TDK :: Volume #4

#383: Competition

Since the rule, Morea almost can receive the news that the talent causes trouble every day, were too many, seemingly has not interrupted, never stands still, making Morea quite have a headache. 自从执政以来,穆瑞亚几乎每天都能收到天才闹事的消息,太多了,貌似都没有间断过,从未停歇,让穆瑞亚颇为头疼。 This group of young promising fellows, have too many reasons to follow others, or does, the young fellow does not know what bears patiently is, has a grudge reports at the scene, is angry leaves at the scene. 这群年少有为的家伙,有太多理由跟别人干起来,或者相互之间干起来,少年人可是不知道隐忍为何物,有仇当场报,有气当场出。 Because of a pretty younger sister, this group of youngster are successful, want to show off the fellow to beat a street well, affects several hundred households of civilians. The key is this group of fellows hits and runs, grasping was not good to grasp, wants to find the person to shoulder the responsibility, the compensation for economic losses could not find. 因为一位漂亮的妹子,这群少年得志,想要好好显摆一下的家伙就可以打烂一条街,波及数百户平民。关键是这群家伙打了就跑,抓都不好抓,想要找人承担责任,赔偿损失都找不到。 Moreover not only also the younger sister, some senses of justice slightly are strong, fellow who likes being glad helping other, they can the person, because any receives the unfair treatment acts. 另外也不只是妹子,还有一些正义感稍强,喜欢乐意助人的家伙,他们可以因为任何受到不公待遇的人而出手。 Moreover, their anything person dares to hit, on arrives at the aristocrat who wields place, below arrives extorts the blackmail neighboring marketplace bludger, even mingles among the dark lifeform in human, evil god follower who publicizes certain counter- world religious doctrines, they dare to copy the fellow to come up to do. 而且,他们什么人敢打,上到执掌一地的贵族,下到勒索敲诈相邻的市井混混,甚至是混迹在人类之中的黑暗生物,宣扬某些反世界教义的邪神信徒,他们都敢抄家伙上去就干。 Morea regarding this group of fellows, hates the love, their existences, truly suppressed in the Rauchman kingdom the even more rampant dark race and evil strength, but this group of fellows fight, basically disregards all consequences, how wants to come completely how. 穆瑞亚对于这群家伙,是又恨有爱,他们的存在,确实压制了洛克曼王国之内越发猖獗的黑暗种族与邪恶力量,但这群家伙战斗,基本都是不计后果,完全就是想怎么来就怎么来。 This makes Morea somewhat annoyed, today, Morea received report about this group of fellows. 19 years old breaks through to the talent young girl of gold level, in an underground blow down system of big city, discovered devil follower who is holding the offering sacrifices ceremony. 这就让穆瑞亚有些恼火,就在今天,穆瑞亚又收到了一起关于这群家伙的报告。一位年仅十九岁就突破到黄金级的天才少女,在一座大城市的地下排污系统之中,发现了正在举行献祭仪式的恶魔信徒。 Then, this young girl with her little friend, without demur, followed these devil followers. The complementary waves that they fight destroyed the subdrainage of that city directly. 而后,这位少女跟她的小伙伴,二话没说,跟这些恶魔信徒干了起来。他们战斗的余波直接摧毁了那座城市的地下排水系统。 This is also not anything, the key is this young girl does not know that has what fortuitous encounter, did anything to kill greatly, directly at that city underground closed room release. 这还不算什么,关键是这位少女不知道有什么奇遇,搞到了什么大杀器,直接在那座城市地下封闭空间释放了。 That population about 500,000 Count magnitude cities, looked like hit by an eight magnitude of earthquake, the innumerable common people residence collapse of buildings, the ground by the shock-wave is not known shook many strip big cracks, but the city wall that has not prepared completely, was exploded several shocking fissures directly. 那座人口近五十万的伯爵级城市,就像是遭遇了一场八级大地震,无数民居房屋倒塌,地面被冲击波不知震出多少条大裂缝,而完全没有准备的城墙,直接被炸出了几道触目惊心的裂痕。 Moreover, because the detonation place is the city central underground, therefore, the ruler in that city, the castle that a feudal lord who has the earlship was exploded directly does not have. 而且,因为引爆地点是城市中央的地下,所以,那座城市的统治者,一位拥有伯爵爵位的领主的城堡直接被炸没了。 Did not say accurately, was not exploded did not have, but sinks directly underground. Because of exploding, there is the most low-lying position of entire city, according to the water toward the low spot class/flow principle, that castle the thing of contamination was discharged by the city people submerges directly. 唔,更准确的说,不是被炸没了,而是直接沉入地下。因为爆炸,那里就是整座城市的最低洼的位置,根据水往低处流的原理,那座城堡直接被城市居民排出的污秽之物淹没了。 Therefore, that Count feudal lord is soon wild with rage now, oneself in home sitting in good condition, were exploded unexpectedly, exploded exploded, but exploded own castle to thing of one pile of contamination in unexpectedly, this is nothing. 所以,那位伯爵领主现在快要被气疯了,自己在家好端端的坐着,居然被人炸了,炸了就炸了,但是居然把自己的城堡炸到一堆污秽之物里面,这算什么。 Because of the castle construction process of this Count, is attentive, in addition arranged many defense law, causing the structure of castle to be firm, even if explodes in its under happened, the castle has not happened shatter, distortion and other issues, the furniture in castle, ornament anything, too had not been damaged. 因为这位伯爵的城堡建造过程,非常用心,再加上其中布置了诸多防御法阵,导致城堡的结构非常坚固,就算爆炸在其正下方发生,城堡也没有发生破碎,变形等问题,城堡之中的家具,装饰品什么的,也没有受到太多损伤。 But even if so, the castle including inside thing, this unlucky Count did not plan to want, he only wants to catch to explode that talent young girl in his castle now, other were not many thinks. 但就算如此,城堡包括里面的东西,这位倒霉伯爵也不打算要了,他现在只想抓到炸了他城堡的那位天才少女,其余的就不多想了。 Snort, the waste, the devil follower holds the offering sacrifices ceremony right under own castle, unexpectedly does not know.” Morea saw that this Count to the request that oneself submit a written statement, present also having a face makes me issue the warrant for arrest, seized this to help him solve the hidden danger young girl.” “哼,废物,恶魔信徒在自己城堡正下方举行献祭仪式,居然不知道。”穆瑞亚看到这名伯爵向自己上书的要求,“现在还有脸让我发布通缉令,抓捕这名帮他解决了隐患的少女。” Miles.” With the Morea shout, in the shadow, wears the aristocrat evening dress, leads tall Jiaomao, is leaning on a cane, appears the elegant bearing middle-aged person to appear, then a face humble bows to Morea, master, do you have what instruction?” “麦尔斯。”伴随着穆瑞亚的呼喊声,阴影之中,一位穿着贵族晚礼服,带着高脚帽,拄着一根手杖,显得风度翩翩的中年人出现,然后一脸谦卑的向穆瑞亚鞠躬,“主人,您有何吩咐?” Sends people to check the background of this aristocrat, looked that he does have the dispute with the devil, if present, informs Cloud Giant processing.” “派人去查一查这位贵族的底子,看他跟恶魔有没有纠葛,如果有,通知云巨人处理。” Compliant.” According to the request of Morea, has developed the certain scale, the collection assassination, collects the information and other functions Miles of secret organization to bow to receive an order. “遵命。”按照穆瑞亚的要求,已经发展出一定规模,集暗杀,收集情报等数种机能的隐秘组织的麦尔斯躬身领命。 Checks the information that this young girl while convenient.” That of Morea on the table the hand almost exploding throws a no young girl material of city to Miles, remembers, only permits to check her, does not permit to bump her.” “顺便查一查这位少女的信息。”穆瑞亚将手中桌案上那位几乎把一座城给炸没的少女资料扔给麦尔斯,“记住,只准查她,不准碰她。” Understood.” “明白。” Was the time these fellow centralized management.” After Miles draws back next, Morea knocked the table, immediately makes the decision, first with the name and advantage, directs completely them.” “是时候将这些家伙集中管理起来了。”当麦尔斯退下之后,穆瑞亚敲了敲桌子,立即做出决定,“首先得用名与利,将他们全部引出来。” Mia, calls all ministers also to have the aristocrat, I must announce a matter.” “米娅,召集所有的大臣还有贵族,我要宣布一件事。” The aristocrat and minister who...... less than the quarter of an hour, receive the Morea notice catch up, the complexion has the startled color, the previous ruling Grand Duke does not press the repertoire to shout them, caused the deaths of 300 real power aristocrats, these time because of anything. ……不到一刻钟,接到穆瑞亚通知的贵族与大臣纷纷赶来,脸色带着惊慌之色,上一次执政大公不按套路将他们喊来,就导致了三百名实权贵族的死亡,这一次又是因为什么。 I plan to hold a competition.” After waiting for all aristocrats and ministers stands firm, Morea said itself that was inspired directly beyond the shadow from previous generation certain reading material, the means of thus thinking. “我打算举办一场比赛。”等所有贵族与大臣站定之后,穆瑞亚直接开门见山地说出自己从前世某些读物之中得到的启发,从而想到的办法。 One is only restricted among the young talents to compete, the participant, does not limit the occupation, does not limit the status, the race, everything has my Rauchman kingdom resident status can participate.” “一场仅限于年轻天才之间比赛,参赛者,不限职业,不限身份,不论是种族,凡是拥有我洛克曼王国居民身份的都可以参加。” Hears matter that Morea suddenly announced that the aristocrats and ministers in discussing politics hall looked at each other in blank dismay, has understood that the Morea why First Lord of the Treasury stood cautiously, the somewhat disturbed inquiry said, Grand Duke Morea, this competition you did plan to conduct massively?” 听到穆瑞亚突然宣布的事情,议政厅之中的贵族与大臣们面面相觑,已经明白穆瑞亚干什么的财政大臣小心翼翼的站出来,有些忐忑的询问道,“穆瑞亚大公,这场比赛您打算举办多大规模的?” Naturally takes the nation as the range.” Morea without hesitation replied, divided 48 big contest areas by the 48 big provinces of kingdom, conducted the competition, selected optimization, conducted the final finals to the kings, whom looks is the first talent of my Rauchman kingdom.” “当然是以全国为范围。”穆瑞亚不假思索的回答道,“以王国的四十八大行省划分四十八大赛区,进行比赛,选出其中的最优者,到王都进行最终的决赛,看一看谁是我洛克曼王国的第一天才。” Grand Duke Morea, the expense of that this competition......” finance minister complexion turns white slightly, he can understand reason that probably Morea wants to hold this competition, expense that but one wants to hold this competition, his hands and feet becomes tender. 穆瑞亚大公,那这比赛的费用……”财务大臣脸色微微发白,他大概能明白穆瑞亚想要举行这场比赛的理由,但是一想举行这场比赛的费用,他就手脚发软。 This competition by kingdom financial allocation, but the reward of winner comes by the royal family.” Morea is with smile on the face, said own decision in the unquestionable tone, this was wins over the will of the people the golden opportunity. “这场比赛由王国财政拨款,而优胜者的奖励则由王室来出。”穆瑞亚面带微笑,以不容置疑的语气说出自己的决定,这是拉拢人心的大好机会。 That, the Grand Duke, what person is the young talent, has the qualifying?” “那么,请问大公阁下,什么样的人算是年轻天才,拥有参赛资格?” Person under 30 years old, has the qualifying.” Morea said itself to think deeply about a dozen minutes of result, „, because the age size will widen the vast gap in strength, therefore to be fair, the competition was divided into five ages. Below ten years old are the first ages, 11 to 15 years old are the second ages, 16 to 20 years old are......” “30岁以下的人,都拥有参赛资格。”穆瑞亚说出自己思索了十几分钟的结果,“因为年龄大小会拉开实力上的巨大差距,所以为了公平起见,比赛分为五个年龄段进行。十岁以下为第一位年龄段,11到15岁为第二年龄段,16岁到20岁为……”
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