TDK :: Volume #4

#397: I work as the brothers you

secure, should not be angry.” The talent pharmacist who drawing is still getting angry goes out of inferior (Asia) of Registration Place to suppress the happy expression on face permanently, comforts own sending to be small: “安兹,别生气了。”拉着仍旧黑着脸的天才药剂师走出报名处的亚恒憋着脸上的笑意,安慰自己的发小: „Hadn't they proven your pureness through age testing method? These officials have also apologized to you. Ha, said, these officials just saw your real age the expression, but is really funny, haven't you seen?” “他们不是已经通过年龄检测法阵证明了你的清白吗?那些官员也已经向你道歉了。哈哈哈,说起来,那些官员刚刚看到你真实年龄的表情,可真是好笑,你没看到吗?” inferior (Asia) is permanent.” Laughter that hears oneself this friend who is a bad influence, secure complexion was blacker: These eyes blind the official, making me examine twice ages, that bastard who especially most started, he suspected unexpectedly law had problems.” “亚恒。”听到自己这位损友的笑声,安兹的脸色更黑了:“那些眼睛瞎了的官员,让我检测了两次年龄,特别是最开始的那位混蛋,他居然怀疑法阵出问题。” This does not have the means that who makes your semblance look that old,” the Asian permanent helpless booth lets go, you have to see, in that two pharmacists who behind you register, that semblance seems like me is younger, finally? After method examination, one 34 years old, 56 years old.” “这个没办法,谁让你的外表看起来那么老,”亚恒无奈的摊摊手,“你又不是没看见,在你们后面报名的那两个药剂师,那外表看起来比我还年轻,结果呢?法阵检测之后,一个三十四岁,一个五十六岁。” „Does my present appearance, seem like really very obviously old?” secure subconsciousness traces own whiskers, slightly asked to own sending. Although he does not care about oneself semblance, after the semblance affects the efficiency that he handles matters, he thought it is necessary to pay attention. “我现在的样子,看起来真的很显老?”安兹下意识摸了摸自己的络腮胡,向自己的发小问道。虽然他不在乎自己的外表,但是当外表影响到他办事的效率之后,他觉得有必要注意一下。 Also ok!” Youngster inferior (Asia) is making fun permanently, in fact he thought that oneself with sending slightly walks in the same place, looking like pair of fathers and sons travels together to be the same, this feeling is strange. “还行吧!”少年亚恒打着哈哈,实际上他觉得自己跟发小走在一起,就像是一对父子同行一样,这种感觉非常怪异。 My semblance, like age big normal person? Really has 40-50 years old is so old?” “我的外表,像年龄多大的正常人?真的有40-50岁那么老?” Without is so big, that official spoke the angry words, your semblance is also similar to my father.” “没那么大,那位官员说气话呢,你的外表也就跟我父亲差不多。” „, Do I seem like with the uncle seem like the contemporaries in other words now?” “哦,也就是说我现在看起来跟伯父像是同龄人吗?” secure, let alone this. Since I accompanied you to register, you should also accompany me. In any case you now this condition, did not have the means calmly refines the medicament, might as well accompanied me to line up.” “安兹,别说这个了。既然我陪你去报名了,你也该陪我了。反正你现在这种状态,也没办法心平气和是炼制药剂了,还不如陪我去排队。” Ok.” Does not know that thought of anything, secure readily agrees directly. “行。”不知想到了什么,安兹直接一口答应下来。 ...... When these two fellows arrive at the sea of people, when resort to violence competition Registration Place that makes noise noisily, saw front six when long line comprised of the person, is somewhat in a daze slightly. ……当这两个家伙来到人山人海,嘈杂喧闹的武斗大赛报名处时,看到面前的六条由人组成的长龙时,略微有些发愣。 Population yesterday's were more , the day before even if evidently drags to the registration ended, the population will not reduce many.” inferior (Asia) looks at front the bustling crowd to say after a sigh permanently. “人数比昨天的更多了,看样子就算拖到报名结束的前一天,人数也不会减少多少。”亚恒望着面前熙熙攘攘的人群感叹道。 Makes the best use of the time to line up.” Just sighed Asian Hengli of half a word was towed by secure to a long line behind. Starts to conduct the long arid waiting. “抓紧时间排队去。”刚刚感叹了半句的亚恒立即被安兹拖到一条长龙后面。开始进行漫长枯燥的等待。 As for depending own military force joins a production team? First did not say that with their conducts, they do such matter. To do, when nearby two gold level Cloud Giant are the ornaments? 至于仗着自己的武力插队?先不说以他们的品行,他们干不过这样的事。就是想做,当一旁的两名黄金级云巨人是摆设吗? Military force great strength, will enjoy many privileges in the other places of this city, but here, all people being equal, the powerhouse of golden peak, must stand behind the bronze first-order rookies even honest lining up, all wants to conduct joining a production team by the military force, deprives the qualifying. 武力强大者,在这座城市的其它地方会享有诸多特权,但是这里,人人平等,就算黄金巅峰的强者,也得站在青铜一阶的菜鸟后面老老实实的排队,所有想要以武力进行插队者,全部取消参赛资格。 inferior (Asia) leads secure to arrive permanently is behind that registration team of his ages, just stood the good time. In front of them, wears skirt armor, at the back of the heavy sword, is red the tall and strong robust man of upper part to turn around with a laugh. 亚恒带着安兹来到属于他的年龄段的那条报名队伍后面,刚刚站好的时候。就在他们前面,一位身穿裙甲,背着重剑,赤着上半身的魁梧壮汉笑呵呵转过来。 Brother, you also accompany your son to line up to register.” The robust men patted appearance with he somewhat similar youngster, having the friendly tone to say with a smile to secure. “老哥,你也陪你儿子过来排队报名啊。”壮汉拍了拍身边一位模样跟他有几分相似的少年,带着友善的语气向安兹笑道。 Un!” Hears good chap's question, secure gawked staring, then brings the malicious look was looking side cheerful to send small one, the direct nod should, then start to chitchat with this robust man as Asian permanent father. “嗯!”听到壮汉的问话,安兹愣了愣,接着带着不怀好意的眼神看了旁边已经乐呵了一路的发小一眼,直接点头应下了,然后开始以亚恒父亲的身份与这名壮汉攀谈起来。 But saw this Asian Hengda brain direct down , the robust man just said those words time, youngster inferior (Asia) had been shocked permanently, but after own diehards sent slightly should next, made him fall into directly compels the condition ignorant. 而看到这一幕发生的亚恒大脑直接宕机了,壮汉刚刚说出那句话的时候,少年亚恒已经被惊呆了,而自己的死党发小应下之后,直接让他陷入懵逼状态。 After staring dull several breaths, inferior (Asia) looks talked really happy secure permanently with the robust man, the complexion turns rapidly becomes flushed, he somewhat angry pulled secure pharmacist robe: secure, I works as the brothers you, do you want to become my father unexpectedly?” 呆愣了几息之后,亚恒看着与壮汉交谈甚欢的安兹,脸色迅速变成涨红,他有些恼怒的一扯安兹的药师袍:“安兹,我把你当兄弟,你居然想当我父亲?” Hey, Uncle, you see clearly to me, which point image I with his, he at all was not my father.” Roars to send little inferior (Asia) to clash front robust man to shout permanently. “喂,大叔,你给我看清楚一点,我跟他哪一点像了,他根本不是我的父亲。”吼完自己发小的亚恒又冲面前的壮汉喊道。 The Asian permanent words make the robust man stare slightly, then the complexion shows the meaningful smile, obviously, this mingles among the adventurer tavern very much for a long time, listened not to know that many fellow of salacious story, associated to other certain not good aspects. 亚恒的话让壮汉微微一愣,然后脸色露出意味深长的笑容,很显然,这个长期混迹于冒险者酒馆,听了不知道多少荤段子的家伙,联想到了其他某些不好的方面。 For example married the widow of some beautiful appearance, for the sweet and pretty wife, wants not to have the stepfather who the son of blood relationship hits the relations with oneself, or is because some aspect does not adopt good...... 比如娶了某位美貌的寡妇,为了娇美的妻子,想要跟自己没有血缘关系的儿子打好关系的继父,又或者是因为某方面不行而收养的…… Words that inferior (Asia) spoke permanently, was full of too the space of imagination, therefore the robust man thinks, on the face shows the subtle expression. Let have to explain permanently again: Uncle, this fellow and I am equally big, how possibly is my father? He is disinclined to tidy up itself, looks quite old.” 亚恒说的话,充满了太多想象的空间,因此壮汉浮想联翩,脸上露出微妙的表情。让亚恒不得不再一次解释:“大叔,这家伙跟我一样大,怎么可能是我父亲?他是懒得收拾自己,才看起来比较老。” „!” Hears the robust man complexion that the real situation does not conform to itself to guess to reveal the disappointed color, then he responded, immediately apologized to these two youngster: Does not do right by two little brothers......” “啊!”听到真实情况并不符合自己猜测的壮汉脸色露出失望之色,然后他反应过来,立即向这两位少年道歉:“对不住两位小兄弟……” All right.” The robust men are so refreshed, making also continue to investigate others experiments permanently embarrassed, after all primary responsibility in own sends slightly. “没事。”壮汉如此爽快,让亚恒也不好意思继续追究人家的实验,毕竟主要责任在自己的发小身上。 Wants in inferior (Asia) permanently asks itself to send the small trouble, a wheel burns the Pegasus chariot of flame to cut the expansive sky, has flown from the crowded registration crowd, directly soars the registration the official place. 就在亚恒想要找自己发小的麻烦时,一辆车轮燃烧着火焰的飞马战车划破长空,从乌泱泱的报名人群头上飞过,直奔报名的官员处。 But has not been close, was dispatched here Cloud Giant to issue the warning by Morea, gets out, goes to behind to line up.” 但还没有接近,被穆瑞亚派遣到这里的一名云巨人就发出警告,“下车,去后面排队。” Powerful Cloud Giant, I am the Rauchman kingdom second-rate viscounts......” in carriage, spreads a magnetic sound. “强大的云巨人,我是洛克曼王国二等子爵……”马车之中,传出一声略带磁性的声音。 According to Your Highness Morea order, anyone, must line up, the aristocrat is no exception.” Saw the Pegasus chariot still in the vanguard, Cloud Giant extracted one to throw the lance from the back, made the posture of attack, got down.” “按照穆瑞亚殿下的命令,不论是谁,都必须要排队,贵族也不例外。”看到飞马战车仍在前行,云巨人从背后抽出一根投矛,做出攻击的姿势,“下来。” Giant, do you dare to attack me?” Has a anger sound to spread from the carriage. 巨人,你敢攻击我?”带着一丝怒意的声音从马车之中传出。 Stupidly lacks, is the aristocrat extraordinary? The little darlings give me to get down, roll to behind.” Cloud Giant has not acted, under the carriage, has the blade glow together to shoot up to the sky. “傻缺,贵族了不起吗?乖乖给我下来,滚到后面去。”云巨人还未出手,在马车下方,就有一道刀芒冲天而起。 Some people take the lead in attacking, immediately some people follow, the Pegasus chariot that in a flash, this rampant aristocrat takes was hit crushes, but he also sheds the blood the expansive sky, crashes to the ground...... 有人带头攻击,立即就有人跟随,转瞬间,这名嚣张的贵族乘坐的飞马战车就被打得粉碎,而他本人也血洒长空,向地面坠落…… In „the Gold Dragon cup the registration of resort to violence competition in uninterrupted troubled conducts, is processing some Morea headaches of government affairs front dozens documents that read, 就在“金龙杯”武斗大赛的报名在不间断的纷扰之中进行时,正在处理政务的穆瑞亚有些头疼的看的面前数十份文件, Merely is only three days, across the kingdom presented so many witnessing about devil to report, although was only some low devils also has by the demon beast of demon air/Qi invasion, but has been able to explain many issues.” “仅仅只是三天的时间,王国各地就出现了这么多关于恶魔的目击报告,虽然只是一些低等恶魔还有被魔气侵染的魔兽,但已经能说明很多问题了。”
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