TDK :: Volume #4

#377: ancient Long's exclamation

Somewhat guessed.” The Morea eye narrows narrowing the eyes slightly, the Rauchman kingdom the talent pours forth now, the disaster rose from all directions. Although because of his appearance, all disasters cannot call it the disaster again, but these matters, looked that is not how normal. “有些猜测。”穆瑞亚眼睛微微眯了眯,洛克曼王国如今天才辈出,灾祸四起。虽然因为他的出现,所有的灾祸都已经不能再称之为灾祸,但是这些事,连起来看怎么都不正常。 The additional winning side king Ying appearance, showed again has the important matter to happen. Six big giant beasts in the representative who some aspect can represent the world will, but their descendants, that is extending of the world will. 再加上风王鹰的出现,更是说明了有大事要发生。六大巨兽在某方面可以代表世界意志的代表,而它们的后裔,那就是世界意志的延伸。 Goes to visit?” “进去拜访一下?” Walks, goes to have a look.” “走,进去看看。” If this wind king Ying is not willing to exchange with us, we retreat, absolutely do not begin with it, brings upon oneself the mildew head.” “如果这头风王鹰不愿意与我们交流,我们就撤退,绝对不要跟它动手,自找霉头。” Knows.” “知道。” Morea another seven ancient dragon, do not have the plan that following king Ying begins, but planned that asks: You planned that runs my domain to do? Why however comes? 不论是穆瑞亚还是另外七位古龙,都没有跟风王鹰动手的打算,只是打算过来问问:你打算跑我的地盘上来干什么?为何而来? Especially Morea, as has contacted existence of this flock of special giant beasts truly, he to them is the scruples. little land sovereign turtle Seaborn to the story that he tells, Morea to the present had not forgotten, but after all Spiritual God but therefore passed coolly, became the material for negative education of symbolic. 特别是穆瑞亚,作为真正接触过这群特殊巨兽的存在,他对它们更是顾忌。小陆皇龟亚希伯恩跟他讲的故事,穆瑞亚到现在都没有忘掉,毕竟可是有一位神灵因此而凉透了,成了标志性的反面教材。 During according to Cloud Giant commanded the Coordinate that Abt gave, Morea found wind king Ying deep sleep that by other cloud Dao to be surrounded, situated in the midpoint just like cloud Dao who small-scale floated the land. 按照云巨人统领艾布特给出的坐标,穆瑞亚找到了风王鹰沉睡那一座被其他的云岛包围之中,处于正中央宛如小型浮陆的云岛。 Can break through?” Stands in central cloud Dao Morea looks front has the hurricanes of innumerable circulation to form one slightly flood azure, its size may with the great egg that the surrounding mountain range is on par with, asked toward ancient Gold Dragon Bastus. “能够突破吗?”站在中央云岛的穆瑞亚望着面前有无数流转的飓风形成一枚略微泛青,其大小可与周围山峦比肩的巨卵,朝身边的古金龙巴斯德问道。 Ok!” Golden miraculous glow in this on Gold Dragon who turns into a kind Old Man white beard the appearance shines, then he searches the hand to put in this shape such as in the wind wall of great egg, making the fricative of person of tooth acid resound. “可以!”金色的灵光在这位化成一位和蔼白胡子老头模样的金龙手上亮起,然后他探手伸进这形如巨卵的风壁之中,令人牙酸的摩擦声响起。 This is one purely the great egg that is formed by the innumerable hurricanes, because the circulation speed of wind is extremely rapid, therefore seems like just like a substantialize great egg is ordinary. 这是一枚纯粹由无数飓风形成的巨卵,因为风的流转速度太过迅速,所以看上去宛如一枚实质化的巨卵一般。 After the ancient Gold Dragon Bastus's hand goes, wraps that miraculous and innumerable close hurricane contact in hand, the miraculous glow is thin cut to cut broken at the visible speed, turns into the dust size the golden light, with the circulation of wind, spreads on the entire great egg, is seemingly tall and pleasing to the eye. 当古金龙巴斯德的手进去之后,包裹在手上的那一层灵光与无数细密的飓风接触,灵光以肉眼可见的速度被削薄斩碎,化成点点灰尘般大小的金光,随着风的流转,散布在整枚巨卵上,看上去美轮美奂。 Very powerful defense.” Saw the miraculous glow on own hand in several breaths by innumerable close the winds truncate to nearly without the situation, on the Gold Dragon Bastus face is revealed a startled color. “很强大的防御。”看到自己手上的灵光在几息间被无数细密的风削到近乎于无的地步,金龙巴斯德脸上露出一丝惊色。 „The words of legend, consume some strengths to break through, the words of soul intent, basically did not have......” just to continuing ancient Gold Dragon Bastus, saw after Morea, stopped the thread of conversation forcefully, overwhelming majority soul intent lifeform are unable to break through the wind wall, but Morea as having existence of Dragon King bloodlines, that did not say. He can break existence of every thing cognition with ease. “传奇的话,耗费一些力量就能够突破,魂意的话,基本没有……”刚刚向继续说下去的古金龙巴斯德,看到穆瑞亚后硬生生的止住了话头,绝大部分魂意生物都无法突破风壁,但穆瑞亚作为拥有龙王血脉的存在,那就不好说了。他本身就能够轻松打破凡物认知的存在。 Goes in!” Had known that on the Morea face of this wind wall intensity reveals the color of anticipation. Wind king Ying, even in dragon clan inheritance memory still only then the name and brief description, do not have existence of coherent video, this existence, Morea is quite curious. “进去吧!”已经得知这一层风壁强度的穆瑞亚脸上露出期待之色。风王鹰,就算是龙族的传承记忆之中也只有名字与简短的描述,没有相关影像的存在,这种存在,穆瑞亚可是相当好奇的。 Needs me to lead the way for you? Your Highness Morea.” azure who one bronze ancient Longhua line becomes sends the knight to smile to ask. “需要我为您开路吗?穆瑞亚殿下。”一位青铜古龙化行而成的青发骑士笑问道。 „If there is strength of legend, can break through the wind wall, I think that I do not need to help.” Morea turned down the bronze ancient dragon help with a smile, then taking a step windward wall. “如果只是拥有传奇的力量,就可以突破风壁的话,我想我不需要帮助。”穆瑞亚笑着婉拒了青铜古龙的帮助,而后迈步向风壁。 In flash that he raises legs, in Morea slender tall and straight wear gorgeous king robe body, a light golden dragon flame ignites. The back brings the thunder one after another, seems the hurricane passes, derives the complex mysterious spirit mark the link of soul intent, connects the appearance. 在他抬腿的一瞬间,穆瑞亚修长挺拔穿着华美王袍的身躯上,一层淡淡的金色龙炎燃起。背后一道又一道带着雷霆,似有飓风在其中流转,衍生出复杂玄奥灵纹的魂意之环,接连出现。 Hiss!” Saw that Morea released the ancient Silver Dragons of link of all soul intent unable to bear pull out cold air, saw after the Morea easy opening wind wall entered the wind the great egg, the complexion revealed startled to allow, unable to bear sigh: “嘶!”看到穆瑞亚释放所有的魂意之环的一位古银龙忍不住抽了一口凉气,看到穆瑞亚轻而易举的撑开风壁走进风之巨卵后,脸色露出惊容,忍不住感叹到: „The links of 96 soul intent, the lineage of Dragon King, this quantity still went too far even.” “九十六道魂意之环,就算是龙王之裔,这个数量也太过分了吧。” „, Sees clearly, 45 that this your highness the link of soul intent just started to present with the difference that behind has, besides color different, gives back to a I unstable feeling.” “咳,看清楚,这位殿下的魂意之环刚开始出现的四十五道跟后面出现的不一样,除了颜色不同之外,还给我一种不稳定的感觉。” This should gobble up certain treasures , to promote to create the strength in a short time forcefully, the issue is not big, precipitation some time on line.” “这应该是吞吃了某些宝物,将力量在短时间内强行提升上去造成的,问题不大,沉淀一段时间就行了。” This your highness, the temper was too irritable, rests two to think, endured for several hundred years was not good, why to swallow some precious treasures, the waste!” “这殿下,性子还是太急躁了,睡两觉,熬过几百年的时间不就行了,何必吞噬一些珍贵的瑰宝,浪费啊!” „The descendant of Dragon King, how possibly same sleeps with our these old fogies daily, you want is too many.” “龙王的后裔,怎么可能跟我们这些老家伙一样天天睡觉,你想太多了。” This your highness, although is young, but experiences to be many, looks at his appearance, should encounter anything, so urgent improvement strength.” “这位殿下,虽然年纪不大,但是经历应该不少,看他的样子,应该是遭遇了什么,才会如此迫切的提升力量吧。” Was too young.” ancient dragon shakes the head, is somewhat regrettable, he is the hearts of these elements Morea swallows regretted, can promote the treasure of lineage of strength Dragon King, thinks to know that was precious. “还是太年轻了。”一位古龙摇摇头,有些遗憾,他在为穆瑞亚吞下的那些元素之心而遗憾,能够提升龙王之裔力量的宝物,想想就知道有多么珍贵了。 Should go, do not make Your Highness Morea and others too long.” “该进去了,别让穆瑞亚殿下等太久。” Because seven ancient dragon Morea that startled dragon quantity the link of soul intent, discussed a moment later, broke open this wind wall, entered this wind in the great egg. 七位古龙因为穆瑞亚那惊龙数量的魂意之环,议论片刻之后,就纷纷破开这一层风壁,进入这一枚风之巨卵之中。 Then, before they saw Morea, that is sleeping soundly, feather pure white giant birds, under its body, because a lot of wind elements concentrate the rock-crystal that forms. 然后,他们就看到了穆瑞亚前那头正在酣睡,羽毛纯白的巨大禽鸟,还有在它身下由于大量风元素富集而形成的水晶矿。 This how many side element crystals?” After coming, cast aside sleeping soundly wind king Ying merely, the ancient dragon vision then falls in the eagle nest under its body. “这得有多少方元素水晶啊?”进来之后,仅仅撇了一眼正在酣睡的风王鹰,古龙目光便都落在它身下的鹰巢之中。 More than 1 million!” ancient Gold Dragon Bastus acts according to the front wind king Ying build, infers some eagle nest many side element crystals under its body. “不下百万吧!”古金龙巴斯德根据面前风王鹰的体型,推断出它身下的鹰巢到底有多少方元素水晶。 „The purities of these element crystals...... I see the congealment succinctly to this degree of crystal for the first time.” “这些元素水晶的纯度……我第一次见到凝结精粹到这种程度的水晶。” This is forms because of the wind king Ying strength......” “这可是因为风王鹰的力量而形成……” Hears the following that crowd of ancient dragon that the discussion of accent, lets size up this god Junwei fierce wind king Ying Morea corners of the mouth to twitch carefully, the emphasis of this group of old fogies also really has dragon clan the style and characteristics. 听到后面那群古龙那不着调的议论,让正在仔细打量着这头神骏威猛风王鹰的穆瑞亚嘴角直抽搐,这群老家伙的关注点还真是颇具龙族的风格与特性。 Has not seen giant beast including nearly eternal Gods a time, after they look at one, the emphasis falls to its lair above unexpectedly, making Morea quite speechless. 连很多近乎永恒的神袛都没有见过一次的巨兽,他们看一眼之后,关注点居然落到它的巢穴之上,让穆瑞亚颇为无语。 Oh!” Morea sighed the one breath lightly, was hanging and vertical body goes to sleeping soundly wind king Yingfei. “唉!”穆瑞亚轻叹一口气,然后悬空而立的身体向正在酣睡的风王鹰飞去。 Your highness!” Sees the Morea movement, was arguing that wind king Ying eagle nest value how much money ancient Longmen of responded immediately, made noise to stop hastily. “殿下!”看到穆瑞亚的动作,正在争论风王鹰的鹰巢值多少钱的古龙们立即反应过来,连忙出声制止。 Might as well.” Morea beckons with the hand, the facial expression falls to the eagle nest that in comprised of the azure element crystal construction calm, then takes a step toward its head walks, finally puts out a hand to touch it to bring the metal sense of reality eagle beak gently. “无妨。”穆瑞亚摆摆手,神情淡定地落到由天青色的元素水晶构建组成的鹰巢上,而后迈步向它的头部走去,最后伸出手轻轻触碰它带着金属质感的鹰喙。
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