TGITR :: Volume #11

#1071 Part 2: The Public Beta life that starts from LV0!

While he cleans up the trash, How Time Flies also talked incessantly with him experiences on some wasteland. 在他捡垃圾的同时,“白驹过隙”还和他唠叨了一些废土上的经验。 For example, the trash that cleans up can sell for money, can dismantle the components. The components that dismantling obtains can be used to manufacture the equipment, the maintenance equipment, but can also be used to construct own homeland. 比如,捡到的垃圾可以卖钱,也可以拆解零件。拆解获得的零件既可以用来制作装备,维修设备,还可以用来修建自己的家园。 Cannot promote for various reasons in the territory concept in closed beta server putting forward, in the Public Beta clothing/taking actually probably by actual equipment. 封测服中就提出的领地概念因为各种各样的原因没能推广开,不过在公测服里却好像被实装了。 The players can construct oneself shelter in the random wild area outside safe area, the shelter that just constructs only then as well as were invited the player who enters to see. 玩家可以在安全区之外的任意野区修建自己的庇护所,只不过修建的庇护所只有自己以及被邀请进入的玩家能够看到。 This setting is a bit like to and transcription of Lord map seamless engagement, inside can lay aside the transmission point, and servant and even follower on pet, NPC partner or the setting player. 这种设定有点类似于和主地图无缝衔接的副本,里面可以放置传送点,以及玩家的宠物、NPC伙伴或者设定上的仆人乃至追随者。 After recycling the trash in battlefield, Old White follows another to continue to go forward, then triggered quickly was expected the boss war. 回收完战场上的垃圾之后,老白跟着另一个自己继续前进,很快便触发了预料之中的boss战。 What arrival is build huge raider. 登场的是一位体型巨大的掠夺者 His body is throwing over extremely exaggerating steel heavy armor, the muscle that the dragon ties like mutant. 他的身上披着极其夸张的钢质重甲,虬结的肌肉就像变种人一样。 Old White only thought at first this fellow looks to look familiar, pulls out a rusty hunting rifle to think his status until the latter suddenly. 老白起初只觉得这家伙看着眼熟,直到后者掏出一把生锈的猎枪才猛然想起来他的身份。 This fellow is not others, Bloody Hands eldest child —— that by manager hammer second of falling bear. 这家伙不是别人,正是血手氏族的老大——那个被管理者一锤子秒掉的“熊”。 Has not thought that this fellow was towed to flog a corpse in the Public Beta clothing/taking unexpectedly, Old White does not know whether to laugh or cry suddenly, but showed three points of earnest stance to meet head-on for the time being. 没想到这家伙在公测服里居然又被拖出来鞭尸了,老白一时间也是哭笑不得,但姑且还是摆出了三分认真的架势迎战。 Coordination „the full blood actually walks randomly in battlefield edge obviously output How Time Flies, He through pulled for the former finally several times strove for the fire critical part attack window, then rushed under former's loud prompt to that only bear made up fatally finally struck. 配合“明明满血却游走在战场边缘”输出的【白驹过隙】,他最终通过几次拉扯为前者争取了射击要害部位的攻击窗口,接着又在前者的大声提示下冲上去给那只“熊”补上了致命的最后一击。 Also at the same time, his front appeared the translucent total information ball window, but BGM of calm after the storm resounds at the same time. 也就在同一时间,他的面前浮现了半透明的全息弹窗,而雨过天晴的BGM在同一时间响起。 Congratulates the player to rise lv3!】 【恭喜玩家升到lv3!】 Stands in B1 level business hall him in the hero like stage, one bunch of bright rays fell on his shoulder. 站在B1层大厅中央的他就像舞台上的英雄,一束明亮的光芒落在了他的肩膀上。 Congratulates you! You defeated invaded our enemies, prevented the barbaric invasion! Although, this is only a start......” “恭喜你!你战胜了入侵我们的敌人,阻止了野蛮的入侵!虽然,这只是个开始……” How Time Flies Arrived at his front, on the face revealed the smile of sparkling the victory ray. 白驹过隙】走到了他的面前,脸上露出了闪耀着胜利光芒的笑容。 Old White also smiled to that face, gently nod. 老白也冲着那张脸笑了,轻轻点头。 Un.” “嗯。” The way of although by him not having conceived, but he felt the thing that wants to transmit seems to have passed on achieves. 虽然是以他未曾设想的方式,但他感觉想要传达的东西似乎已经传达到了。 Floats the dust on floor to diverge imperceptibly, left uncultivated such as ruins B1 level vault also to restore originally the clean neat appearance imperceptibly. 浮在地板上的尘埃在不知不觉中散去,原本荒废如废墟的B1层避难所也在不知不觉中恢复了原本干净整洁的模样。 Like circumstances changing with the time. 就像时过境迁一样。 When Old White notices, his chest front has reappeared to sparkle the shining medal. 老白注意到的时候,他的胸前已然浮现了一枚闪闪发亮的勋章。 Above writes 404 this numbers. 上面写着404这个数字。 But below of digit, but also is printing one line testing player exclusive, thank your payouts Inscription. 而数字的下面,还印着一行【封测玩家专属,感谢你们的付出】的字样。 Then, just entered the game time puzzled he is still reaching an agreement which „the testing reward went, has not thought unexpectedly in this place. 说起来,刚进游戏的时候他还在困惑说好的“封测奖励”去了哪,没想到居然在这个地方。 How can I say? 怎么说呢? This sincerity appears was also just right. 这份诚意出现的也算是恰到好处了。 Follows in that named How Time Flies Novice Guide behind, he went through that leaf of circular arched entrance, stepped the elevator to arrive at vault outside. 跟在那个叫【白驹过隙】的“新手引导员”的身后,他穿过了那扇圆形的拱门,踏上电梯来到了避难所的外面。 The familiar square heaves in sight. 熟悉的广场映入眼帘。 The appearance that has a hundred things to do actually and closed beta server just opening time exactly the same...... 那百废待兴的模样倒是和封测服刚开局的时候一模一样…… Sits in Xiaoyu / fish that bank behind counter does accounts earnestly, sat behind the weapon counter has the yawn, not to say proud Jiaohua Boss Xia patiently, many other faced that is filling desperate and is burning faint trace hope flame wastelander of wasteland world. 无论是坐在“银行”柜台后面认真算账的小鱼,还是坐在武器柜台后面打着哈欠、不耐烦说着傲娇话的夏老板,还是其他许许多多面对着那“充满绝望而又燃烧着一丝丝希望火苗”的废土世界的废土客们。 These fellow some cross one day is calculating a day of life, some had even given up struggling, there is also unwilling to think that makes anything, actually the helpless people...... 那些家伙有的过着有一天算一天的生活,有的甚至已经放弃了挣扎,也有还不甘心想做些什么、却又无能为力的人…… But what kind of person, them who come out from vault has not dropped out or given up. 而无论是怎样的人,从避难所里出来的他们都没有抛下或者放弃过。 Here is our inhabit regions, will be the place that all will start...... we will go to battle from here, until epoch.” “这里是我们的聚居地,也是一切开始的地方……我们将从这里出征,直到新纪元。” Welcome arrives at our world.” “欢迎来到我们的世界。” That seems like the last monologue. 那似乎是最后一句独白。 When Old White turns head, leading him to go out of vault How Time Flies Has the smile of whole face to vanish does not see. 老白回过头去的时候,带着他走出避难所的【白驹过隙】已经带着满脸的笑容消失不见。 In the spacious square does not know when filled the player of all forms. 原本空旷的广场上不知何时充满了形形色色的玩家。 Some rush about in the entrance of inhabit region, some try to drill to Boss Xia front table under is actually blocked by the invisible air wall, but also some stand in the square attempts the underpants that tears off last unable to tear off. 有的奔波在聚居地的入口,有的试图钻到夏老板面前的桌子底下却被无形的空气墙挡住,还有的站在广场上试图扯掉最后一件怎么也扯不掉的内衣裤。 The setting up a stall area sound of voices and noise of distant place is lingering on faintly, simply like closed beta server. 远处的摆摊区吆喝声不绝于耳,简直就像封测服里一样。 LV5 has transferred duty wrestle to seek the group! Brushes the leech hole!” “LV5已转职格斗家求组!刷水蛭洞!” Goes to the Boulder Town motorcade to have? The big shot lead me!!” “去巨石城的车队有没有?大佬们带带我啊!!” fucking awesome! Did your map arrive at Boulder Town?! I still saunter in Bette Street.” 牛逼!你们地图都开到巨石城了?!我还在贝特街转悠呢。” Was too strong!!!” “太强了!!!” Here has the LV10 Intelligence-Type orange attire! UAV development slot! Local tyrant speed of being interested private!” “我这儿有件LV10的智力系橙装!无人机拓展插槽!感兴趣的土豪速度私!” fuck? Does the new period have the orange attire? Where the brothers do you explode?” 卧槽?新手期都有橙装吗?兄弟你在哪儿爆的?” Brushes the Mirelurk place in the lakeside!” “就在湖边刷裂爪蟹的地方!” Soaked the intelligence equipment of water also to use?” “泡了水的智力器装备还能用吗?” Can use to use, let alone has soaked the water, has soaked the urine can use!” “能用能用,别说泡过水,泡过尿的都能用!” Wū wū, my Xiaoyu / fish! Why pays no attention to me?!” “呜呜呜,我的小鱼!为什么不理我?!” „Did favorability fall out or off entirely? Probably has the item to brush...... fuck friendly? Detests? How you fall -100?!” 好感度掉光了吧?好像有道具可以刷回友善……卧槽?嫌恶?你是怎么掉到-100的?!” Hehe hehe......” “嘿嘿嘿嘿……” Security guard? Here has changes. Condition!” “警卫呢?这儿有个变.态!” Gan! You leave report to the police blindly! Spatial, what did the air wall keep off my unable to do?” “淦!你别瞎报警啊!空,空气墙挡着我什么都干不了好吗?” Cpdd!” “cpdd!” Has ~ no ~ has ~ Elder Brother ~ Elder Brother ~ belt/bring ~ belt/bring ~ younger sister ~ younger sister —— “有~没~有~哥~哥~带~带~妹~妹—— Buddy, voice change pass/test, without meaning.” “哥们儿,变声器关了吧,没意思。” Gnmd , xswl , dbd? sb “gnmd,xswl,dbd?sb” „???” “???” Listens noise that in the square is talking at once, Old White put out a hand to rub the temples, switched off Neighbor stranger voice, Finally feeling relaxed some. 听着广场上七嘴八舌的吵闹,老白伸手揉了揉太阳穴,关掉了【附近・陌生人语音】,总算感觉轻松了些许。 Possibly...... 可能…… closed beta server normally. 还是封测服正常点儿。 The global 30 million players flood into, unavoidably mixes some strange fellows. 全球3000万玩家涌入,难免混进来一些稀奇古怪的家伙。 However although words so. 不过话虽如此。 On bad people running wilds compared with certain game Duke screens, here abstract is not but actually abstract. 比起某些游戏公屏上的群魔乱舞,这儿的抽象倒也没那么抽象了。 At this time, has traded an equipment Ye Ten to walk from side, greets to him with a smile. 这时候,已经换完一身装备的夜十从旁边走了过来,笑着冲他打了声招呼。 „Did I and others you quite a while, how you use is so long?” “我等你半天了,你咋用了这么久?” Old White looks to Ye Ten, saw the latter unexpectedly already lv5, surprised say/way. 老白看向夜十,见后者居然已经lv5了,不由惊讶道。 „To experience a course completely, lost a time...... the words saying that how you were ahead of time?” “想完整的体验一遍教程,就耽误了点时间……话说你是怎么提前出来的?” „Don't you have the dear readers online post? After inserting the USB, can fast push, does not need to the following course arrive...... was finally right, right, words saying that you notice not to have, that Novice Guide and your closed beta server modeling simply exactly the same ha!” “你没看官网上的帖子吗?插入u盘之后就可以速推了,没有必要非得跟着教程走到最后……对了,对了,话说你注意到没,那个新手引导员和你封测服的建模简直一模一样哈哈哈!” Looks the appearance that Brother Ye Ten are smiling, Old White made a helpless expression. 看着夜十兄弟嬉皮笑脸的样子,老白做了个无奈的表情。 Noticed...... gruffness that a little, although portrayed me, but also calculates that passed an examination. Right, Is Long person?” “注意到了……虽然把我刻画的有点憨,不过也算及格了吧。对了,方长人呢?” Ye Ten made a helpless expression. 夜十做了个无奈的表情。 He, hired several familiar gold/metal groups to deliver to Boulder Town him.” “他啊,雇了几个熟悉的金团把他送到巨石城去了。” Old White looks at him dumbfounded. 老白傻眼的看着他。 „Did this game have the gold/metal to roll?” “这游戏都有金团了?” Ye Ten flexure back of the head. 夜十挠了挠后脑勺。 „...... This game had the gold/metal to roll, rather the work room in the world ran.” “呃……与其说这游戏都有金团了,倒不如说全世界的工作室都跑进来了。” Crazy of silver coin is the entire world is obvious to all, even had gone to the Internet cafe to book and book on a degree that to Africa chiefs with a truck pull people exaggeratingly one by one lifts the village to cheer. 银币的疯狂是全世界都有目共睹的,甚至已经夸张到了非洲的酋长用卡车拉人去网吧挨个预约、预约上一个举村欢呼的程度。 Although the Y coin is inferior to the silver coin, but cannot support the world to have so many people to play. Y币虽然不如银币,但架不住全球有这么多人玩儿。 Moreover considering the Public Beta clothing/taking is the reserve forces of closed beta server service, the potential of Y coin also cannot be underestimated. 而且考虑到公测服是封测服务器的预备军,Y币的潜力也是不容小觑的。 What can foresee, the economic system of Public Beta clothing/taking will certainly suffer a wave of dreadful rough sea wave impact. 可以预见的是,公测服的经济系统必将遭受一波滔天巨浪般的冲击。 In does not have the sentiment hits gold/metal machine front, perhaps picked trash wait/etc methods just to get online must face the avalanche of income system. 在一台台没有感情的“打金机器”面前,捡垃圾等等玩法恐怕刚刚上线就得面临收益体系的崩塌。 Imagining that one is strangely difficult to seek the picture, Old White worries for Dr. Principle. 想象着那副“一怪难求”的画面,老白不禁替原理博士捏了一把汗。 That may really be a disaster......” “那可真是一场灾难……” Different with Old White, Ye Ten is actually an expression that watches the good play smiles to make noise. 老白不同,夜十却是一副看好戏的表情笑出了声。 Haha, who knows? Do not forget the banker, but does Brother Light, think ga Brother Light garlic chives? Brother Light did not give you to dig up the skin!” “哈哈,谁知道呢?你别忘了庄家可是光哥,想噶光哥韭菜光哥不给你把皮都扒了!” By him understanding Brother Light, this hitting edge ball game behavior, so long as does not violate a regulation, Brother Light turns a blind eye generally, can not manage does not manage as far as possible. 以他对光哥的了解,这种打擦边球的游戏行为只要不犯规,光哥一般都是睁一只眼闭一只眼,能不管的都尽量不管。 But if has to think gruffly Brother Light carries does not resort to arms, wants to challenge strength —— beyond rule 但假如有哪个憨憨觉得光哥拎不动刀了,想要挑战一下规则之外的力量—— The fellow will soon realize, order this thing is not always the space falls, but is the person establishes. 那家伙很快就会意识到,秩序这玩意儿从来都不是天上掉下来,而是人去建立的。 Perhaps, but in any case is the server of entertainment nature, by me the understanding Light, he will not do probably that seriously.” “或许吧,不过反正是娱乐性质的服务器,以我对阿光的了解,他大概也不会搞那么严肃。” Old White smiles, immediately looks at Ye Ten to say. 老白笑了笑,随即看着夜十说道。 Said you? Doesn't go to Wandering Swamp to look for your young girlfriend?” “说起来你呢?不去彷徨沼泽找你的小女朋友?” Ye Ten curls the lip, ships out the appearance that does not care about. 夜十撇撇嘴,装出不在意的模样。 hai, I truly some planned from the beginning, but thinks not to have that necessity. Wandering Swamp of Public Beta clothing/taking is 60 levels of maps, was higher than three times...... at least to wait for some people to arrive at 30 levels closed beta server to say again.” “嗐,我一开始确实有这么打算,不过想想也没那个必要。公测服的彷徨沼泽是60级地图,比封测服高三倍……至少等有人到了30级再说吧。” That said that but he actually and other Is Long that side news. 话是这么说,但他其实是在等方长那边的消息。 According to his observation to the Public Beta server, NPC in safe area is divided into two types probably, one type is plot NPC, without the blood strip, either like manager is transparent strange, either is brings the protection to tie the air wall. 根据他对公测服务器的观察,安全区里的NPC大概分为两种,一种是“剧情型NPC”,没有血条,要么像管理者一样是透明怪,要么就是自带保护结界空气墙。 This NPC favorability highest-energy brushes to 60, can trigger mission even bestows the skill, in addition then does not have again other. 这种NPC的好感度最高能刷到60,可以触发任务甚至是赠送技能,除此之外便再没别的了。 One type is passer-by NPC, has the blood strip, although does not have the protection of air wall, so long as will be the malicious contact behavior will determine as the fight. 还有一种则是“路人型NPC”,有血条,虽然没有空气墙的保护,但只要是恶意接触行为都会判定为战斗。 The safe area internal trigger fights that is iron red name, moreover basically by 100 levels of security guard one move of seconds. 安全区内触发战斗那是铁红名,而且基本上会被100级的警卫一招秒。 This kind of npc favorability does not have the upper limit, over 120 can become the brothers or the good sisters belts to go out to beat monsters, over 150 and complete a series of appointment mission also to be able unlocking closer relations. 这类npc的好感度没有上限,超过120就能成为好兄弟或者好姐妹带出去打怪,超过150并完成一系列的约会任务还能解锁更亲密的关系。 Generally speaking, after some NPC was captured, this/should NPC from the inhabit region will move the foothold of player, it originally residence again renovated npc fill, will therefore not present the stomach sore plot. 一般来说,当某个NPC被攻略之后,该NPC就会从聚居地搬去玩家的据点,其原本住所则被重新刷新的npc填补,因此倒不会出现胃疼的剧情。 Is the lens one black has the actual picture as for the following matter, who that looks at the operator that the player matches is the registration material whether over 18 years old. 至于接下来的事情是镜头一黑还是有实际画面,那就看玩家匹配的运营商是谁以及注册资料是否超过18岁了。 Theoretically, the Dolly achievement participates in the role in alliance historical process, should the actual equipment like Boss Xia in the game procedure/program, but also appears as plot NPC in the safe area and specific transcription probably. 理论上来讲,多莉作为参与到联盟历史进程中的角色,应该会像夏老板一样实装在游戏程序里,不过大概也是作为“剧情型NPC”出现在安全区与特定的副本。 Likewise, should the snow continent also be...... also has nothing to be worried probably? 同理,雪洲应该也是……自己好像也没什么可担心? However, is only NPC of Public Beta server, is not the same person, originally also has no need to be worried! 不过话说回来,只是公测服务器的NPC而已,又不是同一个人,本来也用不着担心好吧! Looks one are intertwining Ye Ten, Old White patted his shoulder with a smile. 看着自个儿纠结着的夜十,老白笑着拍了拍他肩膀。 By me the understanding Brother Light, he will not do the disgusting matter.” “以我对光哥的了解,他不会干恶心的事儿。” Ye Ten made a letting go movement. 夜十做了个摊手的动作。 Hopes, do not look at that fellow usually with a laugh, cutting open was black.” “但愿吧,你别看那家伙平时笑呵呵的,切开了都是黑的。” Five years! 五年! The entire five years pretend NPC! 整整五年装作NPC! Really owes living that this abdomen black fellow can suppress! 真亏这个腹黑的家伙能憋的住! His voice just fell, a warm and broad palm then placed on his shoulder to clap the racket gently, then that familiar and teasing transmitted from him behind. 他的话音刚刚落下,一只温暖而宽阔的手掌便放在了他的肩膀上轻轻拍了拍,接着那熟悉而久违的调侃从他身后传来。 You did not fear that was heard by your Brother Light?” “你就不怕被你光哥听见了?” The Ye Ten whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, whiz turns around. 夜十浑身一个激灵,“嗖”的一个转身。 When he sees that to be similar to the morning sun general warm and charming smile, nearly like not seeing the spirit of light, was frightened to drop at the scene. 当他看到那如同朝阳一般温暖而帅气的笑容,差点儿没像见了光的幽灵一样,被当场吓掉线。 fuck?!” 卧槽?!” Light?!” 阿光?!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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