TDK :: Volume #4

#400: Fantasizes the weapon

After guaranteeing competition is relatively fair, resort to violence competition like a raging fire conducts. As for absolutely fair, does not exist, the person since birth is unfair, the fair this word, is comforted the nature to be in the majority. 在保证了大赛的相对公平之后,武斗大赛如火如荼的进行。至于绝对公平,是不存在的,人生来就是不公平的,公平这个词,本来就是安慰性质居多。 While the resort to violence competition is held, the competitions of other non-combatant occupations, for example the pharmacist, the refiner master, makes rune/symbol master, the master and others the competition is also held in the synchronization, but the time of these competitions also start. 而在武斗大赛进行的同时,其他非战斗职业的比赛,比如药剂师,炼器师,制符师,阵法师等的比赛也在同步进行,不过这些比赛的时间都是不是同时开始。 Player who because enters for the competition, many in full vigour and natural talent extraordinary talent, they concur the multi- duties, not only can cut the person, and can the gold metallurgy elixir. 因为报名参加比赛的选手,有很多精力旺盛且天资非凡的天才,他们身兼多职,既能砍人,又能炼金炼药。 To take care of them, the resort to violence competition and non-combatant occupation competition staggers as far as possible, lets all skills and abilities that they can display itself to master heartily. 所以为了照顾他们,武斗大赛与非战斗职业比赛尽量错开,让他们能够尽情发挥自己所掌握的一切技能与本领。 When the competition conducts the intermediary heat, although had many splendid peerless fights and competition similarly, because the Rauchman kingdom foundation demon leads the limit of facility, is unable to conduct the retransmission to the province( is mainly because consumes too in a big way), the person who only then the appearance observes can see. 而在比赛进行到复赛的时候,虽然同样发生了很多精彩绝伦的战斗与比试,但是因为洛克曼王国基础魔导设施的限制,无法向全省进行转播(主要是因为消耗太大),所以只有到场观战的人可以看到。 But Morea in king Sikaleite actually not by this puzzle. Because has the specialist to record the fights and competitions of various high levels at competition with the video recording crystal every day, sends in the royal palace, for Morea and two luoli observing and emulating appreciation. 而远在王都斯卡雷特之中穆瑞亚却不受这种困扰。因为每天都有专人于比赛现场用录影水晶录制各种高水准的战斗与比赛,送入王宫之中,供穆瑞亚与两只luoli观摩欣赏。 Since the competition has started, Morea has half of time to use in every day watching these video recording crystals, he is choosing the talent who oneself want. 自从比赛开始以来,穆瑞亚每天都有一半的时间都是用在观看这些录影水晶上,他在挑选自己想要的人才。 Therefore, he while watching, in the hand will have a small book, after seeing own Zhong Yi's talent player, writes down immediately, then gives Mia. 因此,他在观看的同时,手中会有一个小本本,在看到自己钟意的天才选手之后,立马记下来,然后交给米娅。 Let her send people to contact, first gathers peacefully, if the opposite party rejects, this list will be transmitted by Mia to Miles, making him use force to gather. In brief, talent who Morea settles on, the final home to return to certainly is that half potential surface that he controls. 让她派人去接触,先以和平的方式进行招揽,如果对方拒绝,这份名单就会被米娅转交给麦尔斯,让他用武力进行招揽。总而言之,穆瑞亚看中的人才,最终的归宿一定是他掌控的那座半位面。 The prize that Morea provides is, no moisture content. Without settled on by Morea, that even. If settled on by Morea, but also rejected gathering of Mia sending out personnel, then the Morea prize did not have is so good to take. 穆瑞亚发放的奖品都是实打实的,没有一丝水分。如果没有被穆瑞亚看中,那就算了。如果被穆瑞亚看中了,还拒绝了米娅派出人员的招揽,那么穆瑞亚的奖品就没有那么好拿了。 Morea consumption such multi- energy, send themselves under all Cloud Giant with more than 50% Storm Giant, keeps the competition order, even oneself pull out some treasures, as the reward, what attempts? Does not want from chooses the talent who oneself need? 穆瑞亚耗费如此之多精力,派遣自己麾下的所有云巨人与一半以上的风暴巨人,维持比赛秩序,甚至自己掏出一部分宝物,作为奖励,图什么?不就是想从其中挑选自己需要的人才吗? Morea obtained the legendary master, the element control Heinl's half potential surface, from obtained one to discard the most master tower, an incomplete floating empty city, knowledge of complete demon likely manufacture, but these are unable to play a wee bit help to him. 穆瑞亚获得了传奇法师,元素掌控者海纳尔的半位面,从其中得到了一座报废了大半的法师塔,一座残缺的浮空城,还有成套魔像制造的知识,但这些无法对他起到一丁点帮助。 Morea wants to restore the master tower , to continue not to complete the floating empty city that to construct the advancement, makes the metal demon likely production line......, but these, need lots of high-end technicians. 穆瑞亚想要修复法师塔,继续未完成的浮空城建造进程,重新制造金属魔像生产线……而这些,需要大量的高端技术人才。 The legendary master Heinl's subordinate talent, is he in the long years, oneself train. Originally Morea also planned that such as he is common, in the long life, creates the talent who oneself need slowly. 传奇法师海纳尔麾下的人才,都是他在漫长的岁月中,自己培养出来。本来穆瑞亚也打算如他一般,在自己漫长的生命之中,慢慢培养自己所需的人才。 Where however thinks that beside all sorts of accidents/surprises, oneself grasped a state unexpectedly directly. Under this situation, Morea matter that wanted him to do after completing Beira Dean, naturally started to benefit for oneself- plundered the technical talent. 但是哪想到在种种意外之外,自己居然直接掌握了一个国度。在这种情况之下,穆瑞亚在完成了贝拉迪恩想要他做的的事情之后,自然开始为自己捞好处-搜刮技术型人才。 As for the fight talent, Morea expressed does not need, human regardless of how talent, strength again how high, compared with their similar. With the Giant type compared with the dragon class, the innate disparity was too big, few talents can through the talent, the luck and sweat have the opportunity to make up for this disparity. 至于战斗型人才,穆瑞亚表示不需要,人类无论多么天才,战力再怎么高,也只是跟他们的同类相比。跟巨人种与龙类相比,先天差距太大了,只有极少数人才能通过天赋,运气与汗水有机会来弥补这个差距。 Sits Morea on seat of honor looks below four with the competition influence of video recording crystal retransmission, on the face shows the expression that is bored to death, these human talents use magnificent , and destructive power astonishing war technique and magic arts, are full of loopholes in the Morea eye, some feelings of indecently. 坐在主座上的穆瑞亚看着下方四场用录影水晶转播的比赛影响,脸上露出百无聊赖的表情,这些人类天才们使用的华丽且破坏力惊人的战技与法术,在穆瑞亚眼中漏洞百出,有些不堪入目的感觉。 Therefore the Morea attention mostly centralized rebroadcasts in the video recording at the competition of another side master. 所以穆瑞亚的注意力大多都集中在另一边阵法师的比赛重播录像上。 But in the meantime, after waited on the replacement , by releases the new three-dimensional solid fight image to bring to the attention of Morea. 但就在此时,一枚被内侍更换后释放出新的三维立体战斗影像引起了穆瑞亚的注意。 This is one in the competition of 11 to 15 years old section, competition both sides on is two seemingly does not have the big youngster, a white hair youngster attracted his attention, or said that accurately was his weapon attracted the Morea attention. 这是一场处于11到15岁年龄段的比赛,比赛双方就是两位看起来没有多大的少年,其中一位白发少年吸引了他的注意力,或者更准确的说是他的武器吸引了穆瑞亚的注意力。 Ella Sya most common weapon characteristics are thick, is long, greatly, said simply, is the heavy weapons. But the weapon in this white hair youngster hand, is a is long and thin blade too, is widely divergent with the mainstream weapon appearance. 埃拉西亚最常见的武器特点是粗,长,大,简单的说,都是重型兵器。而这位白发少年手中的武器,则是一柄又长又细的太刀,与主流兵器样子大相径庭。 „The appearance of this blade is good to look familiar!” Morea is looking at the appearance of white hair youngster back that too blade, a brow slightly wrinkle, he felt that this blade he has seen probably, the appearance is very familiar. “这柄刀的样子好眼熟啊!”穆瑞亚望着白发少年背后那柄太刀的模样,眉头微微一皱,他感觉这柄刀他好像见过,样子很熟悉。 Sits well in the frost day, moon pill!” In the image, after the white showing true colors youngster draws out that too blade, shouted that the Morea extremely familiar-sounding words, then blade blade tail in the too his hand gives birth to the iron chain, iron chain end has bit that assumes the crescent moon shape. “端坐于霜天吧,冰轮丸!”影像之中,白发复少年拔出那柄太刀之后,喊出穆瑞亚极为耳熟的话,而后他手中的太刀刀尾生出铁链,铁链尾端有呈弯月形状的刀片。 Cuts the mortal form blade!?” Originally is still losing concentration to look the Morea attention that a master competes had the slight change the blade to attract by this shape thoroughly thoroughly, then stays flickers. “斩魄刀!?”本来还在分神看阵法师比赛的穆瑞亚注意力彻底被这柄形状发生轻微改变的刀彻底吸引了,然后呆愣一瞬。 No, is not right, this does not cut the mortal form blade.” Morea looked at a while the process that white hair youngster who grasps too the blade fights, said categorically. “不,不对,这不是斩魄刀。”穆瑞亚看了一会儿这位手持太刀的白发少年战斗的过程,斩钉截铁地说道。 That white hair youngster is living human, is not that named god of death spirit body, this blade he, although uses such as to wield uses freely, but does not have the relation of deeper level, this blade is only a with cutting the mortal form blade moon pill similar weapon. 那位白发少年是活生生的人类,不是那种名为“死神”的灵体,这柄刀他虽然用得如挥臂使,但是没有更深层次的联系,这柄刀只是一柄与斩魄刀冰轮丸相似的兵器而已。 Mia, goes to please ancient Gold Dragon Bastus to come.” Does not make clear the blade of this this place in fantasy, why will appear in oneself front Morea in this manner, immediately makes one invite ancient dragon. Has anything not to know that wants to find, looking for this crowd of antiques was right. “米娅,去请古金龙巴斯德阁下过来。”搞不清楚这柄本该处于幻想中的刀,为什么会以这种方式出现在自己面前的穆瑞亚,当即让人去请古龙。有什么不知道想了解的,找这群老古董就对了。 Cuts the mortal form blade, the moon pill!” When ancient Gold Dragon Bastus enters the main hall that Morea is, immediately saw in three-dimensional solid projection that is showing, the hand holds the white hair youngster of blade fight too, having the surprise tone to say the name of this blade slightly. “斩魄刀,冰轮丸!”当古金龙巴斯德走进穆瑞亚所在的大殿时,顿时就看到了正在放映的三维立体投影中,手执太刀战斗的白发少年,带着略微诧异的语气说出了这柄刀的名字。 „Does Bastus, you know this blade?” “巴斯德阁下,你认识这柄刀?” Naturally knew.” A white blanch must ancient Gold Dragon of intelligent old person appearance caress own beard lightly, „the luck of this youngster is really good, unexpectedly can a cut the mortal form blade, what a pity cut the mortal form blade development degree is too low to this , can only use the moon pill beginning solution the strength, cannot use the solution, the release dragon soul strength, in addition holds itself.” “当然认识。”一副白发白须智慧老人模样的古金龙轻抚自己的胡须,“这位少年的运气真不错,居然能够得到一柄斩魄刀,可惜对这柄斩魄刀开发程度太低了,只能用出冰轮丸始解的力量,不能使用卍解,释放龙魂的力量,加持自己。” Obtains?” The Morea brow stretches, „is really not I remembers the fantasy weapon, but is an imitation.” “得到?”穆瑞亚眉头舒展,“果然不是我记忆中的幻想兵器,而是一种仿造品。”
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