TDK :: Volume #4

#396: Age that the talent pours forth

secure, the Gold Dragon cup resort to violence competition has started to register, when do we go?” “安兹,金龙杯武斗比赛已经开始报名了,我们什么时候去啊?” Youngster inferior (Asia) permanent both hands hold after the brain, lies down on a blood-stained metal autopsy table, being bored to death looks at sloppy youngster secure who debugs the medicament. 少年亚恒双手托在脑后,躺在一张血迹斑斑的金属解剖台上,百无聊赖的看着正在调试药剂的邋遢少年安兹。 Registration time lasted one month, starts now for three days, what are you anxious?” With single-hearted devotion according to the dosage formulation that oneself deduce, puts in the gold metallurgy material pharmacist secure not to lift toward the crucible in replied. “报名时间长达一个月,现在才开始三天而已,你急什么?”正在专心地根据自己推演出来的药剂配方,往坩埚之中投放炼金材料的药剂师安兹头也不抬的回答道。 Earlier registers finished up earlier, this has waited, quite to wait for me to be bothersome.” “早点报完名早点完事,这样一直等,等得我好烦啊。” The resort to violence competition that „ Grand Duke Gold Dragon holds, besides the age, has no limit again, in addition competition that rich reward, so long as age enough person, will participate in the registration. 金龙大公举办的武斗大赛,除了年龄以外,再也没有任何限制,再加上比赛那丰厚的奖励,只要年龄足够的人,都会参加报名。 Now just starts to register, person absolutely many to being above our imagination. Therefore we and other days passes again, now register, purely are the waste time. ” 现在才刚刚开始报名,人绝对会多到超乎我们的想象。所以我们等几天再过去,现在去报名,纯粹就是浪费时间。” But I had looked that the registration place looked, with you estimate, the person are very many, everywhere is the heads.” At this point, on the youngster inferior (Asia) permanent face reveals the exciting color, I long have not seen so many people to press together mostly.” “可是我已经去看报名地点看了,跟你估计的一样,人特别多,到处都是人头。”说到这里,少年亚恒脸上露出兴奋之色,“我长这么大都没有见过这么多人挤在一起。” „.” secure responded to one desolately. “哦。”安兹非常冷淡的回应了一句。 But, secure you estimated to make a mistake, after the registration started, the person who wanted to attend the resort to violence competition were getting more and more, absolutely did not have a sign of reduction.” “但是,安兹你估计错了,报名开始之后,想要参加武斗大赛的人越来越多,根本就没有一点减少的迹象。” „, Normal phenomenon.” “哦,正常现象。” secure, the registration progress is actually very slow, is only examination age must cost a lot of time, many ages over 30-year-old uncle aunt has wanted to mix, falsely reported the age, wants waste that infiltrated the low age group to attend the competition.” “安兹,其实报名进度很慢的,光是检测年龄这一项就要耗费很多时间,有很多年纪已经超过30岁的大叔大妈想要混进去,还有谎报年龄,想要混进低年龄组参加比赛的废物。” At this point, remembers itself to see that inferior (Asia) of what rare event permanent from bringing the metal autopsy table of smell of blood is sitting, has an astonished color: 说到这里,想起自己看到什么罕事的亚恒从带着血腥味的金属解剖台上坐起来,带着一丝惊异之色: secure, you know that what I did see in the registration place? Unexpectedly some people hug the child who the learned were just walking to register, this was insane, such little child, will not mump , can't, what do?” “安兹,你知道我在报名的地方看到了什么吗?居然有人抱着自己刚刚学会走路的孩子来报名,这是疯了吧,这么小的孩子,既不会斗气,也不会施法,能干什么?” Enough has enough benefit, coming out that the human anything matter makes.” Hears the Asian permanent description, secure puts in the medicament movement slightly, the words that said itself to leave in the books that sees in some sage. “足够有足够的利益,人类什么事都做的出来的。”听到亚恒的描述,安兹投放药剂的动作微微一顿,说出自己在某位贤者留下的书籍中看到的话。 Then? How kingdom does process? Cannot make these be hoodwinked the person of eyes to obtain the registration qualifications by the benefit casually.” “然后呢?王国方面是怎么处理的?总不能让那些被利益蒙蔽双眼的人随便就获得报名资格吧。” Has not practiced to mump or the child of psychic force, is not allowed to enter the registration location, disrupts the registration order.” Asian permanent flexure scratched the head, was somewhat sigh with emotion, „, but had/left this limit newly, many children met the condition to attend the competition, the talent that our generation presented were too many.” “没有修炼出斗气或者精神力的孩童,不准进入报名场地,扰乱报名秩序。”亚恒挠了挠头,有些感慨,“但就是新出了这条限制,还是有很多孩子符合条件可以参加比赛,我们这一代出现的天才太多了。” Talent?” secure who is mixing the medicament hears these two characters to shake the head, same payout, when young some people compare most people make better progress, few people can be called the talent. The progress when everyone makes are the same, what talent but also calculates, but is the average person.” “天才?”正在调配药剂的安兹听到这两个字摇摇头,“同样的付出,当一小部分人比一大部分人都取得更好的成绩时,那一部分人可以称为天才。但是当大家取得的成绩都一样的时候,还算哪门子天才,不过是普通人而已。” Therefore, secure your ten years old can mix the bronze level medicament, isn't the fellow who 18 years old can mix the gold level medicament the talent?” Hears secure words, Asian Hengda asks with a smile. “所以,安兹你这种十岁就能调配出青铜级药剂,十八岁就能调配出黄金级药剂的家伙也不算天才?”听到安兹的话,亚恒大笑着反问道。 50 years ago, I can be a slightly talented pharmacist, now I am an ordinary young pharmacist.” “五十年前,我可以算是一个略有天赋的药剂师,现在我就是一个普通的小药剂师而已。” Ha?” Hears own sends the small so modest words, youngster inferior (Asia) somewhat grew up permanently stunned the mouth, that defers to your standard, how could it not be am I only a very ordinary silver soldier?” “哈?”听到自己的发小如此自谦的话,少年亚恒有些错愕的长大了嘴巴,“那按照你的标准,我岂不只是一个非常普通的白银战士?” Un, otherwise.” secure looked up one to sit on the metal autopsy table, some complexion refusing to accept color youngster, „ 16 years old broke through to the silver fifth-order peak, placed for 30 years ago, were very indeed great. “嗯,不然呢。”安兹抬头看了一眼坐在金属解剖台上,脸色有些不服之色的少年,“十六岁突破到白银五阶巅峰,放在三十年前,的确很了不起。 However places the present, our such in the British Baker province unknown small town, has several strengths to be able merely with the youngster who you compare. 但是放在现在,仅仅我们这么一座在英贝克行省都名不见经传的小城,就拥有好几名实力可以与你相比的少年。 This is becomes famous, if conceals identity again in addition, fellow who is not willing to make an appearance, the quantity will be only many. 这还是出名的,如果再加上隐姓埋名,不愿意露面的家伙,数量只会很多。 But this is only our small town, if widens the province the range, how many will be similar will have to your such youngster? The range expands points again, expands the nation? Also how many? 而这只是我们这座小城,如果将范围扩大到全省,类似于你这样的少年会有多少?范围再扩大一点,扩大到全国呢?又有多少? What is also a little certain, is younger than you, the stronger fellow exists absolutely, but will be the quantity will not be few. Therefore, you now are only an ordinary youngster, cannot call the talent. ” 还有一点可以肯定的是,比你年轻,实力更强的家伙是绝对存在的,而是数量不会少。所以,你现在只是一个普通的少年,称不上天才。” I......” inferior (Asia) open mouth permanently close to, wants to refute, actually could not find the reason, even he thought that secure said is reasonable, because the present talent were too truly many, many to cannot call their situations with talent these two characters. “我……”亚恒张了张嘴巴,想要反驳,却找不到理由,甚至他本人都觉得安兹说得很有道理,因为现在的天才确实太多了,多到已经不能用天才这两个字来称呼他们的地步。 I achieve a higher achievement for the future now, in suppressed boundary, so long as I think, I can break through to the gold level momentarily, our city these fellows absolutely are not my opponent.” “我现在只是为了未来取得更高的成就,在压制境界而已,只要我想,我随时可以突破到黄金级,我们城市那些家伙绝对不是我的对手。” You think that your one person are suppressing?” secure asked back. “你以为就你一个人在压制?”安兹反问。 „......” inferior (Asia) is permanent, tries to shift the topic, secure, our competition applicants did not see the reduction, the person but who your pharmacist competitions register now was few.” “……”亚恒哑口无言,试图转移话题,“安兹,我们的比赛报名人数一直都不见减少,但是你们药剂师比赛现在报名参赛的人就很少了。” Bang!” Finishes speaking, haze of riot of color ascends from secure front crucible, simultaneously strange exotic fragrance fills the air. “砰!”话音刚落,一股五色斑斓的烟气从安兹面前的坩埚上升腾而起,同时一股诡异的异香弥漫。 Saw own medicament has not built up, instead tosses about toxic gas secure complexion to be invariable, after ahead of time ventilating system of establishment the toxic gas evacuates, turning around to look that is permanent to inferior (Asia), walks!” 看到自己药剂没有炼出来,反而折腾出一股毒气的安兹脸色不变,通过提前设置的换气法阵将毒气排空之后,转身看向亚恒,“走吧!” Goes?” “去哪?” Naturally is registers, plans to attend the pharmacist competition of national, you did not say the pharmacist who now participates in the registration is few?” “当然是去报名,准备参加全国的药剂师比赛,你不是说现在参加报名的药剂师很少吗?” „......” “……” ...... Pharmacist Registration Place. ……药剂师报名处。 „Haven't you read the circular? Grand Duke Morea issues the order, the pharmacist under 30 years old can participate in the registration, the Grandmaster you little says that now also has 50-60 years old.” “你们没看通告吗?穆瑞亚大公下达命令,只有30岁以下的药剂师才能参加报名,大师您现在少说也有50-60岁吧。” When secure and inferior (Asia) accompany to arrive at Registration Place that the pharmacist competes permanently, the official who is responsible for registering has the color of ridicule to look to putting on secure of pharmacist robe. 当安兹与亚恒结伴来到药剂师比赛的报名处,负责报名的官员带着讥讽之色看向穿着药师袍的安兹。 For these days wanted to hide the age the pharmacist who attempted to get by under false pretences to attend the competition is really many, making them burdensome, because of pharmacist that aloof social position, making them foster Sir temperament. 这几天想要隐藏年龄企图蒙混过关参加比赛的药剂师实在是太多了,让他们都不胜其烦,偏偏因为药剂师那超然的社会地位,让他们一个个都养成了大爷脾气。 Once these advanced age pharmacists were checked the real age, scolded toward their these officials. Daily was roared, the temperament good person cannot maintain the good nature. 那些高龄药剂师一旦被查出来真实年龄,就朝他们这些官员呵斥。天天被人吼,脾气再好的人也不能保持好脾气。 I this year am only 18 years old.” Was regarded the 40-50 th middle-aged uncle's secure complexion to be instantaneously black, although oneself do not care about the semblance, does not like handling itself, kept whiskers of face, was seemed like own reality to be older by own semblance, but also is insufficient experienced like this. “我今年才十八岁。”被人当成40-50岁中年大叔的安兹脸色瞬间就黑了,自己虽然不在意外表,不爱打理自己,留了一脸的络腮胡,让自己的外表看起来比自己的实际年龄大很多,但也不至于老成这样。
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