TDK :: Volume #4

#382: Seeking fame and fortune

15 days ago, the first sergeant has then seen the mail-armor and helmet of this style, but, put on this mail-armor and helmet Cloud Giant to have hundreds and thousands at that time fully. Moreover acts as the ruling Grand Duke Morea background board, by the power and prestige, cannot compare these to ride Storm Giant of great Péng. 早在十五天之前,军士长便见过这种样式的甲胄,只不过,那时穿着这种甲胄的云巨人足有成百上千名。而且都只是充当执政大公穆瑞亚的背景板而已,论威风,根本比不上那些骑着巨鹏的风暴巨人 But when he through retransmits the magic arts image to see this common Cloud Giant from the kings, really before presents the body , the first sergeant only felt own two tremble, stands somewhat cannot come to a stop. 可是当他通过从王都转播过来法术影像看到这不起眼的云巨人,真的有一位亲身出现自己身前之时,军士长只觉得自己两股颤颤,站都有些站不稳。 At this time said that anything late, he can only look helplessly this Cloud Giant defeats itself to give loyalty to the castle of feudal lord, then seizes the insect to grasp in his eyes generally that incomparably noble feudal lord. 此时说什么都晚了,他只能眼睁睁的看着这名云巨人击破自己效忠领主的城堡,然后将那位在他眼中无比高贵的领主捉虫子一般抓出来。 From beginning to end, this first sergeant moves has not moved, he does not dare. Body 15-meter Giant, merely is only a stand, has strength that can lose all courage, let alone he that does not pinch the heavy sword of distortion now on the one side ground, is reminding his Cloud Giant that terrifying strength. 从始至终,这位军士长动都没有动一下,他不敢。身躯高达15米的巨人,仅仅只是站,就有能够让人丧失所有勇气的力量,更别说他现在那柄别捏得扭曲的重剑在一旁地上,提醒着他云巨人那恐怖的力量。 „Do you want to do? I am the aristocrat in Rauchman kingdom, you dare unexpectedly like this to me.” “你想干什么?我可是洛克曼王国的贵族,你居然敢这样对我。” At this time, Cloud Giant breaks open that crude low small-scale castle, from takes, grasps the aristocrat in hand somewhat panic-stricken is shouting loudly. He really feared, no matter what who sits in home, actually pulled out to grasp by Giant in the hand, where will not compare him to be good to go. 此时,云巨人破开那简陋低矮的小型城堡,从其中取出来,握在手中的贵族有些惊恐的大喊大叫着。他是真的怕了,任谁在家中坐着,却被一名巨人掏出来握在手中,都不会比他好到哪去。 You also know oneself are the aristocrat in Rauchman kingdom? Why doesn't obey order Grand Duke Morea order?” “你还知道自己自己是洛克曼王国的贵族?为什么不遵守穆瑞亚大公的命令?” Cloud Giant asked. He was distributed this city Cloud Giant that comes to seize , he after all is only an ordinary human viscount, even the building up subordinate all strengths, simply do not have the strength of resistance facing him. 云巨人质问道。他是被分派到这座城市前来抓捕的云巨人,就他一人,毕竟只是一名普通的人类子爵,就算集结麾下所有力量,面对他根本没有反抗之力。 However before seizing, he also needs to hide the identity, confirmed that this was in the list in the description, aristocrat who that type did not revere the imperial edict. After the confirmation, can seize. 不过抓捕之前,他还需要隐瞒身份,确认一下,这位是不是名单中描述中,那种不尊王命的贵族。确认之后才能进行抓捕。 I......” hear the interrogation of Cloud Giant, the opens the mouth that this aristocrat somewhat regrets, wants to explain, the opportunity that but Cloud Giant did not explain to him pitifully, or explained also useless, he was responsible for seizing. “我……”听到云巨人的质问,这名贵族有些懊悔的开口,想要解释一下,但可惜云巨人根本不给他解释的机会,或者说解释了也没用,他只是负责抓捕的。 Ok, the unnecessary idle talk did not need me saying that after remaining to king city, explained to your group official who administers punishments.” “行了,多余的废话就不用我说了,留着到王城之后,跟你的行刑官解释吧。” ...... Similar scene happened across Rauchman kingdom throughout, after 12 Giant command attains the list, immediately starts to allocate the duty, then all Giant that receives the duty together. After the confirmation goal truly is not to revere the imperial edict, immediately apprehends. ……类似场景发生在洛克曼王国全境各地,十二位巨人统领拿到名单之后,就立刻开始摊派任务,然后所有接到任务的巨人一同出发。在确认目标确实是不尊王命之后,立即进行捉拿。 This occupied an aristocrat of Rauchman kingdom small part, strength and strength were the lowest that batch, by the Baron, viscount these low aristocrats was the lord, was highest the Count, can solve easily. 这只是占了洛克曼王国一小部分的贵族,本身的实力与实力都是属于最低的那一批,以男爵,子爵这些低等贵族为主,最高不过伯爵而已,很容易就能解决。 To be honest, these barons, the viscount had to defy own orders even, unexpectedly had personally arrives at king city, has attended his ruling grand ceremony, experienced the impressive and dignified manner Count to disobey orders, this made Morea somewhat unable to think through, this special did the head show tease? 说实话,那些男爵,子爵有违抗自己的命令就算了,居然有亲自来到王城,参加过他的执政大典,见识过自己威仪的伯爵抗命,这让穆瑞亚有些想不通,这特么脑袋秀逗了? Does not know that I do send out Cloud Giant to be able you to exterminate the clan casually? Even is innocent, especially to these legendary dukes, these soul intent marquis emulates, they observed honestly, you jump what vigor. 不知道我随随便便派出一名云巨人就能将你灭族?就算不懂事,特么的向那些传奇公爵,那些魂意侯爵看齐啊,他们都老老实实的遵守了,你蹦哒个什么劲。 According to the list, after all rebel aristocrats arrest king city, Morea sends people to interrogate these aristocrats, asks why has the guts resistance and violates own order. 按照名单,将所有叛逆贵族都抓捕到王城之后,穆瑞亚派人去审讯这些贵族,问一问为何有胆量反抗并违背自己的命令。 Some did not think that Morea this rule Grand Duke temporary, sooner or later will leave, when the time comes is Princess Millie the high-rank, therefore does not need to care. 唔,有的是觉得穆瑞亚这个执政大公是临时的,迟早会离开的,到时候是蕾米莉亚公主上位,所以不用在意。 But some thought Morea is Gold Dragon, even if enraged him, will not have the extremely pitiful fate, when the time comes begs for mercy well, can exempt the crime, by some not too heavy. 而有的则是觉得穆瑞亚金龙,就算触怒了他,也不会有太过凄惨的下场,到时候好好求饶一番,就能免罪,受一些不太重的出发。 Last batch, feel the mountains are high and emperor is far away, is harboring leaving things to chance, even if a oneself young feudal lord does not observe the government order, does not carry out the new tax law, still has nothing at the worst, the ruling Grand Duke of keeping aloof affirmed that cannot pay attention to itself. 最后一批,就是觉得山高皇帝远,抱着侥幸心理,自己一个小领主就算不遵守政令,不推行新税法,也没什么大不了的,高高在上的执政大公肯定注意不到自己。 After ascertaining reason, Morea some „, helpless ordering, hands over these aristocrats by dragon maid Mia completely, no matter what she handles at will. Does the aristocrat who does not revere the imperial edict, keep doing? 问清楚原因之后,穆瑞亚有些“无奈”的下令,将这些贵族全部交由龙裔女仆米娅,任她随意处置。不尊王命的贵族,留着干什么? Then, lives discovered in king civilians, later after the great ruling Grand Duke has comes back more than 100 cloud Dao the third day, outside on the city landscape tree, does not know when comes out several hundred dead shape pitiful skeletons. 接着,居住在王都的平民们发现,之后在伟大的执政大公带回来一百多座云岛后的第三天,城市外面的景观树上,不知何时多出来数百具死状凄惨的尸骸。 Most made is, these that one expressed admiration were hung on the skeleton on tree, each putting on was the silks and satins, that was only then the aristocrat rich merchant can wear clothing. 最令人啧啧称奇的就是,这些被挂在树上的尸骸身上,各个穿的都是绫罗绸缎,那是只有贵族富商才能穿得起的衣物。 When initial discovery these skeletons, the passing caravan, the status of adventurer also curious these aristocrats, after the news spread, but also attracted the resident in city, runs to go out of town surrounds strongly. 最初发现这些尸骸之时,过往的商队,冒险者本来还好奇这些贵族的身份,消息传开之后,还引来了城市中的居民,跑出城强势围观。 Finally, some people discovered that side these skeletons, is inserting a wooden sign, above records skeleton before death status, has done any wicked matter, selects bad writing in any case specially. 最后,有人发现发现这些尸骸身边,都插着一块木牌,上面记载着尸骸生前的身份,还有干过什么恶事,反正就是专挑坏的写。 In fact, these aristocrat also few competent good deeds, described their life stories simply, enough caused cursing and indignation of passing person. 事实上,这些贵族也没几个能干好事的,将他们的生平事迹简单描述一下,就足够引起过往之人的咒骂与怨愤了。 After understanding Morea hangs to the tree on is the aristocrats, king city burst with joy instantaneously, caused a stir, the innumerable residents go out of town to surround, since the Rauchman kingdom founds a country, but also has no king to cut to kill quantity so many aristocrats one time, moreover after killing, but also hangs to the tree on. 而当明白被穆瑞亚挂到树上的都是贵族之后,王城瞬间沸腾了,引起了一场轰动,无数市民争相出城围观,洛克曼王国开国至今,还没有哪一位君王一次性斩杀数量如此多的贵族,而且杀了之后,还挂到树上。 No matter outside noise, no matter also they to oneself commentary, Morea sit well above the throne of discussing politics hall, looks at these trembling aristocrat officials, asks: „Did the territory arrangement officials of these aristocrats take office?” 不管外面的喧嚣,也不管他们对自己的评论,穆瑞亚端坐在议政厅的王座之上,看着这些战战兢兢的贵族官员,开口询问:“那些贵族的领地安排官员去上任了吗?” Grand Duke start/open report/give, all officials have arranged appropriately, has embarked to go to the territories of these rebels to take office, how long could not want, these territories can control in the kingdom hand.” “启禀大公,所有官员都已经安排妥当,已经出发前往那些叛逆的领地上任了,要不了多久,这些领地就能都掌控在王国手中。” Un! This is good.” Morea satisfied nod, ordered later: „The carrying out situation of attention new tax law, you thought momentarily the unreasonable place reports, spoke with the data.” “嗯!这样就好。”穆瑞亚满意的点点头,随后下令:“随时关注新税法的推行情况,将你们觉得不合理的地方汇报上来,用数据说话。” ......, Will be over the following three months tranquiler, Morea has not made what trick again, makes one time big event that similar slaughters 300 real power aristocrats. ……接下来的三个月,就平静很多,穆瑞亚再也没有闹出什么幺蛾子,做出类似一次性屠杀三百实权贵族的大事件。 Until one day, Morea in does not know receives after the report that some talent young girl causes trouble for several hundred time he also had the new idea. Sits some Morea headaches on table rubbed the brow, 直到某一天,穆瑞亚在不知道第几百次收到关于某地天才少女闹事的汇报之后他又有了新的想法。坐在桌案上的穆瑞亚有些头疼的揉了揉眉头, Talent were too many are not the good deed, the young people energy was too exuberant, in addition young promising, was too easy to cause trouble. “天才太多了也不是好事,年轻人精力太旺盛,再加上年少有为,太容易闹事了。 The aristocrat talent is better, has the restraint and guidance of family, these civilian talents, are really troublesome, too has not worried, is powerful, must think the means these wild talent registration management. 贵族天才还好一些,有家族的约束与引导,那些平民天才,才真是麻烦,没有太多牵挂,偏偏又实力强大,得想办法将这些野生的天才登记管理起来。 The young fellow, does not like seeking fame and fortune, my permits your, benefits to you, does not believe you is not dishonest. ” 唔,少年人,喜欢追名逐利,我许你们名,给你们利,就不信你们不老实。”
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