TDK :: Volume #4

#387: Half set of armor

Bang!” The golden knight and scarlet big dragon conduct the crashing collision again, the boiling hot scalding hot dragon blood sways, somewhat looks at Morea to love dearly. “轰!”金色的骑士与赤红的巨龙再一次进行激烈的碰撞,滚烫灼热的龙血挥洒,看得穆瑞亚有些心疼。 He does not love dearly cut and injured Kleist, with falling Leon in wall, but loves dearly these to sprinkle in the dragon blood of ground. These may be the higher gold metallurgy materials, too waste. 他不是心疼被砍伤的克莱斯特,与陷进墙壁中的莱昂,而是心疼这些洒落在地上的龙血。这些可都是高等炼金材料,太浪费了。 Hynaux.” Morea shouts the tower spirit of master tower. “伊诺。”穆瑞亚呼喊法师塔的塔灵。 Your Highness Morea!” The energy body of scholarly middle age master appearance condenses the formation side Morea. 穆瑞亚殿下!”儒雅中年法师模样的能量体在穆瑞亚身边凝聚成型。 Pays attention, later when they fight, when is injured the dragon blood that sprinkles remembers the collection, this too wasted.” “注意一下,以后它们战斗时,受伤时洒下的龙血记得收集,就这样太浪费了。” Does not know what reason, has complete intelligent life mood tower spirit Hynaux to be startled being startled, then lowers the head, compliant.” 不知道什么原因,已经拥有完整智慧生灵情绪的塔灵伊诺怔了怔,然后低头,“遵命。” Sufficed, did not need to hit.” Saw that has worked loose from the wall, but also wants to rush dry/does Leon, Morea drinks to stop hastily, the light of scarlet red battle qi his body covers can not obvious, but also hits anything, human impossible in situation one-on-one, consumes with dragon Leipin. “够了,不用打了。”看到已经从墙上挣脱,还想冲上去干的莱昂,穆瑞亚连忙喝止,他身上笼罩的赤红色斗气之光都可以微不可见了,还打什么,人类不可能在单对单的情况下,与龙类拼消耗。 Hears drinking of Morea to stop the sound, exhausted Leon has borrowed under the slope immediately the donkey, relieved hunting demon mail-armor and helmet, his mail-armor and helmet part changes to the streams light/only to submerge in the big sword in his hand completely together, finally the big sword also turned into a ordinary long sword. 听到穆瑞亚的喝止声,早就已经精疲力竭的莱昂立马借坡下驴,解除了身上的狩魔甲胄,他身上的甲胄部件全部化作一道道流光没入他手中的大剑之中,最终大剑也变成了一柄貌不惊人的长剑。 Leon, can your sword have a look taking advantage of me?” Thought inexplicably this sword some Morea of looking familiar feel the chin to ask. “莱昂,你的剑能不能借我看看?”莫名觉得这柄剑的有些眼熟的穆瑞亚摸着下巴问道。 „The sword of hunting demon knight, before he died, absolutely not in anyone hand.” In the long sword of Leon turns over to the sheath hand, is breathing heavily toward Morea walks. “狩魔骑士的剑,在他死亡之前,绝对不会任何人手中。”莱昂将手中的长剑归鞘,然后喘着粗气向穆瑞亚走去。 mysterious, that line.” Was rejected, Morea is not annoyed, the ponder a moment later, takes out a rusty stain from storage ring stained, less than half meter short-sword, this is he from the Gold Dragon mother's treasure house, under is prompted by a sudden impulse, touches conveniently. “奥,那行吧。”被拒绝,穆瑞亚也不恼火,沉思片刻之后,从身上的储物戒指之中取出一柄锈迹斑斑,不足半米长的短剑,这是他从金龙娘的宝库之中,心血来潮之下,顺手摸来的。 Hunting demon armor!” Morea has not made noise, that sword of Leon waist makes the sound, has an astonished and wild with joy color, is full of the regret: Pitifully only has half.” “狩魔铠甲!”穆瑞亚还没有出声,莱昂腰间的那柄剑就发出声音,带着一种惊愕与狂喜之色,然后又充满遗憾:“可惜只有一半。” I remember that you call Charupas.” Hears that belt/bring the metal sense of reality sound, the Morea complexion is revealing the surprised color, threw in the hand less than two chi (0.33 m), just like a dagger short-sword. “我记得你是叫扎鲁巴。”听到那带着金属质感的声音,穆瑞亚脸色露出惊奇之色,抛了抛手中不足两尺,宛如一柄匕首般的短剑。 This sword with your same weapon, can put on the armor through it, becomes the hunting demon knight? How can't it same speak to you?” “这柄剑就是跟你一样的武器,可以通过它穿上铠甲,成为狩魔骑士?它怎么不能跟你一样说话?” Right, it is like me, but it is incomplete, this is only half, another sword?” “没错,它是跟我一样,但它是残缺的,这只是一半而已,还有另一柄剑呢?” I obtain its time, only has a .” “我得到它的时候,只有一柄。” Then it now is only a hard short-sword, is impossible to summon the hunting demon armor, only if you found another .” “那它现在只是一柄坚硬的短剑,不可能召唤出狩魔铠甲,除非你找到另外一柄。” Looked at the luck.” Morea shakes the head, such a has almost no short-sword of characteristics except for the hard degree, where on him looks? The difficulty of looking for a needle in a haystack compares simply this. “看运气了。”穆瑞亚摇摇头,这么一柄除了坚硬程度几乎没有任何特征的短剑,他上哪找去?大海捞针的难度都比这简单。 Un!” After Charupas complied with one, is quiet. “嗯!”扎鲁巴应了一句之后,就此沉寂。 Leon, do not look, you have one set of armor, cannot put on the second set.” Actually Morea clarifies this by him the short-sword that brings after the Gold Dragon mother's treasure house is anything, received it directly. “莱昂,别看了,你已经有一套铠甲了,穿不上第二套。”穆瑞亚弄清楚这柄被他从金龙娘的宝库之中带出来的短剑究竟是什么之后,直接就将其收了起来。 Your Highness Morea, this is the armor of person clan.” 穆瑞亚殿下,这是人族的铠甲。” But you had lost, now in my hand, wants, you need to pay the price.” Morea said with a smile, the hunting demon armor, was not worse than the divine tool some aspect many, in the person clan heart, it was a divine tool. “但是你们已经遗失了,现在在我手上,想要回去,你需要付出代价。”穆瑞亚笑道,狩魔铠甲,在某方面来说不比神器差多少,或者,在人族心中,它就是神器。 What price?” Leon subconscious asking. “什么样的代价?”莱昂下意识的问道。 Wants very much?” “很想要?” Un.” Youngster firm nod of sends scarlet. “嗯。”赤发的少年坚定的点点头。 That line, gives you an opportunity, participates competition that I hold, ranks the first, I reward this sword to you, how?” Morea comes itself here goal to say with a smile, he is planned that makes this young hunting demon knight enter the war as his representative, otherwise daily in half potential surface with one flock of dragons to cutting is not a matter. “那行吧,给你一个机会,参加我举办的比赛,获得第一名,我就将这柄剑奖励给你,如何?”穆瑞亚笑着将自己来这里的目的说出来,他就是打算让这位年轻的狩魔骑士作为他的代表参战,不然天天在半位面里面跟一群龙对砍也不是个事啊。 Attends the competition?” Some Leon doubts. “参加比赛?”莱昂有些疑惑。 Un, I hold the post of the Rauchman kingdom now......” Morea will arrive at the experience of Nuoqiya subcontinent, with staying in hunting demon knight Leon that in half potential surface anything does not know, simple description, hearing nearby five colors dragon Men to be dumbfounded. “嗯,我现在担任洛克曼王国的……”穆瑞亚将自己来到诺奇亚欧次大陆的经历,跟呆在半位面之中什么都不知道的狩魔骑士莱昂,简单的描述一下,听得旁边的五色龙们一愣一愣的。 In other words, do you want me to represent you to go to battle?” “也就是说,你想要我代表你出战?” Un.” “嗯。” Why wants me to enter the war?” “为什么要我参战?” I the competition, can foresee the children of the nobility who enter for is not short absolutely, each big aristocrat will send people to participate.” Some Morea headaches rubbed the hair. “我举办的这场比赛,可以预见报名参加的贵族子弟绝对不会少的,各个大贵族都会派人来参加。”穆瑞亚有些头疼的揉了揉头发。 Properly speaking, the royal family should also send people to enter the war, however the present royal family main nerve on remaining also less than ten -year-old Princess Millie, lacks successors, therefore can only the sending out personnel go to battle by me.” “按理来说,王室也应该派人出去参战,但是现在的王室主脉就剩下一位还不到十岁的蕾米莉亚公主,后继无人,所以只能由我来派出人员出战了。” Therefore you did select me?” “所以你就选中了我?” Naturally, is my subordinate, more suitable than to enter the war you besides also whom?” “当然,我的手下,除了还有谁比你更适合参战的?” „Doesn't royal family besides the main nerve, have the branch? Can't they send people to go to battle?” Already hunting demon knight somewhat curious asking of heart movement. “王室除了主脉,不是还有分支吗?他们不能派人出战吗?”已经心动的狩魔骑士有些好奇的问道。 King Beira Dean rather asks me to be the regent government Grand Duke, does not look for these branches, had explained many issues.” Morea patted to send the shoulder of youngster scarlet, „, therefore these royal family branches were completely unreliable, cannot help them obtain the prestige through the competition.” “君王贝拉迪恩宁愿找我来当摄政大公,也不去找这些分支,已经说明了很多问题。”穆瑞亚拍了拍赤发少年的肩膀,“所以那些王室分支完全靠不住,不能让他们通过比赛获得声望。” Got it, I participated.” Sends a youngster Leon face to be self-confident scarlet, I will certainly win first.” “明白了,我参赛。”赤发少年莱昂一脸自信,“我一定会赢得第一名。” Leon, should not be extremely proud.” Morea reminded this youngster, opponent who you faced, was human, is unable to use in the situation of hunting demon armor, can you really defeat kingdom all talents?” “莱昂,不要太过骄傲。”穆瑞亚提醒这位少年,“你面对的对手,都是人类,在无法使用狩魔铠甲的情况下,你真的能够战胜一个王国所有天才吗?” In the Rauchman kingdom, which talent having can be like me, every day and does dragon preying fight?” In the young hunting demon knight eyes is brimming with self-confidently, he has the confidence to defeat any contemporaries. “洛克曼王国之中,有哪位天才能够跟我一样,每日与龙搏杀战斗?”年轻的狩魔骑士眼中洋溢着自信,他有信心战胜任何一位同龄人。 If you take off the armor, but can also make into a moment ago such with Kleist, you spoke this words again.” Morea smiles, the young people, the young air/Qi is abundant, too normally. If just like the man old before his time, is indifferent to personal gains and losses, anything treats with indifference, that is not normal. “如果你脱下铠甲,还能跟克莱斯特打成刚才那样,你再说这种话吧。”穆瑞亚笑了笑,年轻人,年少气盛,太正常不过。如果跟小老头一样,宠辱不惊,什么都是淡然处之,那才不正常呢。 Does not draw support from the armor, this is impossible.” Leon is frowning the reply. The innate disparity of human and dragon is so big, does not draw support from the external object, how to make up. “不借助铠甲,这不可能。”莱昂皱着眉头回答。人类与龙的先天差距那么大,不借助外物,怎么弥补。 I know a human exactly, he has single holds the sword slaughter Long's strength.” The Morea smile said, recalls own that sword technique to instruct. “我恰好认识一位人类,他就拥有单人持剑屠龙的战力。”穆瑞亚微笑道,回忆起来自己的那位剑术指导。 „The first sword Saint, Rowen?” “第一剑圣,罗恩阁下?” Right.” “没错。” Is impossible, person clan over a thousand hundred million population, several thousand years of years, presented a sword Saint Rowen.” “不可能,人族上千亿人口,几千年的岁月,也就出现了一位剑圣罗恩。” Me do not tell that anything is impossible, I only know that all have the possibility, how does not try you to know oneself cannot become the second sword Saint Rowen.” “别跟我说什么不可能,我只知道一切皆有可能,不试试你怎么就知道自己不能成为第二位剑圣罗恩。”
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