TGITR :: Volume #11

#1071 Part 1: The Public Beta life that starts from LV0!

Chapter 1071 the Public Beta life that starts from LV0! 第1071章从LV0开始的公测生活! Welcome to Vault 404.” “欢迎来到404号避难所。” I am here manager.” “我是这里的管理者。” Code number —— Dawn.” “代号——曙光。” The universe virtual world, is full of the metal sense of reality the hall, dignified and calm sound reverberation in an numerous real the top of the head of players, like the ding of church. 宇宙的虚拟世界,充满金属质感的大厅,庄严而沉稳的声音回荡在一众真・玩家们的头顶,就像教堂的钟声一样。 Several tens of thousands of Public Beta the hall stopper of soccer field size chock full, skewers of ID piles up one on top of another in cancelled volume collision the corridor, elevator and other commuting regions in one! 数万名公测者将足球场大小的大厅塞得满满当当,一串串id更是在“取消体积碰撞”的过道、电梯等通勤区域堆叠在了一起! If not close ID to show, stands the player in square does not see clearly the captions. 如果不关闭id显示,站在广场上的玩家连字幕都看不清楚。 But this merely is also only one over a hundred full district! 而这仅仅还只是上百个爆满分区中的一个! With really the promotion of game helmet capacity, the equipment price further drops, that crowded crowd also has the potential of further expansion. 随着真・游戏头盔产能的提升,设备价格进一步下降,那拥挤的人群还有进一步扩大的潜力。 Is responding to that in pairs exciting and inspired line of sight, a deep blue power armor is treading the calm step, arrived in front of people who crowd the hall. 回应着那一双双激动与振奋的视线,一台湛蓝色的动力装甲踏着沉稳的步子,走到了塞满大厅的众人面前。 That blade truncates the general face outline to be similar to one sharp sword of sheath, the resolute face and forehead pass one not to get angry from the breadth of spirit and dignity of prestige. 那刀削一般的面部轮廓就如同一把出鞘的利剑,刚毅的脸庞与眉宇更是透着一股不怒自威的气魄与威严。 But before that dignified form maps the people view, the players in hall by this lifelike light shadow with experience of experiencing personally shocking. 而早在那威严的身影映入众人眼帘之前,大厅内的玩家们就已经被这逼真的光影与身临其境的体验给震撼到了。 After all is the Ideal City technology. 毕竟是理想城的技术。 Although carried the dwelling male on point cloud already played greasily these principal „the second life the virtual reality web, instead started to pursue some simple creativities and pleasure, but regarding the life the universe old time resident, they actually first experienced this crossing over to the different world general immension! 虽然端点云上的宅男们早已玩腻了这些主打“第二人生”的虚拟现实网游,反而开始去追求一些简单的创意和乐趣,但对于生活在宇宙的旧时代居民而言,他们却还是头一回体验这种穿越到异世界一般的沉浸感! Simple a few words summarize —— 简单一句话概括—— This light/only! 这光! This floor! 这地板! This wall! 这墙壁! This Light! 还有这阿光 Hung to explode simply!!! 简直吊爆了!!! The people turned very quiet, excitedly sentiment difficult from already. 众人屏住了呼吸,激动地情难自已。 True newbie also stood in same place, false newbie had thrown, tried to move manager iron lump, however actually does not want to come up empty-handed, the face and floor came a close contact. 真正的萌新还站在原地,虚假的萌新已经扑了上去,试图扒掉管理者身上的铁疙瘩,然而却不想扑了个空,脸和地板来了个亲密接触。 Sudden wealth small eye: fuck!!” 暴富小眼:“卧槽!!” Tyrannosaurus soldier already blackening: Pit father!” 暴龙战士已黑化:“坑爹呢!” WC does not have Mosquito: Gan! Reaching an agreement 99 lifelike?! It is not real!!!” WC没有蚊子:“淦!说好的99逼真呢?!一点也不真实!!!” WC does not have Mosquito: „!” WC没有蚊子:“!” manager body previous chatty sound, but that all kinds of modeling piled up one on top of another in one. 管理者的身前一片唧唧歪歪的声音,而那五花八门的建模则是堆叠在了一起。 The special NPC nearby seems to be covering one domain, the player who enters the domain will be cancelled the volume to collide, piles up one on top of another like the spirit of empty in the same place. 特殊NPC的附近似乎笼罩着一层“领域”,进入领域的玩家会被取消体积碰撞,像虚化的幽灵一样堆叠在一起。 The range of this domain will as if also increase with increase of nearby player number. 这个领域的范围似乎还会随着附近玩家数量的增加而增加。 Although weakened the authenticity of game to a certain extent as well as limits the behavior that some shows operated, but on the other hand also effectively prevented key npc to be stopped up to cause the condition that mission is unable to receive. 虽然从一定程度上削弱了游戏的真实性以及限制了一些骚操作的行为,但另一方面也有效防止了关键npc被堵住导致任务无法领取的状况。 Really wants to experience 100 realities, perhaps that can only the mortal body pass through to the universe. 真想体验100的真实,那恐怕只能肉身穿越到宇宙去了。 Stood in the edge of crowd, Ye Ten holds the both arms to stare at Light to look for a long time, always thought that face felt being out of sorts feeling. 站在人群的边缘,夜十抱着双臂盯着阿光看了许久,总觉得那张脸充满了违和感。 Because actually not that fellow changed own face modeling secretly, but was that eye lost the soul. 倒不是因为那家伙偷偷改了自己的面部建模,而是那双眼睛失去了灵魂。 How can I say? 怎么说呢? Felt that „the air/Qi of Overlord a little snatched the mirror. 感觉“王霸之气”有点儿过于抢镜了。 Heard that the Public Beta game data outsources to the Ideal City company develops, does not know that is the distance has the reason of beautiful, there fellow to manager had the strange misunderstanding. 听说公测的游戏数据是外包给理想城的公司开发的,也不知道是不是距离产生美的缘故,那儿的家伙对的管理者产生了奇怪的误会。 In addition...... 除此之外…… Wait, didn't the power armor of this fellow Vault 117 have after the unlocking?! Now how to give to install?” “等等,这家伙的动力装甲不是在解锁了117号避难所之后才有的吗?!怎么现在就给安上了?” „Was this hall is spaciously excessive?! Is Vault 404 hall where so big?” “还有这大厅是不是宽敞过头了?!404号避难所的大厅哪有那么大?” Haha, the game, do not care about these details,” is complaining Ye Ten, Old White patted his shoulder with a smile, rookies found it fun on the line.” “哈哈,游戏嘛,不要在意这些细节,”吐槽着的夜十,老白笑着拍了拍他的肩膀,“新人们觉得好玩就行了。” Opening up wasteland of edition stage was too difficult. 版本阶段的开荒太艰难了。 If really starts over from the beginning, let alone these newbie, he himself getting down that was not necessarily able to insist. 真要是从头再来,别说这些萌新了,他自己都未必能坚持的下来。 Raises while convenient, two people in the nickname of Public Beta clothing/taking, used is the abbreviation of closed beta server nickname. 顺便一提,两人在公测服的昵称,用的都是封测服昵称的缩写。 Because the testing player will be a guest performer some game plots and transcriptions of Public Beta clothing/taking in the NPC form, therefore the closed beta server nickname in the Public Beta clothing/taking is the condition that the default takes, even testing player has no way to use. 由于封测玩家会以NPC的形式客串公测服的部分游戏剧情和副本,因此封测服的昵称在公测服中都是默认占用的状态,即使是封测玩家本人也没法使用。 With the view of vault science and technology CEO Dr. Principle is —— you is also part that the game experiences. 避难所科技CEO原理博士的说法便是——“你们也是游戏体验的一部分”。 Although was a little unreasonable, but thinks that own clone for own show off, is also a little having the feeling always probably. 虽然有点不讲道理,但想到自己的分身无时无刻不在替自己装逼,好像又有点带感。 To be obtained many actor's pays by own clone in the Public Beta clothing/taking? 想让自己的分身在公测服里获得更多的戏份吗? That refuels in closed beta server well! 那就在封测服里好好加油吧! Even if not handle any earth-shaking matter, but diligent moves bricks on the work site, can make own clone project to the work site of Public Beta clothing/taking on! 哪怕不做什么惊天动地的事情,只是勤勤恳恳的在工地上搬砖,也是能够让自己的分身投影到公测服的工地上的! alternatively - - 或者— Refuels reverse is also feasible. 反向加油也是可行的。 For example Dawn City player prison is based in two top of the head player status NPC, is away from the prison cell gesture fist and tells the water. Because in PK is defeated feeds is firm the red name player to be able with that two funny guys to trigger talks, activates commuting a sentence small game. 譬如曙光城的“玩家监狱”里就常驻着俩个头顶玩家身份的NPC,隔着牢房比划拳头和吐口水。因为pk失败被送进牢里的红名玩家可以与那两个活宝触发对话,激活“减刑小游戏”。 In brief, although has many unsatisfactory places, but the people hope that for a long time Public Beta opened finally! 总之,虽然存在着诸多不尽人意的地方,但众人期盼已久的公测终于还是开启了! And...... 而且…… This is the game that everyone jointly completes. 这是所有人共同完成的游戏。 Does not have dog director one person. 并不只有狗策划一人。 When Ye Ten and Old White are speaking, in the square has resounded a piece skip and jump and has done a bit faster the shout. 就在夜十老白正说话的时候,广场上已经响起了一片“skip”、“跳过”、“搞快点”的喊声。 After knowing the plot can jump over, these newbie does not want to listen to the Brother Light idle talk, equips vm that on renovates baseless, flushed away the direction of elevator impatiently. 得知剧情可以跳过之后,那些萌新的已经不想听光哥废话了,纷纷装备上凭空刷新出来的vm,迫不及待的冲去了电梯的方向。 There leads to the entrance of B1 level. 那里是通往B1层的入口。 The elevator of Public Beta clothing/taking does not use actually. 公测服的电梯倒是不用等。 In striding in the instance of elevator door, the player will enter the transcription region automatically, in only has oneself as well as guide npc obviously in the elevator to follow the elevator to rise, enters is built on stilts completely, by raider and mutants capture the B1 level. 在跨入电梯门的瞬间,玩家将自动进入副本区域,在“仅有自己以及引导npc可见”的电梯中跟随电梯上升,进入“完全架空、被掠夺者异种攻陷”的B1层。 This transcription is unable to form a team, died cannot fall the experience, is the new course. 该副本无法组队,死亡不会掉落经验,属于新手教程。 In the transcription, the player will enter plays the later first weapon —— blunt instrument to injure 5 crow bars, and triggers the game profession first mission —— the vault entrance that recaptures to fall to the enemy from the hand of raider. 在副本中,玩家将得到进入游戏之后的第一件武器——一把钝器伤害五的撬棍,并触发游戏生涯的第一个任务——掠夺者的手中夺回沦陷的避难所入口。 After transcription entry, then can come and go out „the table world normally B1 level. 副本通关之后,便可以正常出入“表世界”的B1层。 In the process of mission execution, the player will follow guides NPC is familiar including sneaking, unlocking and cleaning up the trash and so on game mechanism, and through picking to take the weapon that raider falls to be familiar including the cold weapons, the firearm as well as intelligent equipment various weapon usages. 任务执行的过程中,玩家将跟随引导NPC熟悉包括潜行、开锁、捡垃圾在内的等等游戏机制、并通过捡取掠夺者掉落的武器熟悉包括冷兵器、热兵器以及智能装备在内的各种武器用法。 Public Beta clothing/taking and closed beta server biggest different also just lies in this, the player does not need to limit to the sole gene sequence, can according to customizing in addition and initial race special characteristics, matches including wrestle, commando, engineer, hacker, assassin and spirit can cause and so on occupations founded the exclusive game method. 公测服与封测服最大的不同也正在于此,玩家不必局限于单一的基因序列,可以根据自定义的加点和初始种族特质,搭配包括格斗家、突击兵、工程师、黑客、暗杀者、灵能使在内的等等职业开创专属的游戏玩法。 Is good at using the UAV old icicle to match to summon the master, mutant hoodlum who is good at carrying the nuclear bomb charge, puts on diy Exosuit Engineer wastelander, carries the rifle pit-a-pat the Lizardfolk shock worker and even excels at the Gaia person who use the might to strengthen the version superpower wait/etc, can realize in the Public Beta clothing/taking. 无论是擅长使用无人机的老冰棍赛博召唤师,还是擅长背着核弹冲锋的变种人暴徒,还是穿着diy外骨骼废土客工程师,还是扛着步枪突突突的蜥蜴人突击手乃至擅长使用威力加强版超能力的盖亚人等等,在公测服里都能实现。 In some sense, the degree of freedom of Public Beta clothing/taking as if must be higher than a magnitude compared with closed beta server, mutants no longer needs by the SRRR card that the moral behavior can pull out, so long as signed the relief agreement to check. 某种意义上而言,公测服的自由度似乎比封测服还要高出了一个数量级,就连异种都不再是需要靠人品才能抽到的SRRR卡,只要签了免责协议都能勾选。 After all here is the true game world, so long as in the procedure/program can accomplish, how to act sloppily good. 毕竟这里是真正的游戏世界,只要程序上办得到,怎么胡来都行。 „Did this time I try the superpower well...... you? Which route thinks to be good?” “这次我就试试超能力好了……你呢?想好走哪条路线没?” Looks that the elevator entrance glitters the ray that unceasingly vanishes, saying that Ye Ten is eager to try. 看着电梯门口不断闪烁消失的光芒,夜十跃跃欲试的说道。 Old White cracks into a smile. 老白咧嘴一笑。 I look when the time comes again, in any case the vocational choice is five levels of later things.” “我到时候再看吧,反正职业选择是五级之后的事情。” Going through customs the first transcription are most to rise the third-level, he plans first to experience one each professional method to decide again. 通关第一个副本最多能升到三级,他打算先把各个职业的玩法都体验一遍再决定。 Is busy opening up wasteland as well as competing for the server first player to be different from these. 和那些忙着开荒以及争夺全服第一的玩家不同。 He has experienced the feeling of T0 in closed beta server, without the interest takes the server first anything again. 他在封测服里已经体验过T0的感觉了,没兴趣再拿个全服第一什么的。 Here he only wants to work as a casual player, occasionally fondly remembers comes back to have a look, the person who vanishes from the universe has chatted anything with these. 在这里他只想当个休闲的玩家,偶尔怀念的时候回来看看,和那些已经从宇宙中消失的人聊聊天什么的。 fine, then saw on a while!” Understood after idea of Old White, Ye Ten then did not have to say anything again, entered the elevator impatiently, changed to the twinkle the ray to flicker to transfer to the transcription world. 行吧,那就一会儿见了!”了解了老白的想法之后,夜十便没再多说什么,迫不及待地一脚跨进电梯,化作闪烁的光芒瞬移到了副本世界。 Old White also with. 老白也跟了上去。 When he steps into the elevator that checks, the soldier who wears five types Exosuit has waited there. 当他踏入电梯的那一刹,一名身着“五式”外骨骼的士兵已经等候在那里。 The manpower is mid-level G9 assault rifle, stance seem like that matter that squares, seemed vault really to suffer any extraordinary crisis. 那人手中端着一把“G9”突击步枪,摆正的架势倒像那么回事儿,就好像避难所真遭遇了什么了不得的危机。 However the true old players know, B1 level on a trivial place, only if the elevator went bad, even if otherwise really has raider to rush, must cut off the enemy's retreat and annihilate them to feel stifled in inside. 然而真正的老玩家都知道,B1层就屁大点地方,除非电梯坏了,否则就算真有掠夺者闯了进来,也得被关门打狗憋死在里面。 However Public Beta is actually a different matter. 不过公测却是另一回事。 raider that goes against heaven's will not only admitted one crowd of Radroach toward vault 1st unnecessarily( wildly strange), but also has going against heaven's will hacker who can usurp the B1 level control, actually only to do the doing things stealthily work( 10 levels of Elite Mob). 逆天的掠夺者不但多余地往避难所的第一层放进了一群变异蟑螂(野怪),而且还拥有能够篡夺B1层控制权、却只能干些偷鸡摸狗活儿的逆天黑客(十级精英怪)。 Also that NPC soldier used Ideal City to supply assault rifle no wonder especially, but also a being critical situation expression. 也难怪那个NPC士兵都用上“理想城特供”突击步枪了,还一副如临大敌的表情。 Listened to the rookie, our goals were the data centers of B1 level, wanted to recapture the B1 level control first to seize there...... with the good this crow bar, a while will use. Also, remembers with tightening me!” That person of meticulous ordering, handed over the crow bar in hand. “听好了新人,我们的目标是B1层的数据中心,想要夺回B1层的控制权得先占领那里……拿好这根撬棍,一会儿会用上。还有,记得跟紧我!”那人一丝不苟的下令,将手中的撬棍递了出去。 Hears that familiar sound, the Old White whole person stares, immediately noticed that serious face. 听到那熟悉的声音,老白整个人都是一愣,随即注意到了那张严肃的脸。 Also is seeing the flash of that face, he nearly by own saliva not choking. 也就在看到那张脸的一瞬间,他差点儿没被自己唾沫给呛到。 My goodness —— 好家伙—— This special isn't I?! 这特么不就是我自己吗?! Or accurately, the fellow radically is he role —— How Time Flies in closed beta server. 或者说的更准确点儿,那家伙根本就是他在封测服中的角色——白驹过隙”。 That npc of non- over-carriage in elevator had not as if realized completely, own main body in front. 不过站在电梯里的那个npc似乎完全没有意识到,自己的“本体”就在面前。 On such as CEO Dr. Principle of vault science and technology in such that in the official site said that npc in Public Beta clothing/taking merely was only npc, only had the limited intelligence. 就如避难所科技的CEO原理博士在官网上说的那样,公测服里的npc仅仅只是npc而已,只具有有限智能。 Old White is supposing, if oneself did not receive the crow bar in his hand, this continually rose the elevator most likely (80%) is flies outside the Solar System not to stop, therefore did not know whether to laugh or cry met the crow bar. 老白估摸着,自己若是不接过他手中的撬棍,这不断上升中的电梯八成是飞到太阳系外面都不会停了,于是哭笑不得的将撬棍接了过去。 Good......” “好的……” Touches the flash of crow bar in him, one line of pale blue float windows appeared in his front. 就在他触碰撬棍的一瞬间,一行淡蓝色的悬浮窗出现在了他的面前。 Obtains the item: Crow bar 【获得道具:撬棍 Durable: 100 / 100 耐久:100/100 Injury type: Blunt instrument. 伤害类型:钝器。 Injury value: 5 + x( strength attribute multiplicator 0.2 + physique attribute multiplicator 0.15 + agile attribute multiplicators 0.05) 伤害数值:5+x(力量属性乘数0.2+体质属性乘数0.15+敏捷属性乘数0.05) Special effect: When the execution picks a lock the operation triggers picking a lock determination, the injury value surpasses the degree of protection in the situation to consume 20 points to be durable, under gate to fixed condition demolishes. 特殊效果:执行撬锁操作时触发“撬锁”判定,伤害数值超出防护等级的情况下消耗20点耐久,对“锁定状态下的门”进行拆除。 Even crow bar such detail? 连撬棍都这么细节的吗? Simply speaking is most can open 5 gates? 简单来说就是最多能拆五次门吧? Looks at the crow bar in hand, Old White is not knowing where suddenly should start to complain. 看着手中的撬棍,老白一时间不知该从哪里开始吐槽。 But also almost read at the same time of writing explanation in him, this went does not know that many minute of elevators of finally stop on the B1 level. 而也几乎就在他阅读完文字说明的同一时期,这架行驶了不知多少分钟的电梯终于停稳在了B1层。 Follows I.” “跟着我。” That How Time Flies does not have an idle talk actually, in the flash that the elevator stop, then not loathsome crashed in front corridor. 那个“白驹过隙”倒是没有一句废话,就在电梯停稳的一瞬间,便毫不拖泥带水的冲进了面前的走廊。 Turns away raider that the elevator is smoking like deaf person, looks but not see to the sound that the elevator rises, vigorously gone forward How Time Flies a back thorn shears the throat even/including to incur to pack off. 背对着电梯抽烟的掠夺者就像聋子一样,对电梯上升的动静视而不见,被健步上前的“白驹过隙”一记背刺割喉连招送走。 The blood of that blowout is actually very real, he did not open the Mosquito share in vain real accelerator, hangs in southern coastal provinces island registration an account number of named beta island. 那喷出的血倒是挺真实的,不枉他开了蚊子分享的“真实加速器”,挂在一个叫贝塔岛的南洋小岛注册的账号。 What he suddenly somewhat cannot be curious the accelerator to spurt is anything. 他忽然有些好奇不开加速器喷出来的是什么。 Slime? 史莱姆吗? Gets rid of...... to receive his weapon, but first leaves anxiously opening fire, we must first bring back the controller of B1 level.” “干掉一个……把他的武器收着,但先别急着开火,我们得先拿回B1层的控制器。” How Time Flies is saying, while threw off the blood on dagger calmly, skilled does not have the sentimental killer like. 白驹过隙”一边说着,一边冷静地甩掉了匕首上的血,熟练的就像个没有感情的杀手。 raider in not far away room like small deaf blind, from the start does not have to realize own teammate, sat before does not know is burning anything's fire of high-piled firewood was smiling is playing the poker. 不远处房间里的掠夺者就像小聋瞎一样,压根没有意识到自己队友嘎了,坐在不知烧着什么的火堆前嬉皮笑脸的打着扑克。 Holds the idea how considers to have a look at another to plan to perform, Old White has not caused complications, after recycling raider Pipe Rifle, the made of iron daggers as well as 50 Y coins, then the expression strangely follows in another behind, sneaks and touches the corpse routinely then to pick a lock. 揣着想看看另一个自己到底打算怎么表演的想法,老白倒也没有节外生枝,回收了掠夺者身上的铁管步枪、铁制匕首以及50枚Y币之后,便表情古怪地跟在了“另一个自己”的身后,按部就班地潜行、摸尸然后撬锁。 At the forum other Public Beta players according to information that share, so long as routinely completes these flows to be able quickly the entry course. 根据论坛上其他公测玩家分享的情报,只要按部就班的完成这些流程很快就能通关教程。 If the player does not press repertoire playing a card to scurry about, finally one was ganged up on to take down by raider, then read the files returned to just under the elevator the time. 而如果玩家不按套路出牌四处乱窜,结果就是被掠夺者一顿群殴放倒,然后重新读档回到刚下电梯的时候。 Pried open the flash of data center iron gate in Old White, the vault B1 level resounded the grating alarm bell immediately, alarmed raider and mutants immediately noisy crowd flushed. 就在老白撬开数据中心铁门的一瞬间,避难所B1层顿时响起了刺耳的警铃,被惊动的掠夺者异种们顿时一窝蜂的冲了上来。 Quickly! Inserts the hard disk to the server on!” How Time Flies Bellows to throw the hard disk to the chest of Old White, later rifle rest in entrance toward outside pit-a-pat opening fire. “快!把硬盘插到服务器上!”【白驹过隙】大吼一声将硬盘丢到老白的胸口,随后将步枪架在门口朝着外面突突突的开火。 If lives in the average person of peace age, without experiencing the true battlefield, that tense exciting gun battle has perhaps also really been able one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 若是生在和平年代的普通人,没有经历过真正的战场,那紧张刺激的枪战说不定还真能让人热血沸腾起来。 Especially the previous second two people are still moving under water, the latter second erupted the fierce exchange of fire suddenly! 尤其是前一秒两人还在潜行着,后一秒突然就爆发了激烈的交火! However as the main body of this fellow, Old White quick innumerable have experienced the every large or small fight has many, naturally not possible, because several gunshots rise dramatically on the adrenalin. 然而作为这家伙的本体,老白都快数不清自己经历过的大大小小战斗有多少场了,当然不可能因为几声枪响就肾上腺素飙升。 On raider that this makes up the number, puts in closed beta server he disdains in sneaking, the direct dagger killed to put on. 况且就这点儿凑数的掠夺者,搁封测服里他都不屑于潜行,直接一把匕首就杀穿了。 In line with respecting the idea of another own work, Old White acts according to the mission prompt routinely, inserted the USB in the server slot of assigning. 本着尊重另一个自己的工作的想法,老白按部就班地根据任务提示,将u盘插在了指定的服务器插槽。 With an electric current buzz cry, engine case of smooth operation like activating magic of hidden, immediately to the vault b1 level was exerting with lightning speed the influence. 伴随着一阵电流的嗡鸣,原本平稳运转的机箱就像激活了隐藏的魔法阵一样,立刻对着避难所的b1层施加了风驰电掣般的影响。 The warning that resounds through relieves instantaneously. 响彻的警报瞬间解除。 The deployment also starts in the automatic weapon of vault B1 level at the same time, and joined the battlefield! 部署在避难所B1层的自动武器也在同一时间启动,并加入到了战场! The distant place transmits a desperate wailing —— that seems like by 10 levels of Elite Mob that raider works is sent out. 远处传来一声绝望的哀嚎——那似乎是被掠夺者打工的十级精英怪发出的。 No! This is impossible! My control was won!” “不!这不可能!我的控制权被夺走了!” Transmits probably is cursing angrily of boss. 紧接着传来的大概是boss的怒骂。 Your idiot! Wants you what to use!” “你个蠢货!要伱何用!” Hears cursing and wailing that the distant place floats, Old White cannot bear in the heart complained one. 听到远处飘来的咒骂与哀嚎,老白忍不住在心中吐槽了一句。 Your knows that the data center is so important, keeps two soldiers to manage? 你丫的知道数据中心这么重要,就留两个小兵管着? However complained this is also no interesting probably. 不过吐槽这个好像也没什么意思。 After all establishes again rigorously, sacrificed the entertainment that does on the gain does not equal the loss. 毕竟设定做的再严谨,牺牲了娱乐性就得不偿失了。 Objective, the entire novice guides the transcription to do good. 客观的来讲,整个新手引导副本做的还是挺不错的。 Follows I!” “跟着我!” Defends in the entrance How Time Flies bellowed, carried the rifle to kill insistently. 守在门口的“白驹过隙”大吼了一声,端着步枪一马当先的杀了出去。 The concentrated fire hail of bullets sprinkles on this fellow like the taking a bath water, even the blood strip scraped off one. 攒射的弹雨泼在这家伙身上就像洗澡水一样,连血条都被刮掉一毫。 Really felt embarrassed this fellow to endure the present. 真是为难这家伙忍到现在了。 Saw that the counter-attack time approaches finally, Old White is not keeping the hand, carried Pipe Rifle that picked from raider to kill, with the way of most saving the bullet, depended on explodes raider that the 5 times of injuries of head will meet all the way to take down in abundance. 见到反击时刻终于来临,老白也不在留手,端着从掠夺者手上捡来的铁管步枪杀了出去,用最省子弹的方式,靠着爆头的五倍伤害将一路上遇到的掠夺者纷纷放倒。 Including that 10 levels of hacker occupation Elite Mob. 包括那个十级的黑客职业精英怪 Five LV3 that after wiping out this fellow operated are hanging UAV of automatic rifle, this fellow a spear/gun took down by How Time Flies. 在打掉了这家伙操纵的五架LV3悬挂自动步枪的无人机之后,这家伙被“白驹过隙”一枪放倒。 Old White picked a UAV operating equipment of similar u pillow from that corpse. 老白从那具尸体上捡到了一支类似u型枕的无人机操作设备。 Also without he opened the total information Windows, stands is changing the magazine How Time Flies then a very cool expression to say to him. 还没等他翻开全息视窗,站在旁边换着弹夹的“白驹过隙”便一副酷酷的表情冲他说道。 These UAV remember to receive, cultivates to could use.” “那些无人机记得收起来,修修说不定能用。” This probably was hacker's professional equipment. 这大概是黑客职业的装备了。 Receives.” “收到。” Old White spoke thoughtlessly, obeyed another the instruction, picked up the UAV wreckage of ground. 老白随口回了一句,听从“另一个自己”的指示,捡起了地上的无人机残骸。 Different with closed beta server. 封测服不同。 The Public Beta clothing/taking picks to take the equipment to store the virtual space automatically, by the form preservation of block map in total information item column. 公测服捡取装备会自动存入虚拟空间,以缩略图的形式保存在全息物品栏中。 Naturally, only limited to can pick item that takes. 当然,仅限于可以捡取的物品 It is not able to pick item that takes, although can move the position, but can only take with the hand like closed beta server. 无法捡取的物品虽然可以挪动位置,但只能像封测服中一样用手拿着走。
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