TGITR :: Volume #11

#1072 Part 2: „On line base”

The wineshop attendant looked at his one eyes, deducted the 20 Y coin with the look from his account, later probably magic changed two cups of lemonades to place on the bar. 酒保看了他一眼,用眼神从他的账户里扣除了20Y币,随后像是变魔术似的变出两杯柠檬水放在了吧台上。 Is Long carried its Zhongyi Cup to raise head to drink one. 方长端起其中一杯仰头喝了一口。 But put down the same time in his cup, wipes the emerald-green pretty shadow to pass from the split vision of his corner of the eye, that sways sends the tail fluffily like the multi- meat of midsummer. 而就在他杯子放下了同一时间,一抹翠绿色的靓影从他眼角的余光晃过,那摇晃的蓬松发尾就像仲夏时分的多肉。 „Do you look for me?” “你找我?” That charming look like the kitty, does not know when sits before bar her, the fair cheeks depend on slantingly fill the metal sense of reality back of the hand and arm. 那妩媚的眼神就像猫咪一样,不知何时坐在吧台前的她,白皙的脸颊斜靠着充满金属质感的手背和胳膊。 Sees the flash of that face, Is Long felt line of sight absent-minded, as if returned for many years ago. 看到那张脸的一瞬间,方长感觉视线一阵恍惚,仿佛回到了多年前。 Dolly......” 多莉……” Exciting sentiment difficult from already, he extended the right hand subconsciously, wants to touch her hand. 激动的情难自已,他下意识的伸出了右手,想要触碰她的手。 However the invisible air wall actually kept off among two people, his index finger was away from one centimeter distance forever, could not touch. 然而无形的空气墙却挡在了两人之间,他的食指永远隔着一厘米的距离,怎么也触碰不到。 The sudden movement has a scare Dolly, the expression that on the face accomplishes a task with ease turned instantaneously stunned, probably was stepped on Tail cat jumps down from the bar stool. 突然的动作把多莉吓了一跳,脸上游刃有余的表情瞬间变成了错愕,像是被踩了尾巴的猫似的从吧台凳子上跳了下来。 What feeding...... you make? I am the information peddler, does not handle that matter.” “喂喂喂……你这是做什么?我是情报贩子,可不做那种事情。” The bar following wineshop attendant was still repeating the movement that scratches the cup, the tumult before to bar turns a blind eye. 吧台后面的酒保仍然重复着擦杯子的动作,对吧台前的骚动视若无睹。 Surrounding other npc are also same. 周围的其他npc也是一样。 Has not triggered as them of background board evidently talks, has not participated in the plot. 看样子作为背景板的他们并没有触发对话,也没有参与到剧情中。 Dolly...... I...... so that's how it is, the memory does not have the actual equipment, therefore is actually only the mirror of clone.” The expression on Is Long face is transforming unceasingly, a while is grieved, a while seems like relieved, or is muttering the strange thing. 多莉……我……原来如此,记忆并没有实装,所以其实只是克隆的镜像。”方长脸上的表情不断变换着,一会儿心痛,一会儿又像是安心,或者喃喃自语着奇怪的东西。 Had a scare by this sickness tender appearance, Dolly trembles drew back backward several steps. 被这病娇的样子吓了一跳,多莉瑟瑟发抖的向后退了几步。 Hey...... you to understand the logical expression? Is interested in the engine oil taste changes. Condition? Thank you do not dislike my mechanical arm, but was in heat selected young lady quite good oh.” “喂……你听得懂人话吗?对机油味儿感兴趣的变.态?谢谢你不讨厌我的机械胳膊,不过发情了还是点个小姐比较好。” Is Long shakes the head, a face affection is looking at that familiar and strange face, revealed him to think led the smile of goosebumps. 方长摇了摇头,一脸深情的望着那张熟悉而又陌生的脸,露出了他自认为帅到掉鸡皮疙瘩的笑容。 I am only interested in you. Please allow me to make to introduce oneself, my name was Is Long, was your husband —— “我只对你感兴趣。请允许我做个自我介绍,我的名字叫方长,是你的丈夫—— Warned: Continuously non- courtesy contact, NPC Dolly current favorability -100, favorability rank: Detesting 【警告:连续非礼节性接触,NPC“多莉”当前好感度,好感度等级:嫌恶】 Warned: The favorability rank is lower than the neutrality( -10 ~ 10), is unable to trigger mission.】 【警告:好感度等级低于中立(-10~10),无法触发任务。】 When Is Long recovers, he that cup of lemonades had previously sprinkled on his face. 方长回过神来的时候,他先前点的那杯柠檬水已经泼在了他的脸上。 Blinking of a face compels ignorant, Is Long looks at the front, that familiar form has disappeared does not see. 一脸懵逼的眨了眨眼,方长愣愣地看着前方,那熟悉的身影已经消失不见。 Walked...... 走了…… „...... This is the feeling of being lovelorn, although also has the preparation, but many are a little grieved.” “……这就是失恋的感觉吗,虽然也有心理准备,但多少还是有点让人心痛。” The wet bangs will pull up the long hair combed straight back, a Is Long face sighed deeply sadly, sat on nearby bar stool, said to the bar back wineshop attendant. 将湿漉漉的刘海撩成了背头,方长一脸忧伤的长叹了一声,一屁股坐在了旁边的吧台凳上,冲着吧台背后的酒保说道。 One glass of fiercest liquor.” “一杯最烈的酒。” The wineshop attendant nod silent, gaudy operation later magic patted a crystal cup on the table, simultaneously lit the liquor of high potency with the matches that delimiting to burn. 酒保沉默点头,一通花里胡哨的操作之后变魔术似的将一支水晶杯拍在了桌上,同时用划燃的火柴点燃了高浓度的酒。 On the clear transparent altitude liquor is dragging the pale blue fox-fire, the cup bottom is the ice piece of sphere, like an artware. 澄澈透明的高度蒸馏酒上摇曳着淡蓝色的狐火,杯底则是球形的冰块,就像一件艺术品。 But that facilitates the pale blue total information ball window that the Public Beta player plays to experience, appeared at the same time in the Is Long front. 而那方便公测玩家游戏体验的淡蓝色全息弹窗,也在同一时间浮现在了方长的面前。 Expense: 150 Y coin 【消费:150Y币】 Obtains: The spring of combustion 【获得:燃烧之泉】 Explained: The flame of dropping from the clouds conquered the steel of combustion, respects the true warrior!( Commemorates Burning Legion to conquer The Heart of Steel)】 【说明:从天而降的火焰征服了燃烧的钢铁,敬真正的勇士!(纪念燃烧兵团征服钢铁之心号)】 Effect: Entire Attribute -50, duration 10 minutes.】 【效果:全属性-50,持续时间十分钟。】 Note: Do not attempt in the reality.】 【备注:勿在现实中尝试。】 The words saying that now this time point, The Heart of Steel is still fluttering in the sunset province? 话说现在这个时间点,钢铁之心号还在落霞行省飘着吧? However. 不过也罢。 Smiling of Is Long fondly remembers, inserts that was burning the flame the iron straw in tray, tosses down the flame and clear strong liquor of that burning hot. 方长怀念的笑了笑,将托盘里的铁质吸管插进了那燃烧着的火苗,将那炙热的火焰与澄澈的烈酒一饮而尽。 That is a marvelous feeling. 那是一种奇妙的感觉。 It is not the scalding hot strong liquor that seems him to drink, but is one group of warm furnace fires. 就好像他饮下的不是灼热的烈酒,而是一团温暖的炉火。 „...... Obviously is the virtual reality web, actually simulated including the feeling of alcoholic intoxication?” “……明明是虚拟现实网游,却连醉酒的感觉模拟出来了吗?” This slow feeling is actually same as testing, but always felt short of anything.” “这迟钝的感觉倒是和封测一样,不过总感觉少了些什么。” When Is Long savors carefully that is feeling marvelously, together the familiar sound suddenly appears in his front. 就在方长仔细品味着那奇妙感觉的时候,一道熟悉的声音忽然出现在了他的面前。 This person is not others. 此人不是别人。 Alt —— sudden wealth small eye of Big Eye In Debt. 正是负债大眼小号——暴富小眼。 Is Long?” 方长?” Is Long raised the head, looked at his one eyes surprisedly. 方长抬起头,惊讶的看了他一眼。 You here?” “你怎么也在这儿?” Hears this question, big eye on the face shows the embarrassed expression immediately, hehe smiles. 听到这句疑问,“大眼”的脸上顿时露出不好意思的表情,嘿嘿笑了笑。 What is I also here, your is not asks something already known...... speaking of the nostalgic clothing/taking, will the normal person think of Boulder Town Queen of the Night Bar?” “什么叫我也在这儿,你这不是明知故问吗……说到怀旧服,正常人都会想到巨石城夜之女王酒吧吧?” Since inner city avalanche, this bar then one and vanished with the street of outside that debauchery. 自从内城崩塌之后,这间酒吧便随着外面那条灯红酒绿的街道一并消失了。 Looks that you understood expression big eye, some Is Long headaches pressed according to the forehead. 看着一副“你懂得”表情的大眼,方长有些头疼的按了按眉心。 „...... Normal person such detail, I had not thought that you give the normal person to apologize are quite good.” “不……正常人都没有这么细节吧,我觉得你还是给正常人道个歉比较好。” Good was good, do not talk nonsense, knows you to be aloof from worldly affairs,” Big Eye In Debt built the arm on his shoulder, approached the face to push the crowded eyebrow, I said, your not curious Public Beta and testing which was more lifelike?” “行了行了,别扯淡了,知道你清高,”负债大眼将胳膊搭在了他的肩膀上,凑近脸挤了挤眉毛,“我说,你就不好奇公测封测哪个更逼真吗?” „...... Does this also use curiously?” “……这还用好奇吗?” Normal person curious!” “正常人都会好奇的吧!” Apologized with the normal person a bit faster!” “快点和正常人道歉!” Sees this fellow obviously drank the appearance, Big Eye In Debt holds the both arms to sigh deeply, said self-effacingly. 见这家伙明显喝多了的样子,负债大眼抱着双臂长叹了一声,摇头晃脑地说道。 Did not pull the calf, you drank here, the father must explore.” “不扯犊子了,你就在这儿喝吧,老子要去探险了。” Goes to go,” Is Long made the movement of action of driving away, suddenly seems like thinks anything resembles raised the head to stop by calling out was preparing to move toward the big eyes of two buildings, right, you operated the accelerator.” “去吧去吧,”方长做了个驱赶的动作,忽然又像是想到什么似的抬头叫住了正准备走向二楼的大眼,“对了,你开加速器了么。” The big eye gawked under. 大眼愣了下。 Accelerator? What is that? Doesn't the helmet put on can play?” “加速器?那是什么?头盔不是戴上就能玩吗?” The Is Long look suddenly from shutting out to turn into the concern, the tone was also gentle. 方长的眼神忽然从嫌弃变成了关爱,连带着语气也柔和了许多。 It‘s nothing, was all right.” “没什么,没事儿了。” Big Eye In Debt: „......?” 负债大眼:“……?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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