TDK :: Volume #5

#402: Unified world

Both innate beginning is different, does not have any comparability. Furthermore, this Grandmaster Gustave has lived now over 300 years old, Morea lived this age, the strength is absolutely compared with him, but asset should be able the steamroll he. 两者先天的起点就不一样,没有任何可比性。再者说,这位古斯塔夫大师如今已经活了三百多岁,穆瑞亚活得这个岁数,实力是绝对比他强,而资产方面应该可以碾压他。 „, Why right Gustave is not the Ella Sya's first refiner master, is only the Lord mainland's first refiner master?” Morea circles interested asking, is because he hasn't left the refiner masters of Lord mainland with other subcontinents to compete with?” “唔,对了古斯塔夫为什么不是埃拉西亚第一炼器师,只是主大陆第一炼器师?”穆瑞亚绕有兴趣的问道,“是因为他从来没有离开主大陆与其他次大陆的炼器师比试过吗?” Right, Gustave not only has not left the Lord mainland, after he becomes famous, the area of his even/including Qunxing empire has not even left, his activity is only restricted in the crowd of star empires also to have his fiefdom, but also he wants to go to the words of fiefdom, but also needs to inform own wife, Isabella sister of the emperor your highness goes together.” “没错,古斯塔夫阁下不仅没有离开过主大陆,当他成名之后,他甚至连群星帝国的疆域都没有出过,他的活动仅限于群星帝国还有他的封地,而且他想去自己封地的话,还需要通知自己的妻子,伊莎贝拉长公主殿下一同前往。” Therefore, our Ella Sya world is not possible to have any first refiner master, the notch talent who because any ruler does not permit own subordinate is separated from own control range.” “所以,我们埃拉西亚世界是不可能有什么第一炼器师的,因为任何统治者都不允许自己的麾下的顶尖人才脱离自己的掌控范围。” Right, many non-combatant occupations are very difficult to compare first, that because they are restricted were too many.” Said here, ancient Gold Dragon Bastus couldn't help laughing, because he thinks he himself felt very laughable conclusion, “没错,很多非战斗职业都很难比出第一,因为他们本身受到的限制太多了。”说道这里,古金龙巴斯德哑然失笑,因为他想到了他自己觉得非常可笑的结论, If there is which to exist to unify Ella Sya world, and you holds the competition like your highness, whom then these non-combatant subsidiary occupations can compete with easily are Ella Sya world first.” “如果有哪位存在可以统一埃拉西亚世界,并像殿下您一样举行比赛,那么这些非战斗都辅助职业就可以轻而易举的比试出谁是埃拉西亚世界第一了。” Unifies Ella Sya world?” Morea provoked laughter by ancient Gold Dragon Bastus this supposition, since immemorial, which never has to exist to unify Ella Sya world, the antique time does not have, now is more impossible.” “统一埃拉西亚世界?”穆瑞亚被古金龙巴斯德这种假设逗笑了,“从太古至今,还从来没有哪一位存在统一埃拉西亚世界吧,太古时代没有,现在就更不可能了。” „The joke, why is Your Highness Morea offended? Ella Sya world is truly impossible to unify, once had saints and sages to have this idea, but he counts in Ella Sya world the major influences with its to have the number of powerhouse slightly, gave up this not the fantasy that is possible to realize.” “不过玩笑话而已,穆瑞亚殿下何必介怀?埃拉西亚世界确实不可能统一,曾有位圣贤有过这种想法,但是他稍微统计一下埃拉西亚世界上各大势力与其拥有强者的数量,就放弃了这个不可能实现的空想。” Only then hits clothing/taking all Spiritual God and epic poems by the military force, suppresses to refuse to accept, can complete the unification, but through the ages, who can have this strength?” “只有以武力打服所有神灵与史诗,镇压一切不服,才能完成统一,但是古往今来,谁能有这种战力?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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