TDK :: Volume #4

#380: Executioners

Most aristocrats observed are easy to do.” The Morea finger knocked front table, each department presents one to disregard the new tax law, does not carry out me to issue the aristocrat list of government order to come out, their family's personnel lists, the fiefdom position, the military and resources of control registers completely.” “大部分贵族都遵守就好办了。”穆瑞亚手指敲了敲面前的桌案,“你们每个部门都呈递一份无视新税法,不执行我下达政令的贵族名单出来,将他们家族的人员名单,封地位置,掌控的兵力与资源全部登记上来。” Hears the request of Morea, the leaders of these secret mechanisms/organizations all took out one to prepare the good register of names, handed over waits on by nearby, puts on the Morea table, glanced through for him. 听到穆瑞亚的要求,这些隐秘机关的首领全部都取出一份早就准备好的名册,交由一旁的内侍,放到穆瑞亚的桌案上,供他翻阅。 Morea piles to become Houhou one pile of registers of names from these, extracts several, the simple change looks, discovered that the above record is detailed, even the biographies of these rebel aristocrats pass through severely, does anything to have the detailed introduction. 穆瑞亚从这些堆成厚厚一摞的名册,抽出几本,简单的翻动看一下,发现上面的记录非常详细,连那些叛逆贵族的生平经厉,做过什么事都有详细的介绍。 Good, you had a mind.” Morea nods satisfied, then the hesitation moment, thinks, plans to give them a benefit: If wants to make your descendants more outstanding, makes your family members move to Sikaleite to live.” “不错,你们有心了。”穆瑞亚满意地点点头,而后沉吟片刻,想了想,打算给他们一点甜头:“如果想让你们的后代变得更加优秀的话,就让你们的家人搬到斯卡雷特来居住。” Only can in the legitimate method.” Saw these to start the intelligence head looking pensive, Morea supplemented one. Walks human in darkness, cannot overestimate their moral lower limits. “只能以合法的手段。”看到这些开始若有所思的情报头子,穆瑞亚补充了一句。行走于黑暗之中的人类,不能高估他们的道德下限。 Grand Duke Morea, the members of our these secret organization mostly do not have the descendant heir.” Had guessed correctly that Morea wants dark Captain health/guard who gives them to send the benefits to have the sound said. 穆瑞亚大公,我们这些隐秘机构的成员大多都是没有后裔子嗣的。”一名已经猜到穆瑞亚想要给他们发福利的暗卫首领出声道。 Without descendant, you without duty, try not to go out, stays in king city, there are enough you to enjoy the life, the good fortune descendant's advantage.” “没有后裔,那你们自己在没有任务的情况下,就尽量不要外出,就呆在王城之中,有够你们受用一生,福泽后裔的好处。” Morea felt after own words have said clearly, waving makes these intelligence heads draw back completely, then called own personal maid, present royal palace internal affairs manager Mia. 穆瑞亚觉得自己的话已经说得非常明白之后,挥手让这些的情报头子全部退下,然后唤来了自己的贴身女仆,现在的王宫内务总管米娅。 You have people to reorganize the above aristocrat information, then gives 12 Cloud Giant to command these information, making them assign, catches king Chenglai to me these rebels completely, if the resister, can execute.” “你带人将上面的贵族信息整理一下,然后将这些信息交给十二位云巨人统领,让他们自己分配,将这些叛逆全部给我抓到王城来,如果反抗者,可以就地格杀。” Morea said combative, does not carry out own new tax law regarding these, aristocrat who does not carry out the government order, Morea regards as the rebel it directly, regarding the rebel, what to be polite? 穆瑞亚杀气腾腾地说道,对于这些不推行自己的新税法,不执行自己政令的贵族,穆瑞亚直接将其视为叛逆,对于叛逆,客气什么? Own present is the ruling Grand Duke in Rauchman kingdom, is his imperator, the order that he issues, right or wrong, all aristocrats and officials should carry out. 自己如今担任洛克曼王国的执政大公,就是其最高统治者,他下达的命令,不论正确与否,所有的贵族与官员都应该执行。 Rather than felt the order that he issues has the issue, or will infringe own benefit, can refuse to carry out, resisted directly flagrantly, is this official under the emperor as the matter that can handle? Matter that should handle? 而不是觉得他下达的命令有问题,或者会损害到自己的利益,就可以拒绝执行了,直接明目张胆的对抗了,这是身为臣属能够做的事情?是应该做的事情? Regarding own new tax law, Morea knows, this is through oneself with many aristocrat ministers in a short time, according to each professional revenue figure of civilians works out, definitely has the imperfect place. Also after needing the actual execution, according to the fact adjusts. 对于自己的新税法,穆瑞亚知道,这是通过自己与诸多贵族大臣短时间内,根据平民的各个职业的收入数据订立的,肯定有不完善的地方。还需要实际执行之后,根据事实进行调整。 Regarding some aristocrat feudal lords, implements the new tax law, can make more tax money income, but regarding not people, when the person looks to cause his poor feudal lord, the new tax law will let their income large scale reductions, even has not received. 对于有的贵族领主来说,执行新税法,可以获得更多的税金收入,而对于不把民众当人看使其贫穷不堪的领主,新税法会让他们的收入大幅度减少,甚至于没有收入。 But is this defies the imperial edict the reason? It is not, even does not have the tax money income, the natural resources in aristocrat territory, the caravan, the manor under name...... wait/etc, the feudal lord wants to make the income the channel simply should not be too many. 但这是违抗王命的理由吗?不是,就算没有税金收入,贵族领地上的自然资源,商队,名下的庄园……等等,领主想要获得收入的渠道简直不要太多。 If thought that own benefit is affected, can defy the imperial edict, after the benefit in a big way to the certain extent, whether to betray the country directly, betrays own king? 如果觉得自己的利益受损,就可以违抗王命,那么当利益大到一定程度之后,是不是可以直接出卖自己国家,出卖自己的君王? Having the issue can ask him to discuss that disregards the heart tax law directly, what doesn't carry out is? Doesn't pay attention to him? Thought that he is Gold Dragon, is nicely good to speak? How won't take them? 有问题可以找他谈啊,直接无视心税法,不执行算什么?不把他放在眼里?觉得他是金龙,善良好说话?不会拿他们怎么样? Morea felt the government order that oneself issue is quite reasonable, has not compelled the situation that them cannot survive, regarding certain governs aristocrat in the right way, the Morea new tax law even is the government order, has almost no harm to them. 穆瑞亚觉得自己下达的政令相当合理,又没有把他们逼到不能生存的地步,对于某些治下有方的贵族来说,穆瑞亚的新税法甚至是政令,几乎对他们没有任何损害。 Oneself ordered to weaken the aristocrat right two government orders, most aristocrats did not observe to carry out honestly, obviously these have not touched their paramount interest. Moreover, most aristocrats can endure, how this small part cannot study. 自己下令削弱贵族权利的两项政令,大部分贵族不都是老老实实遵守执行了,可见这些并没有触及到他们的核心利益。而且,大部分贵族都能忍,这一小部分怎么就不能学着点。 „After the aristocrat who Young Master Morea, does not revolt against catches king city, how do you plan to handle them?” Although already years near fifty, because of contacts with the Morea short distance for a long time, but the even more rich dragon vein, making Mia maintain the young young girl appearance as before. 穆瑞亚少爷,不反抗的贵族抓到王城之后,你打算怎么处置他们?”虽然已经年近半百,但因与穆瑞亚近距离长时间接触,而愈发浓郁的龙脉,让米娅依旧保持着年轻少女般的样貌。 Eliminates the title, abolishes the surname, takes back the territory, then strangles, hangs to the tree on.” Morea is without turning a hair replied. “剥夺爵位,废除姓氏,收回领地,然后绞死,挂到树上。”穆瑞亚面不改色的回答道。 Your highness, you do this, can let other aristocrats......” “殿下,你这样做,会不会让其他贵族……” Mia, you must clarify, they are disregarding the order that your young master I issue, if I do not make the harshest penalty to them, has the benevolence slightly, other aristocrat officials will imitate. The order that later I issue will degenerate into a mere scrap of paper.” “米娅,你要弄清楚,他们在无视你少爷我下达的命令,如果我不对他们做出最严厉的惩罚,稍有仁慈,其他贵族官员就会纷纷效仿。以后我下达的命令就会沦为一纸空文。” On the Morea face exudes cold intent, to finally, my head was hanging the title of ruling Grand Duke, actually without the corresponding person carries out to obey order my order, at that time, I became a laughingstock.” 穆瑞亚脸上泛起一丝冷意,“到了最后,我头上挂着执政大公的头衔,却没有相应的人来执行遵守我的命令,那时,我就成为一个笑柄。” Young Master Morea, ten powerful ancient dragon assist you, the situation that you said is impossible to happen. Do not bully Mia not to experience, the book that Mia reads is not short compared with the successors of these royal family aristocrats to there goes.” 穆瑞亚少爷,有十位强大的古龙辅助您,您说的这种情况根本就不可能发生。不要欺负米娅没见识,米娅看的书也不比那些王室贵族的继承人少到那里去。” The dragon young girl charmingly angry say/way of golden hair, „. Moreover, Young master, I had not thought that your non place dies these aristocrats. I thought executes them with the death by hanging, can appear you to be extremely benevolent, cannot play the awesome effect on other aristocrats.” 金发的龙裔少女娇嗔道,“而且,少爷,我没觉得你不该处死这些贵族。我只是觉得用绞刑处死他们,会不会显得你太过仁慈了,对其余贵族起不到震慑作用。” Therefore, you felt the criminal law that I set was too light?” The Morea corners of the mouth pulled pulling, somewhat awkward asking. “所以,你只是觉得我定下的刑法太轻了?”穆瑞亚嘴角扯了扯,有些尴尬的问道。 Áng!” “昂!” That this, after waiting for Giant these aristocrat rebels grasp, by you are responsible for executing, decided how they die. I want a request, leaves behind the complete skeleton as far as possible, I need to shock with them certain feel I very benevolent person.” “那这样吧,等巨人们把这些贵族叛逆抓回来之后,就由你来负责行刑,决定他们怎么死。我只要一个要求,尽量留下完整的尸骸,我需要用他们震慑某些觉得我很仁慈的人。” On the Morea face has the temperate smile to look at Mia, will follow since childhood own maid regarding this, Morea will naturally meet her some harmless needs as far as possible. 穆瑞亚脸上带着温和的笑容看着米娅,对于这位从小就跟着自己的女仆,穆瑞亚自然会尽量满足她一些无伤大雅的需求。 Young Master Morea, you are really good.” Hears the Morea promise to her right, the stature growth may be called perfect dragon Mia grasp starts to process Morea of numerous and diverse government affairs again. 穆瑞亚少爷,你真好。”听到穆瑞亚许诺给她的权利,身材发育堪称完美的龙裔米娅抱住再度开始处理繁杂政务的穆瑞亚 Ok, no joking, the little darling reorganized these rebel aristocrat lists.” Feels behind that two groups plentiful clear, Morea deeply inspires, in the eye the electricity glow flashes, suppresses moving restlessly of body, lifted the hand to knock to put Mia on his shoulder the head. “行了,别闹了,乖乖将这些叛逆贵族名单整理一下。”感受到背后那两团丰满圆润,穆瑞亚深吸一口气,眼中电芒一闪,压住身体的躁动,抬手敲了一下将脑袋搁在他肩膀上的米娅。 Knew.” Mia shrivelled mouth, is somewhat discontented, but held that stack of lists to reorganize finally to the one side. “知道了。”米娅瘪了瘪嘴巴,有些不满,但最后还是抱着那一沓名单到一旁整理去了。 That is presents by five different intelligence agencies, the content, the personnel, the detailed degree is different, therefore needs to reorganize the induction summary. 那是由五个不同的情报机关呈递上来,内容,人员,详细程度都不尽相同,所以需要整理归纳总结。
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