TGITR :: Volume #11

#1072 Part 1: „On line base”

Chapter 1072 on line base 第1072章“线上面基” Most feared that the air is suddenly peaceful. 最怕空气突然安静。 Looks at expression more and more subtle Ye Ten and Old White, Chu Guang coughed gently. 看着表情越来越微妙的夜十老白,楚光轻轻咳嗽了一声。 You said anything casually, or I felt very awkward.” “你们随便说点什么吧,要不我感觉挺尴尬的。” Your also knows embarrassed!!! 你丫的也知道尬啊!!! Ye Ten is roaring at heart, the toe has dug out the four-bedroom apartment in the shoes. 夜十在心里咆哮着,脚趾已经在鞋子里抠出了四室一厅。 Since this fellow is closed beta server opens first NPC that the clothing/taking has presented. 这家伙是封测服开服以来出现的第一个NPC。 Also is in the entire game most looks like the NPC person. 同时也是整个游戏中最像NPC的人。 Previously they also had to find it strange, why the operator promoted all NPC intelligence, only without promoting this NPC intelligence...... has not actually thought at first this fellow from the beginning was an real person. 此前他们也有觉得奇怪,为什么运营商升级了所有NPC的智能,唯独没有升级这个最初NPC的智能……却从没想过这家伙一开始就是真人。 Naturally, the video that afterward Dr. Principle announced showed, other NPC are also the real person and that's the end. 当然,后来原理博士公布的视频证明,其他NPC也是真人就是了。 Ye Ten coughs gently, broke the silences of three worlds, makes the indifferent expression, haha said with a smile. 夜十轻轻咳嗽一声,打破了三人间的沉默,做出无所谓的表情,哈哈笑着说道。 Fortunately fortunately...... I am not most awkward, most spoke some obscene talks.” “还好还好……我不是最尴尬的,最多只是说了些骚话。” Some players will regard tree cave this fellow, poured out the things in some realities. 一些玩家会将这家伙当成树洞,倾诉一些现实中的事情。 After all this fellow is only one can understand the person who the player spoke from the setting, moreover was manager of alliance, from anybody daily was quite far, like is completely the person in another world. 毕竟这家伙是唯一一个从设定上就能听懂玩家说话的人,而且又是联盟的管理者,距离任何人的日常都比较远,就像完全是另一个世界的人。 Another, brushed that high favorability unable to soak, can display a use? 再一个,刷了那么高的好感度又不能泡,总得发挥点用处吧? Also has pragmaticist to regard the diary with such idea him. 也是有“实用主义者”怀着这样的想法把他当成日记本的。 In brief, perhaps this fellows have wanted to commit suicide now awkwardly. 总之,这帮家伙现在恐怕已经尴尬的想要自杀了。 If cannot be victorious this monster, perhaps they already under cruel methods? 如果不是打不过这头怪物,他们恐怕已经下狠手了吧? Looks forces oneself to look cheerful haha Ye Ten, Chu Guang understood the awkwardness that actually he said is anything. 看着强颜欢笑哈哈着的夜十,楚光倒是理解他说的尴尬是什么。 Actually this was also he for these days not in the reason that closed beta server that side beamed with joy. 其实这也正是他这几天都没在“封测服”那边露脸的原因。 emmm...... emmm…… How can I say? 咋说呢? Not is quite truly good to face. 确实不太好面对。 Gave time of his cute young players exercise toe muscle to be good. 还是给他可爱的小玩家们一点锻炼脚趾肌肉的时间好了。 Therefore...... you are Light? That Light in group?” “所以……你就是阿光?群里的那位阿光?” The response of Old White is quite actually normal, but talked to him very much ordinary, under base when like large network game association for the first time line ordinary youth who could not let loose. 老白的反应倒是比较正常,只是很普通地向他搭话,就像大型网络游戏公会首次线下面基时放不开的普通青年一样。 Yes.” Chu Guang smiles lightly, looks at him to play the joke of sentence active atmosphere, does not use such cautious, we knew that so many years, before also played to eat the chicken to come together. Right, is rare, can together a group team?” “是的。”楚光淡淡笑了笑,看着他开了句活跃气氛的玩笑,“不用这么拘谨,咱都认识这么多年了,以前还一起玩吃鸡来着。对了,机会难得,要一起组个队吗?” I do not have the opinion.” Was saying at the same time, Old White forming a team to invite to send. “我没意见。”说着的同时,老白已经把组队邀请发了过去。 Three people entered the team, switch over the voice formed channel that only then the teammate can hear. 三人都进了队伍,将语音切换到了只有队友能听见的组队频道。 He thinks that Chu Guang must speak what intimate conversation with them, actually sees the expression that a latter face is eager to try, really wants to play a game probably happily. 他本以为楚光是要和他们说什么悄悄话,却见后者一脸跃跃欲试的表情,就好像真的只是想痛快的打个游戏而已。 However, Old White also surprised a while, quick also felt relaxed. 不过,老白也只是惊讶了一会儿,很快也就释然了。 Is hiding the truth from all familiar people, shoulders that huge mission, and gradually understands all in this process...... 瞒着所有熟悉的人,独自一人背负那庞大的使命,并在这个过程中逐渐理解一切…… Ye Ten sees floats in the awkwardness of fur/superficial knowledge, but he sees is actually the candlelight burns through later other that ashes exhausted. 夜十看到的只是浮于皮毛的尴尬,而他看见的却是烛火燃尽之后余下的那灰烬般的疲惫。 But this heavy weight, with the glory on his shoulder shouldering equipollent. 而这份沉甸甸的重量,与其肩膀上所背负的荣耀是等重的。 He was really perhaps tired. 他或许真的累了。 The Old White Adam's apple moves, on the face showed a smile. 老白喉结动了动,脸上露出了一丝笑容。 LV5 leech hole how? I hear the there quite suitable novice...... by the way, you how many levels?” “LV5水蛭洞如何?我听说那里比较适合新手……顺便问一下,伱多少级?” Chu Guang haha said with a smile. 楚光哈哈笑着说道。 I? Haha, I just now cross the new course, naturally same was LV3...... looks like the Ye Ten belt/bring with you both of us.” “我?哈哈,我才刚过完新手教程,当然和你一样都是LV3……看来得夜十带带我们俩了。” Ye Ten could not bear complain one. 夜十忍不住吐槽了一句。 Gan! You are dog director, you want many levels also not the matter that begins to refer.” “淦!你是狗策划,你想要多少级还不是动动手指的事情。” Chu Guang smiles lightly, shakes the head to say. 楚光淡淡笑了笑,摇了摇头说道。 That different, rises to the full level although directly to me is not good, but played lost the significance of game.” “那不一样,直接升到满级对我来说虽然不是不行,但游戏就失去了游戏的意义了。” Ye Ten could not bear complain one. 夜十忍不住吐槽了一句。 What significance can this have?” “这能有什么意义?” How not to have?” Chu Guang smiles, with teasing the tone said, for example...... you are because the spirit can little Jiang arrives at the same place, because you have experienced on the way of the adventure together these things?” “怎么会没有?”楚光笑了笑,用调侃的语气说道,“比如……你是因为灵能才和小蒋走到一起的,还是因为你们在冒险途中一起经历过的那些事情?” Ye Ten looked embarrassed to the one side, does not know that thinks anything, is blushing unable to speak suddenly. 夜十不好意思地看向了一旁,不知道是不是想到了什么东西,突然红着脸说不出话。 Old White seriously pondered a while, looks at Chu Guang to say looking pensive. 老白则是认真的思考了一会儿,若有所思地看着楚光说道。 Therefore...... this is also your selectivity retains No. 404 plan truth the reason?” “所以……这也是你选择性保留404号计划真相的原因?” Yes,” Chu Guang nodded, acknowledged this point simply, I not only to your selective retained many things, to oneself also selective was more reserved.” “是的,”楚光点了下头,干脆的承认了这一点,“我不只对你们选择性的保留了许多事情,对自己也选择性的保留了许多。” The Ye Ten doubts said. 夜十疑惑道。 Why? After confessing , doesn't everyone face together? Including candid cooperation —— “为什么?坦白之后大家一起面对不会更好吗?包括开诚布公的合作—— That is the situation in ideal, the reality is these means that 1 / 776 of failure...... I have to try you to conceive, but they have not had the expected result. Why as , the reason has.” “那是理想中的情况,现实是失败的1/776……我不是没有尝试过你所设想的那些办法,但它们并没有产生预期中的结果。至于为什么,原因有很多。” Looks at this naive young people, Chu Guang exhausts possibly the relaxed tone to bring these imperfect result superficial one. 看着这个天真的年轻人,楚光用尽可能轻松的语气将那些不完美的结局轻描淡写的一笔带过了。 He after looking at 776 BE had had many feelings, that never have wants...... to be able......” the idea. 他在看过了776个BE之后产生最多的感慨,那就是永远不要产生“只要……就会……”的想法。 wasteland era every year, lives is the unprecedented conditions that the survivors on wasteland face. 废土纪元的每一年,生活在废土上的幸存者们面临的都是前所未有的状况。 Old White said looking pensive. 老白若有所思道。 What, if I told you to have, what will not happen’ right?” “‘如果我告诉你发生了什么,就什么也不会发生了’对么?” Right.” nodded that Chu Guang smiles, in the eye appeared the ray of appreciation. “没错。”楚光笑眯眯的点了下头,眼中浮现了赞赏的光芒。 What future although a little curious that can be, but thinks now this also good...... I am also not suddenly curious.” Old White grins to smile free and easy, looks at Chu Guang saying that really has not thought that you unexpectedly are Light......, therefore the name in your reality was also Chu Guang?” “虽然有点好奇那会是什么样的未来,但想想现在这样也挺好的……我忽然又没那么好奇了。”老白洒脱地咧嘴笑了笑,看着楚光说道,“不过真是没想到,你居然是阿光……所以你现实中的名字也叫楚光?” Chu Guang thought deeply about a while slightly. 楚光略加思索了一会儿。 How can I say? Rigorous, I only know you in the universe,” “怎么说呢?严谨的来讲,我在宇宙只认识你们,” Ye Ten swallowed a saliva, suddenly remembers anything, said. 夜十咽了口唾沫,忽然想起什么,紧接着说道。 Words said that you can also connect the network of this world in that world?” “话说你在那个世界也能连接这个世界的网络吗?” Saying that Chu Guang smiles. 楚光笑眯眯的说道。 Sure, that matter simply should not be too easy, I even can open under the Alt line to look for your surface base. What's wrong, wants to ask me to eat meal?” “当然可以,那种事情简直不要太容易,我甚至能开个小号线下找你面基。如何,想请我吃饭吗?” Facing this astonishing news, Ye Ten felt that own brain somewhat is suddenly chaotic, the hand did not place on the back of the head voluntarily. 面对这个惊人的消息,夜十感觉自己的大脑一时间有些混乱,手不自觉地放在了后脑勺上。 I consider...... wait/etc, fuck...... is your meaning...... the person on wasteland can also come to here?” “我考虑一下……等等,卧槽……你的意思是……废土上的人也可以来这边?” Moreover can by player the status plays «Reality OL», frightened?” “而且可以以‘玩家’的身份过来玩一场《现实OL》,吓到了没?” Looks Old White and Ye Ten that is shocked thoroughly, Chu Guang smiles said in a soft voice. 看着彻底愣住的老白夜十,楚光笑了笑轻声说道。 Therefore you best do not tell others, so as to avoid causes the unnecessary panic.” “所以你们最好还是不要告诉其他人,免得引起不必要的恐慌。” He has no interest in forming the army that does not die in the universe, then with the technology on wasteland conquers the world anything......, if he really does that Dr. Principle most likely (80%) will also think that he was insane. 他没兴趣在宇宙组建一支不死的军队,然后用废土上的技术征服世界什么的……如果他真这么做的话,原理博士八成也会觉得他疯了。 Because does that without the significance. 因为这么做毫无意义。 Regarding people of People United time, in their consciousness was born human civilization this concept. 对于人联时代的人们来说,他们的意识中已经诞生了“人类文明”这个概念。 Especially regarding experiencing people of prosperity era end that catastrophe, their understanding of this concept is more profound all that...... that catastrophe destroyed them once to have after all. 尤其是对于经历过繁荣纪元末期那场浩劫的人们,他们对这一概念的理解更为深刻……毕竟那场浩劫摧毁了他们曾经拥有的一切。 These special experiences were doomed they to be unlikely to become the king of common custom ruin the human civilization the future. 这些特殊的经历注定了他们不大可能为了成为世俗的国王而葬送掉人类文明的未来。 Chu Guang is also same. 楚光也是一样。 However the universe after all also in own historical process, prospect present age various nations relax to morphogenetic field the vigilance is not possible. 不过宇宙毕竟还处在自己的历史进程中,指望当代列国放松对“形态形成场”的警惕是不可能的。 The life also requires time to understand him in people of this piece of universe, as well as understanding void behind, that similar and different human civilization about universe. 生活在这片宇宙的人们还需要一点时间才能了解他,以及了解虚空背后、关于宇宙的那个相似而又不同的人类文明。 The 《Wasteland Online》 Public Beta clothing/taking is a good medium. 《废土OL》公测服便是个不错的媒介。 Before then, do not indulge in unbridled propaganda the person who universe can arrive by „the body of not dying to the universe is quite good. 在此之前,还是不要大肆宣扬宇宙的人能够以“不死之身”降临到宇宙比较好。 As for the guess, that type of thing always does not matter, is individual can propose own suspicion. 至于猜测,那种东西从来都无所谓,是个人都能提出自己的猜想。 Always some people in any case suspect is more exaggerating than the truth. 反正总有人猜想的比真相更夸张。 This means can lead...... Ye Ten to whisper to the reality in the object on wasteland low voice, looked that is gradually fiery to the line of sight of Chu Guang, saw the adoptive father like the son. “这岂不是意味着能把废土上的对象带到现实里……”夜十小声嘀咕着,看向楚光的视线渐渐火热,就像儿子见到了义父一样。 Chu Guang smiles was saying. 楚光微笑着说道。 Naturally is permits, so long as signs the confidentiality agreement......, but this is also I leaves your entry rewards.” “当然是允许的,只要签署保密协议……而这也是我留给你们的通关奖励。” Ye Ten: I sign! Sells into servitude the agreement I to sign! Wait, if I jump between two world repeatedly horizontally, to mean can be immortal?!” 夜十:“我签!卖身协议我都签!咳,等等,如果我反复在两个世界之间横跳,岂不是意味着可以永生?!” Chu Guang thought deeply about the moment, said with the tone that does not crack a joke. 楚光思索了片刻,用不开玩笑的语气说道。 Can yes, but you best give careful consideration. Temporarily borrows the clone body to regard as another matter, as for thorough passes through...... me unable to guarantee that you after this world died, in you of another world rebirth is still you.” “可以是可以,不过你最好慎重考虑。只是暂时借用克隆体另当别论,至于彻底的穿越……我不能保证你在这个世界死亡之后,在另一个世界重生的你仍然是你。” The soul is an abstract thing, it cannot see to feel after all. 灵魂是一种抽象的东西,它毕竟不是看得见摸得着的。 Even if awakened the spirit energy, cannot catch its entity truly, can only contact it to keep the echo of specific place. 哪怕觉醒了灵能,也并不能真正捕捉到它的实体,只能接触到它留在特定场所的回声。 Let alone jumps repeatedly horizontally. 别说是反复横跳。 Even if only jumps one time, that is the life cannot withstand the heaviness. 就算只跳一次,那也是生命所不能承受之重。 But this is also many „No. 404- vault reason —— that the resident must go back hesitant 而这也是许多“404-号避难所”的居民犹豫要不要回去的原因—— They very possible not to pass through, but died in this world, later produced another in another universe. 他们很可能并不是穿越回去,而是在这个世界死掉,之后又在另一个宇宙重新生成了另一个自己。 Like the thought passes to the circuit wafer in android. 就像将思维上传到电路板的仿生人 If to save civilization, they are certainly willing to pay this high price...... they to follow the professor to participate in No. 404 plan after all voluntarily. 如果是为了拯救文明,他们当然愿意支付这高昂的代价……毕竟他们都是自愿跟随教授参与404号计划的。 But if to go home merely...... 但如果仅仅是为了回家…… Probably truly does not have suicide necessity. 好像确实也没有“自杀”的必要。 Descendant who after all that side their families/home, at most cannot find their descendants, or spiritual extension. 毕竟那边早就没有他们的家了,最多也只能找到他们后代的后代,或者精神上的延续。 They want to return to that side the universe to live well, rather they want to take a look at that by the world that oneself save, has a look at the younger generations in the life of epoch. 与其说他们想回到宇宙那边好好生活,倒不如说他们只是想看看那个被自己拯救的世界,看看晚辈们在新纪元的生活。 Strict, inherits professor the status fission body not to solve this problem, but threw to „No. 404- vault the issue simply residents pondered. 严格来讲,继承“教授”身份的裂变体并没有解决这个问题,只是把问题简单地抛给了“404-号避难所”的居民们自己思考。 Thing that this also truly should they ponder. 这也确实是应该他们自己去思考的东西。 However, in line with does not make anybody leave behind the regrettable principle, benevolent and good Chu Guang wants to come out a compromise plan, and has given Dr. Principle to do. 不过,本着不让任何人留下遗憾的原则,仁慈且善良的楚光还是想出来一个折中的方案,并且已经交给原理博士去做了。 Code number of this/should plan named returning home. 该计划的代号名为“还乡”。 Is detained is not necessary dead again one time in the universe researchers, but lies down, in the specially-made life maintains in the cabin, goes to the universe like the players through morphogenetic field. 滞留在宇宙的研究员们可以不必再死一次,而是躺在特制的生命维持舱里,像玩家们一样通过形态形成场前往宇宙。 Moreover goes back as player. 而且是以玩家的身份回去。 To be honest, sometimes Chu Guang very admires own. 老实说,楚光有时候挺佩服自己的。 Although he did not understand that these complex technological principles, can actually play to spend these complex things with his weird brain hole. 虽然他并不了解那些复杂的技术原理,却能用他奇葩的脑洞把这些复杂的东西玩出花来。 In fact, in year time he also attempts to make universe here researchers jump the universe, jumps again with similar technology, thus card void bug. 事实上,年中的时候他还尝试过让宇宙这边的研究人员跳到宇宙,再用类似的技术跳回去,从而卡虚空的bug。 But is very regrettable, the operation of this card bug has not succeeded, consciousness the body as if only to jump one time, cannot get down in the same universe infinite fission like the chain reaction. 只不过很遗憾,这个卡bug的操作没有成功,意识体似乎只能跳跃一次,并不能像链式反应一样在同一个宇宙无限裂变下去。 This possibly is also the professor the fission volume radiation the multiple universe reason. 这可能也是教授之所以将裂变体发射到复数个宇宙的原因。 Looks to fall into silent Ye Ten, Chu Guang continues to say with a smile. 看着陷入沉默的夜十,楚光笑着继续说道。 You , to live for a long time, actually does not need troublesome, to lie down here world in incubator, suspends the reality the metabolism of body and that's the end.” “你要是只是想活得久一点,其实没必要那么麻烦,在这边的世界躺进培养舱里,暂停现实这边身体的新陈代谢就是了。” Ye Ten is surprised the different way. 夜十诧异道。 „Can this matter also accomplish?” “这种事情也能办到吗?” nodded that Chu Guang smiles. 楚光笑眯眯的点了下头 Naturally can accomplish, but also too...... you sent off the family members after to you early, in an age quick lying down coffin said again.” “当然能办到,不过对你来说还太早了……等你把亲人们送走之后,一把年纪快躺棺材里再说吧。” Old White looks that he continues to say. 老白看着他继续说道。 First did not say after our things...... you, what has to plan?” “先不说我们的事情……你以后有什么打算吗?” Chu Guang thought deeply about a while with a smile. 楚光笑着思索了一会儿。 Perhaps I...... continue, when my Game Designer? Does not know, the too remote matter I have not thought that perhaps results in the spend some time to think slowly. In brief, the business of alliance I had given citizen of alliance gradually.” “我嘛……也许继续当我的游戏策划?不知道,太遥远的事情我也没想好,或许得花点时间慢慢想。总之,联盟的事务我已经逐步交给了联盟的公民自己。” As for the present, I only wants to play a game peacefully “至于现在,我只想安安静静的打个游戏” ...... …… 《Wasteland Online》 Public Beta clothing/taking, Boulder Town city gate mouth. 《废土OL》公测服,巨石城的城门口。 The mercenary and wastelander of punk modeling come and go at the rural fair of ruins wind. 朋克造型的佣兵和废土客在废墟风的集市上来来往往。 Peddler that the wear puts on despicable airs stands under the sloven iron-covered awning calls to shout, on the illegible table suspends the weapon, against have, components, medicine and synthesis materials and all kinds of daily necessities or the supplies, nearby iron basket different is putting the different things according to the server. 穿着人模狗样的行商站在不修边幅的铁皮棚下吆喝嚷嚷,潦草的桌子上摆着武器、防具、零件、药品、合成素材以及各种各样的日用品或者补给,一旁的铁笼子根据服务器不同放着不同的东西。 Sometimes is a person, sometimes is the mosaic. 有时候是人,有时候是马赛克。 Generally speaking here modeling does is also quite returns to original state, stands the militiaman who is having the yawn before the sentry post, is avoiding getting contaminated growing from mud the wind of hotel distant place, such as in a mold carves with the real situation in the world. 总的来说这儿的建模做的还算是比较还原,无论是站在哨卡前打着哈欠的民兵,还是“出淤泥而不染”的远方之风大酒店,都和世界的真实情况如一个模子里刻出来的。 The only modification is the scale of rural fair and slum, the currency of transaction no longer is the chip, but is the Y coin of server service circulation. 唯一的改动是集市与贫民窟的规模,还有交易的货币不再是筹码而是全服务器流通的Y币。 Ideal City production AI and AI train master Men the Boulder Town outer city increased magnanimously 10 to 30 levels of mission. 理想城的生成式AI和AI调教师们给巨石城的外城添加了海量的十到30级任务 Does not know so, they also refer to «Awakened Pohl» wait/etc a series of work, this magnanimous branch series in named Boulder Town Great Revolution on the main axle, wove one set of main line plot that just like the epic and blooms a loose leaf to look like the wasteland huge mission tree. 不知如此,他们还参考《觉醒者波尔》等等一系列著作,将这海量的支线串联在了一条名为“巨石城大革命”的主轴上,编织了一套犹如史诗的主线剧情和开枝散叶像废土的庞大任务树。 The players can stand in a side of transformation, through completing a series of mission obtains the order score, the unlocking includes survivor daily paper newspaper office and inner city ruins a series of terrestrial references, while promoting the transformation of Boulder Town changes the map and npc spirit and external appearance. 玩家可以站在变革者的一方,通过完成一系列的任务获得秩序分数,解锁包括“幸存者日报报社”、“内城废墟”在内的一系列地标,在推动巨石城的变革的同时改变地图以及npc的精神与外在面貌。 In addition, the player can also stand in the standpoint of inner city, through completing a series of mission curbs the growth of order score, prevents the expansion pack advancement. 除此之外,玩家也可以站在内城的立场上,通过完成一系列的任务抑制秩序分数的增长,阻止资料片的进程。 Also or stands in the wastelander standpoint two does not help. 亦或者站在废土客的立场上两不相帮。 Paid gold/metal round/ball the reward, Is Long directly soared the Boulder Town front door. 支付了金团的报酬,方长直奔巨石城的大门。 Why perhaps is the Ideal City programmer cannot imagine enters a city also to make a payment, perhaps to consider players' game experience, a classical chip entered the city tax to be cancelled, after Sun set, no longer closed, hit the 50 levels of militiamen of yawn to look that repeatedly has not looked at his one eyes. 也许是理想城的程序员想象不到为什么进城还要交钱,也许是为了照顾玩家们的游戏体验,经典的一枚筹码入城税被取消了,太阳落山之后也不再关门,反复打着哈欠的50级民兵看都没看他一眼。 Has not stopped in this place, Is Long directly soars Queen of the Night Bar —— there is the black card rule period Boulder Town outer city biggest information collection and distribution center, is he and or information peddler the place of Dolly at first meet. 没在此地多做停留,方长直奔夜之女王酒吧——那里是黑卡统治时期巨石城外城最大的情报集散地,同时也是他与还是情报贩子的多莉最初相遇的地方。 When 8 : 00 pm, in the bar was filled with the provocatively dressed dancing girl and looks for the guest of pleasure. 正值晚上8点时分,酒吧里挤满了衣着暴露的舞女和找乐子的客人。 Extends the neck to look into the distance in the bar a while ago, the line of sight of Is Long searched following the crowd for a long time, however has not seen the form that he is familiar with. 伸着脖子在吧台前一阵眺望,方长的视线顺着人群寻觅了许久,然而都没有看到他熟悉的身影。 When he is puzzled, a server arrived at his front, be with smile on the face asking. 就在他正困惑着的时候,一名服务生走到了他的面前,面带笑容的问道。 Mister, what do you want?” “先生,请问您要点什么?” I look for a madam named Dolly again.” “我再找一位名叫多莉的女士。” Dolly? Here not this person.” 多莉?我们这儿没有这号人。” I know, she is not your staff, is here information peddler.” “我知道,她不是你们员工,是这儿的情报贩子。” Under finishing speaking of Is Long, hung the enthusiasm on his npc face then at the visible speed cold. 方长的话音刚落下,挂在他npc脸上的热情便以肉眼可见的速度冷了下来。 „...... mercenary? In this city everywhere is this type of gadget, I reminded your one heartfeltly, did not select the liquor not to come to be in the way.” “啊……佣兵是么?啧,这座城里到处都是这种玩意儿,我衷心的提醒您一句,不点酒别来碍事。” Looks the server who turns around to leave, Is Long is shocked for a long time, recovered later awkward flexure the back of the head. 看着转身离开的服务生,方长愣住许久,回过神来之后尴尬的挠了挠后脑。 Npc of this game also strange real......” “这游戏的npc还怪真实的……” Perhaps was too impatient, his subconscious regarded true npc npc in this game, toward directly soaring the subject achieved the goal, the game habit in closed beta server forming all threw after the brain, finally actually had the counter-effect. 也许是太心急了,他下意识的把这游戏里的npc当成了真正的npc,向着直奔主题达成目标,以至于原本在封测服里养成的游戏习惯全都抛在了脑后,结果却产生了反效果。 Thinks that is also. 想想也是。 Which bar to hiding everywhere detective holds the good complexion in own shop spies on the personal privacy? 哪家酒吧会对躲在自家店里四处窥探个人隐私的“包打听”抱有好脸色? The after cockroach of this probably, kitchen. 这就好像后厨的蟑螂。 Considering that in the shadow also has the ecological equilibrium in shadow, the staff usually turn a blind eye, withstand/top asked that that a new face is coming straight to the point directly simply jumps the face. 考虑到阴影中也有阴影中的生态平衡,工作人员平时睁一只眼闭一只眼就罢了,顶着一张生面孔直接开门见山的问那简直是跳脸了。 Good and evil 0.1 glasses of liquor and wineshop attendant inquired, or asked here dancing girl to drink one cup...... 好歹点一杯酒和酒保打听,或者请这儿的舞女喝一杯…… Is Long deeply inspires, making the impetuous brain calm down, before arriving at the bar, sits down. 方长深吸一口气,让浮躁的大脑冷静下来,走到吧台前坐下。 One cup...... not, two cups of ling meng water......” “一杯……不,两杯柃檬水……”
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