TDK :: Volume #4

#388: Also sees the potential surface merchant

Morea is filling the chicken soup that did not ask for money to the young hunting demon knight, making him has high morale, resolves to aim at to become the Rowen's second, has the gratified smile, drew the British imperialist to pull away half potential surface. 穆瑞亚对着年轻的狩魔骑士灌了一通不要钱的鸡汤,让他变得斗志昂扬,立志以成为罗恩第二为目标之后,就带着欣慰的笑容,拉着英帝拉离开了半位面。 Reappears in the royal palace, discovered dragon maid Mia who Morea vanishes suddenly welcomed hastily, she as was corroded dozens years of dragon by the Morea aura, has the natural induction regarding existence of Morea. 重新出现在王宫时,发现穆瑞亚突然消失的龙裔女仆米娅连忙迎了上来,她作为被穆瑞亚的气息侵蚀了数十年之久的龙裔,对于穆瑞亚的存在有着天然的感应。 Morea just entered half potential surface, she could not feel that his existed, now Morea appeared, she naturally looked immediately, Young Master Morea, your was......” 穆瑞亚刚刚进入半位面,她就感觉不到他的存在了,现在穆瑞亚出现了,她自然立马就找上来了,“穆瑞亚少爷,您这是……” I have told you, I once obtained -and-a-half potential surfaces in Awes Nero subcontinent, I was just entered half potential surface, came out this little fellow belt/bring.” Morea puts out a hand to trace British imperialist, approaches own personal maid to introduce her. “我跟你说过,我曾经在奥斯尼罗次大陆获得了一座半位面,我刚刚就是进入半位面去,把这位小家伙带出来。”穆瑞亚伸手摸了摸英帝拉,向自己的贴身女仆介绍她。 Young master, she seems like with you.” Sees just like mother Morea of diminished version, was young section of British imperialist, on the Mia face showed the joyful smile immediately. Depending on with Morea just like the biological brother and sister's semblance, the British imperialist draws asks for happily. “少爷,她跟你好像啊。”看到活脱脱就是一位缩小版的娘化穆瑞亚,还是年龄小了一截的英帝拉,米娅脸上顿时露出喜悦的笑容。凭与穆瑞亚宛如亲兄妹的外表,英帝拉还是非常讨喜的。 Morea, can I eat her?” Is holding the hand of Morea, seemingly clever British imperialist stares is wanting to touch her Mia. 穆瑞亚,我能吃掉她吗?”牵着穆瑞亚的手,看似乖巧的英帝拉盯着想要触碰她的米娅。 „It is not good.” Morea put out a hand to pinch the British imperialist to draw the tender slippery cheek, British imperialist, did not pass through my permission, you cannot eat any have the thing of life.” “不行。”穆瑞亚伸手捏了捏英帝拉嫩滑的脸蛋,“英帝拉,不经过我的允许,你不能吃掉任何有生命的东西。” „!” The British imperialist of Morea rejection draws some losing lowers the head to suck in own finger. “哦!”被穆瑞亚拒绝的英帝拉有些失落的低下头吮吸着自己的手指。 Young Master Morea......” just wanted Mia who traces the British imperialist to draw, was drawn by the British imperialist with looking at the vision of food stares absolutely terrifiedly, the forehead and back seep out close cold sweat unknowingly. 穆瑞亚少爷……”刚刚想要摸一摸英帝拉的米娅,被英帝拉用看食物的目光盯得毛骨悚然,额头与后背不知不觉渗出一层细密的冷汗。 British imperialist draws from void, unlike us.” Morea issues the order, later informs everyone in royal palace, do not contact British imperialist, saw then finds the way to avoid.” “英帝拉来自虚空,跟我们都不一样。”穆瑞亚下达命令,“待会去通知王宫中的所有人,不要接触英帝拉,看到了便自己想办法避开。” Morea......” hears the order of Morea, the British imperialist draws somewhat discontentedly honk mouth, looks really lovable, but besides Morea, no one has the capital to appreciate lovable that the British imperialist draws pitifully. 穆瑞亚……”听到穆瑞亚的命令,英帝拉有些不满的嘟了嘟嘴巴,看起来煞是可爱,但可惜除了穆瑞亚以外,没有谁有资本欣赏英帝拉的可爱。 Morea has not paid attention to British imperialist, but continues to inquire Mia: How did Beira Dean's funeral prepare?” 穆瑞亚没有理会英帝拉,而是继续询问米娅:“贝拉迪恩的葬礼准备得怎么样了?” Is underway, according to the custom of Rauchman kingdom, I the death news passing on word nation of king, currently has the aristocrat to send people to attend the king Beira Dean's funeral.” “正在进行当中,按照洛克曼王国的规矩,我已经将君王的死讯传告全国,现在已经有贵族派人来参加君王贝拉迪恩的葬礼了。” Un, Beira Dean's funeral must be appropriate according to their custom stipulation preparation, cannot make a mistake.” “嗯,贝拉迪恩的葬礼一定要按照他们的习俗规定准备妥当,不能出一点差错。” You felt relieved that Young Master Morea.” “您放心吧,穆瑞亚少爷。” Un, British imperialist, walked.” Morea is drawing already the little girl who starts to look around, I lead you to see your later meal ticket, from now on you must protect her well, all wants to harm her person, you can treat as food to eat.” “嗯,英帝拉,走了。”穆瑞亚拉着已经开始东张西望的小女孩,“我带你去见你以后的饭票,从现在起你一定要好好保护她,所有想要伤害她的人,你都可以当做食物吃掉。” Un un!” Hears this request, the British imperialist pulls open the heart smiles, the eye narrowed two curved crescent moons. “嗯嗯!”听到这种要求,英帝拉开心的笑起来,眼睛眯成了两颗弯弯的月牙。 Where is Princess Millie at?” Nowadays when Morea arrives at the palace that the Rauchman kingdom sole heirs are, after maidservant and guard inquiry, Morea discovered a strange phenomenon. “蕾米莉亚公主在哪?”当穆瑞亚来到现今洛克曼王国唯一继承人所在的宫殿,向侍女与守卫询问之后,穆瑞亚发现了一个诡异的现象。 Does not know.” The maidservant is the Giant guard who he sends, does not know at all, replied completely does not know, as if this time Princess Millie did not exist to be the same. “不知道。”不论是侍女还是他派遣的巨人守卫,都是一问三不知,全部都是回答不知道,仿佛此时的蕾米莉亚公主不存在一样。 Finally, in the back garden in Millie palace, Morea sees extremely strangely, actually specially familiar one. 最终,就在蕾米莉亚宫殿的后花园中,穆瑞亚看到极为诡异,却又特别熟悉的一幕。 Wears the black robe, cannot see clearly the voice and face look, should be the fellow of human form lifeform evidently, sitting cross-legged in fully is in the garden of wonderful rare grass. 一位身穿黑袍,看不清音容相貌,看样子应该是人形生物的家伙,盘坐在满是奇珍异草的花园之中。 Before him, is suspending a clean neat black wool blanket, above is placing variously, as if common commodity. 在他面前,摆着一张干净整洁黑色毛毯,上面摆放着各种各样,似乎毫不起眼的商品。 So the appearance, seems like in the general merchandise merchant who each city can easily find, they handle and sell various types of cargos of unknown origin, but mostly is the low level goods. 如此打扮,就好像是在每一座城市都可以轻易找到的百货商人,他们处理并出售各种来历不明的货物,不过大多都是低级的物品。 But should appeared making noise the grocery merchant in street, unexpectedly so strange appearance in royal palace, moreover in the alert most stern Millie resting palace, how this is not strange. 但本应出现在喧闹街头的杂货商人,居然如此诡异的出现在王宫之中,而且还是戒备最森严蕾米莉亚的寝宫之中,这如何不诡异。 Morea own guard specification does not have the little princess who he gives to be high. But is the so stern imperial grounds, unexpectedly regards as does not have by this fellow the thing. 穆瑞亚自己的护卫规格都没有他给予的这位小公主高。但就是如此森严的宫禁,居然被这家伙视为无物。 Morea sends here Storm Giant and Cloud Giant, even goes on patrol the above lion vulture, has not seen this grocery merchant completely, vending stall that squats before this merchant, is choosing anything's Princess Millie to be treated as does not exist. 穆瑞亚派到这里的风暴巨人云巨人,就算是巡逻到上空的狮鹫,全部都没有看到这位杂货商人,连带着蹲在这位商人的货摊前,正在挑选什么的蕾米莉亚公主都被当做不存在。 Or has the feeling was weakened to nearly without the situation. Millie exists at this time as before, but everyone, exists except for Morea this type specially, neglected this little princess. 或者说,就是存在感被削弱到近乎于无的地步。蕾米莉亚此时依旧存在,但是所有人,除了穆瑞亚这种特殊存在,都忽略了这位小公主。 Potential surface merchant!” Sees that body black robe, sits cross-legged the fellow who sits, Morea narrowed the eye, then looks down to British imperialist, „can you see that to put on the fellow of black robe?” “位面商人!”看到那位身黑袍,盘膝而坐的家伙,穆瑞亚眯了眯眼睛,然后低头看向身边的英帝拉,“你能看见那穿黑袍的家伙吗?” What?” British imperialist who is looking around curiously everywhere hears the Morea issue, bewildered visits him. “什么?”正在好奇地到处张望的英帝拉听到穆瑞亚的问题,一脸茫然的看着他。 It‘s nothing, the stand of your little darling here do not move heedlessly, I buy a thing to come back.” Morea loosened grabbed the hand that the British imperialist held, took a step to move toward the stall of that potential surface merchant. “没什么,你乖乖的站在这里不要乱动,我去买点东西就回来。”穆瑞亚松开了抓住英帝拉的手,迈步走向那位位面商人的摊位。 When Morea takes a step to be close to the potential surface merchant, his existence feeling was suppressed rapidly reduces, when he stands Millie side, British imperialist was more vacant, she does not know why oneself appear here, but remembers vaguely some people want her to stop wait for him here. 穆瑞亚迈步接近位面商人时,他的存在感迅速被压制削减,当他站到蕾米莉亚身边时,英帝拉更加茫然了,她不知道自己为何出现在这里,只是依稀记得有人要她停在这里等他。 Good day, the leader of laws in Rauchman kingdom, great Your Highness Morea.” Sees Morea to be close, sits cross-legged the black robe merchant who sits also to lower the head slightly, the rack does not know compared with goblin merchant Stallone big many. “日安,洛克曼王国的执政者,伟大的穆瑞亚殿下。”看到穆瑞亚接近,盘膝而坐的黑袍商人也只是微微低头,架子不知道比地精商人史泰龙大多少。 „Do you want this to snatch?” Has not paid attention with the potential surface merchant who he puts on airs, the Morea squatting lower part of the body, looks to Millie, a scarlet red long spear/gun that in her hand firmly holds. “你想要这柄抢吗?”没有理会跟他摆架子的位面商人,穆瑞亚蹲下身,看向蕾米莉亚,还有她手中紧紧抓住的一柄赤红色长枪。 Un.” Saw Morea, Millie shrank the head timidly, after hesitant one next, slowly nod. “嗯。”看到穆瑞亚,蕾米莉亚怯生生的缩了缩脑袋,犹豫一下之后,又缓缓点头。 This spear/gun how much money?” Morea asked toward this black robe merchant directly. “这柄枪多少钱?”穆瑞亚直接朝这名黑袍商人问道。 Your Highness Morea, your is not good, I had reached an agreement the price with this young guest, immediately must carry out the transaction.” 穆瑞亚殿下,您这样不好吧,我已经跟这位小客人谈好了价格,马上就要进行交易了。” I now am her guardian, has the right to interfere with all her decisions, and there is to protect she impassible duty. Told me, what price do you want to make my Millie little princess pay to buy this spear/gun?” “我现在是她监护人,有权干涉她的一切决定,并且有保护她不受伤害的义务。告诉我,你想让我的蕾米莉亚小公主付出什么代价买下这柄枪?” „The words that you spoke, I have to tell you.” The black robe merchant tone is light, this young guest wants grid Neil, needs to pay the price: 500 years later, acts unconditionally three times.” “您这么说的话,那我就只好告诉您了。”黑袍商人语气平淡,“这位小客人想要冈格尼尔,需要付出价格:五百年之后,无条件出手三次。” If I must buy this spear/gun for her, what price needs to pay?” “如果我要替她买下这柄枪,需要付出什么代价?” Please allow me to practice divination simply your future.” “请容我简单的占卜一下您的未来。”
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