TDK :: Volume #4

#379: Tactful

„......” Hears the ancient Gold Dragon issue, wind king Ying had not replied, but rotates the eagle head, looks into all around, inspects own territory, these cloud Dao are completely it, in long to does not know that in how long years collect to come slowly. “……”听到古金龙的问题,风王鹰没有回答,而是转动鹰首,眺望四周,巡视自己的领地,这些云岛全部都是它在漫长到不知多久的岁月中慢慢收集而来的。 Because was extremely bored, must look for something to make, otherwise it except for sleeping then can only sleep. The world is very big, but it has looked, but outside world void is more vast, but it is actually not able to be separated from the world to go, roams through recklessly. 因为太过无聊了,总要找一些事情做一做,不然它除了睡觉便只能睡觉。世界很大,但它已经看遍了,而世界之外的虚空更加辽阔,可它却无法脱离世界前往其中,肆意遨游。 What special feeling do you currently have?” Saw that the ancient Gold Dragon issue was disregarded by Bastus, Morea picks up his issue, tasted to ask. “你现在有没有什么特殊的感受?”看到古金龙的问题被巴斯德无视,穆瑞亚捡起他的问题,尝试着问了一下。 I want to go toward this direction to go forward.” Wind king Ying lifts a wing, refers to direction that the Rauchman kingdom was. “我想去朝这个方向前进。”风王鹰抬起一只翅膀,指了指洛克曼王国所在的方向。 That is my temporary territory!” Saw that wind king Ying replied own issue, the Morea some not comfortable tracing chin, it obviously is the difference treats with ancient dragon to oneself, the attitude is obviously different, because of Dragon King bloodlines or Titan bloodlines? “那是我的临时领地!”看到风王鹰回答了自己的问题,穆瑞亚有些不自在的摸了摸下巴,它对自己与古龙明显就是差别对待,态度明显不一样,是因为自己龙王血脉还是泰坦血脉 Your territory?” “你的领地?” Un, is wielded the temporary territory that by me.” The Morea nod replied, was a human monarchy entrusts for my.” “嗯,由我执掌的临时领地。”穆瑞亚点头答道,“是一位人类君主委托给我的。” I want to go to your territory to treat some time, are you willing to receive me?” “我想去你的领地待一段时间,你愿意接待我吗?” Wishes for earnestly.” Morea agreed directly, the Rauchman kingdom present situation is not obviously right, now had such powerful existence to be willing to arrive at guarding, Morea feels relieved. “求之不得。”穆瑞亚直接同意了,洛克曼王国现在的情况明显不对劲,如今有这么一尊强大的存在愿意亲临驻守,穆瑞亚就更加放心了。 Cry!” Obtains wind king Ying of Morea agreement, face upwards long cry, the visible wind appears under each cloud Dao, promoting this quantity to reach the territory rapid advance of 152 cloud archipelagoes toward Rauchman kingdom, from the sky leaves behind air/Qi marks, the speed did not know compared with originally many quickly. “唳!”得到穆瑞亚同意的风王鹰,仰天长鸣一声,肉眼可见的风出现在每一座云岛下方,推动着这数量多达一百五十二座的云岛群朝着洛克曼王国的领土急速前进,在空中留下一道道气痕,速度不知比原先快了多少。 So mighty force!” Feels, because cloud Dao moves to sway on the wind to own face, Morea lowers the head to overlook, saw cloud Dao the extreme speed among the sea level that slightly crosses, in the Morea mind associates to inexplicably floated the empty city also to have its motivation: “如此伟力!”感受到因为云岛移动而吹拂到自己脸上的风,穆瑞亚又低头俯视,看到了在云岛之间极速略过的海面,穆瑞亚的脑海中莫名联想到了浮空城还有它的动力问题: Wind king Ying has promotes the strength that over a hundred cloud Dao moves with ease, if treats as the perpetual motion machine it...... hiss, ok, this idea was too dangerous, thinks achievable other.” “风王鹰拥有轻松推动上百座云岛移动的力量,如果把它当做永动机……嘶,算了,这个想法太危险了,还是想想其他可以实现的。” Morea is rotating certain not good thoughts, „ wind king Ying this type special exists cannot have their ideas, but other legends? By legend has the strength, if extracts the use, many did not say, is used to promote cloud Dao should no issue. 穆瑞亚转动着某些不好的念头,“风王鹰这种特殊的存在不能打它们的主意,但是其余传奇呢?以传奇的拥有力量,如果抽取利用的话,多的不说,用来推动一座云岛应该没有什么问题。 Moreover, by the resilience of legend, so long as extracts the strength to be moderate, is equal to its resilience, is equivalent to a live power core. If the quantity are many enough, can treat as to float the power supply of empty city. ” 而且,以传奇的恢复能力,只要抽取力量适度,与其恢复能力相等的话,就相当于一个活的动力核心。如果数量足够多的话,可以当做浮空城的动力源。” Above in Yundao, that powerful strength that because wind king Ying displays, in the Morea mind is rotating some quite bad thought that „the present strength is insufficient, if later has the sufficient strength, can construct a Castle in the Sky that is similar to the weapon sovereign, hunts several Spiritual God or epic evil god anything, imprisons the seal to treat as the power supply, that is the genuine perpetual motion machine.” 于云岛之上,因为风王鹰展现的那强大的力量,穆瑞亚的脑海中转动着一些相当糟糕的念头,“现在实力不够,如果以后拥有足够的力量,能不能建造一座类似于械皇的天空之城,狩猎几名神灵或者史诗邪神什么的,囚禁封印起来当做动力源,那可是真正的永动机啊。” ...... Works as the stack-up stack, over a hundred cloud Dao just like high tower nears the subcontinent, casts the big piece shadow when above the land. ……当层叠堆积,宛如高塔的上百座云岛接近次大陆,在大地之上投下大片阴影之时。 Although Morea informs the city that cloud Dao will pass through with the pass on message magic arts ahead of time, but caused the giant unrest as before, this was even/including Gulong saw grand marvelous sight that can exclaim in surprise. 穆瑞亚虽然用传讯法术提前通知了云岛会经过的城市,但依旧引起了巨大的骚乱,这可是连古龙看到了都会惊叹的宏伟奇观。 Because of the length and breadth of Rauchman kingdom land area, these cloud Dao moved half a month under the wind king Ying strength function, the city of way is everybody turning out, every spacious region, was pushed watertight. 因为洛克曼王国国土面积的广袤,这些云岛在风王鹰的力量作用下足足移动了近半个月,途径的城市可谓是万人空巷,凡是空旷地带,都被挤得水泄不通。 And, in cloud Dao lands does not make in two days time merely, has the human gold level powerhouse to reach cloud Dao to find out, after all cloud Dao this natural marvelous sight, represents the buried treasure and extraordinary wealth without been developing in many intelligent lifeform eyes. 其中,在云岛登陆仅仅不做两日的时间里,就有人类黄金级强者想要登上云岛一探究竟,毕竟云岛这种自然奇观,在很多智慧生物眼中就代表着未开发的宝藏与惊人的财富。 But these curiosity are exuberant, or the greed exuberant human adventurer kept off by the Cloud Giant regiment that Morea summoned completely. 但这些好奇心旺盛,或者说贪欲旺盛的人类冒险者全部都被穆瑞亚召唤过来的云巨人军团挡了下来。 Moreover, because Morea has not made a human mount the hegemonic act that cloud Dao explores, making these cloud Dao get the Morea label directly, was regarded as his possession. 而且,因为穆瑞亚没有让一位人类登上云岛探索的霸道行径,让这些云岛直接打上了穆瑞亚的标签,被视为是他的所有物。 Then, in innumerable every vision of thing exclamation, these more than hundred cloud Dao flew by capital Sikaleite of Rauchman kingdom, hovering in sky, cast the big piece shadow in king surroundings, just like falling into during long night. 接着,在无数凡物惊叹的目光之中,这百余座云岛飞到了洛克曼王国的首都斯卡雷特旁,悬停在天空之中,在王都的周围投下了大片的阴影,宛如陷入永夜之中。 Finally, in almost all king residents curious and surprised, awes in the vision that and acclaimed, changed Morea of shape of dragon, has seven ancient dragon who restored the true body departed from central cloud Dao, finally fell to the royal palace. 最后,在几乎所有王都居民的好奇、惊讶、敬畏、赞叹的目光之中,变回了龙之形态的穆瑞亚,带着七条恢复真身的古龙从中央云岛之中飞出,最后落到王宫之中。 Morea that is nearly unique in Ella Sya, the Gold Dragon shape of recognition explosive table, immediately in caused huge discussion in the kings. 穆瑞亚那在埃拉西亚之中近乎独一无二,辨识度爆表的金龙形态,立即在王都之中引起了巨大的热议。 Obviously, in king resident eyes, these cloud Dao with their newly appointed rules greatly public relations of being able to withdraw, the bulks of inhabitants think that these cloud Dao are the lairs of ruling Grand Duke, is he comes the Rauchman kingdom place before of housing. 很显然,在王都居民眼中,这些云岛跟他们这位新上任的执政大公有着脱不开的关系,大部分居民都认为这些云岛就是执政大公的巢穴,是他前来洛克曼王国之前的居住之地。 These quantity astonishing Cloud Giant have Storm Giant, may be likes occupying the lifeform on cloud Dao, this is the ironclad proof, only then quantity so terrifying cloud Dao, can provide for so many Giant. 那些数量惊人云巨人还有风暴巨人,可都是喜欢居住在云岛上的生物,这都是铁证,只有数量如此恐怖的云岛,才能够供养这么多的巨人 Outside world troubled with the discussion, Morea does not care, although he knows because of these cloud Dao relations, he in the power and influence in Rauchman kingdom, must on again a scale. 外界的纷扰与议论,穆瑞亚都不太在意,虽然他知道因为这些云岛的关系,他在洛克曼王国的威势,要再上一个档次。 The civilians in kingdom, the aristocrat, is the evil lifeform of hidden in darkness, will awe him, but seemingly not big use, because his present prestige is sufficient. 不论是王国的平民,贵族,还是隐藏于黑暗中的邪恶生物,都会更加敬畏他,但是貌似没多大用处,因为他现在的威望已经够用了。 Now what he cares, did the new tax law take effect with his government order? Therefore returns to Morea in royal palace, first called the intelligence heads of these secret mechanisms/organizations: 他现在关心的是,新税法与他的政令实施得如何了?所以回到王宫之中的穆瑞亚,第一时间就召来了那些隐秘机关的情报头子: „Did these aristocrats observe my government order? The carrying out progress of new tax law how?” “那些贵族遵守了我的政令没有?新税法的推行进度怎么样了?” Grand Duke Morea, overwhelming majority aristocrats observed your government order, and has started the new tax law that defers to you to promulgate to collect taxes, so long as some young aristocrats refuse to carry out, disregarded your order and government order.” 穆瑞亚大公,绝大部分贵族都遵守了您的政令,而且已经开始按照你颁布的新税法收税了,只要小部分贵族拒绝执行,无视了您的命令与政令。” „Did majority observe?” On the Morea face shows an interested smile, is slightly surprised, to be honest, he has prepared by the plan that most aristocrats oppose, without thinking of this group of aristocrats is so tactful, unexpectedly observed honestly, what reason creates?” “大部分都遵守了?”穆瑞亚脸上露出一丝饶有兴趣的笑容,略微感到意外,说实话,他都已经准备好了被大部分贵族反对的打算,没想到这群贵族如此识趣,居然都老实遵守了,“什么原因造成?” Grand duke, after you promulgated these laws, seven big legendary dukes all openly announced observe, and promoted the new tax law in own territory wantonly, the momentum makes very greatly, therefore many aristocrats followed to observe.” “大公,您颁布了这些法令之后,七大传奇公爵全都公开宣布遵守,并在自己的领地之中大肆推广新税法,声势闹得很大,所以很多贵族都跟风遵守了。” Lead goat is sensible! Saved me to trouble.” On the Morea face shows the satisfactory smile. “领头羊懂事啊!省了我很多麻烦。”穆瑞亚脸上露出满意的笑容。
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