed that in the royal palace of its status waited on bows slightly, asked again. “当然,请问是您是药剂师安兹吗?”早就已经通过三维立体影像确认其身份的王宫内侍微微躬身,再一次问道。 I am secure.” Talent pharmacist youngster and own sends little inferior (Asia) to look at each other one permanently, then looks before the body the wheat flour does not need, understood at a glance where from waits on. “我是安兹本人。”天才药剂师少年与自己的发小亚恒对视一眼,然后看向身前白面无须,一看就知道来自哪里的内侍。 „, secure, currently do you have the time to discuss with me?” In waits on the tone that allows to reject does not inquire to secure. “那么,安兹阁下,现在您有时间跟我谈一谈吗?”内侍以不容拒绝的语气向安兹询问道。 Good.” secure looked in waited in the chest that dignity aggressive golden color dragon first badge, then nodded to comply very much refreshedly. This is not he currently has existence that the capital can reject. “好。”安兹看了内侍胸口上那道威严霸气的金色龙首徽章一眼,然后很爽快地点头答应了。这不是他现在有资本可以拒绝的存在。 Toward here, Grandmaster secure.” Saw after secure is willing to coordinate, the attitude in waiting on has 180 degrees shallowturn immediately, the tone puts out a hand to aim around decoration fine restaurant respectfully. “往这边,安兹大师。”看到安兹愿意配合之后,内侍的态度立马发生一百八十度的大转弯,语气恭敬伸手指向旁边一座装潢精致的餐厅。 „Do you, or the regent government Grand Duke want to ask me to do?” Sits on the restaurant, looks on this to give off the fragrance faintly, as if sprayed the perfume in waits on orders the meal, secure tone calm asking. “你,或者说摄政大公想找我干什么?”在餐厅上坐好,看着这位身上隐隐散发香气,似乎喷洒了香水的内侍点完餐之后,安兹语气沉稳的问道。 In waits on this royal family also to have in the big aristocrat family/home to have the special group that is always representing the wills of these great people. 内侍这种只有王族还有大贵族家中才有的特殊群体,一向都代表着那些大人物的意志。 secure also is really direct, since this, I do not beat around the bush.” In waits on to smile, then complexion one entire, excuse me, do be interested in serving for Grand Duke Morea?” “安兹阁下还真是直接,既然这样,那我也不绕弯子了。”内侍笑了笑,然后脸色一整,“请问,您有兴趣为穆瑞亚大公阁下服务吗?” „......” secure is slightly silent, then opens the mouth: I am the resident in Rauchman kingdom, naturally has the duty to serve for the Morea rule Grand Duke.” “……”安兹微微沉默,然后开口:“我是洛克曼王国的居民,自然有义务为穆瑞亚执政大公服务。” secure, you are a smart person, do not play the fool with me.” In waits in the face to reveal not a cheerful color, you should understand that my meaning, I am asking you, is willing to follow Sir Morea? Even if Morea your majesty will resign the position of ruling Grand Duke in the future, leaves the Rauchman kingdom, you are willing to follow to depart similarly together, serves for your majesty lifelong.” “安兹阁下,你是聪明人,就不要跟我装傻了。”内侍脸上露出一丝不愉之色,“你应该明白我的意思,我是在问你,愿不愿意追随穆瑞亚大人?就算是日后穆瑞亚陛下卸任执政大公之位后,离开洛克曼王国,你同样愿意追随着一同离去,终身为陛下服务。” „......” secure is silent, but nearby inferior (Asia) somewhat is permanently angry, wanted to say anything, but held on by secure, has not let this brain is the fellow of muscle starts talking to offend the person. “……”安兹沉默不语,但一旁的亚恒就有些愤慨,想要说些什么,但是被安兹一把拉住了,没有让这位满脑子都是肌肉的家伙开口说话得罪人。 secure, please consider patiently, Morea your majesty great strength, you should have understand. In the dragon clan, your majesty status is also very high, has looked at Morea your majesty the words of ruling grand ceremony, you should be able to look.” “安兹阁下,请耐心考虑,穆瑞亚陛下的强大,你应该是有所了解的。在龙族之中,陛下的身份也是非常高的,看过穆瑞亚陛下的执政大典的话,你们应该可以看出来。” Ten ancient dragon!” The youngster secure light language, he looks later waits on inward, can tell me, did my which aspect settle on by Grand Duke Morea?” “十位古龙么!”少年安兹轻语,随后他看向内侍,“能不能告诉我,我哪方面被穆瑞亚大公看中的?” Naturally is your pharmacist ability. Your majesty appreciates you to dispose the medicament very much the calm, calm, your groundbreaking spirit.” “自然是你的药剂师才能。陛下很欣赏你配置药剂的沉稳,冷静,还有你的开创性精神。” If I comply to follow Morea your majesty, what I can obtain?” secure very realistic asking. “如果我答应追随穆瑞亚陛下,我能得到什么?”安兹非常现实的问道。 Pharmacist type of professional itself/Ben is an auxiliary fever money occupation, severs some big influence, is very normal matter, the individual farming pharmacist walks is not long-term. 药剂师这种职业本就是一种辅助性的烧钱职业,为某一大势力服务,是非常正常的事情,单干的药剂师是走不长远了。 The material that the low rank medicament needs said fortunately, in the market can buy, but the high rank medicament, that basically was does not have the city valuably, wants to buy cannot buy. 低阶药剂所需的材料还好说,市面上可以买到,但是高阶药剂,那基本就是有价无市了,想买都买不到。 Therefore turns to the big influence, is the normal operation of pharmacist, how as for not to degenerate into the elixir machine under big influence control by oneself, that looked at the operation of pharmacist. 因此投靠大势力,是药剂师的正常操作,至于如何不让自己沦为大势力控制下的炼药机器,那就看药剂师本人的操作了。 You can research and develop as one pleases dispose any low rank medicament, not on limit material, but the material of high rank medicament, according to your ability, conducts supplies with limited quantity. “您可以随心所欲的研发配置任何低阶药剂,不受材料上的限制,而高阶药剂的材料,则根据你的能力,进行限量供应。 Moreover, all gold metallurgy dosage formulations that Morea your majesty collects, you can watch and experiment at will. ” 另外,穆瑞亚陛下收集的所有炼金药剂配方,你都可以随意观看并实验。” Watches at will?” secure smiled, perhaps this needs to arrive at me unable to the outside world to give any message the place, can watch at will, for example in half potential surface. Moreover after looking, I should not see me again now the opportunity in this world.” “随意观看?”安兹笑了,“这恐怕是需要到了一个我无法向外界传递任何消息的地方,才能随意观看吧,例如半位面之中。而且看了之后,我应该就再也没有见到我现在所处这个世界的机会了。” In waits on to smile, without the speech, something understands that was good, does not need to say too clearly. Then, in waits on takes out one pack of documents to put in front of secure from the space ring, makes a movement of invitation, making him glance through. 内侍笑了笑,没有说话,有些事情明白就行了,不需要说得太明白了。接着,内侍又从空间戒指中取出一叠文件放到安兹面前,做出一个请的动作,让他翻阅。 secure noticed that front also brings top-secret the document of stamp inscription, curious, opened to look, but nearby inferior (Asia) also collected permanently. 安兹看到面前还带着“绝密”印戳字样的文件,好奇之下,就翻开看了起来,而一旁的亚恒也凑了过来。 Human as an extremely curious lifeform, from the nobility, to the common people, likes eavesdropping on secret that these others are not willing to reveal to the public. 人类做为一种极富好奇心的生物,上至王公贵族,下至平民百姓,都喜欢探听那些他人不愿公之于众的秘密。 How possibly?” Glanced through several pages merely, secure brow then twists merely in the same place, but nearby youngster inferior (Asia) also shows the shocking look permanently, the information that above records was extremely to them frightened. “怎么可能?”仅仅翻阅了几页,安兹的眉头便仅仅拧在一起,而一旁的少年亚恒也露出震惊的神色,上面记载的信息对于他们来说太过惊悚了一些。 What above record is Rauchman kingdom in the past two years all devil attack, each devil attack marked the time clearly, the place, the devil quantity of attack, the strength strong and weak. 上面记载的是洛克曼王国近两年来所有的恶魔侵袭事件,每一个恶魔侵袭事件都清楚的标明了时间,地点,袭击的恶魔数量,实力强弱。 Simultaneously is joined to several broken line statistical charts again, enabling rough inferior (Asia) permanently also to see the frequency that straightforwardly the devil presents is getting higher and higher, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, matter is developing in some not wonderful direction. 同时再配上几张折线统计图,让性格粗犷的亚恒也能直白看出恶魔出现的频率越来越高,实力越来越强,事情正在往某种不妙的方向发展。 These real?” The Asian permanent complexion waits on to ask ugly inward, his some cannot believe that the quantity that if with the lapse of time, the devil presents are getting more and more, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, in the future will turn into what appearance. “这些都是真的吗?”亚恒脸色难看向内侍问道,他有些不敢相信,如果随着时间的推移,恶魔出现的数量越来越多,实力越来越强,未来会变成什么样子。 „Do we need to compile a false material to deceive you? You thought that you do have the qualifications that makes us deceive?” In waits on with smile on the face, unrestrained/no trace of politeness asked. “我们有必要编造一份虚假资料来欺骗你们吗?你们觉得自己有让我们欺骗的资格?”内侍面带微笑,毫不客气的反问道。 Why will have this matter?” “为什么会发生这种事?” This was not the matter that people like me can know.” In waits on to shake the head, he put out a hand to refer to secure front document, „, therefore, if you complied to follow Morea your majesty, you have ten belt/bring people to enter half potential surface now together, not by quota of invasion.” “这就不是我这种人能够知道的事情了。”内侍摇头,他伸手指了指安兹面前的文件,“所以,如果你答应追随穆瑞亚陛下,你现在就拥有十个带人一同进入半位面,不受外界侵扰的名额。” Ten quotas, were too few.” “十个名额,太少了。”
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