TDK :: Volume #4

#378: Doing not know at all

The icy cold metal touch spreads to the fingertip of Morea, Morea has to touch the feeling of legendary metal, very interesting feeling, obviously is a beak of birds, in sense of reality actually with legendary metal not big difference. 冰凉的金属触感传入穆瑞亚的指尖,穆瑞亚有一种自己在触碰传奇金属的感觉,很有趣的感觉,明明是一只禽鸟的喙,在质感上却与传奇金属没多大的差别。 Conceivable, when the wind king Ying close combat preys, with enemy who it fights, attended the meeting to receive the fearful injury by its gasping for breath pecking. 可以想象,当风王鹰近战搏杀之时,与它战斗的敌人,被它喙啄到会受到何等可怕的伤害。 Un!” After Morea touches this build such as mountain the beak several breaths of wind king Ying, as if induced anything, leaned slightly excessively, the somewhat astonished discovery, this hair pure white great bird, when opened the eye incessantly, bright yellow eagle pupil such faint gaze he. “嗯!”当穆瑞亚触碰这只体型如山的风王鹰的喙几息后,似乎感应到了什么,微微侧过头,有些惊愕的发现,这头毛发纯白的巨禽,不止何时睁开了眼睛,明黄色的鹰瞳就这么淡漠的注视着他。 Hehe!” Was staring by wind king Ying, Morea ridiculed to draw back, his facial skin did not have to these degrees thick. “嘿嘿!”被风王鹰这么盯着,穆瑞亚讪笑着退开了,他脸皮还没厚到这些程度。 Whish!” With wind king Ying awakens, regarding the wind wall that all cloud Dao form, protects that wind wall that it sleeps, the instantaneous collapse, overflows to disperse the strong winds to blow in all directions. “哗!”随着风王鹰的苏醒,围绕着所有云岛形成的风壁,还有保护它睡觉的那一层风壁,瞬间崩溃,溢散成狂风向四面八方吹去。 Is centered on this partial clouds island surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) sky, all clouds were all swept across, lets falling that the bright sunlight opens access in because of strong winds, but in mighty waves turbulent sea level. 以这片云岛为中心方圆万里的天空,所有云朵全都被席卷一空,让灿烂的阳光畅通无阻的落在因为狂风而波涛汹涌的海面上。 Regains consciousness merely, lets surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) blustery, wind king Ying who the mighty waves rise from all directions, after opening the eye, without paying attention to Morea with another seven ancient dragon, such calmly lies, is without unnecessary movement. 仅仅只是苏醒,就让方圆万里风起云涌,波涛四起的风王鹰,睁开眼睛之后,也没有理会穆瑞亚与另外七名古龙,就这么静静的趴着,在也没有多余的动作。 So the act, makes its Morea has one type inexplicably familiar regards the feeling, later, after waiting for half quarter, when this wind king Ying with a slow stance, extremely sluggish stands, shakes the wing while convenient, after starting hurricane, Morea that familiarity was more intense. 如此行径,让它身边的穆瑞亚有一种莫名的熟悉的既视感,随后,等了半刻钟之后,当这头风王鹰以一种缓慢的姿态,极为懒散的站起来,顺便还抖抖翅膀,掀起一阵飓风之后,穆瑞亚的那种熟悉感就更强烈了。 The thinking a moment later, Morea wants to understand that slightly finally this familiarity was what reason. His previous generation after Sunday awoke, is not this appearance. After awaking, first opened the eye to lie down a while, after lying down does not want to lie down, then leisure getting out of bed. 略微思索片刻之后,穆瑞亚终于想明白这股熟悉感是什么原因了。他前世在星期天醒了之后,不就是这种样子吗。醒了之后先睁着眼睛躺了一会儿,躺到不想躺之后,再慢悠悠的起床。 Although build and shape different, but the concrete movement solid was similar. Therefore, this wears white feather, is ordinary just like the phoenix, has wind king Ying of more than ten long plume feathers becomes in the Morea eye is somewhat lovable. 虽然体型与形态天差地远,但是具体动作却实差不多了。于是,这头身披白羽,宛如凤凰一般,拥有十几条长长翎羽的风王鹰在穆瑞亚眼中变得有些可爱起来。 In fact, when saw the wind king Ying first eyes, Morea associates to like playing practical joke with that to the Titan islands on phoenix to make fun of azure Tianpeng of five colors dragon. 事实上,当看到风王鹰的第一眼,穆瑞亚联想到了泰坦群岛上的凤凰与那头喜欢玩恶作剧捉弄五色龙的青天鹏。 The atmosphere of phoenix is honored, holy gorgeous, cold proud with azure Tianpeng is aggressive, is insufferably arrogant, Morea saw on wind king Ying of sleeping soundly, after its awakens stands, these makings were more intense. 凤凰的大气尊贵,圣洁华美,与青天鹏的冷傲霸气,不可一世,穆瑞亚都在酣睡的风王鹰身上看到了,而且当它苏醒站起来之后,那些气质更加强烈了。 Regains consciousness wind king Ying who stands, reaches as high as more than 200 meters, palatially like mountain, build, although does not have the land sovereign turtle to be like that huge, but also went far beyond grown Titan. According to the estimate of Morea, perhaps only then Titan of legendary peak can with a it war. 苏醒站立起来的风王鹰,高达两百余米,巍峨如山岳,体型虽然没有陆皇龟那般庞大,但也远远超过了成年的泰坦。按照穆瑞亚的估计,恐怕只有传奇巅峰的泰坦才能与之一战。 Dragon!” Wind king Yingding seven ancient dragon, looking at several breaths merely is these breaths, then takes to ancient Longmen the strong pressure, maintains incessantly the human shape, could not bear change over hundred-meter ancient dragon true body. “龙!”风王鹰盯着七条古龙,看了几息仅仅是这几息,便带给古龙们强大的压力,一个个都维持不止人类形态,忍不住都变回了长达百米以上的古龙真身。 After ancient Longmen reveals the true body, wind king Ying put aside the vision, seems like disinclined to look at them, then the wind king Ying vision stay is turning into the human shape, on build small Morea. 但是当古龙们显露真身之后,风王鹰又移开了目光,似乎是懒得看他们,接着风王鹰的目光停留在化成人类形态,体型小小的穆瑞亚身上。 Dragon King?” Without immediately opens the mouth, wind king Ying stares to be possible Morea several breaths, puts out two character that has the doubts tone, but is quick, it confirmed truly Morea status, proved its immeasurably deep strength. “龙王?”没有立即开口,风王鹰凝视可穆瑞亚几息,吐出两个带着疑惑语气的字,但很快,它就真正确认了穆瑞亚的身份,同时也证明了它深不可测的实力。 Titan!” 泰坦!” Worthily is wind king Ying, the eyesight is really good.” After hearing words that wind king Ying spoke, Morea helpless sighing , until now, under white Gold Dragon god Bahamut xi saw through his status, other existences, legendary ancient dragon cannot feel by Titan bloodlines that he hidden. “不愧是风王鹰啊,眼力真好。”听到风王鹰说的话之后,穆瑞亚无奈的叹了一口气,要知道,迄今为止,只有白金龙神巴哈姆特鉨下识破了他的身份,其余的存在,就连传奇古龙都感受不到被他隐藏起来的泰坦血脉 Why doesn't reveal the true body? Can camouflage the so tiny shape?” Wind king Yingding Morea, tone some are not cheerful. “为何不显露真身?要伪装成如此渺小的形态?”风王鹰盯着穆瑞亚,语气有些不愉。 Sorry, because of my present status need.” On Morea, the golden thunder bursts out, the strong winds sweep across, he relieved the human distortion technique, the choice released the Titan shape. “抱歉,因为我现在身份的需要。”穆瑞亚身上,金色的雷霆迸发,狂风席卷,他解除了人类变形术,选择释放了泰坦形态。 Deep pool ting Yue Zhi, Titan of heroic bearing supernatural might stands before wind king Ying, has one type not to lose the air/Qi field of in Fengwang eagle. But so the appearance is actually startled that seven ancient dragon eye bead that changes the true body shape fell quickly. 渊渟岳峙,英姿神武的泰坦站在风王鹰面前,拥有一种不输于风王鹰的气场。但如此模样却惊得那七条变回真身形态的古龙眼珠子都快掉出来了。 What's the matter can be Titan?” “怎么回事会是泰坦?” This is not the distortion technique.” “这不是变形术。” Hears following these ancient dragon to be full of the shock the color discussion, Morea then toward smiling of their some apologies: I am not pure Gold Dragon, but has Titan and Gold Dragon bloodlines hybrid plants. I do not want to expose this point, was worried that you have other what ideas.” 听到后面那些古龙充满震惊之色的议论声,穆瑞亚回头朝他们有些歉意的笑了笑:“我不是纯粹的金龙,而是拥有泰坦金龙血脉的混血种。我本不想暴露这一点,就是担心你们有什么其他的想法。” Your Highness Morea, you can find us, should be under dragon Shenxi gives your ability, but under Bahamut xi approved your status, we can have anything to say.” 穆瑞亚殿下,你能够找到我们,应该是龙神鉨下赋予你的能力,而巴哈姆特鉨下都认可了你的身份,我们能有什么好说的。” Was I wants.” Morea somewhat embarrassed smiling. Asks ancient dragon to help, naturally is more convenient by the purebred Gold Dragon status, the status that the hybrid plants, how wants to be not as good. “是我想多了。”穆瑞亚有些不好意思的笑了笑。找古龙帮忙,当然是以纯种金龙的身份更加方便,混血种的身份,怎么想都要差一些。 Morea truly does not have to think Titan bloodlines that oneself go into hiding will come out by wind king Yingren. But since recognized, was then good on the natural acknowledgment. 穆瑞亚确实是没有想到自己隐匿的泰坦血脉会被风王鹰认出来。但既然认出来了,那就大大方方的承认便好。 Hybrid Titan, why do you lead one group of ancient dragon to come to alarm my deep sleep?” Wind king Ying talked after Morea and ancient dragon explained that is overlooking Morea diminutive the body opened the mouth to ask. “混血的泰坦,你为何带着一群古龙前来惊扰我的沉睡?”风王鹰在穆瑞亚与古龙交谈解释完之后,俯视着穆瑞亚“矮小”的身躯开口问道。 You have been moving to my territory in cloud Dao now, therefore I do appear here?” Morea is looking up to wind king Ying, asked issue that oneself most want to know: You come to my territory, wants to do?” “你现在所在云岛一直在向我的领地移动,所以我才出现在这里?”穆瑞亚仰望着风王鹰,问出了自己最想知道的问题:“你来我的领地,想要干什么?” „Is my lair moving to your territory?” In the wind king Yingming yellow eye pupil reveals the vacant color, at once it somewhat shakes the head reluctantly, I do not know, but should be your territory will present anything to create existence of harm to the world, will therefore have this situation.” “我的巢穴在向你的领地移动?”风王鹰明黄色的眼瞳中露出茫然之色,旋即它有些无奈地摇摇头,“我不知道,不过应该是你的领地会出现什么会对世界造成危害的存在,所以才会出现这种情况。” Morea turns head to meet ancient Gold Dragon Bastus to look at each other one, their guesses is right, wind king Ying appears truly does not have the good deed here. Therefore Morea duplicate/restores also asked that what existence was that?” 穆瑞亚扭头会古金龙巴斯德对视一眼,他们的猜测是对的,风王鹰出现在这里确实没好事。于是穆瑞亚复又问道,“那是什么的存在?” This must ask you, I do not know.” Wind king Ying shakes the head, then also answered, „before me, continuously in deep sleep, be at unconsciousness condition, if were not your arrivals awakened me, I should now also in the deep sleep.” “这个要问你了,我不知道。”风王鹰摇摇头,而后又解释道,“我之前一直都在沉睡,处于无意识状态,如果不是你们的到来惊醒了我,我现在应该还在沉睡中。” I do not know that in my territory has something to harm existence of the world!” Morea looked up the sky, narrowed the eye slightly. The world will exists, but according to speculating it is impossible to have the subjective consciousness. “我也不知道我的领地之中有什么可以危害世界的存在!”穆瑞亚抬头看了看天空,微微眯了眯眼睛。世界意志是真实存在的,不过按照推测它不可能具有主观意识。 Wind king Ying, do you currently have the special information, or what unusual feeling has?” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus makes noise to ask suddenly. “风王鹰阁下,请问您现在有没有得到特别的信息,或者有什么异常的感觉?”古金龙巴斯德突然出声问道。
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