TGITR :: Volume #11

#1073: The life is a adventure

Chapter 1073 life is a adventure 第1073章人生是一场冒险 The life is a adventure, Big Eye In Debt has presented these words for the creed. 人生就是一场冒险,负债大眼一直将这句话奉为信条。 Therefore —— 所以—— Even if will step on the pit is still not all that serious occasionally. 即使偶尔会踩坑也没什么大不了。 Actually when sees the business agent list, he has had an ominous premonition faintly, after just hearing the business agent to vow solemnly that guaranteed certainly the Public Beta genuine end, he was also in the half believing and half doubting mood to believe. 其实早在看到代理商名单的时候,他就隐隐有过一丝不祥的预感,只不过当听到代理商信誓旦旦的保证一定把公测版原汁原味的端上来之后,他又怀着将信将疑的心情信了。 Facts show —— 事实证明—— He was the person was too honest, others said that any he letter/believed anything, forgot not everyone like Brother Light. 他还是人太老实了,别人说啥他就信啥,忘了并不是所有人都像光哥一样实在。 When saw that mosaic turned into the mosaic, finally oneself also turned into the mosaic, star territory of that quarter in his pupil, cannot stretch finally gradually turned panic-stricken. 当看到那马赛克变成了马赛克,最终自己也变成了马赛克,那刻在他的瞳孔里的星域,终于渐渐绷不住的变成了惊恐。 What ghost?! 什么鬼?! Why he could not control oneself body! 为什么他控制不了自己的身体! Waits for —— 等等—— fuck! 卧槽 Do not come!” “你不要过来啊啊啊!” His soul had/left the hole. 他的灵魂出窍了。 Turned into another shape thing. 变成了另一种形状的东西。 Then not only his spirit, he felt injected the harmony together with own existence ruthlessly. 接着不只是他的精神,他感觉连同自己的存在都被狠狠的注入了和谐。 When all settles down, Big Eye In Debt looks the balance in helplessly the account vanishing as well as Endurance -10, duration a half hour debuff, in the eye lost the light gradually. 当所有的一切都尘埃落定,负债大眼眼睁睁地看着账户里消失的余额以及“耐力-十,持续时间半小时”的debuff,眼里渐渐失去了光。 A moment ago...... 刚才…… What exactly had? 到底发生了什么? Where I come, where also to goes? 我从哪里来,又到哪里去? Why can human injure mutually? 人类为何要互相伤害? —— 还有—— Before universe large explosion, what exactly had? 宇宙大爆炸之前到底发生了什么? He starts to ponder that gradually the significance of life is anything, like a true sage. 他渐渐开始思考起了人生的意义到底是什么,就像一位真正的贤者。 From now on, on this piece of wasteland were also many a turning a new leaf good person...... probably. 从今往后,这片废土上又多了一个改邪归正的好人……大概。 It is not the lifelike issue. 已经不是逼真不逼真的问题了。 This also too mother had the pedagogical meaning! 这也太尼玛的有教育意义了! ...... …… Achoo!” “阿嚏!” At the same time, just returned to Chu Guang of safe area to sneeze from the leech hole, rubbed the nose to mumble one. 同一时间,刚刚从水蛭洞返回安全区的楚光打了声喷嚏,揉着鼻子嘟囔了一句。 Who is in back boasts Commander father......” “又是谁在背后夸老子帅……” Ok. 算了。 Who pondering over is not meaningful, similar words he heard the ear to have the cocoon. 琢磨是谁没什么意义,类似的话他都听得耳朵起茧了。 When Chu Guang stretches oneself plans offline, suddenly bumped into an acquaintance. 就在楚光伸了个懒腰打算下线的时候,忽然撞见了一位熟人。 Reason that said is the acquaintance, because that meter eight high stature and heroic mind/bosom are in a mold carve simply. 之所以说是熟人,因为那一米八的高个儿和豪迈的胸怀简直就是一个模子里刻出来的。 Even not only modeling. 甚至不只是建模。 That silly dull moe is also exactly the same, looks is not very intelligent. 就连那股傻里傻气的呆萌也是一模一样,看着就不是很聪明。 Chu Guang jumped out of the small map point to open ID to look at one, even ID was also same. 楚光跳出小地图点开id看了一眼,连ID也是同一款的。 Player ID: Yaya 7778 【玩家ID:鸦鸦7778】 Un. 嗯。 It seems like added many digits to register. 看来加了很多个数字才注册上。 Was oneself right. 是本人没错了。 Sees her to look around seems to be seeking for anything's appearance, Chu Guang thinks not to come up to greet finally. 见她东张西望似乎在寻找什么的模样,楚光想了想最终还是没上去打招呼。 Because the function of strength mutual, awkward is also. 因为力的作用是相互的,尴尬也是。 However when he is preparing to go round, the eye that pair looks around everywhere was actually the flash looked. 然而就在他正准备绕开的时候,那双四处张望的眼睛却是一瞬间看了过来。 „......! Please wait!” “……等!请等一下!” Although always thought that will be very troublesome, but since were discovered, Chu Guang stopped the footsteps, and lost to form a team to invite the past conveniently, said in team channel. 虽然总觉得会很麻烦,但既然都被发现了,楚光还是停下了脚步,并随手丢了个组队邀请过去,在队伍频道里说道。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Stopped the footsteps Yaya to blush, made excuses some little time, finally suppressed a few words. 停住脚步的鸦鸦红着脸,支支吾吾了好一会儿,终于憋出了一句话。 „Are you Light?” “你就是阿光吗?” Hears these words, Chu Guang does not need to guess knows, definitely was Ye Ten that boy oneself shaking. 听到这句话,楚光不用猜都知道,肯定是夜十那小子把自己给抖出去了。 Otherwise even if she knows own nickname as well as Public Beta take is the main body face, the not possible accurate localization district walks. 否则就算她知道自己的昵称以及公测服用的就是本尊的脸,也不可能精准的定位大区找上门来。 However, he had not requested the brothers to keep secret for himself and that's the end. 不过话说回来,他本来也没要求好兄弟替自己保密就是了。 Returning to the proper topic. 言归正传。 Looks to blush Yaya of Apple, Chu Guang some does not know suddenly should make what expression. 看着脸红成苹果的鸦鸦,楚光一时间也有些不知道该作何表情。 How can I say? 怎么说呢? This fellows and other players a little are not quite truly same. 这家伙和其他玩家确实有点儿不太一样。 As the player of server first awakening toxicity recognition talent, he has truly used this fellow a lot, when particularly he cannot make up mind some mutated lifeform to eat. 作为全服首个觉醒毒性识别天赋的玩家,他确实没少用过这家伙,尤其是当他拿不定主意某个变异生物到底能不能吃的时候。 In the early period of the alliance development faced with the food crisis, she and old elegant it can be said that has lasting achievements, enriched the recipes of Hegu Province survivors enormously. 在联盟发展早期面临粮食危机的时候,她和老娜两人可以说是功不可没,极大丰富了河谷行省幸存者们的食谱。 Afterward the alliance had the lifeform research institute, did not need Yaya to try actually, but Chu Guang wants to select each time went does not want to spend the flustered time greatly, will trouble her to run about. 后来联盟有了生物研究所,倒是不用鸦鸦一个一个试了,但每次楚光想点外卖又不想大费周章的时候,还是会麻烦她跑腿。 Although she is also the casual player, pours has not delayed her anything matter, but with brushed favorability unlocking Hidden Mission to trick she to deliver over a thousand going really also to have not the good place. 虽然她本身也是休闲玩家,倒也没有耽误她什么事情,但用“刷好感度可以解锁隐藏任务”忽悠她送了上千次外卖的自己确实也有不好的地方。 In addition, he also truly by interesting to listen to her many small worry in secret and reality......, even if he does not want to listen, moreover suggested more than once this fellow pays attention to the privacy, leaves anything toward NPC on but actually. 除此之外,他也确实被动听了她不少小秘密和现实中的烦恼……即便他并不想听,而且不止一次暗示这家伙注意隐私,别什么事情都往NPC身上倒。 In brief, truly does not feel all right. 总之,确实不太好意思。 But he besides stretching, indeed did not have a better way. 但他除了绷住之外,也的确没有更好的办法了。 „...... Is I, how?” “……是我,怎么了?” Therefore you are really the real person......” “所以你果然是真人……” Yes.” “是的。” Is, why must pretend that is npc......” “为,为什么要假装是npc啊……” This issue was a long story, because of all kinds of difficulties, although I did not count on that you understood, is not really good hates me also yes.” “这个问题就说来话长了,因为各种各样的苦衷吧,虽然我也不指望伱们理解,实在不行恨我也是可以的。” Hates...... that to be insufficient but actually.” “恨……那倒不至于。” The face of Yaya had become the lantern red, like the water boiled the teapot. 鸦鸦的脸已经红成了灯笼,就像水烧开了的茶壶一样。 The lip twitched some little time, she said finally was suppressing for a long time words at heart. 嘴唇抽动了好一会儿,她终于说出了在心里憋了好久的话。 „Before me, thing that said......” “那我以前,说的东西……” The Chu Guang expression looks subtly to the one side. 楚光表情微妙地看向一旁。 I have not told anybody.” “我没告诉任何人。” Therefore heard!!! 所以还是听见了啊!!! That flash, Yaya just like the painful mask to be the same, both hands held to squat on the ground. 那一瞬间,鸦鸦犹如出了痛苦面具一般,双手抱头蹲在了地上。 That eye lost the dream. 那双眼睛失去了梦想。 On such as loses the big eye of dream to be the same. 就如失去梦想的大眼一样。 Hey, are you good?” “喂,你还好吗?” Could not have heard the sound, holds she who squats on the ground uses the empty sound to discuss broken. 已经听不见外界的声音,抱头蹲在地上的她用空洞的声音碎碎念道。 Ended...... my life...... to finish......” “完了……我的人生……已经结束了……” Chu Guang sighed to say. 楚光叹了口气说道。 Does not use this, I am the universe person, you can regard a dream that side matter completely. Even if the person in dream knows your secret, will not have any effect on your real life.” “也不用这样吧,我是宇宙的人,你可以完全把那边的事情当成一场梦。就算梦里的人知道了你的秘密,对你现实生活也不会有任何影响的。” He will not comfort the person very much. 他不是很会安慰人。 After all in the past 200 years, he let alone was comforted by whom, the time of continually gasping for breath does not have, the eye shuts opens the eyes is the new start. 毕竟在过去的200年里,他别说是被谁安慰了,连喘口气的时间都没有,眼睛一闭一睁又是新的开始。 Has accompanied only side him, only then experiences Little Seven of 777 samsara with him together. 唯一一直陪在他身边的,只有和他一同经历777次轮回的小柒 Sometimes he himself does not make clear, on oneself is also left over the ingredients of many people. 有时候他自己都搞不清楚,自己身上到底还剩下多少人的成分。 Also or as ends him of shape life body from the beginning is not the human in complete significance. 也或者身为完形生命体的他从一开始就不是完全意义上的人类。 God but who is created by somebody kind. 而是由某个人类创造的神。 When Chu Guang thinks how should do, on the ground squats good long while Yaya suddenly probably to vent, is blushing and stood. 就在楚光思索着该怎么做的时候,在地上蹲了好半天的鸦鸦忽然像是发泄完了似的,红着脸又站了起来。 Came as a surprise to Chu Guang, in her pupil has not hated or other negativities, instead is his unexpected sincerity. 出乎了楚光的意料,她的瞳孔里并没有怨恨或者其他的负面情绪,反而是他意想不到的诚恳。 That...... thanks.” “那个……谢谢。” Un?” “嗯?” Facing the line of sight of Chu Guang inquiry, Yaya smiles shyly, after bashful a while, finally revealed that difficult aspiration. 面对楚光询问的视线,鸦鸦腼腆笑了笑,忸怩了一会儿之后最终还是吐露了那难以启齿的心声。 Actually, I also think from the beginning that is only a quite real game, has not thought that suddenly some people told me that are not the games, but was another world......” “其实吧,一开始我还以为那只是个比较真实的游戏而已,没想到突然有人告诉我那不是游戏,而是另外一个世界……” To be honest, I really had a scare, but calms down to think a little accidentally/surprisingly...... pleasantly surprised? These people who never expected that I help unexpectedly real, never expected that I ordinary the person in the reality can also help so many people like this. Perhaps I did not say appropriately, but I truly think......” “老实说,我真的被吓了一跳,不过冷静下来想想又有点意外的……惊喜?没想到我帮助的那些人居然是真的,没想到我这样在现实中普普通通的人也可以帮到这么多人。也许我这么说不合适,但我心里确实是这么想的……” Nothing is inappropriate, was very happy that you can think,” Chu Guang smiles , to continue to say with the tone of appreciation, „, this good is not ordinary, many people live for a lifetime to oneself and to others, to the hostility of the world , hopes that you can continue this good share to your person...... your world, is our world.” “没什么不合适的,很高兴你能这么想,”楚光莞尔一笑,用赞赏的语气继续说道,“还有,这份善良并不普通,许多人一辈子都活在对自己、对他人、对世界的敌意里,希望你能继续将这份善良分享给你身边的人……无论是你的世界,还是我们的世界。” Thanks......” Yaya to smile embarrassed , to continue saying that actually you are also oh, what obviously you can not say right? Then as before secretly......” “谢谢……”鸦鸦不好意思笑了笑,继续说道,“其实你也是,你明明可以什么都不说的对吧?然后像以前一样偷偷的……” Does not know how should describe that feeling, she gesticulated scissors the hand signal. 不知该如何形容那种感觉,她比画了一个剪刀咔嚓的手势。 She gets a sudden inspiration, adds in behind „...... sheared garlic chives anything, the Chu Guang nearly relates to Vinevine often in the face writing that at the forum sent. 要不是她灵机一动,在后面又加了一句“……割韭菜什么的”,楚光都差点儿联想到藤藤常在论坛上发的颜文字上了。 Looks at naive Yaya, he smiles to say lightly. 看着过于天真的鸦鸦,他淡淡笑了笑说道。 Perhaps oh, I openly for more convenient shearing garlic chives, I had not perhaps said after all I am what good person.” “说不定,也许我公开就是为了更方便的割韭菜,毕竟我可从来没说过我是什么好人。” What made his accidental/surprised was, Yaya after hearing these words actually earnest. 令他意外的是,鸦鸦在听到这句话之后却认真了起来。 I know that you are! You are...... are very actually gentle, abdomen that also very good person, everyone has not said is black.” “我知道你是!你其实是个……很温柔,也很善良的人,并没有大家说的那么腹黑。” Obviously sometimes you can do is relentless, or does not have a humane point, win-win that but you sought to satisfy both sides finally as far as possible the method of...... are you always say? Hehe, although I do not understand very much, but I after all am sixth sense keen Sensory-Type, I can feel!” “有时候你明明可以做的更毫不留情一点,或者说更没有人性一点,但你最终还是尽可能去寻找两全其美的方法了……就是你总说的共赢?嘿嘿,虽然我也不是很懂啦,但我毕竟是第六感敏锐的感知系,我是能感觉到的!” In brief, game that thank you plays!” “总之,谢谢你做的游戏!” Yaya deeply bows. 鸦鸦深深鞠了个躬。 The instance of raising the head, she seems to think somewhat embarrassed, index finger flexure the cheeks, exhaled system contact surface offline flurriedly. 抬起头的瞬间,她似乎又觉得有些不好意思,食指挠了挠脸颊,慌乱地呼出系统界面下线了。 The Public Beta clothing/taking quite convenience, safe area offline can vanish in this regard baseless, but will not keep the clone body to be in-situ like testing. 公测服在这点上比较方便,安全区下线可以凭空消失,而不会像“封测”一样留个克隆体在原地。 Thanks...... 谢谢么…… Has not thought that unexpectedly does not come sending a punitive expedition. 没想到居然不是来“兴师问罪”的。 Looks the tide of people that the direction that Yaya vanishes and that comes and goes, the corners of the mouth of Chu Guang turned upwards a smile, said with very light sound. 看着鸦鸦消失的方向和那来来往往的人潮,楚光的嘴角翘起了一丝笑容,用很轻的声音说道。 Is impolite.” “不客气。” Always felt the value. 总感觉值了。 ...... …… The time passes by day-by-day, as the calendar turned Tail of December from December's opening, two Multiverse also hugged in abundance respectively the new year. 时间一天天过去,随着日历从12月的开头翻到了12月的尾巴,两个平行宇宙也纷纷各自拥抱了新的一年。 Universe, in 2027. 宇宙,2027年。 《Wasteland Online》 Public Beta has operated steadily for a month, global player number relaxed broken hundred million, simultaneously the online population peak value reaches 40 million, successfully broke the world record, and old record will be renovating unceasingly. 《废土OL》公测已经平稳运营一个月,全球玩家数量轻松破亿,同时在线人数峰值达4000万,成功刷新了世界纪录,并将旧的记录不断刷新着。 The entire Earth happened without the important matter. 整个地球无大事发生。 Was similar the topic no being out of sorts feeling to replace to how avoided entering the wasteland era earlier about how with outside the place the civilization was together the quarrel. 类似于“如何避免进入废土纪元”的话题毫无违和感地取代了早些时候关于“如何与地外文明相处”的争吵。 Some people proposed that should increase a seat in UN to the universe alliance, but has not gotten relevant source's response, therefore can only stop there. 有人提出应该在联合国给宇宙的联盟增加一个席位,但并没有得到相关人士的回应,于是只能就此作罢。 The strict sense, morphogenetic field is the work of Vault 404, but the alliance is not the organization of manages, truly does not have the business in this aspect. 严格意义上来讲,形态形成场404号避难所的工作,而联盟并不是什么都管的机构,也确实没有这方面的业务。 The genuine both feet stands the testing players on alliance land, they are regarded as the true life in the universe person. 只有真正双脚站在联盟土地上的封测玩家们,他们才被视为真正生活在宇宙的人。 Other things, later said. 其他的事情,以后再说吧。 Meanwhile, with the operation of 《Wasteland Online》 Public Beta clothing/taking, but also had an interesting small interlude. 与此同时,随着《废土OL》公测服的运营,还发生了一条有趣的小插曲。 Some population is less than 100,000 southern coastal provinces island Internet users number breakthroughs ten million/countless, can only play most genuine 《Wasteland Online》 not to retouch a negative because of this/should island doubtful. 某人口不到十万的南洋小岛网民数量突破千万,只因该岛疑似可以玩到最原汁原味的《废土OL》无修版。 Because various local laws and regulations days leave badly, the castrated posture is various, what the increasing number of people end the full page curiously 《Wasteland Online》 is. 由于各地区法律法规天差地别,阉割的姿势各不相同,以至于越来越多的人好奇完整版的《废土OL》到底是什么样。 Although helmet black, but in this world always does not lack the smart person, some quick people projected in the idea the router. 虽然头盔黑不了,但这个世界上总不缺聪明人,很快有人把主意打到了路由器上。 The light router is insufficient, but must have the server node. 光路由器还不够,还得有服务器节点。 Does obeisance this to bestow, the scenic and comfortable vacation island the crest of wave does not have two suddenly, depends on less than 100,000 population that not to calculate that the big domain, obtained the data centers of over a thousand hundred million funds to invest unexpectedly. 拜此所赐,风景宜人的度假小岛一时间风头无两,靠着不到10万的人口那不算大的地盘,居然获得了上千亿资金的数据中心投资。 Because the demand increases sharply, the local area also attracted the lots of IT jobholders and even the digital vagabonds. 由于需求激增,当地还吸引来了大量的IT从业人员乃至数字游民。 Although once appeared in universe People United was still never, but innumerable the folk cross-regional cooperative organization that devotes to eliminating the information boundary is actually established in the player community. 虽然曾出现在宇宙的人联仍旧遥遥无期,但无数个致力于消除信息边界的民间跨区域合作组织却在玩家群体中诞生。 Some people for realization of value, some people to rustling with the slip of paper person. 有的人是为了自我价值的实现,也有的人只是为了和纸片人瑟瑟。 Not only eliminates the information the boundary, they also devote to preventing the epoch-making technology are used to do evil, and establishes in their scopes in one's power with the order that the technology matches, avoids the universe moving toward Dystopia the result. 不只是消除信息的边界,他们同样致力于阻止划时代的技术被用于作恶,并在他们力所能及的范围内建立与技术相匹配的秩序,避免宇宙走向反乌托邦的结局。 After all, the one who grants the universe human civilization advanced technology is not outside the genuine place the civilization, but will be another of future they, counted on that these people stemming from pitying arrival will be impractical. 毕竟,赐予宇宙人类文明先进技术的并不是真正的地外文明,而是未来的另一个“他们”,指望那些人们出于怜悯“降临”更是不切实际。 Own order must be established, the person who forever waits for will only wait for forever. 自己的秩序必须自己去建立,永远等待的人只会永远的等待下去。 They can do pushes their. “他们”所能做的只是推他们一把。 The road of under foot they go eventually, after all only then they know where oneself must go to...... 脚下的路终究还是得他们自己去走,毕竟只有他们自己才知道自己要去哪里…… Another side, the universe welcomed the second year of epoch similarly. 另一边,宇宙同样迎来了新纪元的第二年。 Although Chu Guang retiring caused massive alliance citizen spontaneous longing and detaining, but has not affected the order of alliance fortunately. 虽然楚光的“引退”引起了大量联盟公民自发的怀念和挽留,但所幸并没有影响到联盟的秩序。 But what they do not know, which their respectable manager have not actually gone, but played one month of game in vault, rose 30 levels from 0 levels. 而他们不知道的是,他们尊敬的管理者其实哪儿也没去,只是在避难所里打了一个月的游戏,从0级升到了30级。 Actually starting from alliance establish that day, Chu Guang is preparing for this day. 其实早在联盟成立的那一天开始,楚光就在为这一天做准备了。 Before expediting sunset province, he has said this issue with Little Seven...... 早在远征落霞行省之前,他就同小柒说过这个问题…… Linghu lakeside. 菱湖湖畔。 The paradise that Mirelurk that ran rampant had been eaten to vanish by the players, embellishes the beach of reed to become nearby resident to take a walk the paradise that and children plays. 原本泛滥成灾的裂爪蟹已经被玩家们吃到绝迹,点缀着芦苇的湖滩更是成了附近居民散步的胜地以及孩子们玩耍的乐园。 Different with the Public Beta clothing/taking, here all are completely the entirely different styles. 公测服不同,这里的一切完全是截然不同的画风。 Walks on the secluded sidewalk, Chu Guang smilingly is looking at that prosperous scene, sits Little Seven on his shoulder said. 走在僻静的人行道上,楚光笑眯眯地望着那欣欣向荣的景象,同坐在他肩膀上的小柒说道。 Still remembers I had long ago said? The alliance biggest hidden danger is not the threat on wasteland, but if which day I died or not, stays behind can be division of the country among warlords Hegu Province, each army corps will operate independently in the name of my......” “还记得我很久以前说过的吗?联盟最大的隐患不是废土上的威胁,而是如果哪天我死了或者不在了,留下的会是一个军阀割据的河谷行省,各个兵团将以我的名义各自为战……” But now, I had 100% energy saying that this final weakness does not exist.” “但现在,我有百分之一百的底气可以说,这个最后的弱点已经不存在了。” Even most Lu Bei of muscle, still comprehended true mission —— of guard army corps under his unceasing training finally 即使是最一根筋的吕北,在他的不断调教下也终于领悟了近卫兵团的真正使命—— Truly those who need them to guard is not the manager dignity, but is the dignity of law. 真正需要他们去捍卫的并不是管理者的尊严,而是法律的尊严。 The army's of alliance citizen from alliance, will also only give loyalty to the citizen of alliance from now on. 联盟的军队来自联盟的公民,从今往后也只效忠于联盟的公民。 Un! Remembers! Little Seven also thinks at that time you must go to the very far place......, although Little Seven does not know where you must go.” “嗯!记得!小柒当时还以为您又要去很远很远的地方……虽然小柒也不知道您要去哪里。” Sits on the shoulder of Chu Guang, is enjoying lakeside night breeze Little Seven satisfied is narrowing the eye, like one true living little elf. 坐在楚光的肩膀上,享受着湖畔晚风的小柒惬意的眯着眼睛,就像一个真正活着的小精灵。 It is living without a doubt. 它毫无疑问是活着的。 Even the body of machine. 即便是机器的身体。 He was clear compared with anybody, this little fellow was withstanding anything secretly silently. 他比任何人都清楚,这小家伙在幕后都默默地承受了些什么。 good work.” “辛苦了。” Chu Guang smiles, raises the index finger to touch its forehead, said with very light sound. 楚光笑了笑,扬起食指碰了碰它的额头,用很轻的声音说道。 No matter later goes to the far place, I meet to lead you.” “以后不管去多远的地方,我都会带着你。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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