TDK :: Volume #4

#399: Contracts widowed does not contract

Meanwhile, Morea also orders to take orders in the five big secret mechanisms/organizations of royal family, various that Miles subdues have conscience the secret organization that the evil lifeform forms, is conducting to assist and clean up in secret. 同时,穆瑞亚还命令听命于王室的五大隐秘机关,还有麦尔斯收服的各种有“良心”的邪恶生物组建的隐秘组织,在暗中进行辅助并清理。 In addition, Morea also opened the message channel of kingdom most priority-rating, making each discover the aristocrat officials who the devil trail was incapable of solving can report to him rapidly, enabling him immediately to send out Giant to be able transmission to whole country to conduct the fast support suppression through the royal palace. 除此之外,穆瑞亚还开放了王国最优先等级的信息通道,让每一位发现了恶魔踪迹而无力解决的贵族官员都可以迅速向他汇报,让他可以立即派出巨人通过王宫之中能够通往全国各地的传送阵进行快速支援镇压。 In brief, Morea can only exhaust own all means that passive deals with these frequently to present the devil that because he could not find the issue the root to be. 总而言之,穆瑞亚只能用尽自己的一切手段,被动的应付这些频繁出现的恶魔,因为他找不到问题的根源所在。 Naturally, this situation also appears in the Rauchman kingdom incessantly, only Morea knows, around the kingdom dragon person scarlet wing duchy, the Sherman duchy of dwarf had similar situation, has the devil frequent emergence. 当然,这种情况也不止出现在洛克曼王国之中,仅穆瑞亚所知,王国周围的龙人赤翼公国,还有矮人的谢尔曼公国都出现了类似的情况,都有恶魔频繁的出现。 As for the beautiful Teece kingdom of dark region, because in the hostile relationship, Morea does not know their situations, but wants to come is also similar, without truth everyone suffers a natural disaster, can escape by luck on the kingdom of Takuji elf. Takuji elf and devil are in the hostile relationship similarly. 至于幽暗地域的美迪斯王国,因为处于敌对关系,穆瑞亚不知道她们的情况,不过想来也差不多,没道理大家都遭灾,就卓尔精灵的王国可以幸免。卓尔精灵与恶魔同样处于敌对关系。 In order to determine is hapless on the country of oneself this region, entire Nuoqiya subcontinent egg all countries have bad luck, in the Morea relation the rulers in subcontinent middle these countries, asked their situation. 为了确定是不是就自己这一片区域的国家倒霉,还是整个诺奇亚欧次大陆蛋所有的国家都倒霉,穆瑞亚联系上了次大陆中部那些国家的统治者们,问了他们的情况。 Then Morea happily determined very much the fact that everyone has bad luck, in the present Nuoqiya subcontinent, almost all countries were fully suffering these is not irregular, does not divide the devil attack that and place presents. 然后穆瑞亚很欣慰的确定了大家都倒霉的事实,现在的诺奇亚欧次大陆上,几乎所有的国家都在饱受这些毫不规律,不分时间与地点出现的恶魔侵袭。 Discovered after everyone is the same, Morea placed at own attention the forthcoming resort to violence competition. After all the present Rauchman kingdom, its overall strength, in the entire Nuoqiya subcontinent, is in the top level absolutely. 发现大家都一样之后,穆瑞亚就将自己的注意力放在了即将举行的武斗大赛上。毕竟现在的洛克曼王国,其总体战力,在整个诺奇亚欧次大陆中,绝对是处于顶尖层次的。 It is not 14 legends that Rauchman Wang Guoben has, only invited ten ancient dragon depending on Morea, can hang in the dozen of Nuoqiya subcontinents overwhelming majority countries. 不算洛克曼王国本就拥有的十四位传奇,仅凭穆瑞亚邀请十条古龙,就可以吊打诺奇亚欧次大陆上绝大部分国家了。 Do not say, lies in float in king Sikaleite nearby cloud Dao, wind king Ying who also enters the sleeping soundly condition, this town/subdues world giant beast, ten ancient dragon not necessarily does it jointly. 更不要说,趴在悬浮于王都斯卡雷特旁边的云岛中,又进入酣睡状态的风王鹰,就这头镇世巨兽,十位古龙联手都不一定干得过它。 It can be imagined, present Rauchman kingdom overall strength high, has Morea nature fearless all of these these strengths, only if there is existence of epic level to interfere, otherwise Morea did not think that can have something to injure to present. 可想而知,现在的洛克曼王国总体战力有多高,坐拥这些这些战力的穆瑞亚自然无惧一切,除非有史诗级的存在干涉,不然穆瑞亚不觉得能有什么可以伤害到现在的自己。 If really has the epic level to exist to act, Morea naturally without delay, leading luoli Princess Millie to sneak off. The hopeful matter, Morea did not mind that puts together, but does not have the matter that the hope brings death in vain, Morea will not do. 如果真的有史诗级存在出手,穆瑞亚自然是二话不说,带着luoli公主蕾米莉亚开溜。有希望的事情,穆瑞亚不介意拼一拼,但毫无希望白白送死的事情,穆瑞亚可不会去干。 Keeps the mountain, did not fear that does not have the firewood fever. Morea has believed in this point. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。穆瑞亚一直都信奉这一点。 ...... …… Grand Duke Morea, the preliminary contest has started.” 穆瑞亚大公,预赛已经开始了。” Un, everything through the person of preliminary contest, completes the list registration, this may be the pillar of the state of country.” Morea said with a smile, the preliminary contest condition was very simple, adopts the elimination series, lost one game to be then eliminated. “嗯,凡事通过预赛的人,都做好名单登记,这可都是国之栋梁。”穆瑞亚笑道,预赛条件很简单,采取淘汰制,输掉一局便被淘汰出局。 The preliminary contest eliminates 7/8 people finally, the nation selects more than ten thousand people to attend the intermediary heat in the capitals of 48 big provinces. Eliminates 7/8 people again, selects more than thousand people to attend the finals to king Sikaleite, selects five ages the first talent. 预赛最终淘汰掉八分之七的人,全国选取万余人在四十八大行省的省会城市参加复赛。再淘汰掉八分之七的人,选取千余人到王都斯卡雷特参加决赛,选出五个年龄段的第一天才。 Right, informed the talent player who these attended the preliminary contest? Everything obtains the person who participates in the final qualification, their fights through the magic arts image, will retransmit to the nation, let the heroic bearing that nation's people see them to fight.” “对了,通知那些参加预赛的天才选手吗?凡事获得参加决赛资格的人,他们的战斗会通过法术影像,向全国转播,让全国的民众看到他们战斗的英姿。” Has informed completely, Grand Duke Morea, now the fighting spirits of these talents are high, almost everyone wants to enter the finals, enters the kings.” A middle-aged minister with a laugh reports to say to Morea. “已经全部都通知过了,穆瑞亚大公,现在那些天才们的斗志非常高昂,几乎每一个人都想打进决赛,进入王都。”一位中年大臣笑呵呵的向穆瑞亚汇报道。 Holds this resort to violence competition merely, the Rauchman kingdom had the intelligence information of almost all wild talents, although has is the false information of watering, but good is too many compared with before. 仅仅举办这一次武斗大赛,洛克曼王国就掌握了几乎所有野生天才的情报信息,虽然其中有很多都是掺水的虚假信息,但是比起之前已经好太多了。 Is the young fellows, longs for the academic honor benefits of rank and salary, this is the seduction that they are unable to resist.” On the Morea face has the self-confident smile, to fight to be well-known in the nation, in advocating the world of military force, who can resist? “都是少年人,渴望功名利禄,这是他们无法抗拒的诱惑。”穆瑞亚脸上带着自信的笑容,以战而闻名于全国,在崇尚武力的世界中,谁能抗拒? Grand Duke Morea, resort to violence congress that you who if I can young 50 -year-old, I also be able to participate in again hold, the reward that you give makes my one type unable to bear camouflage the young people to attend the impulsion of competition.” 穆瑞亚大公,如果我能再年轻五十岁,我也一定会参加的您举办的武斗大会,您给出的奖励让我也有一种忍不住伪装成年轻人参加比赛的冲动。” A minister stands ; half th, to think highly half is saying of sincerity, the reward that Morea gives really extremely rich, did not say that various types can be used to pass on the contemplation law of county clan, the breath law and war technique, is in the medicament that is used to reward, has the permanent improvement body and spirit intensity with lengthening the treasure of life span displays, how this does not let being jealous of certain powerful officials. 一位大臣站出来,半是恭维半是真心的说道,穆瑞亚给出的奖励真的太过丰厚,不说各种可以用来传家镇族的冥想法,呼吸法与战技,就是用来奖励的药剂中,都有永久提升体魄强度与延长寿命的瑰宝罗列其中,这如何不让某些权贵的眼红。 But this is Morea is used to reward the prizes of these talents, they do not dare to hand over the claw, can only inquire that which talents obtained these their long-awaited medicament, then finds the way to ask them to trade. 但这是穆瑞亚用来奖励那些天才的奖品,他们不敢递爪子,只能打听哪些天才获得了那些他们梦寐以求的药剂,然后想办法找他们交易。 The chip in aristocrat community hand are too many, the wealth beauty, always has same can these young air/Qi abundant talents heart movements. 贵族群体手中的筹码太多,钱财美色,总有一样能这些年少气盛的天才们心动。 Haha!” Morea exudes the frank laughter, Bassel, you camouflages the young people to participate, but will certainly be clutched, the scandal when the time comes the solemn taking part in policy discussions ministers and Kingdom Younger generation in Rauchman kingdom seek fame and fortune passes on, but makes and other honors not have up.” “哈哈!”穆瑞亚发出爽朗的笑声,“巴泽尔,你伪装成年轻人参赛,可是一定会被揪出来的,到时候洛克曼王国的堂堂参议大臣与王国年轻一代争名夺利的丑闻传出去,可是让尔等脸面无光。” Grand Duke Morea chatted.” Was teased by Morea, taking part in policy discussions minister Bassel somewhat embarrassed hollow laugh two. 穆瑞亚大公说笑了。”被穆瑞亚如此调侃,参议大臣巴泽尔有些不好意思的干笑两声。 Another honorary aristocrat hears Morea with the taking part in policy discussions minister's dialogue, goes forward one step to put forward the proposal to Morea, Grand Duke, although there is an age to survey law, but can hide the age the secret technique and medicament, other strange magic arts, are really many, currently likely has the advanced age powerhouse who some do not want the face to infiltrate during the competition, so whether unfair?” 另外一位名誉贵族听到穆瑞亚与参议大臣的对话,上前一步向穆瑞亚提出建议,“大公阁下,虽然有年龄探测法阵,但是可以隐藏自己年龄的秘术与药剂,还有另外一些奇异的法术,着实不少,现在很可能已经有一些不要脸面的高龄强者混进比赛之中,如此是否有失公平?” Registration time, in held preliminary contest, possibly some elders powerhouses mixed, however at preliminary contest likely residual, but to the preliminary contest, will definitely not have the fellow who this type was not concerned about face to exist.” On the Morea face reveals the color of taunt. “报名的时候,举行的初赛之中,可能有一些老辈强者混进去了,但是在预赛很可能会残留一些,但是到了预赛,绝对不会有这种不要脸的家伙存在。”穆瑞亚脸上露出嘲讽之色。 Grand duke, what method you have to examine this elders powerhouse who hidden the age?” Asking that an aristocrat relates, his heir also entered for the resort to violence congress, as the father, he naturally must strive for the fair competition environment for the son. “大公阁下,您有什么方法可以检测出来这种隐藏自身年龄的老辈强者?”一位贵族关系的问道,他的子嗣也报名参加了武斗大会,作为父亲,他自然要为儿子争取公平的比赛环境。 Morea sits well above the throne, I dispatched five legends to inspect the capitals of major provinces, they will inspect one a player who had the intermediary heat qualifications , I did not believe in this case can also some people be able to get by under false pretences.” 穆瑞亚端坐于王座之上,“我派遣了五位传奇巡视各大行省的省会城市,他们会检查一遍拥有复赛资格的选手,这种情况下,我不信还能有人可以蒙混过关。”
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