TDK :: Volume #4

#381: Arrests the rebel

Enters the city to spend ten copper.” Appears somewhat ruined city gate place, more than 20 famous litterateur logistics depots after the roadblock, to each adventurer who enters the city, civilian and caravan receive fees. “入城费十枚铜子。”一座显得有些破败的城市入口处,二十余名士兵站在路障后,向每一名进入城市的冒险者,平民与商队收取费用。 Un? Such thing?” A soldier turns looks for one pile of fur/superficial knowledge that on a hunting household is carrying, facial expression some does not bear, this is an ordinary hunting household from surroundings village, hunts some ordinary wild animals, trades the fur/superficial knowledge to live, but these thing values several money, naturally on him did not have many perquisites to fish. “嗯?就这么点东西?”一名士兵翻找着一名猎户身上背着的一摞皮毛,神情有些不耐,这就是一名来自周围村庄的普通猎户,狩猎一些普通的野兽,贩卖皮毛为生,但这些玩意值不了几个钱,自然他身上就没有多少油水可捞。 This knight Sir, I enters a city to trade these fur/superficial knowledge.” In the wilderness with wild animal preying, to support the hunting household of family greets with a smile to the defense soldier, he has paid ten copper entering city fees, but this soldier does not allow to pass, but also wants to fish anything from him. “这位骑士大人,我只是进城贩卖这些皮毛而已。”在荒野之中与野兽搏杀,就是为了养活一家老小的猎户向守城士兵陪着笑,他已经交了十枚铜子的入城费,但是这士兵就是不放行,还想从他身上捞点什么。 Poor devil.” Discovered that on this hunting household the soldier of truly no valuable thing is scolding in a low voice, is convenient from conducting the back of hunting household extracts together the physical appearance good silver fox fur, is in the waist, finally in impatient beckoning with the hand: Goes in!” “穷鬼。”发现这名猎户身上确实没什么值钱东西的士兵低声骂着,然后顺手从猎户的背上抽出一块品相上好的灰狐皮,系在腰间,最后在不耐烦的摆摆手:“进去吧!” Thanks the Sir!” On the face three beast claw marks, have also disfigured, the makings appear the extremely valiant hunting household to meet rudeness with a smile, in a face grateful entering city. “谢谢大人!”脸上还有三道兽爪痕,已经破了相,气质显得极为彪悍的猎户陪着笑脸,一脸感激的走进城市之中。 Was so exploited by the defense soldier, even if filled with fury, he also can only suppress, he is only some strong ordinary hunting households, does not have the big skill, family waits for him to support, the pleased love and hate are not his shoulder heavy burden the choice of middle-aged man, he does not have the qualifications to be willful. 被守城士兵如此剥削,纵然满腔怒火,他也只能憋着,他只是个身体强壮些的普通猎户而已,没多大本事,还有一家老小等着他养活,快意恩仇不是他这种肩负重担的中年男人的选择,他没有资格任性。 Next!” Sends the hunting household, the waist is the defense soldier of silver fox fur is shouting worn out, is some of some rube also low rank adventurers who cannot pick up what crumbs. “下一个!”打发走猎户,腰间系着灰狐皮的守城士兵有气无力的喊着,都是些捞不到什么油水的泥腿子还有一些低阶冒险者。 The civilians of entering a city are some trades some medicinal herbs, fur/superficial knowledge anything , there is nothing to extort, but these low rank adventurers, receive ten copper to them the entering city fees. 进城的平民都是些贩卖些药草,皮毛什么的的,没什么好勒索的,而那些低阶冒险者,向他们收十枚铜子的入城费可以。 But if wants them to breakneck with the spoils of war that monster preying must come, these cutting edges lick the fellow of blood, did not mind that plays with one's life with their these worthless soldiers. 但是如果想要动他们玩命跟怪物搏杀得来的战利品,这些刀口舔血的家伙,不介意跟他们这些兵油子玩命。 Therefore, can make the soldiers extort truly, only then the caravans of these contacts, arrived at the caravans of their city are nothing big background small caravans, was their these defense soldier best exploitation objects...... 所以,真正能够让士兵们勒索的,只有那些往来的商队了,来到他们这座城市的商队都是没有什么大背景的小商队,正是他们这些守城士兵最好的剥削对象…… Why they entered the city are only person of ten copper were good, but did my caravan enter a city to need person of silver?” A stature somewhat skinny merchant somewhat angry is shouting, enters a city previous time, I also paid ten copper, why these time are many so many?” “凭什么他们入城只是一人十枚铜子就行了,而我的商队进城就需要一人一银?”一名身材有些干瘦的商人有些愤怒的大喊着,“上一次进城,我也就缴纳了十枚铜子,这一次为什么多出这么多?” Hehe, that was half a month ago matter, the feudal lord Sir said that the merchant are more than money that the civilians made, payment entering city Failly should be more than these rubes.” “嘿嘿,那是半个月前的事情,领主大人说的,商人比平民赚的钱更多,缴纳的入城费理应比那些泥腿子更多。” Soldier not good smiling of defense, this is the order that the feudal lord issues newly. Has the opinion, you look for the feudal lord theory to go, but the premise is you must first give to integrate the city fee/spent.” 守城的士兵无良的笑着,“这是领主新下达的命令。有意见,你找领主理论去,不过前提是你得先缴纳入城费。” What enters the city fee/spent? Half a month ago, the Morea rule Grand Duke who Wang Guoxin took office ordered, to abolish all aristocrat feudal lord private laws and tax commands, all the tax in kingdom legal rule, the feudal lords did not have no right to gather.” “什么入城费?半个月前,王国新上任的穆瑞亚执政大公就下令,废除所有贵族领主私设的法律与税令,所有不在王国法律规定中的税,领主都无权收取。” The figure thin merchant stands in city gate, is telling the new tax law of Morea promulgation fervently, 身形消瘦的商人站在城门口,慷慨激昂诉说着穆瑞亚颁布的新税法, In the law of Rauchman kingdom, has not entered city fee/spent, the feudal lords in surrounding several cities, have cancelled entered the city fee/spent, everyone can go on a journey freely, no one meets the receive fees. “在洛克曼王国的法律之中,就没有入城费这一项,周围几座城市的领主,全部都已经取消了入城费,所有人都可以自由出行,没有任何人会收取费用。 Why do your feudal lords charge into the city fee/spent? Great Grand Duke Morea the order dares to disregard continually, are your feudal lords want to revolt? ” 你们的领主凭什么收取入城费?连伟大的穆瑞亚大公陛下的命令都敢无视,你们的领主是想要造反吗?” Is short with me pulls some not to have.” Defense the first sergeant of the soldier, the eye stares, carries the heavy sword in hand to divide in front of the merchant, the tiny broken earth dregs spatters in all directions, hits on the merchant, is somewhat painful. “少跟我扯这些有的没的。”守城的这士兵的军士长,眼睛一瞪,拎着手中的重剑劈在商人前面,细小的碎土渣迸溅,打在商人身上,有些生疼。 I do not know that what new tax law, I only know that the feudal lord Sir said enters a city to pay taxes, you make a payment to enter a city either, either leads your person to get the hell out to me.” “我不知道什么新税法,我只知道领主大人说进城要缴税,你要么交钱进城,要么带着你的人给我滚蛋。” Does not know the new tax law, hasn't known the Morea regent government Grand Duke?” The skinny merchant asked again. “不知道新税法,难道还不知道穆瑞亚摄政大公吗?”干瘦的商人再次问道。 „......” This time, the first sergeant of defense was silent, now entire Rauchman kingdom, in country bumpkins except for these villages, but also who can not know existence of Morea. Obviously, did not know that Morea this lie, he could not say. “……”这一次,守城的军士长沉默了,现在整个洛克曼王国,除了那些村庄里的乡巴佬,还有谁能不知道穆瑞亚的存在。很显然,不认识穆瑞亚这种瞎话,他说不出来。 Grand Duke Morea has abolished the right of legislative power and privately established tax law of feudal lord, according to the law of kingdom, you have no right to gather me, even if a copper entering city expense.” 穆瑞亚大公已经废除领主的立法权与私立税法的权利,根据王国的法律,你无权收取我哪怕一枚铜子的入城费用。” I told you, little pulls these, I do not know. Enters the city to make a payment, this is the feudal lord Sir's order.” Took the thread of conversation to suppress by the merchant one after another, appears the somewhat afraid first sergeant, somewhat becomes angry out of shame, takes up in the hand also brings the heavy sword of scabbard right in the face toward the merchant to pound. “我跟你说了,少扯这些,我不知道。入城交钱,这是领主大人的命令。”接连被商人拿话头压住,显得有些心虚的军士长,有些恼羞成怒,拿起手中还带着剑鞘的重剑劈头盖脸的朝着商人砸去。 Dissolute!” Brings the heavy sword of scabbard not to fall to the skinny merchant on, the side hand stretches out, holds the heavy sword directly, then in the first sergeant panic-stricken look, he regards, if the heavy sword of treasure, only threw over emphatically the palm of armor by this, the scabbard, is pinching the twist deformation, his sword, turned into the scrap iron directly. “放肆!”带着剑鞘的重剑还没有落到干瘦商人身上,旁边就有一只手伸出,直接抓住重剑,然后在军士长惊骇的眼神中,他视若珍宝的重剑,被这只披着重铠的手掌,连带着剑鞘,捏得扭曲变形,他这柄剑,直接变成了废铁。 „Who are you?” This time, First sergeant knows oneself annoyed to trouble greatly, own heavy sword, although was not the top almighty troops sharp weapon. “你是什么人?”这一次,军士长知道自己惹到大麻烦了,自己的这柄重剑,虽然不是顶尖的神兵利器。 But in the casting, added some unusual ore mineral powder, the common fine steel weapon, meeting the tough head-on with toughness is also the fate that truncation breaks, but is this type of weapon, unexpectedly was brought the scabbard bare-handed to pinch to distort, how this makes him not panic-stricken. 但在铸造的时候,好歹加了一些超凡金属矿石粉末,一般的精钢武器,硬碰硬也是削之即断的下场,但就是这种兵器,居然被人带着剑鞘徒手捏变形了,这如何让他不惊恐。 Sir, is proven, the feudal lord of this place has not truly observed the government order that great Grand Duke Morea issues, has not carried out the new tax law, instead was intenser than before, crazily the exploitation we, asking the Sir to arrest.” “大人,证据确凿,此地的领主确实没有遵守伟大的穆瑞亚大公下达的政令,也没有推行新税法,反而比之前变本加厉,更加疯狂的剥削我们,请大人缉拿。” Un!” Intended to pinch on own initiative distorts, wears a robust man of construction plain whole body armor to nod, approves this heavy sword to coordinate him to investigate the view of merchant. “嗯!”出手将重剑捏得变形,身穿一副形制古朴全身铠的壮汉点点头,认同了这名主动配合他调查商人的说法。 „Who are you?” Saw the mail-armor and helmet that on this robust man that slightly somewhat looks familiar, defense first sergeant unconscious retreat several steps, somewhat panic-stricken asking, he as if where has seen the set of mail-armor and helmet. “你到底是什么人?”看到这名壮汉身上那略有几分眼熟的甲胄,守城军士长不自觉的后退几步,有些惊恐的问道,他似乎在哪见过的这套甲胄。 Presents the ruling Grand Duke Your Highness Morea order, comes to apprehend the rebel aristocrat.” Robust men the reply of jar sound jar air/Qi, while takes a step toward the city walks. “奉执政大公穆瑞亚殿下的命令,前来捉拿叛逆贵族。”壮汉一边瓮声瓮气的回答着,一边迈步向城市中走去。 As he takes a step, his build becomes more and more greatly, with has the mail-armor and helmet that his build increases together, when he moves, because of the mail-armor and helmet of perfect seal, has not let be startled collapses to the ground on the first sergeant to see this Giant that pure white skin color. 随着他迈步,他的体型变得越来越大,与他的体型一同变大的还有甲胄,在他移动时,因为并没有完美密封的甲胄,让已经惊得瘫坐在地上军士长看到了这名巨人那纯白的肤色。 Cloud Giant! The subordinate regiment of ruling Grand Duke.” 云巨人!执政大公的直属军团。” This time, the first sergeant understands why finally oneself looked that this mail-armor and helmet looked familiar. 这一次,军士长终于明白自己为什么看这甲胄眼熟了。
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