TDK :: Volume #4

#386: Many arrangements

„...... Chirp!” Because swallowed the hearts of too element to fall into the deep sleep nearly three years of British imperialist to draw is blurry opens the eye, had a big yawn. “啊……啾!”因为吞了太多元素之心而陷入沉睡近三年之久英帝拉迷迷糊糊间睁开眼睛,打了一个大大的哈欠。 Rubs the eyes with the Morea primitive shape somewhat similar little girl, then a face blurry looked that to has waited there black hair gold/metal Tong youngster, set out to jump to throw immediately, Morea.” 穆瑞亚的原始形态有几分相似的小女孩揉了揉眼睛,然后一脸迷糊的看向已经等在那里黑发金瞳的少年,立马起身跳起扑了上去,“穆瑞亚。” Bang!” Obtains Morea that tower spirit Hynaux informs to come here to wait to feel oneself like forced in the barrel, the shell that then fires is the same, to break through the sonic barrier directly the speed, pounds the British imperialist to draw the deep sleep on the room wall. “轰隆!”得到塔灵伊诺通知而来到这里等候的穆瑞亚感觉自己就像被人塞进炮膛,然后发射出去的炮弹一样,直接以突破音障的速度,砸到英帝拉沉睡的房间墙壁上。 „!” The back partly falls into the wall Morea to listen to the wall cracking that the ear is hearing, somewhat helpless lowering the head looked that to own bosom is similar to eight claw fish closely to hug own British imperialist. “咔嚓!”后背半陷入墙壁的穆瑞亚听着耳边传来的墙壁破裂声,有些无奈的低头看向自己怀中如同八爪鱼般紧紧抱着自己的英帝拉。 British imperialist, attention control force, if others your such a is hugged, does not die also meets the severe wound.” “英帝拉,注意控制力量,如果是别人被你这么一抱,不死也会重伤。” Other low organism besides you, I will not bump their one.” The facial features are immature, just awoke, appears somewhat moe the British imperialist who draws somewhat discontentedly honk nan dull, they are only food, I only want to eat them “除了你之外的其他低等生物,我才不会碰它们一下呢。”面容稚嫩,刚刚才睡醒,显得有几分呆萌的英帝拉有些不满的嘟喃着,“它们只是食物,我只想吃掉它们” That is not good!” Morea rubs the small head that the British imperialist drew, I happen to must confess that your duty, is to consider one with you almost big little girl.” “那可不行!”穆瑞亚揉了揉英帝拉的小脑袋,“我正好要交代你一个任务,就是要照顾一位跟你差不多大的小女孩。” Does not want.” Wants not to think, the British imperialist draws the direct rejection, I must follow you, I do not take care of what little girl.” “不要。”想都不想,英帝拉直接拒绝,“我要跟着你,我才不去照顾什么小女孩呢。” You not only need take care of her, but must protect her.” Morea said itself with a smile regarding the arrangement of this origin uncommon void lifeform, British imperialist, she was very rich, if you with her hobby, did not need to worry food, every day some people will deliver to your mouth to make you eat various types of different food.” “你不仅要照顾她,还要保护她。”穆瑞亚笑着说出自己对于这位来历不凡的虚空生物的安排,“英帝拉,她可是很富有的,你如果跟她玩好了,根本就不用愁食物了,每天都会有人把各种不同食物送到你的嘴边让你吃。” Really?” The British imperialists draw that almost to sparkle to shine with the pupil of Morea exactly the same shining gold/metal, her heart movement. Although in her eyes, the lifeform besides Morea is food, but she did not mind that gains more food through food. “真的?”英帝拉那几乎与穆瑞亚一模一样的耀金之瞳闪闪发亮,她心动了。虽然在她眼中,除了穆瑞亚以外的生物都是食物,但是她不介意通过食物获取更多的食物。 „Will I deceive you?” “我会欺骗你吗?” Where you person who does want me to take care are at?” “你要我照顾的人在哪?” You first get down from me, doesn't this appearance make sense?” Morea pulls the tail that the British imperialist drew. “你先从我身上下来,这个样子像什么话?”穆瑞亚扯了扯英帝拉的尾巴。 When Morea is pulling the little darling the British imperialist pull back, has not led her to leave half potential surface immediately, but drew her to circle a wall to be hard, in location broad practicing martial arts hall. 穆瑞亚牵着乖乖下来的英帝拉后,并没有马上带她离开半位面,而是拉着她绕到了一间墙壁坚硬,场地宽广的演武大厅之中。 !” Roar!”...... The war roar of youngster, Red Dragon roaring sound, in this itself/Ben has in the hall that experiments the metal demon likely destructive power reverberates. “喝!”“吼!”……少年的战吼声,还有红龙的咆哮声,在这间本就是拥有实验金属魔像破坏力的大厅之中回荡。 Visits me to do? Continues to fight.” Sees after oneself come , the golden knight who is conducting intense preying, showed the Red Dragon true body, firepower full Kleist has the sign of armistice, Morea made noise to scold immediately. “看我干什么?继续战斗。”看到自己进来之后,正在进行激烈搏杀的黄金骑士,还有展现红龙真身,火力全开的克莱斯特有了休战的迹象,穆瑞亚顿时出声呵斥。 Hears the Morea words, Leon that is preparing to stop is shaking hand the big sword, rides the demon of crotch to lead the warhorse, before a sprint arrived at the Red Dragon Kleist body, cuts toward it sturdy slender nape of the neck. 听到穆瑞亚的话,正准备停下来的莱昂握着手中的大剑,骑着胯下的魔导战马,一个冲刺来到了红龙克莱斯特身前,朝着它粗壮修长的脖颈斩去。 Clang!” The grating metal fricative resounds, the hunting demon big sword in Leon's hands will soon cut on Kleist neck, the scarlet red miraculous guard/shield appeared together, blocked half breath, making Kleist evade this to strike calmly, then took advantage of opportunity to fan dragon wing(s), pulled out to Leon on. “锵!”刺耳的金属摩擦声响起,在莱昂手中的狩魔大剑即将斩到克莱斯特脖子上时,一道赤红色的灵光护罩浮现,挡住了半息,让克莱斯特从容躲过这一击,然后顺势扇动龙翼,抽到莱昂身上。 Even if put on the hunting demon armor, making Leon have with the strength that the Red Dragon close combat preys on, however his build is placed there, in addition the mail-armor and helmet, weight still so many, how can shoulder a length of body to reach the wings of more than 30 meters Red Dragon to strike. 就算穿上了狩魔铠甲,让莱昂拥有与红龙近战搏杀的力量,但是他的体型摆在那里,加上甲胄,重量也就那么多,如何扛得住一头体长达三十多米红龙的翼击。 Therefore is not accidental/surprised, Leon pulled out with a horse wing by Kleist flew, but there is a protection of mail-armor and helmet, this fellow stands immediately, carries the big sword to continue mutually the resentment with Kleist. 所以毫不意外的,莱昂被克莱斯特连人带马一翅膀抽飞了,不过有甲胄的保护,这家伙立马又站起来,拎着大剑跟克莱斯特继续互怼。 According to the legend , the description of hunting demon knight strength, Leon should according to rub on the ground Red Dragon Kleist at this time, but the reality is to actually put on Leon of hunting demon armor by the strength Clise extreme pressure hitting. 按照传说中,狩魔骑士战力的描述,莱昂此时应该把红龙克莱斯特按在地上摩擦,但现实却是穿上狩魔铠甲的莱昂被力量克莱斯特压着打。 Has Kleist's rank Leon to be high the first-order reason. But a more important reason is Red Dragon that Kleist cannot only fight hand-to-hand, it is skilled in all magic arts that the present stage it can grasp. 这其中有克莱斯特的等级比莱昂高一阶的原因。但更重要的原因则是克莱斯特不是只会肉搏的红龙,它精通现阶段它能够掌握的所有法术。 After Red Dragon is skilled in the magic arts, its strength increase is not one plus one is so simple, it has almost no weak area and weakness, therefore the person clan eternity will spread, does not know the hunting demon knight who many people will eulogize will be being been pressing hitting. 而当红龙精通法术之后,其战力增幅可不是一加一那么简单,它几乎没有任何短板与弱点,所以人族千古流传,不知多少人歌颂的狩魔骑士会被压着打。 But in the corner, that 12 youngster five colors dragons that turns to Kleist shrinks there, trembling looks at resistance between this knight and Red Dragon, which side, has independent hangs to hit their strengths. 而在角落,投靠克莱斯特的那十二条少年五色龙就缩在那里,瑟瑟发抖的看着这一场骑士与红龙之间的对抗,不论是哪一方,都有单独吊打它们的实力。 Your Highness Morea.” Observes to direct side old Green Dragon Fiona who these five colors dragons has the meaningful glance to pay a visit Morea in the one side while convenient, she primary mission is to manage in half potential surface now, the human evil person who these were exiled, along the five colors dragon that the guidance and teaching teaches these barbaric growth. 穆瑞亚殿下。”在一旁观战顺便指点这些五色龙的极老绿龙菲奥娜非常有眼色的过来拜见穆瑞亚,她现在主要任务就是管理半位面之中,那些被流放进来的人类恶徒,顺带教一教那些野蛮生长的五色龙。 Un!” Morea looks at present azure to send the beautiful woman, nods, refers to these because of turning to Kleist is brought by him in five colors dragon, „the study situations of these fellows how?” “嗯!”穆瑞亚望着眼前的青发美妇,点点头,指了指那些因为投靠克莱斯特而被他带在身边的五色龙,“这些家伙的学习情况怎么样?” Quite good.” “相当不错。” Trash!” “垃圾!” At this time, Morea heard two different appraisals, turned head slightly, Morea looks following the direction that the sound conveyed, then saw took a step sent Youth Red Dragon scarlet Aston, just that trash was he says. 这时,穆瑞亚听到了两个不同的评价,微微扭头,穆瑞亚顺着声音传来的方向望去,便看到了迈步走进来的赤发青年-红龙奥斯顿,刚刚那一声“垃圾”就是他说出来。 Your Highness Morea.” By tempering, had been not wanted Aston of no asking to bow to salute toward Morea temporarily slightly, then face arrogant despising color is staring at that flock of five colors cage dragons in corner. 穆瑞亚殿下。”饱受“磨砺”,暂时已经无欲无求的奥斯顿朝穆瑞亚微微躬身行礼,然后一脸傲慢鄙夷之色的盯着所在角落之中的那群五色笼龙。 This group of fellows stupid, ignorant, lazy, my previous Catholicism gives their thing, they will forget next day, is one crowd of waste trash, with these fellows with is the dragon clan, really made me be shamed.” “这群家伙蠢笨,愚昧,懒惰,我前一天教给它们的东西,它们第二天就会忘记,就是一群废物垃圾,与这些家伙同为龙族,真是令我感到耻辱。” „, Aston, compared with the same clan, they are very good.” Felt Fiona who oneself were also scolded coughs saying that when her childhood compared with these fellows very many, had neither learning nor skill. “咳,奥斯顿阁下,跟外界的同族相比,它们已经很不错了。”感觉自己也被骂进去的菲奥娜干咳一声说道,她幼年时比这些家伙好不了多少,同样是不学无术。 Has any good comparison with these waste, compared with also probably compare with our these dragons.” Saying that a Aston face disdains, has known oneself are he of what level, has the full energy to despise these similar. “跟外界那些废物有什么好比较的,要比也要跟我们这些龙比。”奥斯顿一脸不屑的说道,已经知道自己是什么水平的他,有十足的底气鄙视那些同类。 Ok, Aston, patient, their growth environments are different from you after all.” The Morea smile said temperately,can find the way to increase their learn/study powers, or some appropriate use disciplinary measures, so long as did not kill on the line. “好了,奥斯顿,耐心一点,它们的成长环境毕竟跟你们不一样。”穆瑞亚笑容温和说道,“可以想办法增加它们的学习动力,或者适当的使用一些惩戒手段,只要不打死就行了。 I did not suggest to use some to peel scale, the bloodletting and so on penalty, this will not injure and their life, can make them feel the pain, but these dragon blood, dragon scale remembered to collect, I was useful. ” 唔,我建议使用一些剥鳞,放血之类的惩罚,这样既不会伤及它们的生命,也能让它们感受到痛苦,不过那些龙血,龙鳞记得收集起来,我有用。” Aston and Fiona look at each other one, then nod silently, remembered the Morea request. 奥斯顿与菲奥娜对视一眼,然后默默的点点头,记住了穆瑞亚要求。
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