TDK :: Volume #4

#384: The talents of evildoer/monstrous talent

„Below ten years old can also conduct the competition? Your Highness Morea, this whether to cancel, below ten years old are only some bodies do not have the long good child.” Some First Lord of the Treasury anxiety said, he thought this Gold Dragon rule Grand Duke has anything to misunderstand to their human. “十岁以下也要进行比赛?穆瑞亚殿下,这个是不是可以取消,十岁以下都只是一些身体都没长好的孩子吧。”财政大臣有些肉疼说道,他觉得这位金龙执政大公对他们人类是不是有什么误解。 Although the human relative dragon class enters the grown time to be short, but has not been in the situation that ten years old can fight. 虽然人类相对龙类来说进入成年的时间非常短暂,但是还没有到十岁就能战斗的地步。 Grand duke, being divided into five legs was also too many, below ten can abrogate, among 11 to 15 years old, do not need to set up, can the child of this ages, have the strong strength?” “大公阁下,分为五个赛段也太多了吧,十岁以下的可以裁撤掉,就连11岁到15岁之间,也没有必要设立,这个年龄段的孩子,能有多强的实力?” Also several ministers stand to advise, the manpower and resources that the decision of Morea needs to involve were too many, they do not have the means to make Morea eliminate this decision, but can make Morea reduce some amounts of assignment. 又有几名大臣站出来进言,穆瑞亚的这个决定需要涉及的人力物力太多了,他们没有办法让穆瑞亚打消这个决定,但是可以让穆瑞亚减少一些任务量。 After all regardless of Morea makes anything to decide, finally is their these ministers goes to carry out, the typical king talked, the official under the emperor wore out, can by oneself with ease, that be been as far as possible relaxed, said again young child truly had no necessity of competition. 毕竟穆瑞亚不论做出什么决定,最终都是他们这些大臣前去执行,典型的君王动动嘴,臣属跑断腿,能尽量让自己轻松一点,那就轻松点,再说十几岁的孩子确实没有什么比赛的必要。 Snort, you think that present kingdom, is the 30 years ago kingdoms?” Morea light snort/hum, knows that the kingdom the talent pours forth now, but talent many to what degree, strong to what degree, your fellows, have no interest the time and understand.” “哼,你们以为现在的王国,还是三十年前的王国吗?”穆瑞亚轻哼一声,“都知道王国现在天才辈出,但是天才多到什么程度,又强到什么程度,想必你们这些家伙,是没有时间和兴趣去了解的。” Mia, to these great personlooks these talent materials that you collect now, making them experience the talent of country already the evildoer/monstrous talent to what degree.” “米娅,把你们现在收集的那些天才资料给这些‘大人物’看一看,让他们见识一下自己国家的天才已经妖孽到什么程度了。” Sir please look.” Stands brings to act with constraint the calm smile in Morea Mia, waves, in the aide side gate enters the hall, will seem like the quite frightened material to deliver to these hands to shake in the powerful official hand of heavy power. “诸位大人请看。”侍立在穆瑞亚身边的米娅带着矜持从容的微笑,挥了挥手,一名名内侍从侧门进入大厅,将一些看起来相当惊悚的资料送到这些手握重权的权贵手上。 Eather, eight years old, the silver first-order master, goes out plays on the way, bumps into one group of class/flow robbers, then Eather single slaughter this group of members reach 134 class/flow robbers , has the leader of silver second-order strength also to be cut to kill by the potential of steamroll by it......” “伊瑟芙,八岁,白银一阶法师,出门游玩的途中,碰到一伙流盗,而后伊瑟芙单人屠杀这伙成员多达一百三十四名的流盗,其中,拥有白银二阶实力的首领也被其以碾压之势斩杀……” Nord, the family background is unclear, the age estimates temporarily is 13 years old, the strength silver fourth-order, has some unknown eruption to fight the technique, can significantly enhance the strength, in a short time promotes to the gold level, the burst time to establish provisionally for the quarter of an hour. Reason: Once by erupting to fight the technique, caused heavy losses to a golden second-order vampire.” “诺德,出身不详,年龄暂估为十三岁,实力白银四阶,拥有某种未知的爆发战技,可以大幅度提升战力,短时间内提升到黄金级,爆发时间暂定为一刻钟。理由:曾以爆发战技,重创一名黄金二阶的吸血鬼。” „......” “……” The powerful officials in discussing politics hall are looking in the hand the materials of various talents are collected by the Morea life person, more looked that the astonished color on face are then more, many people cannot stretch the expression on face, in the mouth muttering that non-stop talking over are being impossible and so on words. 议政厅的权贵们看着手中由穆瑞亚命人收集的各种天才的资料,越看脸上的惊愕之色便越多,很多人都绷不住脸上的表情,口中不停的喃喃自语是念叨着“不可能”之类的话。 Your Highness Morea, the materials of these talents......” 穆瑞亚殿下,这些天才的资料……” I have confirmed over and over, you do not need to worry that I deceive you with the false material.” “我已经再三确认过了,你们不用担心我拿虚假资料欺骗你们。” You naturally cannot with false deceives us.” “您自然不会用假的糊弄我们。” Now also some people think that needs to cancel the youngest that two legs?” Morea unemotional asking. “现在还有人觉得需要取消年龄最低的那两个赛段吗?”穆瑞亚面无表情的问道。 Grand duke is wise, is I and others was ignorant.” “大公英明,是我等愚昧。” Does not know that is not strange.” Morea beckons with the hand, thinks little, these fellows may not have itself the same as have how secret mechanism/organization to provide the information, a lot they do not know are very normal, continues to discuss the relevant issue of competition.” “不知者不怪。”穆瑞亚摆摆手,不以为意,这些家伙可没有自己一样有多么隐秘机关提供情报,很多事情他们不知道很正常,“继续讨论比赛的相关事宜。” Grand duke, is divided into five legs the words, won't that compare the five kingdom's first talents finally?” “大公陛下,分为五个赛段的话,那最后不就是会比出五个王国第一天才?” Right.” Morea smiles, cannot make a 30-year-old adult struggle first with a ten -year-old child, this is unfair, even if divided into five legs, is still only relatively fair.” “没错。”穆瑞亚笑了笑,“总不能让一个30岁的成年人跟一个十岁的孩子争第一吧,这样太不公平了,就算是分成五个赛段,也只是相对公平而已。” ...... The time passes with these powerful officials' discussions in Morea slowly, because is too broad related to the range, in addition Morea besides the age limit, almost does not have any limit this point, can meet, the quantity of participant absolutely such as multitude of people moving to and fro. ……时间在穆瑞亚与这些权贵的商讨中缓缓流逝,因为涉及到范围太广,再加上穆瑞亚除了年龄限制以外,几乎没有任何限制这一点,可以遇见,参赛者的数量绝对如过江之鲫。 In the earlier period of competition, Wang Guozuo is the organizer, must sustain the considerably large pressure, by later period, as the true talent was screened, its organization pressure gradually will change will be small. 在比赛的前期,王国作为组织方,要承担相当大的压力,到了后期,随着真正的天才被筛选出来,其组织压力才会逐渐变小。 When the athletic competition system, the time, the location, after the reward and other all matters concerned about this competition discussed is completely appropriate, Sun has fallen to raise twice. 当赛制,时间,场地,奖励等关于这场比赛的一切事宜全部商议妥当之后,太阳已经落下升起两次了。 Was laborious.” Beaming and buoyant Morea be with smile on the face looks that these complexions lead the exhausted color powerful official, luckily has existence of unusual strength, otherwise the average person makes him toss about, will sudden die absolutely several. “诸位辛苦了。”神采奕奕的穆瑞亚面带微笑的看着这些脸色都带着疲惫之色的权贵,幸亏都是已经拥有超凡力量的存在,不然普通人让他这么折腾,绝对会猝死几个。 For the power and stability of kingdom, these should be.” Hears Morea to encourage them, because excessively the ponder has somewhat become the ignorant aristocrat subconscious replied, dealt with this pleasantries, has become their instinct. “为了王国的强盛与稳定,这些都是应该的。”听到穆瑞亚勉励他们,一位因为过度思考已经变得有些浑浑噩噩的贵族下意识的回答道,应付这种客套话,已经成了他们的本能。 You are more laborious, first get down the arranged personnel to start to carry out the propaganda work of this competition, must in the shortest time, many to know that this competition, started to conduct the competition to register half a month later.” “那你们再辛苦一些,先下去安排人员开始进行这场比赛的宣传工作,务必在最短的时间中,让很多人知道这场大赛,半个月后开始进行比赛报名。” Hears the order of Morea, many tired to has wanted to go right to sleep the ministers and an aristocrats who face hate is staring at just that making noise aristocrat, but they also can only compromise finally, first got down the arranged personnel. 听到穆瑞亚的命令,不少困乏到已经想要倒头就睡的大臣与贵族们一脸怨恨的盯着刚刚那名出声的贵族,但最终他们也只能妥协,先下去安排人员了。 ...... …… Rauchman kingdom, in some city of some province, a youngster who carries the battle axe arrives close to an city central villa in high spirits, casual tramples the villa master specially manufacture the fine steel front gate. 洛克曼王国,某一座的行省的某座城市之中,一位身背战斧的少年兴冲冲来到靠近城市中央的一座别墅之中,大大咧咧的一脚踹开别墅主人特意制作的精钢院门。 secure, do not manipulate your bottles of cans, hurried to follow me, has the big good deed to come.” “安兹,不要摆弄你那些瓶瓶罐罐了,赶紧出来跟我走,有大好事来了。” A footprint that in not caring a whoop front gate that are also many, carries the axe youngster to smell in the courtyard of full medicinal herbs that strange smell, enters that decoration luxurious villa entrance, after turning very quiet, opens the front door. 毫不在意院门上那又多出的一道脚印,背斧少年嗅着种满药草的院子中那股怪异的气味,走进那座装饰豪华的别墅门口,屏住呼吸之后,一把推开大门。 Expected brought the corrosive green fog not to appear, making the back axe youngster stare staring, then a face happy expression entered in the villa, at the back and other battle axes of height, seemingly tall and strong majestic, appeared the somewhat clumsy body is actually unexpected light and lively, youngster familiar and easy avoided in the living room like the specimen, the test tube and so on thing. 意料之中带着腐蚀性的绿雾没有出现,让背斧少年愣了愣,然后一脸喜色走进别墅之中,背着等身高的战斧,看似魁梧雄壮,显得有些笨拙的身躯却是出乎意料的轻灵,少年轻车熟路的避开了客厅之中如标本,试管之类的物件。 secure, did your new medicament research and develop successfully?” The familiar house found the owner in this house, wears the seemingly dirty master robe, brings the thick crystal eyeglasses, full is the whiskers, does not have the fellow of wide difference from the middle-aged person. “安兹,你的新药剂研发成功了?”熟门熟路地找到这间房屋的主人,一位穿着看起来脏兮兮的法师袍,带着厚厚的水晶眼镜,满是络腮胡的,与中年人没多大差别的家伙。 Bang!” Carries finishing speaking of axe youngster, in the crucible, that is modulating, sends out the liquid medicines of plant delicate fragrance to explode directly, after braving rich light smoke, turned into a pot to stick black, is sending out the ill-smelling odor. “嘭!”背斧少年的话音刚落,坩埚之中,那正在调制,散发着植物清香的药水直接炸了,冒着一股浓郁的青烟之后,化成了一锅黑糊,散发着难闻的恶臭。 inferior (Asia) is permanent, my refinement medicament, the expense of failure is borne by you.” secure complexion that not accidental/surprised refine the medicament failure shirked oneself responsibility indifferently, then, does your fellow ask me to do? Did I give your medicament to use up?” “亚恒,我这一次炼制药剂,失败的费用由你来承担。”毫不意外自己炼制药剂失败的安兹脸色淡然推卸了自己身上的责任,“然后,你这家伙找我干什么?我给你的药剂又用完了?”
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