TDK :: Volume #4

#385: The treasure moves the will of the people

„It is not, this time I ask you to have the good deed.” Heard secure words, Asian permanent flexure scratches the head, answered hastily hastily. “不是,这次我找你是有好事。”听到安兹的话,亚恒挠了挠头,连忙连忙解释道。 „Do you ask me to have the good deed?” secure looks at inferior (Asia) to be permanent with a look of extreme suspicion, this fellow looks for him ten times, will bring the trouble nine times, the last time, will then be will see that will toss about oneself to the severe wound remains unconscious, he who will only have the one breath. “你找我能有好事?”安兹用一种极度怀疑的眼神看着亚恒,这家伙十次找他,九次都会带来麻烦,最后一次么,则是自己会看到把自己折腾到重伤昏迷不醒,只剩下一口气的他。 Naturally has.” Carried the axe youngster to pat the chest, on the face revealed the exciting color, this time was.” “当然有。”背斧少年拍了拍胸膛,脸上露出兴奋之色,“这次就是。” Said to look, is what good deed.” secure look is invariable, starts to clean up because of the waste residue that the refinement medicament failure produces. “说说看,是什么好事。”安兹神色不变,开始清理因为炼制药剂失败而产生的废渣。 Gold Dragon rule Grand Duke Morea that our Wang Guoxin takes office, do you know?” “我们王国新上任的金龙执政大公穆瑞亚,你知道吧?” Knows.” “知道。” He ordered to conduct one competition named Gold Dragon cup. So long as person below 30 can enter, does not have other limits again.” “他下令举办了一场名叫金龙杯的比赛。只要年龄在30岁以下的人就能报名参加,再也没有其他限制。” inferior (Asia) described itself the information that saw permanently excited in the announcement of city main issue, was divided into five disparity in age sections to conduct the resistance the news to say all participants, 亚恒神情兴奋的描述自己在城主发布的公告上看到的信息,将所有参赛者分为五个不同年龄段进行对抗的消息说出来, So long as obtained the qualifying, can obtain the rewards of 100 gold coins.” “只要获得了参赛资格,就能够获得一百枚金币的奖励。” Un!” secure remains unmoved, he refines one bottle of medicament casually , to continue this price. “嗯!”安兹不为所动,他随随便便炼制一瓶药剂,就不止这个价。 Do not consider too little, this was only just started.” inferior (Asia) permanent hehe is smiling, receives to want each victory, the bonus to turn time, the winner can choose the gold coin, can choose and other weapons of value, the armor, the medicament, metal anything, these heard that is the rare goods that are provided by the royal family.” “别嫌少,这只是刚开始而已。”亚恒嘿嘿地笑着,“接下只要每胜一场,奖金就会翻倍,胜者可以选择金币,也可以选择等价值的武器,盔甲,药剂,金属什么的,这些听说都是由王室提供的稀罕货。” Medicament?” On secure face reveals the color of intent moving, finally shakes the head, he himself is anything's strength, he himself is clear, he likes the gold metallurgy medicament, but does not like slaughtering the fight, so far, he does not have many actual combat experiences. “药剂?”安兹脸上露出意动之色,最后摇了摇头,他自己是什么的实力,他自己心里清楚,他喜欢炼金药剂,但是不喜欢厮杀战斗,到目前为止,他都没有多少实战经验。 inferior (Asia) is permanent, you know that I, although has the silver fifth-order strength, but I am not good at fighting. You a casual adventurer on avenue, the killed monster are more than me.” “亚恒,你知道的,我虽然拥有白银五阶的实力,但是我不擅长战斗。你在大街上随便拉一位冒险者,杀的怪物都比我多。” Was used for the monster that tests the medicament to kill by you, ten I add not to compare you.” inferior (Asia) permanent honk nan. “被你用来测试药剂弄死的怪物,十个我加起来都比不上你。”亚恒嘟喃着。 Few idle talk, this competition good is good, but are little significance with me, I do not participate.” “少废话,这种比赛好是好,但是跟我没多大关系,我就不参加了。” I said is competition that all talents can attend, you naturally can also participate, you excel at the gold metallurgy, manufactures the medicament, you attend the competition between pharmacists, won had the rich reward in the same old way.” “我都说了是所有天才都可以参加的比赛,你自然也可以参加,你擅长炼金,制作药剂,那你就参加药剂师之间的比赛,赢了照样有丰厚的奖励。” Competition between pharmacists?” “药剂师之间的比赛?” Right, your fellows are different from the person who our these can only fight, Grand Duke Morea may be much better compared with us to your rewards, so long as you obtained the qualifying, the rewards of 1000 gold coins, but your each victory, is the bonus turns time similarly. “对,你们这些家伙跟我们这些只会战斗的人不一样,穆瑞亚大公对你们的奖励可比我们好多了,只要你们获得了参赛资格,就有一千金币的奖励,而你们每胜一场,同样是奖金翻倍。 If you do not want the gold coin choice treasure, the treasure that can choose is also different from us, various dosage formulations that the royal family has, end product medicament, some rare gold metallurgy material anything. Casual you select. ” 如果你们不要金币选择宝物的话,可以选择的宝物跟我们也不一样,王室拥有的各种药剂配方,成品药剂,还有一些稀有炼金材料什么的。随便你们挑。” Saying, on the Asian permanent face reveals the color of envying, I the winner who also in your pharmacists compete rewarded during the list to see blood of type of thing Red Dragon , Grand Duke Morea really gave up.” 说着,亚恒脸上露出羡慕之色,“我还在你们药剂师比赛的胜者奖励列表之中看到了红龙之血这种东西,啧,穆瑞亚大公真舍得。” Grand duke is Gold Dragon, the back also has ancient dragon to support, in the hand has the blood of Red Dragon at all is not anything.” On the face has presented color of intent moving change color secure now there is some not calm asking, how to obtain the qualifying?” “大公是金龙,背后还有古龙撑腰,手中有红龙之血根本不算什么。”脸上已经出现异动之色意动之色的安兹有些不淡定的问道,“怎么获得参赛资格?” My words, only use the person who defeats ten same ages in the arena continuously, can obtain the qualifications. As for you, refined one bottle of silver levels the medicament to be OK.” “我的话,只用在擂台上连续击败十位同年龄段的人,就可以获得资格。至于你么,炼制一瓶白银级的药剂就可以了。” How to register?” Hears so simply registration requirements, secure pursues asks, in the tone brings an urgency. “怎么报名?”听到如此“简单”的报名要求,安兹追问道,语气中带着一丝迫切。 Hehe, no rush, you first prepare, ten days of can register, conducts the words of competition, that was later.” “嘿嘿,别急啊,你先准备一下,还有十来天的时间才能报名,进行比赛的话,那就更晚了。” ...... …… Morea must hold the matter of competition, had spread over the entire kingdom through a Rauchman kingdom perfect transmission system in short one day of time, making the increasing number of people know this news. 穆瑞亚要举行比赛的事情,已经通过洛克曼王国完善的传送阵体系在短短一天时间就传遍了整个王国,让越来越多的人知道了这则消息。 At this time, kingdom almost all people were discussing that this matter, from the aristocrat, to the civilians, making this registration also the competition that starts to conduct quite irritable, became the hot news. 此时,王国几乎所有人都在议论这件事,上至贵族,下至平民,让这场报名都还没有开始进行的比赛变得相当火爆,成了热点新闻。 Announced the athletic competition system, the competition site, was promoted way these to have nothing, those who made this competition truly is irritable, Morea announced the reward list of winner simultaneously. 公布赛制,比赛地点,晋级方式这些都没有什么,真正让这场比赛变得火爆的是,穆瑞亚同时公布了胜者的奖励清单。 The weapon, the armor, the high rank war technique, the magic arts model, the secret breath law, contemplates the law, the gold metallurgy dosage formulation wait/etc, almost all can find above, even if will have the talent of fortuitous encounter still because of these rewards, but heart movement. 兵器,盔甲,高阶战技,法术模型,秘传呼吸法,冥想法,炼金药剂配方等等,几乎所有一切都能在上面找到,就算是拥有奇遇的天才也会因为这些奖励而心动。 But wants to obtain these, must attend the competition, the unceasing acquired victory, won, the obtained reward is also richer. The powerhouses will obtain him to want all in this competition. 而想要获得这些,就要参加比赛,不断的获得胜利,赢得越多,得到的奖励也越丰厚。强者将会在这场比赛中得到他想要一切。 I prepared the so rich reward, your everywhere to the fellow who I disturb, is unable to resist absolutely.” Obtains on the Morea faces of regional feedbacks to reveal all completely to grasp during through the secret mechanism/organization the smile, talents, the little darling registers own all information, attended the competition! Then swallows me to give you baits of these preparations.” “我准备了如此丰厚的奖励,你们这些到处给我捣乱的家伙,是绝对无法抗拒的。”通过隐秘机关得到各地回馈的穆瑞亚脸上露出一切尽在掌握之中的笑容,“天才们,乖乖登记自己的所有信息,参加比赛吧!然后吞下我给你们这些准备的香饵吧。” But less than two days, is managing to arrange the talent competition, with will soon start the registration preparation Morea, received one to be expected the news. 但没过两天,正在主持筹备天才比赛,与即将开始报名准备的穆瑞亚,收到了一则预料之中的消息。 The former king in Rauchman kingdom, Beira Dean in leading the daughter is playing on the way, told the story the day before yesterday to Millie at night peacefully, after comforting the little princess to fall asleep, passed away peacefully. 洛克曼王国的前任君王,贝拉迪恩在带着女儿游玩的途中,于前天夜晚给蕾米莉亚安静的讲完故事,安抚小公主睡着后,安静去世。 When is tied up Morea to receive this pass on message, stares some little time, then again also had no interest in handle the business, after attending to carry out the loving relationship Mia processes, then brings one team of Storm Giant to go to greet Beira Dean's remains. 正忙得不可开交的穆瑞亚接到这则传讯之时,愣了好一会儿,然后便再也无心处理事务,将事情交给米娅处理之后,便带着一队风暴巨人前去迎接贝拉迪恩的遗体。 Parts forever!” Rides on carriage that is drawn by eight Heaven warhorses, the Morea complexion is somewhat serious, since the birth, he realized that for the first time friend passed away the later that sadness, regretted, was short of anything's cavity unusual feeling. “永别么!”乘坐在一辆由八匹天界战马拉动的马车上,穆瑞亚脸色有些沉重,出生以来,第一次他体会到了朋友去世之后的那种悲伤,遗憾,还有少了点什么的空洞异样感。 He still remembers after own ruling ceremony just ended, Beira Dean on the impatient appearance an appearance of rich merchant, leading oneself daughter to start to travel, travels around the nation. 他犹记得自己的执政仪式刚刚结束之后,贝拉迪恩就迫不及待的打扮成一副富商的模样,带着自己的女儿开始旅行,周游全国。 Morea then knows at that time, his time are not much, Beira Dean's soul had been cursed corrodes thousand to put on hundred, his death was the soul was shattered, was more miserable than the death fate of mortal. 穆瑞亚那时便知道,他的时间不多了,贝拉迪恩的灵魂早就被诅咒侵蚀得千穿百孔,他的死亡就是灵魂破碎,比凡人的死亡下场还惨。 Life, is really frail.” When Morea recalled just to arrive to be summoned the Rauchman kingdom scene, for that time Beira Dean was controlled the royal power by oneself quickly, but taught itself day and night. “生命,真是脆弱啊。”穆瑞亚回忆着自己刚刚来到被召唤到洛克曼王国之时的情景,那时的贝拉迪恩为了让自己更快的掌控王权,可是不分昼夜的教自己。 Feels at ease, I will clean up all hidden dangers of Rauchman kingdom, then returns the royal power to Millie, making her a qualified King.” “安心去吧,我会清理掉洛克曼王国的一切隐患,然后将王权归还给蕾米莉亚,让她成为一位合格的王者。”
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