TDK :: Volume #5

#401: Life peak

In discovering the blade of too this named moon pill, not oneself remember that after the soul constructs the fantasy weapon of its shape and ability, Morea thinks another issue, this blade is who copies? 在发现这柄名为冰轮丸的太刀,并不是自己记忆中以灵魂构筑其形状与能力的幻想兵器之后,穆瑞亚想到了另一个问题,这柄刀是谁仿造出来的? Bastus, you know that who forging of this blade is?” Morea mood light asking. He knows, oneself is not lonely in this world, therefore has the preparation. “巴斯德阁下,你知道这柄刀的锻造者是谁吗?”穆瑞亚心情平淡的问道。他知道,自己在这个世界并不孤单,所以早就有了心理准备。 „Don't you know?” Hears the Morea issue, on the ancient Gold Dragon Bastus face reveals the color of surprise. “你不知道?”听到穆瑞亚的问题,古金龙巴斯德脸上露出诧异之色。 „Should I know?” Morea is somewhat in a daze, it seems like that this cuts the founder of mortal form blade, the fame is big, to the well-known situation, this was very interesting. “我应该知道吗?”穆瑞亚有些发愣,看来这柄斩魄刀的铸造者,名气非常大,大到人尽皆知的地步,这就很有意思了。 Un, truly does not need to know as your highness your.” The Morea question, lets nods of some Gold Dragon approvals. “嗯,以殿下您的身份确实不需要知道。”穆瑞亚的反问,让古金龙有些赞同的点点头。 Is I am ignorant and inexperienced.” Morea touches the chin, Bastus, please introduce for me the founder of this blade.” “是我孤陋寡闻。”穆瑞亚摸摸下巴,“巴斯德阁下,请为我介绍一下这柄刀的铸造者。” Moon pill is in the main mainland the recognized first weapon forging master, one of the Gustave's cutting mortal form blade series works.” “冰轮丸是主大陆上公认的第一武器锻造师,古斯塔夫阁下的斩魄刀系列作品之一。” Cuts the mortal form blade series?” The corners of the mouth of Morea twitched two, „this main mainland's first refiner imitates old ways Staaf, forged a to cut the mortal form blade incessantly? How many handles did he forge?” “斩魄刀系列?”穆瑞亚的嘴角抽搐了两下,“这位主大陆第一炼器师古斯塔夫,不止锻造了一柄斩魄刀?那他锻造了多少柄?” Hehe, by the ability of Grandmaster Gustave, how possibly only to forge a , I when the main mainland travels, heard that Grandmaster Gustave has refined 20 handles to cut the mortal form blade, now does not know that has refined many.” “呵呵,以古斯塔夫大师的能力,怎么可能只锻造一柄,我在主大陆游历的时候,听说古斯塔夫大师已经炼制出了二十柄斩魄刀,现在就不知道已经炼制出多少了。” 20 handles cut the mortal form blade, is each different?” Morea has an anticipation to pursue asks, since obtains the main mainland's first given name, is always impossible that low, imitates 20 exactly the same moon pills. “二十柄斩魄刀,每一柄都是不同吗?”穆瑞亚带着一丝期待追问道,既然都已经得到了主大陆第一的名号,总不可能那么low,仿制出二十柄一模一样的冰轮丸吧。 Right, 20 handles cut the mortal form blade, each can release the beginning solution and solves two shapes the special legendary weapons, each is unique.” “没错,二十柄斩魄刀,每一柄都是可以释放出始解与卍解两种形态的特殊传奇武器,每一柄都是独一无二的。” Beginning solution! solution!” The Morea corners of the mouth cannot bear extract again two, then could not bear whispered in a low voice, dead dwelling.” “始解!卍解!”穆瑞亚嘴角再次忍不住抽出两下,然后忍不住低声嘀咕了一句,“死宅。” What characteristics do these cut the mortal form blade to have?” Morea is looking in the magic arts image, brandishes has been conducting the beginning solution the moon pill, cuts an ice dragon the white hair youngster. Imitated to cut the mortal form blade to that Grandmaster Gustave to what degree, had certain guess. “这些斩魄刀有什么特点?”穆瑞亚望着法术影像之中,挥舞着已经进行始解的冰轮丸,斩出一条冰龙的白发少年。对那位古斯塔夫大师仿制斩魄刀到了什么程度,有了一定的猜测。 The cutting mortal form blade and normal legendary weapon that „ Gustave refines have very big difference, these weapons contain very powerful strength. “古斯塔夫阁下炼制的斩魄刀与正常的传奇兵器有很大的不同,这些武器本身就蕴含着非常强大的力量。 And these cut on the mortal form blade also to have the necessary strong war technique, each cuts the mortal form blade above war technique is not same, only then the hand grasps to cut the mortal form blade to show these war techniques completely the might, otherwise the effect falls short greatly. 并且这些斩魄刀上还有配套的强大战技,每一柄斩魄刀上面的战技都不相同,不过只有手握斩魄刀才能完全施展出这些战技的威力,不然效果大打折扣。 Moreover, Gustave cut on the mortal form blade to arrange two seals in each , but the cutting mortal form blade under complete seal, was that type is thin and long blade shape. 另外,古斯塔夫阁下在每一柄斩魄刀上都布置了两层封印,而完全封印下的斩魄刀,就是那种又细又长的刀形态。 Unties the process of that two seal, was called the beginning solution and solution by Gustave. Unties to cut the seal of mortal form blade, will obtain to cut strength in addition of mortal form blade to hold. 解开那两层封印的过程,就被古斯塔夫阁下称之为始解与卍解。解开斩魄刀的封印,就会获得斩魄刀的力量加持。 Normal, the beginning solution can make a person of strength turn time, but the increase of solution, was more terrifying, reaches as high as over ten times. However has been cut the person of mortal form blade, basically few can conduct the solution, obtains this terrifying in addition to hold. 正常来说,始解可以让一人的力量翻倍,而卍解的增幅,就更恐怖了,高达十倍以上。不过得到斩魄刀的人,基本上没有几个可以进行卍解,获得这种恐怖的加持。 Moreover, does not know that Grandmaster Gustave because of what reason, on cutting the mortal form blade establishes a very strange setting. Wants the words of beginning solution and solution, must shout the incantation of correspondence, otherwise is unable to succeed the liberation to cut the mortal form blade. ” 而且,不知道古斯塔夫大师是因为什么原因,在斩魄刀上设置一个很奇怪的设定。想要始解与卍解的话,都要喊出对应的咒语,不然无法成功解放斩魄刀。” This is the focus of dead dwelling.” Morea said in the heart silently, the liberation cuts the mortal form blade time, did not shout that the liberation language, felt can miss many. “这是死宅的执着。”穆瑞亚在心中默默说道,解放斩魄刀的时候,不喊出解放语,感觉会差很多。 This Grandmaster Gustave abandoned such big time, forges these only to have the weapon in fantasy, is naturally perfect, fitting original setting. 这位古斯塔夫大师废了这么大的功夫,锻造出这些原本只存在于幻想中的兵器,自然要尽善尽美,贴合原本的设定。 Sees things in others'shoes, Morea felt , if thinks of every means to refine these to cut the mortal form blade, will add on these to make the troublesome limit to the user purely. 换位思考一下,穆瑞亚觉得如果是自己费尽心思炼制出这些斩魄刀,也会加上这些纯粹就是给使用者制造麻烦的限制。 After all Gustave makes to cut the goal of mortal form blade, but to satisfy the ultimate fantasy of previous generation, rather than to make what powerful legendary weapon, this is only the supplementary. 毕竟古斯塔夫制造斩魄刀的目的,只是为了满足自己前世的终极幻想,而不是为了制造出什么强大的传奇兵器,这只是附带的。 Your Highness Morea, if you later bumped into the hand to hold the enemy who cut the mortal form blade, do not make this cutting mortal form blade name deceiving, after the blade shape the foundation shapes by two seal, after being cut the mortal form blade was liberated, only then a small part cuts the mortal form blade also to have the appearance of blade, other majority was not a blade. 穆瑞亚殿下,如果您以后碰上了手执斩魄刀的敌人,不要让这种斩魄刀这种名称给欺骗了,刀形态只是被两层封印后的基础形态,斩魄刀被解放之后,只有一小部分斩魄刀还有刀的样子,其他大部分根本就不是刀。 For example I saw some people to use a cutting mortal form blade of named ghost lamp pill, after beginning solution, is a appearance very ugly spear/gun, but after solution, the weapon of named dragon mark ghost lamp pill, the style is very good. ” 比如我曾经见过有人用过一柄名为鬼灯丸的斩魄刀,始解之后,就是一柄样子很丑的枪,不过卍解之后,名为龙纹鬼灯丸的武器,样式很不错。” Cuts ancient Gold Dragon of mortal form blade to come here for the Morea introduction, cannot help but feels slightly generally, „the style that Gustave designs certain weapons, really has to make me suspect his aesthetic standard, most weapon styles that but he refines, is attractive, my some are unable to understand this Grandmaster fluctuating uncertain aesthetic standard.” 穆瑞亚介绍斩魄刀的古金龙到这里,就不由得微微感概,“古斯塔夫阁下设计某些武器的样式,真的是不得不让我怀疑他的审美观,但是他炼制的大部分武器样式,偏偏又非常好看,我有些无法理解这位大师起伏不定的审美观。” Listens to Morea slightly silent a while of ancient Gold Dragon narration, then somewhat asked curiously: Bastus, if I want to visit this main mainland's first weapon forging master, where I do need to look for him to the main mainland?” 听完古金龙叙述的穆瑞亚微微沉默一会儿,然后有些好奇问:“巴斯德阁下,如果我想要拜访这位主大陆第一武器锻造师,我需要到主大陆哪里找他?” Grandmaster Gustave now is the elder sister of star sea empire current emperor, the Isabella sister of the emperor's husband, the chief refiner master in group star empire, has with the empire imperial family crown prince position equal king nobility title. “古斯塔夫大师现在是星海帝国现任皇帝的姐姐,伊莎贝拉长公主的丈夫,群星帝国的首席炼器师,拥有与帝国皇室亲王地位相等的王爵爵位。 The emperors in group star empire also divided a small-scale potential surface to treat as the fiefdom to Grandmaster Gustave, but also bestowed the treasure frequently in any name, it may be said that was to the utmost the favor. ” 群星帝国的皇帝还划分了一座小型位面给古斯塔夫大师当做封地,还经常以各种名义赐下宝物,可谓是极尽恩宠。” „Is position so high?” Heard the title and achievement of oneself this fellow villager that string of shining blind human eyes, Morea was startled. The position is equal to the crown prince in person of clan empire, what concept is this? This and kings in kingdom in same level, moreover real position also in its above. “地位这么高?”听到自己这位老乡那一串耀瞎人眼的称号与成就,穆瑞亚都惊了一下。地位等同于人族帝国的亲王,这是什么概念?这与王国的君王处于同一层次了,而且真实地位还远在其之上。 Your Highness Morea, you know why Grandmaster Gustave is honored as the main mainland's first weapon forging master?” On ancient Gold Dragon Bastus face reveals the color of exclamation: Because of him can extremely efficient speed casting legend weapon . Moreover the each legendary weapon of his casting is unique, each is unique. He is representing the person clan highest-level creativity and forging ability.” 穆瑞亚殿下,您知道古斯塔夫大师为什么被誉为主大陆第一武器锻造师吗?”古金龙巴斯德脸上露出惊叹之色:“因为他可以极为高效的速度铸造传奇兵器,而且他铸造的每一件传奇兵器都各具特色,每一件都是独一无二的。他代表着人族最高水准的创造力与锻造能力。” Fart creativity!” Morea complained in the heart, looks that in the projection that white hair youngster put forth group bird icicle to ice dragon Xuan the tail with the moon pill and other signboard sabreplays, Morea cannot bear in the heart complains, “屁的创造能力!”穆瑞亚在心中吐槽到,看着投影中那位白发少年用冰轮丸使出“群鸟冰柱”“冰龙旋尾”等招牌刀术,穆瑞亚忍不住在心中吐槽, This radically is shameless plagiarizing, but there are the ability these is only the pure fantasy weapon, forges in the reality, this point is really great.” “这根本就是无耻的剽窃,不过有能力将这些原本只是单纯的幻想兵器,在现实中锻造出来,这一点真的非常了不起。”
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