TDK :: Volume #4

#398: Mutation

Devil!” Morea handles gently taps the table, on the face is revealing the color of ponder, in three days presents more than 40 reports about devil, the quantity at first sight is very so astonishing. “恶魔!”穆瑞亚的手轻轻敲着桌案,脸上露出沉思之色,三日内出现四十余起关于恶魔的报告,如此数量乍一看很惊人。 However, these reports are come from across throughout of Rauchman kingdom, scattered words, a province possibly not together devil event. 但是要知道,这些报告是来自洛克曼王国的全境各地,分散的话,一座行省可能都没有一起恶魔事件。 If not for some these official aristocrats submit a written statement to the report, making Morea of ruling kingdom see, few individuals will care about these devils radically, because the strength was too weak, the noise that they made was too small, to the situation that can disregard at will. 若不是有些这些官员贵族上书汇报,让执政王国的穆瑞亚看到了,根本没有几个人会在意这些恶魔,因为实力太弱,它们闹出的动静太小了,小到可以随意无视的地步。 Mia, transmitted orders, so long as saw the devil, devil follower, or is demon, in brief saw any with devil related all, must submit a written statement to the report to me.” “米娅,传令下去,只要看到了恶魔,还有恶魔信徒,又或者是魔裔,总之就是看到了任何与恶魔有关的一切,都要向我上书汇报。” Morea does not return, told that stands in the blonde beautiful young girl at the same time, this has followed his personal maid to get down to transmit the Morea instruction in the Morea childhood period immediately. 穆瑞亚头也不回,吩咐侍立在一边的金发美少女,这位在穆瑞亚幼年时期就一直跟随他的贴身女仆立即下去传达穆瑞亚的指令。 Miles!” Morea through the relation of contract, summoned itself to summon directly in the big devil who the youngster period subdued. “麦尔斯!”穆瑞亚通过契约的联系,直接召唤自己在少年时期收服的大魔鬼召唤过来。 Master!” Has mysterious, strange, evil mysterious law to condense the formation before the Morea body, Miles who turns into the gentle middle-aged gentleman appearance appears from law, then crawls on the ground, the stance worships on bended knees to salute to Morea humbly. “主人!”带着神秘,诡异,邪恶的玄奥法阵在穆瑞亚身前凝聚成型,变成文质彬彬中年绅士模样的麦尔斯从法阵之中浮现,而后匍匐在地上,姿态谦卑地向穆瑞亚跪拜行礼。 Un?” Just prepared to tell that Miles's Morea vision congealed slightly, in shining golden eyes the electricity glow sparkle, ray hold, he looked through the aura that Miles hid vigorously greatly: „Can you break through to the legend?” “嗯?”刚刚准备吩咐麦尔斯的穆瑞亚目光微微一凝,耀金色的眼睛中电芒闪耀,光芒大盛,他看破了麦尔斯极力掩藏的气息:“你要突破到传奇了?” Is indebted the gracious gift of master, how long could not want, I can break through to the legend.” Miles of middle-aged gentleman appearance touches by, by reported to Morea compared with a former humbler posture. “承蒙主人的恩赐,要不了多久,我就能突破到传奇了。”中年绅士模样的麦尔斯以头触地,以比之前更加谦卑的姿势向穆瑞亚汇报。 Is so quick.” Morea smiles, so many devils go all out to enter material with the devils no wonder.” “这么快么。”穆瑞亚笑了笑,“怪不得这么多恶魔跟魔鬼都这么拼命想要进入物质界。” Master, even if I broke through the legend, I as before was your loyal servant.” Miles expressed to Morea rapidly loyally, he has signed the master and servant contract with Morea, the poor life was grasping in the Morea hand, he was not how respectful. “主人,就算我突破到了传奇,我依旧是您忠诚的奴仆。”麦尔斯迅速向穆瑞亚表达忠心,他已经跟穆瑞亚签订了主仆契约,小命都在穆瑞亚手中握着,他如何不恭敬。 Also, even if no restraint of contract, can summon one group of ancient dragon Morea momentarily, still has kills his ability momentarily, this makes Miles not dare to have other wee bit wishful thinkings. 再说,就算没有契约的约束,能够随时召唤一群古龙的穆瑞亚,也拥有随时弄死他的能力,这让麦尔斯不敢起一丁点其他的小心思。 „!” On the Morea face shows the light smile: It seems like I make you form in the process of intelligence organization, the soul quantity that you eat are many.” “呵!”穆瑞亚脸上露出淡淡的笑容:“看来我让你组建情报组织的过程中,你吃掉的灵魂数量不少。” Your highness, I indeed gobbled up many souls, but is some mingles among the evil lifeform in human mostly. The soul of human, I eat rarely, moreover I can promise you, each human soul that I swallow, is the crime does not have evil person who may.” “殿下,我的确是吞吃了不少灵魂,但大都是些混迹在人类之中的邪恶生物。人类的灵魂,我吃得很少,而且我可以向您保证,我吞噬的每一位人类灵魂,都是罪无可恕的恶徒。” Un, I believe that you have not violated the courage that I order.” The Morea nod expressed the support, the devil was very intelligent evil lifeform, they know that anything should be done, anything was undoable. “嗯,我相信你没有违背我命令的胆子。”穆瑞亚点头表示赞同,魔鬼是非常聪明的邪恶生物,他们知道什么事情该做,什么事不能做。 The evil people in person clan were too many, even if Miles opened wide the belly to eat could not finish eating, therefore, he does not absolutely need to brave to enrage Morea to lose the life the risk to swallow the ordinary human the soul. 人族之中的邪恶之徒太多了,麦尔斯就算敞开肚子吃都吃不完,所以,他根本没有必要冒着触怒穆瑞亚而丧失性命的风险去吞噬普通人类的灵魂。 Reads these documents.” Morea witnesses the report to throw in front of Miles the devil on table, you send, or leaves to go to the above these places personally, why will investigate will have the devil to appear there reason, had better be able stress some devils to interrogate.” “把这些文件看一看。”穆瑞亚将桌案上的恶魔目击报告扔到麦尔斯面前,“你派人,或者亲自动身前往上面那些地点,调查为什么会有恶魔出现在那里的原因,最好能够抓一些恶魔进行审问。” Master, the interrogation devil has no issue, but the strength such small and weak devil, has been exterminated by the local aristocrat now cleanly.” After Miles glances through the document, somewhat awkward saying, the devil killed off, where on him grasps. “主人,审问恶魔没有什么问题,但是实力这么弱小的恶魔,现在都已经被当地的贵族清剿干净了吧。”麦尔斯翻阅文件之后,有些为难的说道,恶魔都被杀光了,他上哪抓去。 Always some remains surplus.” Morea knocked the table, „ . Moreover, according to these reports, can determine that these start, behind will definitely have the devil to appear. “总有一些残留剩余。”穆瑞亚敲了敲桌案,“而且,根据这些报告,可以确定这些只是开始,后面绝对还会有恶魔出现。 I must know how they appear in the Rauchman kingdom, except for swallowing the soul, the manufacture slaughters with chaotic, do these fellows also want to do? What person behind them has to control? ” 我要知道它们怎么出现在洛克曼王国的,除了吞噬灵魂,制造杀戮与混乱,这些家伙还想干什么?它们背后有什么人在操控?” On present's these devil events, definitely has anything to exist or is the influence, wants to do the big event in the Rauchman kingdom. As for the devil, their chaotic instinct, besides the rank grass, almost cannot do the matter. 就现在的这些恶魔事件来看,绝对是有什么存在或者是势力,想在洛克曼王国搞大事件。至于恶魔本身,就它们那混乱天性,除了莽以外,几乎干不成事情。 The chaotic lifeform, is the fellow of inborn if it is unable to accomplish anything it will at least be able to spoil everything, any plan good matter, made a mess to their hands. They are inborn disturb bothering. 混乱生物,是天生成事不足败事有余的家伙,任何规划好的事情,到了它们手中都会变得一团糟。它们就是天生是捣乱搅局者。 Compliant, the master, I will report all that you want as soon as possible to you.” Hears definition of Morea to the devil, Miles receives an order to draw back with a smile. “遵命,主人,我会尽快将您想要的一切呈报给您。”听到穆瑞亚对恶魔的定义,麦尔斯笑着领命退下。 Un, starts to investigate.” “嗯,下去开始调查吧。” The time in not slow passing gradually, Morea does not stay in capital Sikaleite anxiously, besides teaching that two inhuman luoli fight skills, is processes various government affairs and relevant issue of talent resort to violence competition, where does not go. 时间在不急不缓的渐渐流逝,穆瑞亚呆在首都斯卡雷特之中,除了教那两只非人的luoli战斗技巧外,就是处理各种政务与天才武斗大赛的相关事宜,哪里都不去。 A month of registration time quick on the past, according to the reports of regional officials, then after the summary, the Rauchman nation obtains the qualifying the talent population to surpass 100,000. 一个月的报名时间很快就过去了,根据各地官员的汇报,然后经过总结,洛克曼全国获得参赛资格的天才人数超过十万。 This is a shocking number, according to the stipulation of Morea, wants to obtain the official qualifying, must beat ten contemporaries. 100,000 people obtain the qualifications to compete, means the person who over 1 million quantities was eliminated. The intensity and brutality of conceivable preliminary contest. 这是一个惊人的数字,根据穆瑞亚的规定,想要获得正式参赛资格,就要击败十位同龄人。有十万人获得比赛资格,意味着有超过百万数量的人被淘汰。可以想象初赛的激烈与残酷。 After screening 100,000 players, Morea announced immediately „the Gold Dragon cup resort to violence competition will formally start half a month later, the scale is huge, rewards the rich competition, attracted the Rauchman kingdom most people's attention instantaneously. 在筛选出十万参赛选手之后,穆瑞亚当即宣布“金龙杯”武斗比赛将在半个月之后正式开始,规模庞大,奖励丰厚的比赛,瞬间吸引了洛克曼王国绝大部分人的注意力。 Let the people neglect across the kingdom the current change, the frequency that for example, the devil presents is getting more and more frequent, the plant in wilderness had the large-scale disassimilation phenomenon, moreover in the monster population also presented the astonishing amount of evolution bodies and mutants. 让民众忽视了王国各地正在发生的变化,比如,恶魔出现的频率越来越频繁,荒野之中的植物出现了大规模的异化现象,而且怪物种群之中也出现了数量惊人的进化体与突变体。 For example has dragon blood the lifeform, presented the dragon vein to awaken, the phenomenon of bloodlines purification, ate in the person demon tribe to present the quantity astonishing double headed food person demon...... many within the body to have ancient bloodlines, but the quiet monster not obviously, has had the phenomenon that bloodlines awakened. 比如拥有龙血的生物,出现了龙脉觉醒,血脉纯化的现象,食人魔部落之中出现数量惊人的双头食人魔……很多体内拥有古老血脉,但早已经沉寂不显的怪物,都出现了血脉觉醒的现象。 „The number of times that devil presents are getting more and more . Moreover the scale of presenting is also getting bigger and bigger, the strength is one by one strong.” Morea knits the brows to ponder, „ according to Miles's investigation, although the part of devils were summoned through the blood sacrifice by the devil follower, the space crack that but overwhelming majority devils through have accidentally/surprisingly goes to the Rauchman kingdom, has not received anything's summon. “恶魔出现的次数越来越多,而且出现的规模也越来越大,实力一次比一次强。”穆瑞亚皱眉沉思着,“根据麦尔斯的调查,虽然有一部分恶魔是被恶魔信徒通过血祭召唤过来的,但是绝大部分恶魔都是通过意外出现的空间裂缝来到洛克曼王国,没有受到什么的召唤。 Moreover according to the experiment, summons the devil now, the price that the blood sacrifice needs to pay was smaller than before, to killed several chickens to summon a degree of poor demon casually, this had the issue very much. ” 而且根据实验,现在召唤恶魔,血祭需要付出的代价比之前小了很多,小到随便杀几只鸡都可以召唤一头劣魔的程度,这就很有问题了。” But facing this situation, Morea can only order the major aristocrats also to have the city main officials to enter the devil follower in Rauchman nation with all means capturing and killing. 但面对这种情况,穆瑞亚只能下令各大贵族还有城主官员用一切手段捕杀进入洛克曼全国的恶魔信徒。
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